Safely Ins_ctiom" ........... 2, 3
Operating Instruc_'ons
C(mtrols_(;ontrol l_mb ...... 6, 7
Conu'ols--Touch Pads ....... 4, 5
Care and Cleaning
_MrFiher . ..................... 8
Balteries ...................... 8
(hille arid (;as(: ................ 8
()utdoor Coils ................. 8
Installation Ins_'udions .... 9-12
7!)vubleshooting Tips ......... 13
Normal ()p( rating Sotltlds ..... 13
Com'mm, r Support
Consumer Support ............. 16
'_\'_ -m 1"v . .................. 15
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find lhcse numbers on a lab('l on
the side of the air conditionen
49-7590 12-07JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injurg
_ Use dfis appliance only for its imcn& d
pmlx)se as described in this Owner's
_: This air condition€ r must be properly
installed in accordan_ e with the Installation
[nstructions bei_/rc it is used.
i< N(_( r unplug your air conditioner 1)ypulling
on*h( l)(we('°(" Mwtvs, ,g l [) )l,gfi'nv.
and pull straight out fl'om the re(eptacle.
>_Replace immediately all elecuic service
cords that have become fivw_d or othet_vise
damaged, A damaged power- supply co5-d
must be replaced with a new power supply
coM obtained from th( mamflhctnrt:r and
not 5-tpaired. Do not us¢ a co5-d that shows
crocks or abrasion damage along its length
o1-at tither fll_ plug or connector end.
{g}If tile r_ ceptacle does not match the plug,
_ Turn tll_ unit OFFand unplug yore-air
_} GE does not support any setMcing of the air
_!_)_For }'or IF sat('*}...do DOt StOl'(? Of rise
_¢_MIair conditk)ners contain refl-igcmnts,
the 5-ccq)tacle IlltlSt be changed out b} a
qualified electrician.
_cmditioner b_ fbrc cleaning.
conditiotmt: Wc strongly recomm(nd that
you do not attempt to servic_ die air-
(ondition( r yoursel£
combustible mat_ rials, gasoline or oilier
flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity
of this or anv other appliance.
which un&r fi.!deml law nmst b_ r_mov_d
prior to pt-oduc_ disposal. If you arc getting
rid of an oM product with 5-cffigetwnts, che_k
witll the company handling disposal about
what to do.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be
properly groundecL
DONOTuse an adapterplug with this appliance.
Th_ power cord of fllis appliance is _quipped
witll a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) _tll
omkt to minimize the possibility of electric
shock hazard fiom this appliance.
Power (ord iltchld(:s a ( tll5(![l[ iSHCFYtSpI( I
device. A test and reset button is provided
on the plug case. The device shouM be t_swd
on a periodic basis by fis_t pressing the TEST
l)tstmn and then tile: RESETbutton while
plugged into the outlet. If tll_ gESgbutmn
does not t_Jp or if the RESETbutton will
51ot stay en_lged, dis(ontinu _. use of th( air
conditioner and contact a qualitk d sePdce
tlave tile wall outlet and circuit checked by
a qualified electrician to make sure tile omlet
is properly grounded.
"_\]msc a 2-prong _ndl outleI is encotmt_ r(d,
it is your personal responsibility and obli_ltion
tw have it 5-cpla( ed with a propet-ly grounded
3-prong wall outlet.
The air condition€ r shouM ahvays be plugged
into its own individual elecu'ical omlet which
has a vohage rating that matches tile rating
This provides file best p_ rlbnnanc_ and also
pscvems oxerloading house wiring ( ircuits
which couM cause a fire hazard tiwm
overhealed wir_ s.
Se_ tll(! Installation Instructions, Electrical
Requirements sc_tion l;.)r spedtk ch,_u'kal
( onnc_ tion rcquircmcms.

Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
[Iow(_c*,if'yoll must use an extension cord,
it is al)solmcly nec(ssa_ dlat it be a UL-listed,
14 gauge, _wire gromlding type appliance
extensi,.)n cord having a grotmding type [)lug
and otttlet and fllat the electlical _ting of" ill(
cord be 15 aml)ercs (mi_fimmn) and 125 volts.
DO NOTuse an extension cord with any ofthe
230/208 voltmodels.

Aboutthecontrolsontheair conditioner--modelswithtouchpads.
Features and appearance will varg
Air ConditionerControls
O On/Off
Turns air (onditioner on and ofl_
O Display
Displays Ihe set lempemmre or tim(
remah]h]g oil [IH}ell
O Mode
[ s( to s(t th( air (on(lifioner to Cool or Earl
) Increase •/Decrease • Pads
G [[S,( tO S([ t(mlxrattll-e Wh(ll ill Coolmode.
Lse to set file t_lnspeed at Low, Med or High.
EnergySaver-Comrols file [_m.
0n--The tim and comprussor (ycle on and
off. This resuhs ill wider variations ot room
teml)emmre and humidit}. Normally used
when the room is unoccupied. Note: The fan
will continue to run for a short time after the
OfP--The £m IIlHS all tile time, while the
colnpr(,_,sor (?'(:leson and oil.
This switch llltlgt be set at Offin order to use
the thn settings, (on th( mode contrt4).
On--When tile air con(lition( r is off; it can b(
s(t to automatically mrn on ill l to 24 hours
at ils previous setting. Each louch will set tile
time in hours.
Off--When th_ air conditioner is on, il (an Ix
s(t 1o automati(ally un-n oflin 1 to 24 hours.
Each touch will s(t th( time in llom:_.
To cancel th_ time:; press Ill{!Timerl)ad
until l['le disl)la 3 tim( disal)F,eals.
RemoteControlSignal Receiver
Remote Control
I To ensure prol)er el?( ration,
aim lhe l-el:lOle COlllFOl _lt Ihe signal
r(:c( iver (111 the air collditiollel_
i The FelllOl( COnWOIsignal has a range
of'up 1o 21 feet.
_;_,Make sure nothing is b(tween th( air condifioller
and the remote (onn-ol that couM block file
N Make sure batmlies are flesh and installed
correctly---s( e the Care,and Cleaning se(tion.

Additional controls and important information.
DoNot OperateinFreezingOutdoorConditions
This _ool-onl 3 air conditioner was not (h,signcd tbr
tie(zing outdoor conditions. It mtlst not be tlc,ed ill
tie_ zing outdoor con(litkms.
When the air conditioner is turned on, it will
automatically start in the setting last used,
Power Outage Recovery Feature
In the _ase ota power outage or interruption, the will reset to the original s(uing.'i_)u mm need to s(t
unit will mltomatically restart in the setfing_ last a new time it desired.
used aiier tile power is restored. The Tlmertbature
Cool Mode
[se the Cool mode with High(3),Mud (2)or
Low (1)f_mfor cooling. [se llle Increase • /
Decrease• pads 1oset the desired temperature
between 64°F and 86°F in l °F increnlents.
A thermostat is used to mainlvlin the room
tempet'dmre. The compressor will (3cle on and off
to kee l) the room at the set level ot comfort. Set the
thermostat at a lower number and the indoor air
will become coolen Set the thermostat at a higher
number and the indoor air will be(olne wannen
NOTE:If theair conditioneris offandis then turned
onwhile set to Cool,it will takeapproximately3 mhTutes
fortbe compressortostart and coolingtobegin.
ForNormalCooling--Sek(t the Coolmo(h
and High(3)or Med (2)fim with a middle set
ForMaximumCooling--Select the Coolmode
mM High(3)tim with a lowcr sct temperature.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling_qdect the
Coolme&, and Low(1)fbn widl amiddle s_t
tulllp( l'dtlll'U.
NOTE:If you switch from a CoolsettingtoOffor to
a fansetting wait at least3 mh?utesbeforeswitching
back to aCoolsetting.
Fan Mode
I st, the Fanat High(3),Med(2)or Low(1)to provide Simc tim-only scttings do not l)ro_ ide (ooling,
_dr cilxulation mid filtering without cooling, a t_rap( l-dtnre setting will not be displa?ed.
Vent Control (onsome models)
The vent control is located on the inside ot the
air lore ers in the lower light colnen
When set al CLOSE, only the air inside dm room
will be circulat( d and conditioned. When set at
OPEN,somc insid_ air is _xhausled outside.
II 11
Toopen the vent,push the lever to flTe righ_
Toclose it, pushit to the left.
Air Direction--Up and Down (onsomemodels)
Fingmlip pressure on t[lc horizontal louxel-s _Mjusts
tile air direction up or down.
Air Directiou--Side-to-Side (onsomemodels)
The side-to-_i(h, all direclioll is a(!justed by the
louver levels.

Features and appearance may va_
O ON/OFFSwitch
Turns ai_ conditione_ (m and off,
NOTE:If theairconditionerisoffandisthenturnedonwhile
FanSwitch (onsomemodels)
Use to set the t_mspeed to LOor HI.
O Modo/Temp Control
Use to set the air conditione[ to tile FanOnlyor a
Cool mc_de.
Use FanOnlyat HI or LOFanto provide air
drculatkm and fi]tering_dthout cooling.
tJsea Coolsetting with HIo_ LOFanfb_cooling.
Turn the knob c]ockwise,tow,uxltile ]argz-rblue
area, fb_the indoor area to become coolen Turn
the knob cotmtelz:lock_dse,toward the smaller
blue area, f}.)rthe indoor air u) become uatmeE
The Mode/Temp conuol isused U)maintain the
room tempel',ml_e.When set in a Coolmode, the
compressor willcycleon mid off to keep the room
at the same levelof comfi)rt.
ForNormalCooling--&qecta Coolmode _dththe
Mode/Temp knob setat the midpoint.
ForMaximumCooling--Selecta Coolmode with
the M<ule/Temp knob set reward the lalget
blue area.
ForQuieter& NighttimeCooling--Selecta Cool m ode with
the Mode/Temp knob _t to_ard the smaller l)lue area.
NOTE:If youmoxe the Mode/Temp control knob fi'oma
Coolsettingto the FanOnlysetting, waitat least 3 mimltes
befi:)res_itching back toa Coolsetting.

Additional controls and important information.
Do Not Operate in Freezing OutdoorConditions
This (ool-(mly air _onditioncr was not de_igm'd tor
fl-(czing ol/tdoof conditions. It llallst not 1)c lls(d ill
fi-eezing outdoor conditions.
Vent Control (ol7some models)
The vent comrol is localt, d on tile inside oI tile
air louw, r_ in fl_e lower right (ornel;
When set at CLOSE,only the air inskl( the room
will Ix, cir( ulated and con(lition(d. When set at
OPEN,some inside air is exhausted otllside.
A# Direction--Side-to-Side
The side-lo-sid( air direclion is a(!jusled 1)7,'the
lotw( 1-level_.
Toopen the vent, push the lever to the right.
Toclose it, push it to the left
A# Direction--Up and Down (onsomemodels)
Fingellip [)I'(?SSIlI-( Oil the hol-iZOllta[ [O/lX_(_lS a(!jtlsls
Ihe air direclion up or d(gvll,

Careand cleaning ofthe air conditioner.
How to Insert the Batteries on the Remote Control (onsome models)
] Remove the batt(ty cover by _diding it
a((ol'dillg to lh( HFI'O_,V diY(([iol]+
] Insert new I)atleri(s making sure thai the (+)
and (-) oi I)auely are insmll(d correctly.
] Reatta(h th,_ co',(r I)y sliding it back
into posixion.
Grille and Case
Turn lhe air (onditioner off and r_move th(
phlg from 111(wall ,.)ull(t I)(fore cleaning.
Outdoor Coils
The coils on the outdoor side of the air conditioner
should be checked regulm'l?; It they arc clogged
with dilt or soot, they may b( professionally
5;!_I s( 2 _k (1.5 xolt) I)att(ti(s. Do no1 use
rechargeal)le ballel-ies.
iy, Renlove Ihe 1)all( l-i_sfronl the relnote conlrol if
th( sysl(m is not going to be uscd for a long time.
"[k:,cl(an, use wal,. r and a mild (1¢t( rgent.
l)o not us,- bleach or al)rasb{s.
Air Filter
"1"11(air fill(r behind th( iiont grille should b(
check(d and clean(d at least (x (l?, aO (la}s (n
more o[_(,n it ne(essm T.
Clean the filter with _al-m, soapy wam_;
Rins( and let the filter (ll)" befi._rc ruplacing it.
,ACAUTION: Noro erateair
conditioner witboet a filter becausedirt andlint will
cloutit aod reduceperformance
Grabthe tabs on
tbe filter and poll
it up and out
inletgrille at the
off tore,move
Z Pefl tbe top
of the filter
down and out
to remove

Air Conditioner
['_ Questions? Call 80O.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at: ge.com
Read these instructions completely
and carefully.
• IMPORTANT - Savethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
• IMPORTANT - Observeall
governing codes and ordinances.
• Note to Installer- Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
• Note to Consumer- Keep these
instructions for future reference.
• Skill level - Installation of this appliance
requires basic mechanical skills.
• Completion time- Approximately 1 hour
• We recommend that two people install
this product.
• Proper installation is the responsibility
of the installer.
• Product failure due to improper installation
is not covered under the Warranty.
• You MUST use all supplied parts and use
proper installation procedures as described
in these instructions when installing this air
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or
remove the third (ground) prong from the
power cord.
Do not change the plug on the power cord
of this air conditioner.
Aluminum house wiring may present special
problems--consult a qualified electrician.
Phillips head screwdriver
Ruler or tape measure
(_ Some models require a 115/120-volt AC,
The 3-prong grounding plug minimizes the
possibility of electric shock hazard. If the wall
outlet you plan to use is only a 2-prong outlet,
it is your responsibility to have it replaced with
a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
(_ Some models require 230/208-volt AC,
(_ on their own single branch circuit forbest performance and to prevent
60 Hz grounded outlet protected with a
15-amp time delay fuse or circuit breaker.
protected with a time delay fuse or circuit
breaker. These models should be installed
overloading house or apartment wiring
circuits, which could cause a possible
fire hazard from overheating wires.
Level Scissors or knife
Power cord includes a current interrupter
device. A test and reset button is provided on
the plug case. The device should be tested on a
periodic basis by first pressing the TEST button
and then the RESET button while plugged into
the outlet. If the TEST button does not trip or
if the RESET button will not stay engaged,
discontinue use of the air conditioner and
contact a qualified service technician.

(appearance may vary)
Top mounting rail
Installation Instructions
wmdow gasket __-
Type A (9 or 10)
1/2" screws
Type B (7)
3/4" screws
Security bracket (3)