GE ADEPT105, ADEPT74, AIM12, IMP20, IPS511 Brochure

Intelligent Platforms
applied image processing
The key to an image processing solution is what you can’t see.
The peace of mind and security you gain from working with a proven supplier is invaluable.
Image processing solutions from GE Intelligent Platforms are deployed in a wide range of military and paramili­tary systems worldwide, including UAVs, air-to-ground, ground-to-air, ground-to­ground, naval tracking, remote control gun platforms and range instrumentation.
Our rolling program of research and development ensures that your image processing solutions remain at the forefront of the technology. Whether it is advanced algorithms to provide automated refueling of unmanned aerial vehicles, ultra minia­ture electronics to enable implementation in infantry weapon sights, or increased processing power to handle high resolution sensors, our research ensures the solution is available to meet the challenge.
We are world leaders in the design and manufacture of rugged, real-time image processing subsystems, and one of the leading independent suppliers of ‘commer­cial-off-the-shelf’ video tracking and image processing systems to the global defense, aerospace and security market.
The company is approved to ISO 9001: 2000 and AS/EN 9100 for design and manufacture. The company is committed to long-term support of its customers, many programs running for up to 20 years, and a full Product Lifecycle Management package is available.
Applied imAge processing
Our experience includes the full range of applications.
Whether you have a ground, sea, or air application (or a combination), we have the kind of experience you need.
Developing and deploying an advanced electro optical system can be a difficult pro­cess. So it’s comforting to know that you can turn to us with the assurance that we can provide cutting-edge image processing, plus the domain expertise to support the devel­opment of your system through deployment and throughout its life. Whether you require an individual board or a fully integrated sys­tem, we have untold hours of engineering experience designing, testing and validating rugged image processing solutions.
For over two decades, GE Intelligent Platforms has developed a wide range of real-time video image processing solu­tions to automatically extract the maxi­mum amount of useful information from raw video data and present it to users in an easily digestible form so that system integrators can achieve superior electro optical system performance.
Each of these solutions is designed to provide optimum performance in com­pact, low power, environmentally-proven hardware packages. Most of our image processing solutions use standard ‘off-the­shelf’ products that meet interface and performance requirements without the need for major modification.
Image processing can be grouped into two areas ‘Data Extraction’, gathering intelligence from the video image and ‘Visualization’, processing the video image for easier understanding by the operator.
Data Extraction – Target Detection and Tracking.
The detection and tracking of multiple small targets in high clutter environments.
Modern warfare on land, sea and in the air demands the capability to detect, classify and engage threats at extended ranges. Electro optical systems make a significant contribution to meeting this demand, and image processing provides a major performance-enhancing element.
Whether it is to increase system accuracy and reduce operator workload for manned systems, or facilitate autonomous opera­tion of unmanned vehicles, GE Intelligent Platforms can provide an effective image processing solution.
The GE Intelligent Platforms ADEPT fam­ily of image processing modules has been optimized to perform real-time target detection and tracking across the full range of military electro optical system applica­tions. Whether integrated in air-to-ground, ground-to-ground, ground-to-air or naval electro optical systems, the algorithms at the heart of the ADEPT family provide effec­tive detection and tracking against the full spectrum of targets.
Automatic video tracking involves almost all image processing functionalities: from image enhancement and target detection/ acquisition, to target tracking and system support functions.
Applied imAge processing
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