You have made an excellent decision choosing Gateway. We are sure that you will be
pleased with the outstanding quality, reliability, and performance of your new computer.
Each and every Gateway computer uses the latest technology and passes through the most
stringent quality control tests to ensure that you are provided with the best product
Please read this manual carefully to familiarize yourself with our range of services and
support. We have highlighted some basic care and safety information to help you keep
your computer in good operating condition.
Gateway stands behind our value proposition to our custom ers — to provide best-of-cla ss
service and support in addition to high-quality, brand-name components at affordable
prices. If you ever have a problem, our knowledgeable, dedicated customer ser vice
department will provide you with fast, considerate service.
We sincerely hope that you will receive the utmost satisfaction and enjoyment from your
new Gateway computer for years to come.
Thanks again, from all of us at Gateway.
Gateway Web site
Gatewa y W eb site
Gateway's online support is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and provides the
most current drivers, product specifications, tutorial s, and personalized information a bout
your computer. Visit the Gateway Support Web site at
Using Support
The Support site is divided into seven major areas:
■Support Home
■Product Support
■Customer Service
■Upgrade Center
■Contact Us
Chapter 1: Getting Help
Support Home
Click Support Home, then click Computers. To view support documents for your computer,
type your serial number in the
Serial Number box, then click Submit.
Click the arrow button to open the
Computer Series
Gateway Profile computers.
to access product documentation, specifications, and guides for all
Select Your Computer Product box, then click Profile
Product Support
Click Product Support to view a list of all the products that Gateway supports.
Click Downloads to get the latest software updates for BIOS and driver upgrades. By entering
your serial number you get drivers specific to your computer. Click
to walk through a step-by-step wizard to locate your drivers.
Browse All Downloads
Customer Service
Click Customer Service to view information about your account and general information
about warranties and special offers.
Upgrade Cent er
Click Upgrade Center to view and purchase upgrades for your computer.
Click Resources to access utilities to help you manage your computer.
Contact Us
Click Contact Us to access links to customer care with a live technician, including chat
and e-mail. Click
support. For more information, see “Telephone support” on page 96.
Call Us to get a list of Gateway telephone numbers for both sales and
Help and Support
Help and Support
Your computer includes Help and Support, an easily accessible collection of help
information, troubleshooters, and automated support. Use Help and Support to answer
questions about Windows and to help you quickly discover and use the many features of
your Gateway computer.
To start Help and Support:
■ Click Start, then click Help and Support. Help and Support op ens.
You can find help information by clicking a link, performing a search, or browsing the
Chapter 1: Getting Help
Searching for a topic
To search for a topic in He lp an d Supp ort, ty pe a word or phra se ( keywor d) in th e Search
box located at the top of any Help and Support screen, then click the arrowbutton.
For each search, you receive the following search result types:
■ Suggested Topics - These topics are located in Help and Support and are relevant
to your search topic.
■ Full-text Search Matches - These topi cs are located in Help and Support and contain
the words you entered in the
■ Microsoft Knowledge Base - These topics are located on the Microsoft Web site and
contain the words you entered in the
Internet to search for and acces s these topics.
To view a list of your search results, click the results header for the type of results you
want to view.
Search box.
Search box. You must be connected to the
To view a topic, clic k the top ic name in the
Search Result s list.
Your computer may include BigFix. BigFix monitors your computer for problems and
conflicts. It automatically gathers information about the latest bugs, security alerts, and
updates from BigFix sites on the Internet. Whenever BigFix detects a problem, it alerts you
by flashing the blue taskbar icon. To fix the problem, click on that icon to open BigFix.
To start BigFix:
■ Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, then click BigFix.
To learn more about using BigFix:
■ From the BigFix program, click Help, then click Tutorial.
Using Your Computer guide
Using Your Computer guide
In addition to this guide, the Using Your Computer guide has been included on your hard
drive. This guide includes information on using Windows, using the Internet, sending a
fax, and changing power-saving settings as well as other topics.
To access the Using Your Computer guide:
■ Click Start, All Programs, then click Gateway Documentation.
Online help
Many programs provide information online so you can research a topic or learn ho w to
perform a task while you are using the program. You can access most online help
information by selecting a topic from a
Help menu or by clicking a Help button.
You can search for information by viewing the help contents, checking the index,
searching for a topic or keyword, or browsing through the online help.
Chapter 1: Getting Help
Gateway c ontact information
To help you locate Gateway contact information, you can find the Gateway Web site,
Online Support, and technical support contact information on the label located on your
computer case.
Chapte r 2
Checking Out Your
Gateway Computer
• Identifying features
• Locating your computer model and serial
• Locating the Microsoft Certificate of
• Locating the specifications for your
• Purchasing accessories
Chapter 2: Checking Ou t Your Gateway Computer
Volume control
Memory card
reader or
diskette drive
Power buttonCD or DVD
Display controlsUse these controls to en ter the OSD (on-s creen display) and
adjust the computer display settings. For more info rmation
about the compute r displa y and OSD , se e “Computer display”
on page 34.
SpeakersProvide stereo audio output when headphones or amplified
speakers are not plugged in.
Headphone jackPlug headphones into this jack.
Microphone jackPlug a microphone into this jack to record sound.
Volume con tr ol
Press these but tons to a djust speaker volume.
Diskette dri ve or
memory car d reader
CD or DVD driveUse this drive to listen to audio CDs, install games and
Power buttonPress this button to turn the power on or off. You can also
Diskette drive: Use this drive to store smaller files on
diskettes. For more information, see “Using the diskette drive”
on page 40.
Memory card reader: Use this to read from and write to
memory cards. For more inf ormation, see “Using the memory
card reader” on page 41.
programs , w atc h DVDs, and store large files onto recorda ble
CDs or DVDs. For more information, see “Using the CD or
DVD drive” on page 43 and “Creating CDs and DVDs” on
page 45.
This drive may be a CD, recordableCD, DVD, or
recordable DVD drive. To identify your drive type and for
more informa tion abou t your drive, se e “Identifying drive
types” on page 43.
configure the power button to operate in Standby/Resume
mode or Hibernate mode. For more information on changing
the power button setting, see “Changing Power-Saving
Settings” in
on your hard dr ive. To access thi s guide, cl ick Start, All Programs, then click Gateway Documentat ion.
Using Your Computer
which has been included
Chapter 2: Checking Ou t Your Gateway Computer
Monitor out port
Modem jack
USB ports
line out
mouse port
line in
Serial port
Connect button
in port
Power connector
Monitor (VGA) out
port (optional)
Ethernet jackPlug an Ethernet network cable or a device (such as a DSL
Audio line in jackPlug an external au dio input s ource (su ch as a st ereo) into this
PS/2 mouse portPlug a Personal System/2
Paralle l portPlug a parallel de vice (such as a printer) into thi s port. For more
Plug a projector or an additional monitor into this port.
or cable modem for a broadband I nternet con ne cti on) i nto thi s
jack. For more information, see “Connecting to a w ired
Ethernet network” on page 33.
jack so you can re cord sound on your compu ter.
(PS/2) mou se into t his por t.
information, see “Installing a printer, scanner, or other
peripheral device” on page 38.
KB/Mouse Connect
button (optional)
Modem jack
USB por tsPlug USB (Un iversal Ser ial Bus ) devices (such as a USB
Audio line out jackPlug an external audio output source (such as external
Microphone jackPlug a microphone into this jack to record sound.
PS/2 keyboard portPlug a Personal System/2
Serial portPlug a serial device into this port. For more information, see
Monitor (VGA) in
Power connectorPlug the power cord into this connector.
Establishes communication between your wireless keyboard,
wireless mouse, and your computer. For more information, see
Wireless keyboard setup guide
Plug a modem cable in to this ja ck. For more infor matio n, see
“Connecting the modem” on page 33.
Iomega™ Zip™ drive, printer, scanner, camera, keyboard, or
mouse) into these ports. For more information, see “Installing
a printer, scanner, or other peripheral device” on page 38.
speakers) into this jack.
“Installing a printer, scanner, or other peripheral device” on
page 38.
Plug an external video source into this port.
(PS/2) keyboard into this port.
Chapter 2: Checking Ou t Your Gateway Computer
Right side
PC Card slot
IEEE 1394 port
IEEE 1394 port
USB ports
PC Card slotInsert a Type I or Type II PC Card into this slot. For more
information, se e “Add ing an d rem o v in g PC Cards” on page 46.
IEEE 1394 portsPlug IEEE 1394 (also known as Firewire
(such as a digital video camera) into these 4-pin and 6-pin
IEEE 1394 ports. For mo re information, see “Ins talling a printer ,
scanner, or other peripheral device” on page 38.
USB portsPlug USB (Universal Serial Bus) devices (such as a USB
Iomega™ Zip™ drive, printer, scanner, camera, keyboard, or
mouse) into these ports. For more information, see “Installing
a printer, scanner, or other peripheral device” on page 38.
or i.Link®) devices
Microsoft Certificate of A uthenticity
Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity
The Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity label found on the back or side of your computer
includes the product key code for your operating system.
Finding y our specifications
For more information abo ut your computer, such as memory size, memory type, and hard
drive size, see visit Gateway’s eSupport page at
has links to additional Gateway documentation and detailed specifications. For more
information, see “Gateway Web site” on page 3.
. The eSupport page also
To order accessories, visit the Accessory Store at
Large programs, such as multimedia games or graphics programs, use a lot of memory. If
your programs are running more slowly than you think they should, try adding more
You can attach almost any type of printer to your computer. The most common types are
inkjet and laser printers, which print in color or black and white. See “Installing a printer,
scanner, or other peripheral device” on page 38 for more information about attaching a
Inkjet printers and cartridges are relatively inexpensive, but they are slower than laser
printers. Using an inkjet color prin ter, you can print pictures, banners, and greeting cards,
as well as documents.
Laser printers and cartridges are more expens ive, but they print much faster than inkjet
printers. Laser printers are better than inkjet printers when you are printing large
Chapter 2: Checking Ou t Your Gateway Computer
Storage Devices
If you need additional storage space or you want to back up your files, you can add storage
devices to you computer.
If your computer does not include a recordable CD or DVD drive, you can purchase an
external drive that plugs into a USB or IEEE 1394 port. You can free up hard drive space
by backing up files, then removing them from your hard drive. Writable CDs can hold as
much as 700 MB of data. Single layer writable DVDs can hold as much as 4700 MB of data.
Dual layer writable DVDs hold as much as 8500 MB of data. For more information about
using recordable drives, see “Creating CDs and DVDs” on page 45.
If you need to back up your entire system, you probably need a tape backup (TBU) drive.
TBU drives, like tape recorders, use magnetic tape cartridges to store data. Tape drive
cartridges can store 2 GB, 20 GB, 40 GB, 130 GB, or more of data.
If you want to increase your internal storage space, try replacing your existing hard drive
with a larger drive.
USB flash drive
Use a USB flash drive for storing files or transferring files to another computer.
Uninterruptible power supplies
A standby, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) protects your computer from data loss
during a total power failure. A UPS uses a battery to keep your computer running
temporarily during a power failure so you can save your work and shut down your
computer correctly. A UPS may also provide protection from power surges.
Chapte r 3
Getting Started
• Using your computer safely
• Protecting your computer from power
source problems
• T urning your computer on and off
• Adjusting the volume
• Using the keyboard and the mouse
• Using the computer display
• Installing peripheral devices
Chapter 3: Getting St arted
W orking safely
Before using your computer , read the following recommendations for setting up a safe and
comfortable work area and avoiding discomfor t and strain.
Hands and
arms ar e
parallel to
the floor
Top of screen is not
higher than eye level
Screen is
perpendicular to
your line of sight
Feet are flat on the floor
Reducing eye strain
Sunlight or bright indoor lighting should not reflect on the display or shine directly into
your eyes.
■ Position the computer desk and display so you can avoid glare on your screen and
light shining directly into your eyes. Reduce glare by installing shades or curtains
on windows, and by installing a glare screen filter on your display.
■ Use soft, indirect lighting in your work area. Do not use your computer in a dark
■ Avoid focusing your eyes on your computer screen for long periods of time. Look
away from your computer occasionally, and try to focus on distant objects.
Working safely
Setting up your computer desk and chair
When you are setting up your computer desk and chair, make sure that the desk is the
appropriate height and the chair helps you maintain good posture.
■ Select a flat surface for your c omputer desk.
■ Adjust the height of the computer desk so your hands and arms are positioned
parallel to the floor when you use the keyboard and mouse. If the desk is not
adjustable or is too tall, consider using a keyboard drawer.
■ Use an adjustable chair that is com fortable, distributes your wei ght evenly, and
keeps your body relaxed.
■ Position your chair so the keyboard is at or slightly below the level of your elbow.
This position lets your shoulders relax while you type.
■ Adjust the chair height, adjust the forward tilt of the seat, or use a footrest to
distribute your weight evenly on the chair and relieve pressure on the back of your
■ Adjust the back of the chair so it supports the lower curve of your spine. You can
use a pillow or cushion to provide extra back support.
Setting up your computer and computer accessories
■ Set up the computer so the top of the display is no higher than eye level, the
controls are within reach, and the screen is tilted to be perpendicular to your line
of sight.
■ Place your keyboard and mouse at a com fortable distance. You should be able to
reach them without stretching.
■ Set paper holders at the same height and distance as the display.
Sitting at your computer
■ Avoid bending, ar ching, or angling your wrists. Make sure that they are in a relaxed
position when you type.
■ Do not slouch forward or lean far back. Sit with your back straight so your knees,
hips, and elbows form right angles when you work.
■ Take breaks to stand and stretch your legs.
■ Avoid twisting your torso or neck.
Chapter 3: Getting St arted
A voiding discomfort and injury from repetitive strain
■ Vary yo ur activi ties to avo id excess ive repeti tion.
■ Take breaks to change your position, stretch your muscles, and relieve your eyes.
■ Find ways to break up the work day, and schedule a variety of tasks.
Protecting from pow er source pr oblems
During a power surge, the voltage level of electricity coming into your computer can
increase to far above normal levels and cause data loss or system damage. Protect yo ur
computer and peripheral devices by connecting them to a surge protector, which absorbs
voltage surges and prevents them from reaching your c omputer.
WarningHigh voltages can enter your computer through both the power cord
and the modem connection. Protect your computer by using a surge
protector . If you ha v e a telep hone mod em, us e a su rge prot ector th at
has a modem jac k. If y ou ha ve a c able modem, u se a surge pro tector
that has an antenn a/cable TV jack. During an electrical storm, un plug
both the surge protector and the modem.
An uninterruptible power su pply (UPS) supplies battery power to your computer during a
power failure. Although you cannot run your computer for an extended period of time
with a UPS, a UPS lets you run your computer long enough to save your work and shut
down your computer normally.
Starting your com puter
Starting your computer
To start your computer:
1 Connect the cables to your computer. See the setup poster for more information.
2 Press the power button.
Power button
3 If you are starting your computer for the first time, follow the on-screen instructions
to set up your computer.
ImportantYour computer has a built-in variable speed fan. In addition, your
computer uses a powerful processor which produces heat. Both the
system fan and processor can run at different speeds at times to
ensure proper syst em co oli ng. You may notice an in crease in the f an
noise when the fan is running at high speed and a decrease in the
fan noise when it switches to normal speed.
4 Turn on any peripheral devices, such as printers or scanners, an d see the
documentation that came with the device for setup instructions.
Chapter 3: Getting St arted
W aking up your c omputer
When you have not used your computer for several minutes or have not turned off your
computer, it may enter a power-saving mode called Standby. While in Standby, the power
indicator flashes.
If your computer is in Standby mode, move the mouse or press the power button to “wake”
it up.
Tips & TricksFor more information about changing the power button mode, see
“Changing Power-Saving Settings” in
has been included on your hard drive. To access this guide, click
Start, All Programs, then click Gateway Documentation.
Using Your Co mputer
T urning off your c omputer
WarningWhen you turn off your computer, certain components in the power
supply and system board remain energized. In order to remove all
electrical power from your computer, unplug the power cord and
modem cable from the w all outlets. We recommend disconnecting the
power cord and modem cable when your computer will not be used
for long periods.
For more information about changing the power button mode, see
“Changing Power-Saving Settings” in
has been included on your hard drive. To access this guide, click
Start, All Programs, then click Gateway Documentation.
Using Your Co mputer
To turn off your computer:
1 Click Start, then click Turn Off Computer. The Tu r n Of f C o mp u t e r dialog box open s.
2 Click Turn Off. Windows shuts down and turns off your computer.
ImportantIf for some reason you cannot use the Tur n Off Computer option in
Windows to turn off your computer, press and hold the power button
for about five seconds, then release it.
Restarting (reboo ting) your comput er
Restarting (rebooting) your co mputer
If your computer does not respond to keyboard or mouse input, you may have to close
programs that are not responding. If closing unresponsive programs does not restore your
computer to normal operation, you may have to restart (reboot) your computer.
To close unresponsive programs and restart your computer:
1 Press CTRL+ALT+DEL. The Task Manager window opens.
2 Click the Applications tab, then click the program that is not responding.
3 Click End Task.
4 Click X in the top-right corner of the Windows Task Manager dialog box.
5 If your computer does not respond, turn it off, wait ten seconds, then turn it on again.
ImportantIf your computer does not turn off, press and hold the power button
for about five seconds, then release it.
As a part of the regular startup process, a program to check the disk status runs
automatically. When the checks are finished, Windows starts.
Chapter 3: Getting St arted
Using the cord cover
After you have the power cord and peripheral device cables connected to your computer,
you can install the optional cord cover to make your computer look less cluttered.
To install the optional cord cover:
■ Align the tabs on the top of the cover with the slots above the back ports, then
swing the cord cover’s bottom tabs into the slots on the bottom of the computer
(view shown from below for clarity).
Tips & TricksIf you hav e d ifficu lty s liding the c over’s bo ttom ta bs in to the c ompu ter
To remove the cord cover:
■ Press the cord cover’s bottom tabs inward, then rotate the cord cover away from
the computer.
slots, press the bottom corners of the cord cover inward while
pressing the cord cover into place.
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