GE CSF22, CSF20 Use and Care Manual

. -..=-- .
Energy-SavingTips. . . . .. .hwid@
Front Cover
Imm’tant Cautions, . ,, .. .,....1
How to Connect Electricity. ..1,2 Installation Requirements. +., ..2
Howto Adjust I%ilers. ... . . .. ..2
Howto Set Temperature
Controls. . . .. . . . ., . . . ........3
Automatic Energy-Saver
System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........3
Food Storage Suggestions. . . +.4
shelves . . . . . P,.... , . !. . . . ~...5
Storage Drawers. . . .. . ... ...5-7
iceService. . .. . . . . . .. ........8
Accessories. . . . .. . . .. ........8
User Maintenance
Instructions . . . . . . . .. . ........9
Problem Solver. . . . . . . ....10-12
Special Services.. ... ... .h’wide
Warranty.. . . . . . . ... .BackCover
It is designed toheip you operate and maintain your new refrigerator properly
Keep it handyforanswersto your questions.
tfyoudon’t understand something
or need more help,..
The GEAnswer CentedM
800.626,2000 consumer information service
orwrite (include your phone number)
Consumer Affairs Hotpoint
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY40225
You’ll find them on a label atthe bottom, just inside the frwh food compartment door.
Th@s@numbers ar~also
on the
Consumer ProductOwnership
Registration card that came with
your refrigerator Before sending
in this card, pleasewrite these numbers here:
Model Number
.---.---.-.!--.-------- .-----------------' ------------
Serifil Number
Usethese numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your refrigerator.
If youreceiveda damaged
refrigerator,immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you
the refrigerator,
Saw time and money.
Beforeyoucd! forservice,check
the Problem Solver on pages10
through 12.It listsminor causesof
operating problems that you can
correct yourself, It could save
you an unnecessary service call.
~ Location of your refrigerator is
important. Avoid locating it next to your range, a heating vent or where sun wiii shine directly on it.
BDofiIt open doors more Often than necessary.
~ cio~e the doors as soon as possib!e, particularly in hot, humid
o i3e sure the doors are closed tightly. E3eforeleaving the house or retiring for the night, check to be sure doors haven’t been left ajar inadvertently.
~ StOre OniythOsefoods requiring refrigeration in your refrigerator.
QWipe a[[ moisture from
and ~art~nS ~~f~re putting
them in
the refrigerator.
@Keep ail foods covered to reduce moisture build-up inside the refrigerator.
@If you tut-n controls to cokiest position for quick.chilling or freez-
ing, be sure to turn them back to regular settings.
e ~~~’t ~v~rcro~qj yOLII- refrigerator.
overcrowding can
require Mra ,{%~~.,
electrical energy to k~~p every- &;;j
thing cool.
pp!iance, alwaysexercise basic
safety precautions, including the
Mowing: @USNthis app~ianceonlyfor its
inkmdedDurpciseasdescribed ih
this Use and Care Book,
inskdkxiinmwxxkmce withthe
Instructionsbefore it
isused.See grounding instructions
below and on page 2.
* Never unplugyfwr refrigerator by onthe powercord.
Always grip plug’firmly and pull straight out from the receptacle.
* Repairorrepkme
allelectricserviceconk that
have !ixxxxnefrayed or otherwise damaged.Do not use a cord that
shcnwscracks or abrasion damage
ng its iength or at either the
ug or connector end.
swfa~qs, when hands
are dampor wet, Skin mayadhere to these extremely cold surfaces}
o If your refrigeratorhasan
automatickxwnakw,do not13hce fingersor,handscmthe icx3makhlgrrmchanist?lwhilethe refrigeratorisphqgd in.This wiii
prevent contact with the rrmdng parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating ~iernent that reieasesthe cubes.
~ Don’t refreezefrcxafmfoods
whichhave thawed Ccmlph$?telyt’ The United f3tatesDepartment of Agriculture in Home and Garden
Buiietin No. 69 says: ‘~.,Ycwmay safeiy refreeze frozcm
foods that have thawed if they still
contain ice crystais or if they are stiii coid—beiow 40°F.
‘:..Thawed ground meats,poultry, or fish that have any off-odor
or off-coior shouid not be refrozen and shouid not ix?eaten. Thawed ice cream shouid be discarded. if the odor or coior of any food is poor or questionable, get rid of it.
The food may be dangerous to eat.
fax%, particularly fruits, vege­tabies,’and preparedfowls, The eating quaiity of red meatsis aff~cted lessthan that of many other foods. Use refrozen foods as soon aspossible to sav~as much ~f their eating quality asycmcart~’
@If’yourold refrigeratork still
mmmdtkwhouseKNtnotin use, be sureto nwmve thedoors.Thi~
wiJlreducethe pfxsibiiity of danger
A. Before making any repair%
Note: Westrongiy recommend
th~t any servicing be performed
by aquaiified individual. ELBefore cieaning,
C. i3efore replacing a burned-out’
iight bulb, the refrigerator should
be unpiugged in order to avoid contact with a live wire fiiament. (A burned-out iight buib may break when being repiaced.)
Note: Turning controi to CNW
position does not remove power to the iight circuit.
‘&: “:
7“hepower cord of this appliance is equipped with a three-prong
(grounding) piug which mates with
,%gp@andardthree-prong (grounding) ‘&$#$~/]receptacle(~ig.~)tominimize
thepossibility of ejectric shock
“Even partial thawing and refreez­ing reduce the eating quaiity of
Have the wall receptacle and circuit checked by aqualified electrician to make
receptacle k properly grounded.
p’, -1
‘>t [
sure the
Where astandard two-prong wail
receptacle isencountered, it isthe
personai responsibility and ohii­gation of the customer to have it repiaced with a properiy grounded three-prong waii receptacle,
used adapterplug
Becauseof potential safetyhazards
undercertain conditions, westrongly recommendagainstuseofanadapter plug. However,ifyoustill electto use
anadapter,whereiocalcodespermit, aTEMPORARYCONNECTIC)Nmay
bemadetoa properiy grounded two-prongwall receptacle by use of aULlisted adapter(Fig. 2)available
at most local hardware stores.
TheIargerslot inthe adaptermust be aligned-withthe larger slot inthe wall receptacle to provide proper polarity
in the connection of the powercord.
CAUTKN’$LAttaching adapter
ground terminal to wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and wall receptacle is grounded through
house wiring. Customer should havethe circuit checked by a qual­ified electrician to make sure the
receptacle is properly grounded.
When disconnectingthe pcmwx cordfromthe adapter,always hold
the adapter with one hand. If this
is not done, the adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break
with repeated use.
the adapter $
break, lx) No-r USE the
app!kmce until
has again been
a proper ground
useof ‘N3kxk
Becauseof potential safety hazards undercertainconditions, we strongly recommend againstthe useof an extension cord. However,if you still elect to usean extension cord, it is absolutely necessarythat it be aUL
listed 3-wire grounding type appli­ance extension cord andthat the current carrying ratingof the cord be
15amperes minimum.Such exten-
sion cords areobtainable through
your local service organization.
The should always
be iir’ltclitsCNvn
(115volt, 60 Hertz, or 100volt, 50 Hertz, single phaseAC).
This is recommended for best
performance and to prevent over­loading housewiring circuits,
which could cause
hazardfrom overheating wires.
Do not hmtailrefrigeratorwhere
temperaturewill go below 60°F.
because it will not run often enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Do installiton a fkmrstnx?genough
tosupportafullykwdedrefrigerator. Alsosee Energy-Saving Tips
regarding location.
Aknw5/8” ateachsick,1“overtop, and1”at rearforeaseofkwtallaticm, properair and ekctrieai AU(NN3/4”
at each side for door clearance.
VVheil anEYw!hlmmem .
consider providing water supply to refrigerator location. Hwill simplify connection of optional automatic icernaker shouicl you wish to install one at a later date.
a possible fire
Adjustablerollers,which enable you to move your refrigerator away from the wall for cleaning, are
located behind the basegrille,
These rollers should be set the refrigerator is firmly positioned on the floor andthe front is raised just enough that the doors close easily when opened about halfway.
Specially designed door hinges lift
both doors slightly when opened, The force of gravity then helps close the doors automatically.
Toadjustrollers,remove the base
grille by grasping it at the bottom
and pulling it straight out.
wise to raise refrigerator, counter-
clockwise to lower it. Useadjustable
wrench (3/81’hexheadbolt) orp!iers.
When adjusting front roilers for
proper door closure, it is recom-
mended that the bottom front edge
of the cabinet be approximately
5/8 inch from the floor.
so that
cmback of grille withclamps in cabinet and gently push forward
until grille snaps into place.
&:.L I-:::-:>
Youwon’t find an“energy saver” switch on this refrigerator.
Warmliquid from the refrigerator’s condenserisautomatically circulated aroundthe front edge of the freezer compartment to help keepmoisture from forming refrigerator during humid weather.
Many refrigerators usespecial electric heaters. This refrigerator needs none.That’s why there is no “ermrgy saver” switch ...there’s no need for it.
cm the outside of the
‘@w refrigerator hastwo controls
that let you regulate the temperat­ure in the fresh food andfreezer compartments.
INITIALLY,set the FV3ESHFXX3D mmtrol at 5 and the FREEZER
Iltroi at ‘C.
or coider or warmer temperatures,
adjustthe desired compartment con-
if yo%j maywantto turn the/ettered control onestep colder,as from “C” to “D.” Cooler temperatures in the house maycause the freezer con-
trols to operate lessfrequently, thus allowing the freezer compart­ment to warm somewhat.Toprotect your frozen food supply, leave your
lettered setting at this colder setting for the entire winter or for whatever period of time you areturning down your thermostat. This is especially important when the thermostat is
turned down for anextended period. This change should have no
effect on your fresh food section.
However, if freezing occurs, turn the numbered control one step warmer, asfrom “5” to “4.”
When you stopturning the thermo­stat down, turn temperature controls backto their regular settings.
It is not necessary to defrost the freezer or freshfood compartments. Your refrigerator is designed and equipped to defrost itself automatically.
Part ii]o, 467’72-! po~
+ 11 hidden pages