Safety Instructions ......... 2-5
Care and Cleaning
Care and Cleaning ............ 6
Installation Instruotions
Countdown Display .......... 17
Electrical Installation _br
Electric Dryers ........... 13, 14
Electrical Requirements ........ 8
Exhausting the Dryer ....... 9, 10
Gas Connection for Gas Dryer_.. 15
Gas Supply Requirements ..... 10
Location of Your Dryer ........ 11
Mobile Home Installation ..... 12
Preparing to Install Your Dryer .. 7
Reversing the Door Swing ..... 16
Customer Service
Customer Service ..... Back Cover
General Principles of
Good Practice ............... 19
Warranty ................... 18
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on tbe label
on tbe front of the left side of
tbe door opening.
175D1807P420 49-90156 11-02JR

Foryoursafety,the information in this manual mustbe followed tominimizethe risk offire
or explosion,electric shock,or topreventproperly damage,personal injury,or death.
Installation andservice mustbe performedbya qualified installer, service agency orthe gas
1.Instructions to follow if theuser smellsgas: Contactyourlocal gas
supplier for information to be displayed.
Z Instructions conceming flammablematerials as follows:
in thevicinityof thisoranyotherappliance.
California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act
This act requires the governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancel;
birth defects or other reproductive harm and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure
to such substances.
Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon monoxide,
fbrmaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of"natural gas or LP fuels.
Properly adjusted dryers will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be
minimized further by properly venting the dryer to the outdoors.

This dryer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the h_stallation Instructions
before ff is used.
• Properly ground dwer m contbrm with adl
governing codes _md ordinances. Follow details
in the Installationfnstmctionssecdon.
• Insu_]]or slore where il ,rill not be expc_aed lo
lempen_lalres bdow free;ring or expo_d m the
• (_mnecl m a properly n_led, prolecmd and siJx_d
power supply drotit m avoid dectrSca] overload.
• Rtrmove "allsharp pa_:ldng items and dispo_ of
"allshipping materials properly:
• In fiflN]ing the spedfic needs of difterenl
commerdal inslallations lhe purch_mer of this
d_*er mW Msh m locale the coin box and
conlro]s in any of a number of ]ocations.
The responsibi]ily fbr lhe proper performance
of'this work ]ies ._]e]y with the purcha._r.
I1should be done _ properly l_tined and
q*_alified per_mne], _md in a_:cordance with
local code requir*rmenls.
• _aazycoin box or similar de_qce added m
lhe dryer, eilher e]eclrlcadly or mechanic:all)5
sho_fld be properly grounded.
• Remove any a_:climtflated time by mam_a]]y
rou_ting liming c_n in lhe coin box
colmterc]_._kwise tmli] svdl,ch shuls off. Apply
a _'dig_ll_gldifiorlal cotlnlerc]ock_se presstlre 1_)
further seal drive. Make cerlain nol to turn c_n
p_st _tch shutofftx)_tion. Othen_4_, one
incremenl of time ,rill be gained. S*_4tches are off
when the pl_mtic _tch actuating arm (inner)
is down and all 3 s_4tch buttons are depre._ed.
_This dryer MUSTbe exhat_led lo the oul_de.
[] U_ only _g,id metal or flexible melal 4"
diameter ducl_vork indde the dryer _abinet or
fbr exhmxsting to lhe outside. USEOEPLASTIC
Follow deu_i]s in the Installation Instructions section.

• t_ep the area nndernealh and amtmd yonr
appliances l_e of combasfible malerials, such
as iSnt, paper, mg_, chemicals, _,_soline and olher
flammable _-apors and iSquids.
• t_ep the floor arotmd yonr appliances clean and
dr}. m reduce the p_bility of slipping'.
• t_ep area arotmd the exhmasl opening and
sarronnding areas free from 1he acotmtflation of
]SnL di_sl and dirt.
• Do not obslrucl lhe flow of ventilating air. Do not
sl_ck or piat:e iaun@ or throw rugs agadnst lhe
front or t_:k of the dr},er.
• Ne_er reach into the dr},er whi]e the dnlm is
mo_4ng. P,efbre loading, urilo_Ming or "adding
clothes, wait nnfil lhe drmn has completely
• CleanMe lintFeintbeforeeach loadm prevent lint
accumxflation in,de the dwer or in the rv_m.
• Do not w'ash or _ articles lhat have been
c]eaned in, w'ashed in, _aked in, or spoiled
Mlh combastible or exp]osive subslances (such as
*_-ax,oil, paint, gasoline, degn-e_mers,dr}_cieaning
_)ivenls, kerv_aene, etc.} whkh m W igmile or
explode. Do nol add lhese salasumces lo the
*_-ash_rater. Do nol t_e or place thee sabst_mces
m_tmd yotlr *_aher or dr},er ditring operation.
• Any arfide on whkh yon/_ve t_ed a deaning
_ivenl or lhat contains flammable materials
{such as deaning dolhs, mops, towels n_d in
beat W sa]o_s, resuamants, or l_xarbershops, etc.)
mnst not be placed in or near the dwer unti]
_ivenls or flammable maleria]s/_ve been
removed. There are many highly flammable
ilems _ed in homes st_:h as a_:elone, denatured
alcoho], _mdine, keromne, ._me honmhold
c]eaners, some spol removers, turpentines,
_-axes, _xx removers and pr_.k'lucls containing
petrolmtm dL_fillates.
• The latmd D, procem can reduce the flame
remrdan()* of fables. To avoid st_:h a restflL
carefldly fi_l]ow lhe garment mamffacmrer's
care insmacfions.
• Clo_ super_Ssion is nece._sary if this applSance is
t_sed by or near children. Do not ai]ow chi]dren
m play on, Mlh, or inside lhis or _myolher
• Keep "alliaund D, aids (sudl as delerg*en ts,
bleaches, el_:.) oul of the reach of children,
preferably in a locked _abinet. Ob_rve _d]
_rding_ on container labels m avoid inj!lD:
• Never clhnb on or sumd on lhe dr},er top.
• Do not insufll or store this app]iance where il ,rill
be expend m 1he weather.
• Do not dr}' art]des containing rubber, plastic,
or simflar malefials st_:h as padded bnas, tennis
shoes, galoshes, tx_th mats, nagm,bibs, baby panls,
pl_mfictx_gm,pillo,_% etc. tha m W melt or burn.
N_me rubber maleNals, when heated, can lmder
certain dr_mnslances produce fire by
spont_meolas combastion,
• Do not store pl_mfic,paper or dotting lhat
mW bt_n or melt on lop of"the dD,er di_dng
• &armenls ]abded OrgAway ¢gomHeat or
Do Net Tumble Drg (sach ;aslife jackets containing
tCa_pok)mnsl not be pnt in your dwer.
• Do not dr}' fiberglass arfides in yota" dryer.
Sldn irnmfion could restfll from lhe remaining"
parfides thin may be pidmd tap by dothing
during subsequent dryer _ses.
• To mince lhe po_ibi]ily of eleclrlc shod_,
nnpliag this appliance from lhe power supply
or dL,_connecl the dr},er at lhe dislrlbution panel
by r_rmo_4ng the rum or sMl£hing off the dretfil
breaker before allempting any maintemmce
or de_ming (excepl the r_rmo_,_dand deaning of
lhe lint Nmr). NOTE:Tarding the Cycle Selector
]mob m an offp_dfion does NOT di_onnecl the
appliance from the tx_wer sapply.
• Do not spray any type of aero_A inlo, on or near
dr},er at any time.
• Do not place items expend m cooking oils in
your dwen Items conlaminated *_4th cooking oils
may conlrlbnte loa chemical reat:tion lhat co_fld
_at_e a lo_M to _atch fire.

• Never attempt m operate this app]iance
if it is damaged, m_dfunctioning, partially
dL,_t_embled, or has missing or broken parls,
induding a damaged cord or ping.
• The inteMor of the m_hine and the exhat_l
duct connecdon imide the dryer shotl]d be
de_med at ]ea_t once a year by a qtzalified
tectmician. ,See the Careand Cleaningmotion.
Do not tl._ any type of spray deaner when
de_ming dryer inte_or. Ha_ardot*s fumes or
dectrica] shock co(lld occtm
• If yo!lrs is a ga_ dryer, it is eqtfipped with an
mltomatic e]ectric igmidon and does not have
A MATCH.Btwn_ mW restllt from ha_4ng yonr
hand in the _qdnity of the burner when the
mltomatic igmifion tarns on.
• Gn_sp the ping firmly when disconnecting this
app]iance m avoid damage m the cord while
p_flling. Place the cord a_y from tnx_ticm_eas
_) it*viii not be s_pped on, tr_pped over or
subjected m damage.
• Do not attempt m retxdr or r_lace _mypart of"
this appliance or atttrmpt _myservidng _miem
_pedfi_dly recommended in thi_ Owner's Maraud
or in published _mer-repair instrtictiom thai you
tmdepaland _md have the skills m _trTy 0_1,
• "t]gnm W*_4shm mfien yotw laundered fi_brics
or reduce the stadc elect_dty in them _ tzsing
a dwer-appiied taabric mftener or an _mfi_tafic
conditioner. We mco_end yon !_e either a
taabricmftener in the _rash cycle, according m
the man!l_cttlrer's instructions fbr those
products, or tD, a d_er'_dded product fbr which
the man!l_2ttlrer gives wrltlen _stln_nce on the
pa_:kage thin tht_ir pro&lct can be s_ely tl._d in
your dwer. Service or performance problems
catk_d by !l_e of'thes.e producLs are the
respor_sibi]ig of the mam_cmrers of th(_e
products and are nm covered under the
*_arr'anty m this appliance.
• ge_i_re discarding a dwer. or removing it from
_rvqce, remove the dryer door 1o prtwent
ddidren from hiding inside.
• Do not tamper Mth controls,

Careand cleaning.
CareandCleaningof theDryer
,E.v_rior:.W_peor dL_t _myspi]]s or _aahing
_6 compolmds _qlh a damp dolh. Dryer conl_)l
pand and finishes may be damaged by ,_)me
lmmd D, prelrealment soi] and slain remover
prvk-lucls./_ply the_ prvk-lucls a_y fix)m lhe
dwer. The fabric mW lhen be *_mhed and d_ed
normally. Damage m your dryer cmx_d by the_
prvk-tucls is nol covered _ your *rammty.
/.i_t Filer, Clean the ]inl filler before e_u:h
tl,_. Run your fingers _u_ the ]_u'k of the {ilmr
to remove linL Do not open_le the dryer _4thout
the ]inl filmr in p]_uae.
Have a quadified lechnidam ,auauum the lint i_*m
thedl_'eroncea year,
F-Jd/auM,OyCL'Inspect_md dean lhe exhmmt
ducting at ]eamlonce a year 1_)prevenl dog%ring.
A parfia]]y dogged exhmlst _an ]englhen the
drying _ne.
Follow _ese steps:
_Tura offelecmcal supply by disconnecting the
plug from 111e_dl ,_)ckeu
_ Di,_:onnect the duct frwm the dryer.
_ Vactn_n lhe duct _4th lhe horn att_:hment and
reconnect the duel;
TheE._a_'t Hood:Check _#ith a mirror thin the
inside flaps of lhe hood mo_e _edy when operating.
Make st_re thai there is no _]d]it_ (birds, in_'ls,
era.) nesting inside lhe dtmt or hood.