GE GXSF39B01, GXSF39B00, GXSF27B01, GXSF27B00 Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions
Proper installation ............ 3
Installation Instructions
Drain connections .......... 7, 8
Important recommendations . .4
Planning and location ......... 5
Programming the control ...... 9
Sanitizing .................. 10
Specifications and
dimensions ................. 10
Step-bDste p insuuctions ...7-10 Tools and materials required . .5
[Jnpacking and inspection ..... 4
Operating lnstructions, Tips"
Breaking a salt bridge ........ 12
Cleaning the nozzle and
venturi assembly ............ 12
Conuol displays ............. 13
Electronic diagnostics ........ 15
Features ................ 13, 14
Regenerating the system ..... 16
Service ..................... 11
Water softener syslem ..... 11-16
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning out iron ........... 16
Salt storage level and
refilling .................... 16
La sectionfran_aise commencea la page27
Sistema de
La seccionen espa#olempieza en la pagina53
Troubleshooting Tips ... 17-19 Consumer Services
Important phone
numbers ........... Back Cover
Parts list/catalog ......... 20-23
Warranty (U.S.) ............. 24
Warranty (Canada) .......... 25 7227946 215C1044P015 49-50061 08-00 JR
GE& You,A ServicePartnership.
Fill out tile ( onsumer Product Registration Card.
Twoeasyways to registeryourappliance!
Through tile internet at
Complete and mail the enclosed Product Registration (ard
Write the model and serial numbers here:
# #
You can find dram on the back of the control bead.
Staple sales s/(p or cancelled check here.
Proof of dm original put(base date is needed t() obtain serx i(e under tl_e wanamy.
Inside you xdll lind many helpfifl hints on how to use and inaintain your water systeln properly..]ust a little
preventive care on yoln part can save you a great deal of time and money over tile life of your system.
¥{m'll find many answersto common problems in the Before YouCallForServicesection. If you review
our dlmt of TroubleshootingTipsfirst, you may ilot need to call f;n serviceat all.
If you do need se_Yice,you can rebLx knotting help is only a phone call away. A list of toll-tiee customer se_ice numbers is included in the back section of this manual.
Visit our Website at: tanan.'c.geappliances.cem
A WARNING! Foryoursafe theinformationinthismanualmustbefollowedtominimizetheriskof
electric shock, property damage or personal injury.
Check and comply with your state and local codes. You must fi)llow these guidelines.
Use care when handling tile water softening system. Do not turn upside dox_l_,drop, drag, or set on sharp
Water softening systems using so_fium chloride (salt) for regeneration add sodium to the water. Persons on
sodiumrestricted diets shouldconsider the addedsodium aspart of their overallintake.Potassiumchloride can be
usedas analternative tosodiumchloridein yoursoftener
Tile water softening system works on 94 voh-60 Hz
ele(uical power only. Be sure to use onlythe included transformer
Transformer must be plugged into an indoor
120volt, grounded outlet only.
Use clean water softening salts only, at least 99.5% pure. NUGGET, PEI,I,ET or coarse SOLAR salts are
recommended. Do not use rock, block, granulated or ice cream making salts. They contain dirt and
sediments, or nmsh and cake, and will create maintenance problems.
Keep the salt hole cover in place on tile softener unless servidng the unit or refilling with salt,
A WARNING:Do notuse with water that is
tnicrobiologically unsale or ofunknox_ll quality without adequate disinlection belore or after the
This water softening system must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Install or store where it will not be exposed to temperatures below fleezing or exposed to aW type
of weather. Water fieezing in the s):stem will break it. Do not attempt to treat w:lter {)ver 1O0°F,
Donotinst'all in (firect sunlight. Excessive sun
heat Illay cause distortion or other damage to
non-tnetallic parts.
Properly ground to conform with all governing (odes and ordinan( es.
Use only lead-flee solder and fluxfi)r all sweat-solder
(onne(tions, as required by state and federal (odes.
The water softening system requires a minimum water flow of three gallons pet minute at the inlet. Maximum
allowable inlet water pressure is 125psi. Ifda)aime pressure is over 80 psi, nighttime pressure may exceed the maximum. Use a pressure redudng xvllveto re&me
the fl_)wifne_ssa U,
Softener resins may degrade in the presence of chlorine above 1ppm. Ifyou have chlorine in excess of this amount, you may experience less life of the
resin. In these conditions, you may wish to consider purchasing a (;E point-oi:ent U household fihration
system with a dflorine reducing fiher.
A WARNING'.Discard all unused parts and packalging
material after installation. Small parts remaining after the installation couM be a choke hazard.
_]tCAUTION: Certain plumbing skills are needed for installation. Ifyou are unsure about any part of the
installation of this product, consuh a professional plulnber.
Unpacking and Inspection
Be sure to (heck the endre softener for any shipping damage or parts loss. Also note damage to the shipping cartons. ( ontact the transportation COlnpany ti)r all damage and loss clailns. The mamdacmrer is not
responsible for damages in transit. Small parts, needed to install the softener, are on a skin-packed cardboard piece. To avoid loss of the small
parts, keep them on the skin-pa( k until you are ready to use them.
Important Installation Recommendations
Read entire manual. Failure to tollow all guidelines and rules could cause personal in iuU or property damage. "Before you begin installation, read these Installation Instructions completely. Then, obtain all the materials
and tools you will need to make the installation. Failure to properly install the softener voids the warranty.
"Check local codes. The installation must contorm to them. ,,In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall be adhered to. Consult with your
licensed plumber.
Use only lead-tiee solder and flux tot all swea/-solder connections, as required by state and tederal codes. "( onnect the softener u) the main water supply pipe beforeor aheadof_e water heater. DONOTRUN
HOTWATERTHROUGHTHESOFTENER.Temperature of water passing through the softener nmst be less than 120°F.
Use care when handling the soliener. Do not U_rnupside down, drop, &ag, or set on shmp prou_usions. "Maxinmm allowable inlet wamr pressure is 125 psi. If dwfime pressure is over 80 psi, nighttime pressure m W
exceed the maxinmm. Use a pressure re&icing x_dve if necessm T. (Adding apressure reducing valve m W reduce the flow.)
"The softener works on 24 voh-60 Hz electrical power only. Be sure to use the included mmstbrmer. Be sure
the ele(tri( outlet and transformer are in an inside lo(ation to prote( t fiom wet weather.
"See Whereto Install theSoftenerse(tion for more details.
WARNING'.Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsalb or of unknown quality with{)ut
adequate disintecdon beti)re or atier the system. The water sh{mid be tested periodically to veri_ that the sysmm is pertorming safisLmtofily.
Small pmls remaining atier the installation could be a choke hazard. Discmd sately.
Plan How YouWill Install the Softener
Y(m nmst first decide how to nm in and out pipes to tile softener. Ix)ok at tile house main water pipe at tile point where you xdll conne( t tile sotlener. Is tile pipe soldered (opper, gilled plas0(, or dueaded galvanized?
What is tile pipe size?
_WARNIN6: Use only lea&flee solder and flux to prevent lead poisoning
See YgpicalInstallationIllustration,Fig. 1. U se this as a guide when planning your par0cular installa0on. Be sure todirecttheincominghardwater supplyto thesoftener valveinletfitting.Tile valve is marked INand OUT
See illusmltion on page 6 to help you prepare.
Whore to Install the Softener
Place d_e softener as (;lose as possible to a sewer drain, or odier acceptable drain point or smn@ipe.
It is recommended to keep outside thucets on hard water to save soft water and salt.
Do not install tile softener in a place where it could fleeze. Freeze damage is not covered by the warranty.
Do not install tile softener where it would block access to tlle water beater or access to tlle main water slmt oil. *Put tile softener in a place where water damage is least likely to ocolr ifa leak develops. The manutiJcmrer
will not repair or PW tor water damage.
*A 120 volt electric outlet isneeded to phlg in tl_e in( bided nansiinmer. The sotiener has a l 0 toot power
(able. If tile oudet is remote (up to 1O0te_et),use 18 gauge xdre to connect. Be sure the electric outlet and transformer are in an inside location, to protect from wet weather. Be sure tile oudet isunswit(hed to prevent
a( cidenml shutoiL
If installing in an outside loca0on, you nmst take tile steps necessa U to assure the softener, installation phmlbing, wiring, etc., are as well protected tiom the elements (sunlight, rain, wind, heat, cold),
contamination, vandalism, et(., as when installed indoors.
Keep the softener out of direct sunlight. Tile sun's heat may distort non-metallic parts and may damage tl_e electronics.
Toolsand Materials Required for Installation
In and out fittings in(luded with the softener are %" (nominal) (opper sweat robes. To maintain tifil vah'e flow, 1"pipes to and tiom the softener fittings are recommended. You should maintain tlle same, or larger,
pipe size as the water supply pipe, up to die softener inlet and outlet.
Use the included bypass valve to install the softener. The bypass valve all()ws you to mrn offwater to tile sotiener tbr se_'icing, but still have water in the house pipes. The in and out fittings retFrred to abtwe connect
to dm bypass valve wid_ the inchlded mils and washers.
Use copper, brass or galvanized pipe and fittings. Some codes may also all()w CIWC plasuc pipes.
If additional &ain hose is needed fin valve and salt tank &ains, it (:an be ordered iiom GE Parts at
=Ifa rigid valve drain is needed to comply with plumbing (;odes, you can buy tile parts needed to connect a
1/2" copper robing or plastic pipe drain.
*Clean mlgget or pellet water softener salt is needed to fill tl_ebrine tank, see Step 8in tlle Step-bg-Step
Typical Installation Illustration
Soft water
Hardwaterto outsidefaucets
Onion(not supplied)(2)
Coppertube,3/4" (2)
_" Pullout forsokwaterservice
-_) " Pushinforbypass
NOTE:SeeDrain Hose Connectionssection.
NOTE:Threadsontile bypass valveare1" malepipe.If1" pipesareneeded,donot use thecoppertubesandnuts included.Buy1" pipetbread femaleadapter,andplumb directlyto1" threads.
Optional 3-Valve Bypass Installation illustration
Adaptersforthisinstallationare notsuppliedwith thesoftener.
Fig. 1
Useifwatersupplyflowsfromtbe left.
Fromsotiener^ll II
outlet lrll I1_1]_T°s°ftener
.4_J'f_Y inlet
Hardwaterto outsidefaucets
Copper tube,
Installation adapter (2) (see above)
NOTE:Threadsontheinstallationadaptersare 1"
malepipe.if 1" pipesareneeded,donotusetbe coppertubesandnutsincluded.Buy1" pipethread femaleadapterandplumbdirectlyto I" threadson
",,_l_lfPIPE- Hardwater
3-valvebypasssystem Forsoftwaterservice:
Opentbe inletandoutlet valves
Opentbe bypassvalve
Fig. 2
Fromsoftener outlet
Useif watersupplyflows ftom
tbeleft. Includesingleor
Turn off the gas or elecuic supply to tile water heater, in tile possibiliff that the water heater may be chained while &aining pipes.
Fig. 3A
Turn off the w;iter supply to pipes to be cut and chain the h_)use water pipes.
Open both hot and coM fimcets.
Rem()ve plastic shipping plug and wire flom valve outlet.
NOTE: Be sure the turbine and support me firmly in
place in the xvtlve outlet. Blow into the xvdveport
and observe the turbine tot fiee rotation.
Push the bypass xvdve (lubricate o-ring seals with silicone grease) into both ports
of the valve as shm_ql in Fig. 3A. Fig. 3B
° Snap the 2 large plastic clips in place, flom the top, dox_11as shox_i_ in Figures 3A
and 3B. Be sure they snap into place. Pull on the bypass valve to make sure it is SIDE
held securely in place. VIEW
e outlet
Turbine sMft and suppo_
the outergrooveonly.
innergroove(see below).
Be sure the installation suriime is level and smooth. Sharp objects under tile tank
mW puncune it. If needed, place the lank on a section of 3/4" thick (minimum) pl)wood. Then, place shims under the pl)wood as needed to level the softener.
CAUTION: Obsecve all of tile tbllowing cautions asyou connect inlet and outlet plumbing. See Fig. 1or 2.
SOFTENER VA137E INLET PORT. If house w;tter flow isfioln the left, use a plumbing cross-over as shox_l_in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3C
If making a soMered copper installation, do all sweat soldering before connecting pipes to the bypass,calve. Torch heat will damage plastic pmls.
When turning threaded pipe fittings onto plastic fittings, use care not to
° Use pipe joint compound on all external pipe flneads.
Support inlet and outer phnnbing in some manner (use pipe hangers) to keep the weight off of the valve fittings.
Fig. 4
° Use tile provided dr?fin hose (20' length included) to attach to tile valve &ain
fitting. To keep water pressure tiom bh)wing tile hose off, use a hose clamp tO seone in place.
I_ocate the other end of the hose at a suitable drain point (floor drain, sump,
laund U rob, et_.) that temfinates at the sewer. Check and comply with local codes.
IMPORTANT: If more drain hose is needed, it sh{)uM be ordered flom GE Pmts at 800.626.2002. The water softener will not work if water cannot exit this hose
during regenerations.
Tie or wire the hose in place at the drain point. High water pressure will cruise it to whip during the back-w:tsh and tast rinse tycles of regeneration. Also provide an
ak gap of at least 1-1/2" between the end of the hose and the drain point. An air gap prevents possible siphoning of sewer water into the softener, if the sewer sh_)uld "back-up."
° If raising tlle drain hose overhead is required to get to file drain point, do not
raise higher than 8' above the floor. Elevating the hose may _ause a ba_ k-pressme
that could reduce brine draw during regenerations.
Valvebodyinletor outlet
drain hose
Bypassvalve NOT£'Thmadsonthe bypassvalveam1" male
pipe.if1" pipesareneeded, donot usethecoppertubes andnutsincluded.Buy 1" pipethreadfemaleadapter, andplumbdirectlytoI"
(pushall the way in)
ur gap
1½"airgap 7
Step-by-stepinsta/lation instructions.
from tile drain fitting as shown in Fig. 4.4. Rotate tile drain lifting so tile cutting Barbs coppertube{net
To adapt a (ol)per &ain robe u, the s(,Jr/ener, use a ha(ksa,, to (ut dm bmbe den d --7_/h _/" t.__? 1/2" O.D.
blade,dears,tile.xake housing,,t°,prevent (kmlage,to vake. Buv..a (ompression, lit ring, j ,. ::' i_ furnished)
(1/4 female pipe dnead x l/2 ().D. robe) and needed robing from your local
hardware store.
InseHtherubbe_ gtommetmtoflle3/4 dlametel hole in dm brine tank sidewall eutbarbs
asshown in Fig. 5. fromdrain Compressionfitting,1/4"
Pushthe end of din hoseadapter elbow into tile grommet asshown in Fig.5. fitting NPTX1/2"
Attach alenelh of hose (userem_fining hoseflom Step 4) to tile hose adapter furnished}
elbow. L sea hose clamp to hold U m place. Fig. 5
Locate tile other end of the hoseat tile drain point. DO NOT ELEVATE this hose
higher than the elbow on tile brine tank.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT TEE OVERFLOW HOSE TO VALVE DRAIN HOSE. \ S NOTE: This drain is fi)r safety only If tile tabinet (brine tank) shoukl over-till with
water, tile ex(ess is (anted to tile drain.
A DANGER: Failure to properly atta(h ground wire tould resuh in electri(al sho(k.
If plumbing is metal, u) maintain electrical ground continuity in tile house (:okl water piping, install tile included ground ( kunps as shown in Fig. 6. Be sure tlie Grommet
pipes are (lean llndei tile clamps to assuie good cent}tot. Donotconnecttovalve
A CAUTION: To avoid water or air pressure damage to softener inner parts,
be sure to do the following steps in exact order.
A. Fully open 2 cold soft water faucets nearby the softener.
B. Place bypass valve in "bypass" position by pushing the stem inward, drain C. Fully open the house main water pipe shutoff valve. Observe a steady flow from Fig. 6
both faucets opened in step A, above. Tuvalvehdet
D. Place bypass valve in the "service" position EXACTLY as follows. KEEP SOFT
SLOWLY pull or slide the valve stem (out) toward the service position, pausing
several times to allow the softener to pressurize slowly.
E. After about 3 minutes, open a HOT water faucet for 1 minute, or until all air
is expelled, then close. NOTE: If water appears t loudy or has sahy taste, allow to wire run fiw several more minutes, or until clear.
F. Close allwater faucets. G. Check your plumbing work for leaks and fix right away if any are found.
Be sure to observe previous caution notes. Fromvalveoutlet
IZLTurn on the gas or electric supply to the water heater. Light the pilot, if applicable.
8.ADD WATER AND SALT TO THE BRINE TANK: "I Jfl tile (abinet (brine tank) / oxel. Add about 3galhms of water into tile tank. I)o not add into tile brinewell.
Fill tank x_ith NUGGET, PEI ] £T or coarse SOLAR water softener sah with a purity of 99.5% or lfigher. Do not use rock, block, uranulated, and ice cream-making salts, or salt w_th _ron-removmg additwes (except for Ihamond Crystal '_Red.OuP brand sah).
Sah storage capacHv is approxmlatelv 200 lbs. Keep tile sah hole cover m place on the softener unless serxacmg tile unU or rehlhng
with salt.' ....
NOTE: Iftilesoftener isinstalledin a humid basement or oflmr damp mea,itisbetter to fillthe tank with lesssalt,more frequently.
EightytoI00Ibs.ofsallxfilllastlotseve_vdmonths,dependingon waterhardness,familysizeandwatersofteningsystelnmodel
Iftransfi)rmer wiring is not visible at tile back of the control bead, remove control cover. DO NOT PUI]. ON OR DIS(_ONNECT
WIRING. I.ocate the long wire with "U" shaped connectors on one end. Route this wire tlnough the rear of the control housing.
Replace the control covei.
Fasten the 2 power cable lugs ("U" shaped connectors) to the 2 screws on the transformer, and tighten the screws. Then, plug the transforlner into the electri{:al outlet.
Tile softener works on 24 voh:60Hz electric power. Tile included transfi)rmer changes stan(bnd 120 voh A( house power to 24 vohs. Plug the transformer into a 120 volt oudet only. Be sure tile outlet is alwayslive so it can not be switched off by inistake.
o° See Programming tile Control se(tion.
_ Hoseclamp
Programming the Control
CONTROL SETTINGS REQUIRED upon installation and after an extended power outage.
and PRESENT TIME show in the display area. Program the conuol as insu_ucted below, ff SR -- is flashing, use tile UP (+)
/o\ button to set the correct SR code as ti)lh)ws: SR35 fi)r GNSF35,
SR31 ti)r GXSF39, or SR22 ti)r GXSF27. Ifyou pass by tile correct code number, use the DOWN (-) W button. Then press the SEI_ECT button and program the control.
A "beep" sounds while pressing buttons tor conuol programming. One beep signals a change in the conuol (fisplay. Repeated beeps mean the conuol will not accept a change flom tile button you haw pressed, and you should use another button.
Toprogramtheconuol, youwillusetheUP (+) /o\, DOWN (-) W and SEI_ECT buttons.
SmartWater Softener System-_,J
NOTE: If tile words PRESENT TIME do not sh_)w in tile display, press tile SEI_ECT button until they do.
1. Press the UP (+) _ or DO_VN (-) _ button to set. The UP button moves the display ahead; the DOWN button moves the
time backward.
If tile present time is between noon and midnight, be sure PM
shows _, ff-I,_ I"
C ' 0d
NOTE: Each press of an UP (+) _ or DOWN (-) W button changes the time by one minute. Holding tile button in changes tile time
32 minutes each second ,_,,_r-_l'l'-I'-i'-'_-I_J_
2. When tile present time shows, press SELECT to set. If the present time is between midnight and noon. be sure AM sh_)ws.
SET WATER HARDNESS NUMBER 11--7- NOTE: If 15 (facto U defauh) and /,_!
tLa.RDNESS do not show in the display, press SEI_ECT until they do.
1. Press the UP (+)/o\ or DOX.VN (-) _] button to set w)ur water
hardness number in the display. DOWN (-) W moves the display down u) 1. UP (+) _ moves tile maximum setting.
NOTE: Each press of a button changes the display by 1 between 1 and 25. Above 25, the display changes 5 at a time (25, 30, 35, etc.).
Hol(fing a button in changes the numbers twice each second.
2. When your water hardness number sh_)ws, press SEI _ECT to set.
NOTE: If there is clear water iron in your water supply, you will need to increase the hardness setting by 5 for each 1 ppm of clear water iron in your water supply.
You can get the grains per gallon (gpg) hardness of your water
supply from a water analysis lalmratory, or call and ask your local water department, if you are on a mmficipal supply, or call GE
Answer Center ® to request a water harthless test kit. If your report
shows hardness in parts per million (ppm) simply divide by 17.1 to
get the equivalent number of grains per .qallon.
ImEs_r rl_
NOTE: RECtL_R(;E TIME and a flashing 2:00 AM
(tacto U detault) should show in the display. This isa good
time fi)r regeneration lo start ((wet in about 2 hours) in most households because water is not in use. HARD WATER is
bypassed to house fimcets during regeneration. If no chmage is needed, go m step 2. To change the
regeneration starting time, fifth)w step 1.
1.Press the UP (+) _ or DOWN (-) W button to set the desired regeneration start time.
NOTE: Each press of the buttons changes tim time by l hour. Holding the buttons in changes the time twice ea(h second.
2. t tess tile SELECT button once more. Be sure to observe tile AM or l M, as _ _
you did when setting the time of day. The display shows tile present time of day and RECHARGE
, la II I
Sanitizing Procedures
Tocompletetheinstallation,dothe following sanitizingprocedures.
Care is taken at the thctoD_to keep y_)ur water softener clean and sanitmy. Materials used to make tile softener _dll not intect or contmninate your water supply and _dll not cm_sebacteria to ti_rm or gr_w. H_wever, (hning shipping, storage, installing and
operating, bacteria c{mld get into the softener. For this reason, sanitizing as fifth_wsis suggested when installing.
[_Be sure to (omplete all installation steps, in( luding programming tile (onuol. [_ Pour about 3/4 oz. (l {dtablespoons) of COlnlnon 5.25% household bleach (Clorox, Linco, Bo Peep, White Sail, Eagle, etc.)
into tile brinewell,Refer to illusuation on page 6.
_IMPORTANT: Press and hold fi)r 3 seconds the faceplate TOUCH/HOLDbillion to start an imme(fiate regeneration. RechargeNow
begins to flash in the display. The blea(h is (hm_l into and through the water softener.
[_] If after sanitization water flOln house thucet tastes sahv or has a slight color, this is a present,alive fiom the resin tank. Turn on
the cold soft water fimcets and &ain fi)r a few minutes or until clear.
NOTE'Whenthe above sanitizing regeneration is over, your house COLDwater supply is flflly soft imme(fiately. However, your water heater isfilled with hard water and as hot water is used, it will refill with soft water. When all the hard water is replaced in the water heater, hot only and mixed hot and cold water will be tully soft. Ifyou want totally soft water immediately, after the ab_ve
reg*_neration, drain the water heater until the water runs cold.
_kWARNING: If you do drain the water heater, use extreme (are as the hot water (ould (ause burns. Turn the water heater off
prior m draining.
Rated capacily* Amount ofhigh capacit? resin (lbs/cu. fl) Resin tank nominal size (in., dia. x height) Se_'ice tlow rate (gpm) Water suppl) maxinmm hardness (_I _)
O" )o"
Water supply maximum clearwater iron (ppm)** Water pressure limits (min.-m_e¢.psi)
l'ressure drop at rated service flow (psig)
Water temperature maximum (°F) Water supply minimum flow rate (gpm)
Regeneration _)cle tlow rates (gpm)
Fill 0low to brine tank)
(,XSF2 ¢ (,NSF3b (,XSF3.)
(see rating label on water softener)
r_, r./l36A/.7 48A/.93 .2.0
8 x 40 9 x 40 9 x 40
(see rating label on water softener)
100 100 100
5 6 8
20-125 20-125 20-125
15 15 15
120 120 120
3 3 3
.3 .3 .3
'ti l't"
"11"--18 I'U
>I '2"
.19 20 20
l?,rine Rinse [low to drain)
l?,ackwash l?,rining }
These syslems con/k_nnIoWQA S-100li)r the spedlic capadty claimsasvefilied and substantiated by lest dala.
Testing wasperti)rmed using pellet grade sodium chh wide asthe regeneranl sah.
'_'_Extant ol iron removal may varywith conditions, tse ol l)iamond ()ystal Red.Out or Super h-onOut' willimprove iron removal. Ref_r Iogleaning Iron Outof
the WaterSoftening Systemsecdon.
.12 A6 .16 1,8 2.0 2.0 1,8 2.0 2.0
Aboutthe water softener system.
When tile _cater softening system is providing soft water, it is called "Sex,ice." During se,_ice, hard water flows
flom the house main water pipe into the water softening system. Inside the x_v_tersofienh_g system resin tank isa bed made up of d_ousands of tiny, plasti( resin beads. As hard water passes d_rough the bed, each bead ama( ts
and holds tl_e hard minerals. This is (:ailed ion-exclmnging. It isnmch like a magnet amacting and holding metals. \,\_lter without hard minerals (soft water) flows fiom the water sofiening systeI_n and to tlm house pipes.
After a period of time, the resin beads become coated with hard minerals and dmy have to be cleaned. This cleaning is called regenem0on, or re( harge. Regeneration is started tit 2 00 AM (fh(to U sening) by tlle
water softening system control, and consists offixe stages or o,cles. These are FILLBRINING,BRINERINSE,
Automatic Hard Water Bypass During Regeneration
For emergency needs, hard war er is available to the However, you should avoid using HOT water because home during the regeneration cycles the water heater will fill with the hard water.
Salt dissolx ed in water is called brine. Brine is needed to clean tl_e hard minerals flom resin beads. To make the brine, water flows into tim salt storage area during the fill stage.
During brining, brine m_xelsflom the salt storage area into the resin tank. Brine is the cleaning agent needed to remove hard minerals flom the resin beads. The hard minerals and brine are dis( barged to tile drain.
The nozzle and venturi (reate a su( tion txxmove the brine, maintaining a veIT slow rate Ixxget the best resin
(leaning _4th the least sail.
Brine Rinse
After a pre-measured amount of brine is used, the brine xake (loses. Water continues Io flow in tim same path
as during brining, ex(ept fbr the dis(ontinued brine flow. Hard minerals and brine flush flom the resin tank Io the drain.
During ba(kwash, water m_ els up through the resin tank at a f:astflow rate, flushing a((umulated iron, dirt,
and sediments flom the resin bed and to drain.
Fast Rinse
Backwash is fbll_med by a fiJst fl_m of water down through tlm resin tank. The fiJst fl_rw flushes brine flom the bottom of tank, and pa(ks the resin bed.
After thst rinse, tlm water softening system returns to soft water servi(e.
Aboutthe water softener system.
Breaking a Sail Bridge
Sometimes, a hard crest or salt bridge fiwms in tile sah storage area. It
is umally cruised by high humidity or the wrong Idnd of sah. When tile
sail bridges, an empty space fi)rms between the water and salt. Then sall will not dissolve in the water to make brine.
If tile brine tank is flfll of salt, it is hard to tell if you ha,_e a salt bridge. Sah is loose on top, but tile bridge isunder it. Tile fi)llowing is tile best
way to (he(k fi)r a salt bridge.
Salt should be loose all the way to tile bottom of the tank. Take a
broom handle or like tool, and carefiflly push it do_m into tile salt, worldng it tip and do_m. If tile tool suikes a hmd object (be sure it's not
the bou()m or sides of the tank), it's most likely a salt bridge. Carefiflly
break the bridge with the tool. Oo not pound on the walls of the tank.
If tile wrong kind of salt made tile bridge, take it out. Then fill tile tank
with nugget or pellet salt only. In humid areas it is best to fill with less
sail, I;tlore otlen.
Cleaning the Nozzle and Ventufi Assembly
A cleannozzleandventuriisneededforthe watersofteningsystemto
workproperly.This small unit makes tile surtion to move brine
fl'om tile salt storage area to tile resin tank during regeneration. Ifit becomes plugged with sand, dirt, etc., the water softening system will
not work and you will get hard water. To get to tile nozzle and venmri, rem()ve tile water softening system
top cover. Be sure the wamr softening system is in service (ycle (no water pressure at nozzle and venuni). Then, while holding the nozzle
and venmri h()using with one hand, rem()ve the cap. IJfl out the screen support and soeen, then the nozzle and venmri. _¢\_Bhand
rinse the parts in warm water until clean. If needed, use a small brash to remove iron or dirt. Also check and clean the gasket.
NOTE."Some models have a small flow plug located in tile nozzle and
venmri, and/or a small (one shaped screen in the housing. Be sure to (lle(k and )lean these paris, ifyour model is st) equipped.
( mefillly replace all p_uts in tile correct order. IJghtly lubricate the o-ring seal with clean silicone grease or petroleum jelly and place in position. Installandtightenthecap,byhandonly.Donotover-tighten
Push tool into saltbridge to break
1 r* 2**
Pencil mark
Broom handle"-_
Cap ._
Screensupport ,,--I,,,-
Screen_ _
Nozzle&VenturiGasket_ $
Nozzle& Venturihousing
IMPORTAN# Be sure small holes in the gasket are centered directly over flTesmall holes in the nozzle and venturi housing.
Hnstall wifl7 numbered side up,concave side down.
Normal Operation, Control Displays
During normal operation, )he present time of day and AM or PM show in dm (onuol display area. When )lie demand ( omputer determines a regeneration is needed, RECHARGETONIGHTbeginsto flash in )lie display along _dlh the presenl fime. RECHARGEYO/vlGHY 32j2" flashesunfildmnexlregenerafionslarllime, fl_en
(hanges U)RECHARGE/VOW,whi(h flashes until the regeneration is over.
Feature: Optional Recharge Controls
Sometimes, amanually stmled regeneration
(recharge) may be desired or needed. Two examples:
[] You have used more waler than ualal (house
guests, exUa washing, etc.) and yotl may mn out of soft waler befi)re fl_e next regeneration.
[] You did nol refill d*e storage rank whh sail. Use one of the fi)llowing ieamres to stmt a
regeneration immediately, or aI Ihe next preset
regeneration slarl time.
Feature: Program Memory
If ele(uical power to dm wmer soiiening system is interrupted, the control display is blank, but fl_e
(onu'ol keeps correct time fi)r about six hours. When power is restored, you have to reset the presem time
only if fl*edispl W is flashing. All oilier seuings me m_fint_fined and never require resetting unless a
(hange is desired.
Touch (do not hold) tim TOUCHorHOLObuuon.
RECHARGETO/vlGHTflashes in tile control display area. A regeneration will occur at the next preset regeneration start time. If you decide u) cancel this
regeneration, u)uch the same buuon once more.
RECHARGE/VOW 3_12_ Pressand ho/&he TOUCHorHOtObuuon until
RECHARGE/vOWst'artsto flash in tim (onuol display area. The water sofiening system begins an immediate regeneration and, xdmn oxer in about Ix_ohours you
will haxe a new supply of sod water. ()nee s)aned, you
(annot (an(el [his regeneration.
If tile time is flashing after a long power omage, tile
water soiiening system ( ontinues to work as it sh_)uld
to pro)vide you _dth soil water. H_)wever, regenerations mW oc(ur at the wrong time of dayuntil you reset tile
(onnol to tl_e(orre( t time of dW.
Feature/Service: Automatic Electronic Diagnostics
The control compmer has a seli:(fiagnosfic fimcfion fin tl_e ele( tri( al system (except input power and
water meter). The (omputer monitors the elecuoni( (omponems and (irofits fi)r correct operation. Ifa malfimction oc(:urs, an err_)r code appears in fl_e
conu:ol display.
The chart on ErrorCodes Er-rU3 shows the error
(;odes that could appear and possible reasons ior each (:ode. While an error code is displayed, all
control bretons are inoperable except fi)r the SELECT buuon. SEtECrrem_finsoperational so d_e service
person can make tl,e Manually Initiated Electronic Diagnosticsto innher isolate fl_edeiect and check
tile water meter.
Aboutthe water softener system.
Service: Electronic Demand 77meFeaturesand Service
Toremovean errorcode: (1)Unplugtransformer.
motor inoperative
wiring harness or connection
to switch
(2)Correctdefect. (3)Plugtransformerin.
(4)Waitforat least 6minutes.Theerror code willreturn if the reason
for the error codewas not corrected.
position switch
control (PWA)
motor inoperative
or wiring harness
control (PWA)
position switch or
wiring harness
control (PWA)
Service: Timer/Softener, Service Checkout Procedure
If you me not getting soft water, and an error (ode is not displayed, use tile l)ro(edures below to find tl_e problem. First make [l_e%11()-_dngvimal (he( ks.
VISUALCHECKS:[] Isthere ele( tri( al power m dm oudet dm water softening system mmsfbrmer is plugged
_p'_Isdmre sufficient sail in dm storage lank? The tm_kshoukl be at least l/3 t() l/2 fhll ofsah. _Is dm softener bypass valve direcdng water for soft water serx4ce?
Dis dm valve drain hose open Io dm drain, nol more d_an 8' aboxe d_e softener, and
tlnobs[Ftl(:[ ed?
If youdonot finda problemwith the visualchecks,continuebelow
Checkelectrical INOPOWERI.__,,._NEEDED powertocontrol LJ -_"
(outlet,transformer,r'-L_,. [ POWEROK].__,. I
powercable,all | CONTROL connectons. | I DEFECTIVE
[Electricalpowerwasoff. _ Investigatereasonfor [/day.Resetthecorrecttimeof poweross.
diagnosticsto verifyproper
I function.
Service: Manually Initiated Electronic Diagnostics
TurbineSwitches [] To enter diagnosdcs, pressand hold [l_e SEI.ECTbullon undl (000 - -) showsin [lie display
_rl m A The firsl 3 digils indicale waler meter operadon asiollows:
000 (sleady) = soft waler no[ in use_.noflow din)ugh [lie meter.
Water Switch(B)
Meter (A) 000 tO 199 (condnual) = repeats displ_lyior each gallon of water passing through tl_e meter.
1 _ _)'-housing I !_Tu[b ine
Valve t_'_l_" Support&
ou!,e! sha,
If you don't get a reading in die display, wid_ faucet open, pull die sensor from d_e; al',e omlet porL Pass a small magnet back and fbrth in flonl of the sensor. You should get a reading in the display. If you get a
reading, shin of{waler supply, unhook [lie in and ouI plumbing and (hetk die [urbine ior binding.
BThe letter (P) and dash (es) indicate POSITION swhch operation. The letter appeming means tl_e
s_4t(;h is closed; d_e dash means tl_e swhch is open. Use the TOUCHor HOLB(RECHARGETONI6HT- RECHARGENOW)buuon to mamlally advance die valve imo each Q,cle and check corred switch
Valvein service,fill, brining,backwash
orfast rinse position.
Valverotatingfrom one positionto another
CWhile in this diagnostic screen, the fi)llowing infi)rmation is available and may be benefidal for various
reasons. This intormation is retained by the computer fiom the first time electrical power isapplied to
the control.
Press and hold the UP button to display the number of days this control has had electrical power applied.
Press and hold the DOWN button to display the number of regenerations initiated by this control
since the SR code number was entered.
F_ Press the SELECTbuttonand hold in three seconds until a Service Rating code appears in the display.
Repeat this step if the SRcode is not displayed.
Forcorrect water softening system operation,the SRnumbermustbe as follows:
Toresetthecode,pressthe L l or DO'vVN button until the correct number shows.
_] Press SELECTto rettlrn to the present time display, tithe cedewaschanged,makeALLthetimersettings. NOTE:If the (ontrol is left in a diagnosti( display or a flashing display when setting times or hardness,
present time automatically returns ifa button is not pressed within ti)tli minutes.
Aboutthe water softener system.
Service: Manually Advance Regeneration Check
Tiffs check verifies proper operauon of tlle valve motor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration fit)w rates and other (omroller flmcdons. First, make tile initial checks and file Manually Initiated Electronic Diagnostics.
NOTE:The connol display nmst shrewa steady dine (not flashing). F_ Press fl_e TOUCHorHOLDbutton and hoki in fin duee seconds. RECHARGENOWbegins m flash as the x_wtersoftening system
enters the fill Q,cle ofregenerauon. Remove the brinewell (over and, using a flashlight, obse_,e fill x_wterentering tl'le brine tank. If water does not enter tl_e tank, look ti)r an obstm( ted nozzle, venmri, fill fl(rwphlg or brine robing. See Care and cleaning
ofthe water softenersystem secuon.
_ Atier obserx4ng fill, press dm TOUCHor HOLDbutton t()move d_e water softening svstem into brining. A slow flow ofwater to the
drain will begin. Veri_ brine (haw fiom the brine tank by shining a flashlight imo dm brinewell and obserx4ng a nod( eable (hop in tile liquid level over an extended period of time.
NOTE:Be sure a salt bridge is not preventing water fiom contacting sah. See Care and cleaningof the water softeningsystem section.
If thewater softening systemdoesnot draw brine,check:
[] nozzle and/or venmri dirty or detective. [] detective nozzle and venmri seal [] nozzle and venmri not seated properly on gasket. [] odler inner valve deter t (rotor seal, rotor & disc, wave washer, eL(.). [] restri( ted drain (check drain fiuing and hose).
NOTE:Ifwater system pressure islow, an elevated &ain hose m W (arise balk pressure, stopping brine draw. W] Again, press the TOUCHorHOLDbutton to move tile water sofiening system into backwash. I x)ok ti)r a fast flow of water fiom dm
d;ain hose. A slow flow indicates a plugged top distributor, backw_'M_flow plug, or drain hose.
D Press tl_e TOUCHorHOLDbutton to moxe the water softening system into £tst rinse. Again look tora ti_stdrain flow. Allow
tlle water softening svstem to rinse fin a few minutes to flusl'l t£ut any brine dial may ,)emain in fl_e resin tank flom tlle brining ()'cle test.
_Toremrndmwater sofieningsvstemmservi(e pressdm TOUCHorHOtDbmton.
Careandcleaning of the water softeningsystem.
Checking the Salt Storage Level and Refilling
Brine (salt dissolved in water) is needed tor each and eve_Tregeneration. The water fi)r making brine is metered into tile salt storage mea by tile water soliening system valve and conuol. However,youmustkeepthetank supplied withsalt.
When to refill with salt: Check tile salt level a tew weeks atier you install tile water soliening system and eve D"week after that. Refill
when the brine rank is tiom l/3 to 1/2 fifll. In humid areas it is best to fill with lesssalt more olien. Never all()w tile water soliening system to use all the salt beti)re you refill it. Without salt, you will soon have hard water.
Use clean water sotiening salts only, at least 99.5% pure. NUGGET, PEII_ET or coarse SOLAR salts me recommended. De net use rock,block,granulatedoricecreammakingsalts.They contain dirt and sediments, or nmsh and cake, and will create maintenance
CAUTION:Waterse#ening salt with ironremoving additives:Some salts may have an additive to help the water softening system handle iron in the water supply. Although this additive may help to keep the water sotiening system resin clean, it may also
release corrosive flmms that weaken and shorten the lite of some water sot/ening system pmts. GE recommends using only Diamond Cusml' Red.Duff brand salt.
Cleaning Iron Outof the Water Softening System
Your water softening system takes h_udness minerals (caldum and magnesium) out of the water. Also, it can control some (see Specification Guidelinessection) "clear water" iron. With clear water iron, water fiom a timcet is clem when first put into a glass. After
15 to 30 minutes, the water begins to cloud or turn rust colored. A water soliening system will notremove any iron that makes the
water cloudy or rusly as it comes tiom the taucet (called red water iron). To rake red water iron out of water, or over the maximum of clem water iron, an iron fiher or other equipment is needed.
GE recommends using only Diamond Custal '_Red.Duff brand salts with hon Fighter '_additive to help keep the resin bed clean of clem iron. Ify{)ur water supply has clear water iron, periodic resin bed cleaning is needed. GE recommends using Super hon Out" brand resin bed cleaner to thor{)ughly clean your resin bed ify{)ur iron content is high. (lean the bed at least eve U six months, or more often if iron appears in the sot/water belween cleanings.
IMPORTANT:It is important to mix the resin bed cleaner with water (tollowing the mamlthcmrer's insmlctions), pour it into the Orinewell tube (see page 6) and regenerate the softener immediately. Do not pour the resin bed cleaner in xdth the salt, as it will not be as ettecfive in cleaning the resin, and can cause damage to the sot/ener if it is let/in the brine tank ti)r an extended period due to the corrosive gases that are limned.
Troubleshooting 77ps Save time and money! Review the chart on this page first and you maynot need to call for service.
NO SOFT WATER - Most Common Problems:
Check the following before calling for service
Not enough salt in softener-should be at least 1/3 full.
Bypass vane in "Bypass" position-should be in "Service" position. Knob should
be in the OUT position.
Hardness setting too low-Check hardness setting in control. Veri_ hardness of
supply water. Water hardness can vary throughout the year. See Programming the Control section.
Salt Bridge; water not in contact with salt-see Breaking a Salt Bridge section.
Problem PossibleCauses What ToDo
No soft water Faucet or fixture where sample was
taken not plumbed to soft water.
NOTE"Besuresampleis froma faucet that doesnot mixsoft andhard water.
Forexample,a singleleverkitchen faucet, if thecold side isplumbedto hard water
No salt in the brine tank or salt bridged
Transformer unplugged at wall outlet or power cable to softener not connected.
Fuse blown or circuit breaker popped on circuit to electrical outlet.
Electrical outlet on a circuit that can be s_itched off
Manual bypass valve in bypass position ° Be sure the bypass valve stem is positioned properly, xdth the
Valve drain hose pinched, plugged, elevated too high or otherwise
To conse_a:esalt, the installer may haw isolated some fixttaes (outside thucets, toilets, etc.) flom soti _'ater.
From the outlet of the water softening system, uace the water flow path, in house plumbing. If soti water is not directed to a tm_cet or fixture where wanted, consult
a plumber.
Check fin a salt bridge or, if the lank is empty, refill with recommended salt. Press (fin 3 seconds) the TOUCHor
HOLDbutton to start an immediate regeneration and restore
soft water supply.
°Check fin a loss of elecuical power to the w:tter
sotiening system, due to any of these conditions and correct as needed. With the power supply restored,
observe the taceplate time display and read Program
Memorysecuon. NOTE"Theelectricaloutletforthe softener shouldbecontinuouslyliveso# cannot be accidentally
switched off.
hmb in the OUT position. Observe instructions on the decal at the end of the stem.
Any restriction in this drain hose ma) prevent {)roper operation of the nozzle and venturi and reduce or
prevent brine (haw during regenerations.
Nozzle and venturi dirty, incorrectly assembled or damaged
ReFerto CleaningtheNozzleand VenturiAssemblyinstmctions.
With water pressure to the water soliening system off, take the nozzle assembly apart. Inspect, clean and
replace as needed. Any fi)reign particle (s), scratches, nicks, etc., in the passages can prexvnt operation. Besure
holes in the gasket are cenmred ox>r holes in the housing.
Before you call for service...
Q\ Troubleshooting -tips
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Waterhardsometimes Using hot water while the water *Avoid using hot w_lter during w_ltersoftening system
softening system is regenerating regener;ldons bec;mse the w_ter heater _dll reiill with
h_adw_ter. SeeAutomatic Hard WaterBypassDuring
Control hardness number setting , Press _md rele_lse the SEtECTbuttonuntil HARDNESSsh_)ws too low in tile dispiriT. Be sure the number shown is tile same as
the _zttual grains per gallon hardness of yore w_lter supply. See the Controlse( tion ira t hange in the seuing
is needed.
Grains of hardness in your water W_t er hardness can change over time, especially in supply have increased well water. To check, have the water tested by _lw_lter
analysis labor_to_y or tall your loc_d w_lter department. A(!iust the hardness number setting as needed.
Water feels slippery Absence of hardness minerals This is normal.
after installation of
water softening system
Water softening system Water softe_fing system is a , Does not use muth salt to regenerate-very eflitient.
not using any salt "demand" unit
Possible salt bridge See the Operating Instructions, Tipsse(tion.
Possible plugged nozzle and ventu6 See the Operating Instructions, Tipssection.
Water is blue color Acidic water in copper plumbing Have the water tested at once.
after water softening system was installed _k WARNING: Do notdrink the water until problem has
been corrected.
Water softening system Meter turbine stuck ('_all i()r sel_,_i(e.
not regenerating
Sensor wire corroded Call fi)r ser_i( e.
No power to unit = Check tile tircuit breaker or fllses.
Mechanical defect = Call for servi( e.
Cloudiness on glassware Combination of soft water and This is tailed etching and is permanent. To prevent this
(automatic dishwashers) too much detergent fi'om happening, use less detergent if you have soil water.
\,\Sisl_ glassware in the shortest t_,( le that will gel them (lean.
Salty tasting water Insufficient backwash and Press and hold TOUCH or HOtObutton until RECHARGE after installation rinse thne st_Jrts to flash.
At ( ompleuon of regeneration (Tile (approx. 2 hrs), mn water
from iim{ ets to purge the sail}' water.
Lowwater pressure Che(k pressure; should be minimum 20 psi.
Restricted drain hose * Clean and reconnect bose.
Problem Possible Causes What ToDo Resinbeadsshewing Cracked distributor Call lot se_ice.
upin drinkingwater andsink
Soundsyoumighthear Running water from the unit into This is normal.
a drain
Waterhasair bubbles Air in system after installation •_A]ll go away after it runs tbr a while.
ErrorCode on control Wiring may have worked loose in
Unplug transti)rmer.
Rem,)ve control cover, release clips on side.
Check ti)r loose/incorrect wiring connections to elecuonic board or switch. Reconnect as required.
Reassemble control o)ver.
Plug in T_'ansli)rmer.
Wait six minutes ti)r Error Code to reappear.
If Error Code reappears, call ti)r sevvice.
56_ 55
4 _ .....-.-16
36-. _" _-30
146 _
0003 WS35X10001 ()-RINGSEA1, KIT 1 1 1 0004 WS34X10013 DECAl, 1
0005 WS07X10004 HOSEDILAIN, 20FT. 1 1 1 0007 WS14X10002 DISTRIBUTOR TOP 1 1 1
0008 WS14Xl0001 DISTRIBUTOR BOTTOM 1 1 1 0009 WS01X10002 _SIN-1 (U. FT. 1 1 1 0010 WS32X10001 TANK _SIN 1
0011 WS31X10001 COVER BOTTOM 1 1 1 0012 WS31X10002 COVERCONTRO1, 1 1 1 0013 WS21 X10006 CONTROl, 1
0014 WS19X10003 HARNESS WIRE 1 1 1 0015 WS06X10003 POWERCORD 1 1 1 0016 WS26X10001 TRANSFORMER 1 1 1 0017 WS31X10010 COVER SAI,T HOI,E 1 1 1 0018 WS33X10001 SLAI, VAPOR BARRIER 1 1 1 0019 WS33X10002 RIM 1 1 1 0020 WS31X10003 COVERBRINEWEI,I, 1 1 1
0021 WS02X10009 WING NUT, 1/4"- 20 1 1 1 0022 WS32X10002 TANK BRINEWEII,,ROUND 1 1 1 0023 WS02X10011 SCREW, 1/4"- 20 NYI,ON 1 1 1 0024 WS32X10003 TANKBRINE, R()UND 1 1 1
0025 WS18X10003 CIAMPHOSE 1 1 1 0026 WS22X10016 ADAPTER HOSE 1 1 1 0027 WS22X10017 GROMMET 1 1 1 0028 WS35X10002 GROUND (1AMPKIT 1 1 1 0029 WS15X10005 BRINEVAI,VEASM. 1 1 1
0030 WS35X10003 FIr)AT, STEM&GUIDEASM. 1 1 1 0031 WS03X10006 (I3P 1 1 1
0032 WS15X10006 VAI]VEBODY, BRINE 1 1 1 0033 WS03X10007 CI3P 1 1 1
0034 WS03X10008 SCREEN 1 1 1 0035 WS07X10002 TUBINGASM. 1 1 1 0036 WS07X10003 TUBEBRINE 1 1 1 0055 WS28X10003 P,,ETAINER CIAMP 2 2 2 0056 WS28X10004 (1AMP 2 2 2 0999 49-50061 PMMANUAI, USE&('ARE/ 1 1 1
WS34X10011 DECAl, 1
WS34X10012 DECAl, 1
WS32X10011 TANK_SIN 1 1
WS21X10011 ( ONTROI, 1 1
0025 WSISXI0003 CIAMP HOSE 1 1 1 0101 WS02X10012 S(REW, #4- 24 X 1-1/8" 1 1 1
0102 WS02X10013 SPACER 1 1 1 0103 WS21X10003 S'v\ITCH 1 1 1 0104 WS03X10009 PIN EXPANSION 1 1 1
0105 WS02X10014 SCREW, #10- 14 X 2" 5 5 5 0106 WS31X10006 (OVERVAI.VE 1 1 1
0107 WS03X10010 WASHERWAVE 1 1 1 0108 WS26X10002 ROTOR&DIS(; 1 1 1 0109 WS19X10004 CAP 1 1 1 0110 WS03X10011 SL_L O-RING 1.1" X 1.4" 1 1 1 0111 WS19X10005 SUPPORT SCREEN 1 1 1 0112 WS03X10013 S(REEN 1 1 1
0113 WS22XI0020 FI_OWPIJUG, .1 GPM 1 1 1 0114 WS08X10005 GASKET, NOZZI_E/VENT 1 1 1
0115 WS03X10015 (;ONE SCREEN 1 1 1 0116 WS22X10021 PIJUG, FII,I_ FI_OW, .3 GPM 1 1 1
0117 WS03X10017 NUTFERRUI_E 1 1 1 011S WS15X10009 NOZZLE/VENTURIASM. 1 1 1 0119 WS03X10018 RETAINER 1 1 1 0120 WS03XI0019 SL_L O-RING 1/4" X 3/8" 2 2 2 0121 WS15X10010 BODYVALVE 1 1 1 0122 WS03X10020 SPRING 1 1 1
0123 WS22X10022 PLUG, DtL_klN SALT 1 1 1 0130 WS35X10005 SL_LKIT 1 1 1
0132 WS22X10023 ADAPTERDtL_klN HOSE 1 1 1 0133 WS03X10021 O-RING5/8"X13/16" 1 1 1
0134 WS03X10022 PI,UG FIfO'W, RINSE CONTROL 1 1 1 0135 WS03X10023 CIJP 1 1 1
0136 WS26X10003 CAM & GIC_kR 1 1 1 0137 WS26X10004 BL_kRIN(; 1 1 1 0138 WS26X10005 PI,_kTE MOTOR 1 1 1
0139 WS02X10015 SCREW, #6- 20 X 3/8" 2 2 2 0140 WS26X10006 MOTORASM. 1 1 1
0141 WS02X10016 SCREW, #6- 20 X 7/8" 2 2 2 0142 WS60X10001 NUTINSTALL_kTION 2 2 2
0143 WS60X10002 TUBEINSTALL_kTION 2 2 2 0144 WS60X10003 _,\D_kSHER 2 2 2 0145 WS60X10004 CI]P 2 2 2 0146 WS28X10005 HOUSING SENSOR 1 1 1 0147 WS19X10006 TURBINE & SUPPORTASM. 1 1 1
0150 WS03X10024 SL_kL, O-RING 1 1 1 0151 WS15X10012 VAI;VE BYPASS ASM. 1 1 1
0152 WS03X10025 SL_L, ()-RING 2 2 2 0153 WS60XI0006 ADAPTER 2 2 2
_NOTE:Codes in the Slate of Massachusetts require installation by a lit ensed
plumber and do not permit the use of the saddle valve. For installation, use plumbing code 24&CMR of ihe Commonweahh of Massachusells.
GEWater Softening System Warranty (ForCustomersintheUnitedStates)
For service, carl 800-GE-CARES.
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers, or an authorized Customer Care_;technician.
For The Period Of: We Wit Replace:
One Year
From the date of the
original purchase Three Years
From the date of the
original purchase Ten Years
From the date of the
original purchase
What Is Not Covered:
Any part of tile W_lter Softening Syslem which iilils due Io a dete(::l in materials or workmanship. During this full one-year warranty, GE xdll _llso proxide, free of charge, _lll labor _md in-home servi(e
to repla( e d_e deie( dye p_wL
The electronic monitor, if il ihils due Io a deiet:t in materials or workmanship. During dds three-year
limited warranty, you will be responsible fi)r m_y l_lbor or in-home sevvi( e ( osts.
A replacement brine tank or cabinet if eid_er ihils due 1o a de/e(:t in mat erials or workmanship.
During dds ten-year limited warranty, you _ll be responsible fi)r any labor or in-home servi( e (osts.
Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the
Improper installation.
Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for other than the intended purpose or used commercially.
Filters, membranes or batteries.
Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.
Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods or
acts of God.
Incidental or consequential damage caused bypossible defects with this appliance.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use
within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what your legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.
Warrantor: General Electric Company.Louisville, KY 40225
+ 56 hidden pages