GE ADEPT3100, daq8580, XMCGA6, IPN250, ADEPT5000 Brochure

Intelligent Platforms
Aerial Systems
Leadership in UAV technologies since the very beginning
The concept of the unmanned aerial system (UAS), which consists
of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as well as the ground control
information is gathered and even how adversaries are engaged.
unmanned aerial systems
GE Intelligent Platforms has been there every step of the way, with a wide range of embedded computing products specifically tailored to meet the size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints of UAV designs.
The use of UASs is expected to grow dramatically as unmanned platforms weigh heavily into the announced plans of the U.S. Department of Defense and defense departments in other nations as well as non-
military entities such as police and border patrol agencies. Military, security agency and emergency response leaders recognize that UASs provide a means of reducing risk to personnel, conducting missions under conditions that would preclude the use of manned flight platforms. UASs also lower capital and operating expenditures for battlefield deployments as well as security, emergency and police patrols.
GE products helped to launch early UAV platforms, and we continue to develop products that will help advance UAS future operations. Our video capture and image processing technologies and single board computers (SBCs) are used on UAS programs such as the U.S. Navy Fire Scout. Subsequent deployments have included our PPCM2 6U VME Dual PowerPC SBC in the Watchkeeper ground station, PPC4A 6U VME SBC in the Predator ground station, IMP2A 3U CompactPCI and SBC340 3U VPX
Core™ Duo SBCs in the Herti vehicle, and SBC310 3U VPX SBC on the South Korean MUAV vehicle and PPC9A 6U VME SBC in its ground station. Most recently, our target tracking technology was used in a successful DARPA-funded project to demonstrate the feasibility of autonomous UAV-to-UAV in-flight refueling.
The avionics bus structure is a key element in every UAV design. MIL-STD-1553 is a proven technology that has now come full-circle to include its use on the newest commercial aircraft development at Airbus. The 1553 standard provides EMI perfor­mance, determinism, distributed control and a 40-year history as the standard
in military and aerospace flight controls, weapons and communications systems.
UAS developers face unique challenges. Due to their high capability and solid economic benefit, UAVs are needed urgently in the field, thus accelerating their acquisition timeline. The developer’s
response must be rapid, and not only with the correct solution for today but also with a clear technology roadmap for phased platform upgrades and modernization. Of course, all of this must be accomplished at a winning cost level, with open systems architecture and within the guidelines of the acquisition reform directives.
Of major importance are the video capture and data streaming capabilities needed both to control the UAV and obtain mean­ingful data about potential objects of interest on the ground. Enormous volumes of data must be captured, processed and transmitted seamlessly and in real time using SWaP-optimized components. In addition, the operation of a battlefield asset from potentially halfway around the globe poses unique flight management, control systems and perhaps even weapons management systems challenges. For these critical requirements, GE offers appli­cation-ready solutions able to accept the developer’s unique software (or software solutions developed by GE) that can meet accelerated timelines and environmental requirements. In addition, we provide a clear, understandable upgrade path throughout the lifecycle of the platform, all at a winning price level.
With intelligence, surveillance and recon­naissance (ISR) a major mission of the UAS paradigm, state-of-the-art, real-time video tracking capability is certainly at the top of any platform developer’s list of critical mission requirements. GE’s advanced image processing products such as the ADEPT5000 have been designed to achieve robust multiple target tracking despite the pres­ence of background clutter and obscuration.
The seamless integration of these various technologies is essential. Our rigorous subsystem integration and testing programs are designed to free contrac­tors and system integrators from the time-consuming and capital-intensive certification of subsystems, thus helping to speed the time from design to deployment.
GE specializes in the design of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
rugged components and custom subsystems. The use of
ruggedized commercial components and subsystems affords
state-of-the-art technologies at the lowest cost and fastest time-
to-market. In addition, such products greatly mitigate program
risks for the prime contractor.
unmanned aerial systems
Our leadership in ruggedization techniques ensures that our products will withstand the harsh environments encountered by a UAV throughout the full lifecycle of the platform.
Autonomous Video Tracking for Geo-Location and Refueling
Video tracking capability is imperative on UAVs, which may find utility both for ISR and weapons deployment. GE is at the forefront of rugged video tracking systems designs that minimize SWaP parameters. Our ADEPT5000 Multi-Target Video Tracker incorporates advanced pre-processors that separate targets from background clutter, while multiple-target tracking software provides concurrent detection, cueing and tracking for up to five targets.
As high-definition sensors become commonplace on UAVs, their increased bandwidth demands places significant processing overhead on traditional video tracking systems. The dedicated video architecture of the ADEPT5000 ensures that it can process the higher pixel densi­ties, frame rates, and multiple targets with minimal latency. This makes the ADEPT5000 especially suited for closed-loop control applications. A wide range of high-band­width digital video interfaces are available, including high-definition video.
The ADEPT5000 has a simplified structured approach which significantly reduces configuration time and complexity with a consequential cost saving. A compre­hensive range of physical form factors are available with a common functional core, allowing a single integration process to be used for multiple-system designs. Careful consideration has been given to automating operation. The enhanced user interface, automated functions and advanced high-resolution, full-color symbology combine to significantly reduce operator workload.
In keeping with GE’s leadership in the development of COTS-based technolo­gies to reduce SWaP, our new ADEPT3000 Video Tracker and MIP3ES Electronic Video Stabilizer are SWaP-optimized image processing modules designed to be placed on small platforms such as hand-launched UAVs or small unmanned ground vehicles. The ADEPT3000 affords most of the func­tionality of larger video tracker, yet is only slightly larger than a microprocessor chip. The MIP3ES eliminates unwanted visible platform motion and vibration from sensor images using low-latency post-processing. GE has designed both solutions to be fully ruggedized to survive harsh military envi­ronments such as extreme temperatures, shock, vibration, and dust.
Automatic tracking was an important devel­opment benchmark for the ADEPT3000, because many of the platforms in which this device will be deployed are unmanned and potentially only minimally controlled by human operators. These smaller plat­forms will also have extremely tight power restraints, so the ADEPT3000 was held to very low power consumption specifications.
ADEPT3000 (actual size)
With a footprint of just 24mm by 34 mm, the ADEPT3000 is slightly smaller than a single frame of 35mm photographic film. Despite the SWaP-defined architecture of the ADEPT3000, GE engineers were able to retain a strong set of functionalities. The single target tracker allows targets to be tracked automatically or under operator control. The ADEPT3000 also affords composite video input and output, and an onboard RS232 TTL serial port. With full knowledge that the ADEPT3000 will be deployed on platforms that may be likely to be operated and main­tained under field conditions, the tracker was designed for ease of set-up and use with PC control software.
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