On balance for on-stream inspection, the relative time saving is much smaller; usually no
more than a factor 2 for an F6-film (at Ir192 and Co60) instead of 10 in the D7 lead screen
technique. See the bold figures (2.5 and 1.7) in table 2-6.
Figure 6-6 gives an overview of graphs from which the relative exposure times can be deduced when using different films and screens at 200 kV, (for film-density 2). The graph shows
that an F8-film with RCF screen (point C) is approximately 8 times faster than a D8-film
with lead (point B) and approximately 15 times faster than a D7-film with lead (point A).
Since on-stream examination as well as examination of concrete, and also flash radiography (see section 18.7) allow concessions to image quality, a special fluorometallic screen
(NDT1200) has been developed with extremely high light emission. In combination with
an F8-film it may result in a reduction in exposure time at a factor 100 at 200 kV, against a
D7-film with lead (point D as opposed to point A in figure 6-6), or even a factor 140 to 165,
depending on source selection, see table 2-6. The intensification factor of the NDT1200
screens increases significantly at lower temperatures.
Table 2-6 shows the effect of radiation hardness on relative exposure times for the various
film/screen combinations compared with D7 film with lead screen.
Noticeably, for the NDT1200 screen and F-8 film the factor increases with the increase in
energy, but for the F6 film the factor decreases at energy levels exceeding 300 keV.
It is clear from the above tables and graphs that there are many ways to reduce the exposure time or radiation dose needed. The required image quality is decisive (a higher exposure rate automatically means reduced image quality), and next the economic factors, for
example the cost of the screens against time saved need to be weighed.
To achieve satisfactory radiographs with fluorometallic screens, they should be used in
combination with the appropriate F-film type.
When used correctly and under favourable conditions, exposure time can be reduced by a
factor 5 to 10, compared with D7 film in combination with lead screens. This is not a constant factor because the energy level applied (radiation hardness) and ambient temperature also affects the extent of fluorescence. For example, at 200 kV a factor 10 can be achieved, but with Iridium192 (nominal value 450 kV) it will only be a factor 5 compared to D7
film. Table 1-6 shows the relative exposure factors for the RCF-technique.
A total processing cycle of a few minutes is possible with the use of an automatic film processor which makes it a very attractive system to deploy offshore (on lay barges) where
weld examination has to be done at a very fast rate and few concessions are made towards
image quality. Fig. 5-6 shows that a time saving at 10
or 10
works out at approxi-
mately a factor 8. The actual time saving is often closer to factor 10.
These RCF screens are also used for “on-stream” examination - also known as profile radiography- (see section 18.6), whereby long exposure times and mostly hard (gamma) radiation are applied because of the penetrating power required. However, the relatively long
exposure time (causing reciprocity) and hard radiation (Cobalt60) together considerably
reduce the light emission effect, as tables 1-6 and 2-6 show.
Film system Relative exposure time
200 kV Ir192 (450 kV)
F6 + RCF screens 0.1 0.2
D7 + lead screens 1.0 1.0
Table 1-6. Relative exposure factors for RCF technique
Table 2-6. Relative exposure times for NDT1200, RCF and lead screens.
Relative exposure times
Energy level Screen type Film F8 Factor Film F6 Factor Film D7
100 kV NDT1200 0.01 100 0.05 20
RCF 0.03 33 0.17 6
none 1
300 kV NDT1200+Pb 0.008 125 0.04 25
RCF 0.02 50 0.13 8
Lead 1
Ir192 NDT1200+Pb 0.007 140 0.06 17
450 keV RCF 0.035 30 0.4 2.5
Lead 1
Co60 NDT1200 0.006 165 0.1 10
1.25 MeV RCF 0.04 25 0.6 1.7
Lead 1
RCF screen
F8 +
NDT 1200
log. rel.bel. log. rel.bel.
Fig. 5-6. Relative exposure time RCF and lead
intensifying screen, for 300kV
Fig. 6-6. Speed comparison F8 film +NDT1200
and RCF versus D7 and D8 +lead, for 200kV