GE 60-883-95R User Manual

Part No: 60-883-95R
466-1938 Rev C May 2003
GE Interlogix


Installation Instructions

FCC Part 15 Information to the User
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by GE Interlogix can void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Part 15 Class B
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the affected equipment and the panel receiver to separate outlets, on different branch circuits.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
ACTA Part 68
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. Located on this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration num­ber and the ringer equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
FCC Part 68 Registration No. B4Z-USA-46042-AL-T
The REN is used to determine the maximum number of devices that may be connected to your telephone line. Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result in devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most areas, the sum of all device RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. For products approved after July 23, 2001, the REN for this product is part of the product identifier that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the REN without a decimal point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3). For earlier products, the REN is separately shown on the label.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and require­ments as adopted by ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compliant modular jack that is also compliant. See the Installation Instructions for details.
Alarm dialing equipment must be able to seize the telephone line and place a call in an emergency situation. It must be able to do this even if other equipment (telephone, answering system, computer modem, etc.) already has the telephone line in use. To do so, alarm dialing equipment must be connected to a properly installed RJ31X jack that is electrically in series and ahead of all other equipment attached to the same tele­phone line. Proper installation is depicted in the following diagram. If you have any questions concerning these instruc­tions, consult your local telephone company or a qualified installer about installing an RJ31X jack and alarm dialing equipment for you.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily disconnect your service. If possible, you will be notified in advance. When advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possi­ble. You will also be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. You will be given advance notice in order to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you experience trouble with this equipment, please contact the company that installed the equipment for service and/or repair information. The telephone com­pany may ask you to disconnect this equipment from the network until the problem has been corrected or you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.
This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs.
Patent Information
This product and the use of this product may be covered by one or more of the following patents: 4,864,636, 5,805,063, 5,872,512, 5,942,981, 5,686,896, 5,686,855, 4,855,713. Except as expressly provided herein, the purchase of this product shall not constitute a license or otherwise provide a right to practice a method covered by any of the identified patents. GE Interlogix hereby grants the purchaser of this product a limited non-exclusive license to practice the methods patented in the identified patents solely with products manufactured, sold or licensed by GE Interlogix. This license grant does not extend to the use of unli­censed third party products with this product.
N e t w o r k S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r ' s F a c i l i t i e s
T e l e p h o n e L i n e
N e t w o r k D e m a r c a t i o n P o i n t
C u s t o m e r P r e m i s e s E q u i p m e n t a n d W i r i n g
R J 3 1 X
J a c k
U n u s e d
R J - 1 1 J a c k
A n s w e r i n g S y s t e m
T e l e p h o n e
F a x M a c h i n e
A l a r m D i a l i n g E q u i p m e n t
T e l e p h o n e
C o m p u t e r
U n u s e d R J - 1 1 J a c k
T e l e p h o n e
©2003 GE Interlogix. All trademarks are properties of their owners.
All rights reserved.
GE Interlogix
2266 Second Street North North Saint Paul, MN 55109 Technical Support: (800)-777-2624


About this Manual 1
Special Installation Requirements .............................................................................................................. 1
System Components 2
Control Panel .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Multi-Purpose Panic ................................................................................................................................... 2
Optional Components 2
Setting up the System 3
Locating the Panel ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Plugging in the Phone Line......................................................................................................................... 3
Plugging in the Power................................................................................................................................. 4
Powering up the System ............................................................................................................................. 4
Adjusting the Speaker Volume ................................................................................................................... 4
ETL Listed Installations.......................................................................................................................... 1
Central Station Reporting ....................................................................................................................... 1
Line Seizure ............................................................................................................................................ 3
No Line Seizure ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Basic Operation 4
To activate a portable panic sensor:........................................................................................................ 4
To activate the panel Call button: ........................................................................................................... 4
After initiating a call the panel will... ..................................................................................................... 5
Programming 5
Access Codes .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Master Access Code................................................................................................................................ 5
Utility Access Code 1 (Dealer Code) ..................................................................................................... 5
Utility Access Code 2 (Installer Code) ................................................................................................... 5
Entering Program Mode.............................................................................................................................. 6
Setting the Clock......................................................................................................................................... 6
Changing an Access Code .......................................................................................................................... 6
Programming Options 7
Option 1: Panel Voice .................................................................................................................................8
Option 2: Account Number .........................................................................................................................9
Option 3: Primary Phone Number .............................................................................................................. 9
Option 4: Secondary Phone Number .......................................................................................................... 9
Option 5: Numeric Pager/Voice Event Notification Phone Number .......................................................... 9
Option 6: Call Waiting ................................................................................................................................ 9
Option 7: Downloader Phone Number ..................................................................................................... 10
Option 8: Phone Lock ...............................................................................................................................10
Option 9: Downloader Code ..................................................................................................................... 10
Option 10: Phone Mod 1 ...........................................................................................................................10
Option 11: Phone Mod 2 ...........................................................................................................................11
Option 12: Numeric Pager/Voice Event Notification Phone Mod 3 ........................................................ 11
Option 13: DTMF Dialing ........................................................................................................................ 12
Option 14: Auto Phone Test ..................................................................................................................... 12
Option 15: RF Timeout ............................................................................................................................. 12
Option 16: Manual Phone Test ................................................................................................................. 12
Option 17: AC Power Failure Report ....................................................................................................... 12
Option 18: CPU Low Battery Report .......................................................................................................13
Option 19: Fail to Communicate .............................................................................................................. 13
Option 20: Ring/Hang/Ring ......................................................................................................................13
Option 21: Call Button Enable ..................................................................................................................14
Option 22: Downloader Enable ................................................................................................................14
Option 23: 300 Baud ................................................................................................................................. 14
Option 24: Audio Verification .................................................................................................................. 14
Option 25: Trouble Beeps ......................................................................................................................... 14
Option 26: AVM Mode .............................................................................................................................14
Option 27: RF Jam Detect ........................................................................................................................15
Option 28: Access Code Length ...............................................................................................................15
Option 29: RF Phone Answer ................................................................................................................... 15
Option 30: Demo Mode ............................................................................................................................16
Option 31: Programming Report ..............................................................................................................16
Option 32: Supervisory Time ................................................................................................................... 16
Option 33: Modem Sensitivity ..................................................................................................................16
Option 34: VOX Mic Gain .......................................................................................................................16
Option 35: VOX Gain Range .................................................................................................................... 16
Option 36: Manual Mic Gain .................................................................................................................... 17
Option 37: VOX Receiver Gain ................................................................................................................ 17
Option 38: Alarm Cancel Timeout ...........................................................................................................17
Option 39: No Audio on Alarm Cancel ....................................................................................................17
Option 40: Report Medication Failures at Supervisory Time ................................................................... 17
Option 41: Activity Check ........................................................................................................................17
Option 42: Siren Time Out .......................................................................................................................18
Option 43: House Code .............................................................................................................................18
Exiting Programming Mode ..................................................................................................................... 18
Resetting Memory to Defaults.................................................................................................................. 18
Activity Check 18
Using CareGard with Activity Check Set ................................................................................................. 18
Home and Away........................................................................................................................................ 19
Medication Reminders 19
Setting up Medication Reminders............................................................................................................. 19
Acknowledging Medication Reminders ................................................................................................... 19
Home and Away........................................................................................................................................ 20
Adding/Replacing Sensors 20
Supervised vs. Not Supervised ................................................................................................................. 20
To Add or Replace a Sensor using the Menu Button on the back of the Panel ........................................ 20
To Add or Replace a Sensor using the Programming Buttons under the Panel Cover............................. 22
Deleting Sensors 23
System Monitoring 23
AC Power.................................................................................................................................................. 23
Backup Battery ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Replacing the Backup Battery .............................................................................................................. 24
Sensor Low Battery .................................................................................................................................. 24
Sensor Supervisory Failure ....................................................................................................................... 24
Automatic Phone Test............................................................................................................................... 25
Sensor Testing 25
Phone Communication Testing 25
Phone Test................................................................................................................................................. 25
Central Station Communication................................................................................................................ 25
Pager Communication............................................................................................................................... 26
Voice Event Notification........................................................................................................................... 26
Remote Phone Operation .......................................................................................................................... 26
Troubleshooting 28

About this Manual

This manual provides advanced information for planning, installing programming, operating, and testing a CareGard system. Complete operation instructions are available in the CareGard User Instructions (Part No. 466-1936).

Special Installation Requirements

This system is designed to be used as an emergency notification system. Some installations may require configurations dictated by city or state codes, or insurance.

ETL Listed Installations

The following are requirements for ETL listed installations:
Basic System
Control Panel
Backup Battery
Standard Class II 9 VAC 700 mA Power Transformer
Wrist Panic
Digital Alarm Communicator System (UL 1635)
These options are required only if the system is set up for central station reporting.
Option 3: Primary Phone Number programmed
Option 10: Phone Mod 1 set to 0 or 1
Option 14: Auto Phone Test set to 001
Option 15: RF Timeout set to 4 hours
Option 17: AC Power Failure Report set to 15 minutes
Option 18: CPU Low Battery Report set to on
Option 27: RF Jam Detect set to on
Home Health Care Signaling Equipment (UL 1637)
Basic System
Panic Sensor

Central Station Reporting

The panel has been tested with the following central station receivers using SIA and Contact ID reporting formats:
Radionics D6600 Central Station Receiver
Sur-Gard Central Station Receiver with models SG-DRL2A and SG-CPM2
About this Manual

System Components

The CareGard® system is composed of
the control panel and a multi-purpose
panic sensor.

Control Panel

The control panel (60-883-95R) is the
processing unit for all functions. It
receives signals from panic sensors and
reports emergencies through the phone
line. Medication reminders and activity
timers are scheduled using the control
panel and reminders are given through
the panel speaker.
When the panel cover is closed, the
panel buttons operate the emergency
notification system. The user operates
the panel by pressing panel buttons. See
the CareGard User Instructions for
complete operating instructions.
When the panel cover is open, the but-
tons are used to program the emergency
notification system. The panel can be
programmed on-site by the installer or
Vol ume
Call Button

Figure 1. Front of the CareGard Panel

Reset/Status Button

Multi-Purpose Panic

The Multi-Purpose Panic Sensor (60-906-95) is a wireless device designed to be used throughout
the installation site. The sensor is worn on the wrist, as a pendant, or on a belt. The panel can be
programmed to supervise the Wrist Panic.

Optional Components

The usefulness of the CareGard system can be increased by adding the following wireless
The optional Pendant Panic Sensor (60-578)* is a wireless device designed to be used through-
out the installation site. The sensor can be worn around the neck with a removable cord
(included) or on the user’s belt with an optional leather belt holster. The panel can be pro-
grammed to supervise the Pendant Panic.
A Repeater (60-615-10-319.5)* can be added to the CareGard System in order to boost the range
of the wireless sensors.
Smoke Alarms (60-848-02-95)* can be added to the CareGard System to provide warning in
case of fire.
The optional Carbon Monoxide Alarm (60-652-95)* is used to detect hazardous levels of carbon
Freeze Sensors (60-742-95R)* send a signal to the CareGard panel when the temperature drops
below a certain level. They can be used to detect a broken furnace or windows left open.
Water Sensors (60-744-95R)* can alert users to a flooding basement or an overflowing bathtub
or sink.
Door/Window Sensors (60-670-95R)* can be added to the system and set up to work with the
activity timer function of CareGard.
Motion Sensors (60-807-95R)* can be added to the CareGard system and set up to work with the
activity timer function of CareGard. Motion sensors detect movement within a certain area. They
can be set up to reduce false detections caused by pets.
An Interrogator
tem to expand the range of 2-way voice communication to other rooms or floors of the home.
200 Audio Verification Module (60-787)* can be added to the CareGard Sys-
* Not investigated for use by ETL.
System Components 2

Setting up the System

This section describes how to set up the CareGard system. Installing the system consists of the following procedures:

1. Locating the panel

2. Plugging in the phone line

3. Plugging in the power

4. Powering up the system

5. Adjusting the speaker volume

Locating the Panel

The following should be considered when determining a location for the CareGard panel:
The control panel must have access to an incoming phone line and a standard outlet (110
VA C ) .
The panel should be centrally located on a table or countertop where it is convenient to use
(such as on a nightstand near a bed).
The panel should not be in or near a bathroom.

Plugging in the Phone Line

There are two methods for connecting the panel to a phone line; line seizure and no line seizure.
All devices that use a phone line must be plugged into the PHONE Jack on the CareGard panel for it to function properly. This includes devices that were plugged into other phone jacks in the home. The use of Line Grabbers or the installation of an RJ31X jack are also acceptable methods of obtaining Line Sei­zure.

Line Seizure

This method requires that the panel be wired ahead (or in front) of all other phones, answering machines, computers or any other devices on the phone line. This allows the panel to take over (seize) the phone line, even if another device on the line is in use.
1. Plug the smaller end of the included phone cord into a phone jack in the home.
2. Plug the larger end into the LINE jack on the back of the panel.
3. Plug additional devices such as phones and answering machines to the PHONE jack on the
back of the panel.

No Line Seizure

Connecting the panel to a standard phone (voice) line using the no line seizure method should be avoided. Other devices in use at the same time the panel is using the line can prevent reports from going through.
This method is typically used where DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) service exists. DSL allows multiple devices on a single phone line to be used simultaneously. Simply connecting the panel LINE jack to an available phone jack on the premises using the phone cord is all that is required.
An in-line filter may be required to ensure panel reporting is successful.
Setting up the System
To Home
Phone Jack
To Phone or Answering
Power Switch
Figure 2. Connecting the CareGard System to the Phone Line
To AC Outlet

Plugging in the Power

The panel is pre-wired for power. Simply plug the transformer into an available standard outlet
(110 VAC).
Important !
Make sure the outlet is not controlled by a switch or part of a ground fault interrupt circuit (GFIC).

Powering up the System

Turn the Power switch on the back of the panel to On. The panel voice should announce “Hello,
system X is OK.”
After power up the system may announce “System Low Battery” and the Status light will flash. It may
take several hours for the battery to fully change after it is initially plugged in.

Adjusting the Speaker Volume

The Volume button on the front of the panel controls the volume of announcements from the
speaker and the volume during a 2-way talk session.
Adjust the built-in speaker volume using the Volume button on the front of the panel. Each time
the Volume button is pressed it increases the speaker volume one level and announces the volume
Adjust the volume the same way during a 2-way talk session.

Basic Operation The main function of the CareGard system is to respond to the wrist or pendant panic and the

panel Call button.

To activate a portable panic sensor:

Wrist Panic - Press the button until its red light blinks.
Pendant Panic - Press and hold the button for 2 seconds.

To activate the panel Call button:

Depending on how Option 21 (Call Button Enable) is set, the Call button operates with a single
press or two presses. If Option 21 is set to off, the panel Call button cannot be used to initiate an
emergency call.
Basic Operation 4
There may be a slight delay between the time the button is pressed and when the panel announces it is con­tacting the station.
This message will be repeated every 60 seconds until contact is made with the central station or there is a communication failure. The panel will try each pro­grammed phone number 8 times. If the panel fails to make contact it will go into communication failure.
¾ Single Press - Option 21 set to 1:

1. Press the Call button.

2. The system announces “Contacting emergency phone number, please remain calm, or press
Status to cancel.”
Two Presses or Press and Hold - Option 21 set to 2:
1. Press the Call button once. The panel announces “Press call again for Emergency call, or
press Status to cancel.”
If Option 1 is Off the announcement will not be made.

2. Press the Call button again to initiate an emergency call or press Status to cancel the call.

You may also initiate an emergency call by holding down the Call button for 5 seconds or until the system announces “Contacting emergency phone number, please remain calm.”

After initiating a call the panel will...

start blinking the Status light.
dial the central station.
announce “Contacting emergency phone number, please remain calm.”
report an alarm to the central station.
begin a 2-way audio session between the resident and the central station operator if the sys-
tem is set up for 2-way audio. This depends on Options 24 and 26.
Programming The CareGard system can be customized for different installation situations by setting certain
options. See the “Programming Options” section of this manual for a descriptions of all the options and their settings.
Programming involves these basic steps:

1. Enter Program Mode

2. Set the Clock

3. Change Access Codes

4. Program Options

Access Codes

There are 3 codes you can use to enter program mode.

Master Access Code

Depending on how Option 28: Access Code Length is set, the default Master Access Code is 123456, 12345, 1234 (factory default), or 123. The Master Access Code can be used to change the following: Options 1, 5, 22, 29 and the Master Access Code. The Master Access Code is also used for the Remote Phone Control options of the CareGard system. (See “Option 20: Ring/ Hang/Ring” and “Remote Phone Operation” in this manual.)

Utility Access Code 1 (Dealer Code)

Depending upon how Option 28: Access Code Length is set, the default utility access code is 654321, 54321, 4321 (factory default), or 321. This code can be used for all programming.

Utility Access Code 2 (Installer Code)

Depending upon how Option 28: Access Code Length is set, the default utility access code is 654321, 54321, 4321 (factory default), or 321. When the system is started for the first time Util­ity Access Code 2 will have the same privileges as Utility Access Code 1. When Utility Access Code 1 or 2 is changed Utility Access Code 2 can modify all but the following options: Options 3, 4, 7-11 and 28.


Do not remove panel power while in program mode. Pro­gramming changes are saved only when exiting pro­gram mode (closing the cover).

Entering Program Mode

1. Open the panel cover by lifting on the tab at the top of the panel.

2. Enter Utility Access Code 1 or 2 using the num­bered keys.
The panel is now in program mode. Follow the pro­gramming arrows on the panel overlay. The system prompts you through programming steps with beeps and voice messages.
Figure 3. Cover Tab Location

Setting the Clock

¾ To set the clock:

1. Press Clock Set from the Start Menu. (The system will announce the programmed time and say “To change, press Hours and Minutes, then press Done.”)

If 6 seconds passes without a key press the panel will announce the time and say “Time is x:xx A.M./
P.M., press hours and minutes, then press done or press cancel to quit.”

2. Press the Hours + and - buttons and listen to the voice prompts. Stop when panel voice announces the correct hour.

3. Press the Minutes + and - buttons and listen to the voice prompts. Stop when the panel announces the correct minutes.

4. Press Done. The panel announces the set time.

Changing an Access Code

¾ To change an Access Code:
1. Enter Program Mode.
2. Verify the Access Code Length (Option 28).
3. Press the Add button from the Start Menu.
4. Press the Access Code button until you hear the name of the Access Code you want to change.
5. Press the Done button to select the Access Code.
6. Using the numbered keys, enter the new access code. The panel will repeat the Access Code after the last digit is entered.
Pressing the Cancel button after entering an access code will not revert to the old access code.
Go through the steps again if you make a mistake.
I N S T R U C T I O N S Add Option
Panel Voice Enable
Option #1: Option #2:
Account No. Phone No.
Option #3:
Press and follow
voice prompts.
Add Access Code
use red numbers to enter access code.
Set Clock
To delete an option or access code
If you make a mistake or want to start
over press
See Note
Option #
See Note
Access Code
Clock Set
and follow voice prompts.
See Note
Figure 4. Programming Overlay
Clock Set
, then
Press for program information.
Access Code
Option #
Hold key or press repeatedly until you hear the desired item.
422-3013 Rev C
Programming 6
+ 23 hidden pages