Table of Contents
Device Keys................................................................................ 1
Contacting Garmin® Product Support........................................ 1
Selecting the Transducer Type................................................... 1
Zooming on the STRIKER 4....................................................... 1
Panning on the STRIKER 4........................................................ 1
Adjusting the Backlight............................................................... 1
Adjusting the Color Mode........................................................... 1
Setting the Beeper...................................................................... 1
GPS Satellite Signal Acquisition................................................. 1
Home Screen.................................................................. 1
Customizing the Home Screen................................................... 1
Adding a New Layout to the Home Screen of the STRIKER 5
or 7......................................................................................... 2
Adding a New Layout to the Home Screen............................ 2
Adding the Numbers Screen.......................................................2
Numbers................................................................................ 2
Adding the Data Graphs Screen................................................. 2
Data Graphs...........................................................................2
Sonar............................................................................... 2
Full Screen Sonar....................................................................... 2
Garmin ClearVü Sonar View.......................................................2
SideVü Sonar View..................................................................... 3
Split-Screen Frequency.............................................................. 3
Flasher........................................................................................ 3
Split-Zoom View..........................................................................3
Pausing the Sonar...................................................................... 4
Creating a Waypoint on the Sonar Screen Using Your Present
Creating a Waypoint on the Sonar Screen Using a Different
Location...................................................................................... 4
Adjusting the Zoom..................................................................... 4
Sonar Frequencies..................................................................... 4
Sonar Gain..................................................................................4
Adjusting the Range of the Depth Scale..................................... 4
Sonar Setup................................................................................ 5
Waypoints....................................................................... 6
Marking Your Present Location as a Waypoint.......................... 6
Creating a Waypoint at a Different Location............................... 6
Editing a Saved Waypoint...........................................................6
Marking and Navigating to a Man Overboard Location.............. 6
Navigating to a Waypoint............................................................ 6
Measuring Distance on the Waypoint Map................................. 6
Deleting a Waypoint or an MOB................................................. 6
Deleting All Waypoints................................................................ 6
Sharing Waypoints and Routes Across Devices........................ 6
Waypoint Map Settings............................................................... 6
Routes............................................................................. 6
Creating and Navigating a Route Using the Waypoint Map....... 6
Editing a Saved Route................................................................ 7
Viewing a List of Routes............................................................. 7
Browsing for and Navigating a Saved Route.............................. 7
...................................................................................... 4
Locking the Screen to the Water Bottom............................... 4
Selecting Frequencies........................................................... 4
Creating a Frequency Preset................................................. 4
Setting the Gain Automatically............................................... 4
Setting the Gain Manually...................................................... 4
Showing and Adjusting the Depth Line.................................. 5
Setting the Scroll Speed........................................................ 5
Setting the Bottom Search Limit............................................ 5
Sonar Appearance Settings................................................... 5
Sonar Noise Rejection Settings............................................. 5
Overlay Number Settings....................................................... 6
Deleting a Saved Route
Deleting All Saved Routes.......................................................... 7
.............................................................. 7
Track................................................................................ 7
Setting the Color of the Track..................................................... 7
Clearing the Track...................................................................... 7
Managing the Track Log Memory During Recording.................. 7
Configuring the Recording Interval of the Track Log.................. 7
Deleting All Saved Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks................... 7
Device Configuration..................................................... 7
System Settings.......................................................................... 7
System Information................................................................ 7
My Vessel Settings..................................................................... 8
Setting the Keel Offset........................................................... 8
Setting the Water Temperature Offset................................... 8
Alarms Settings...........................................................................8
Navigation Alarms.................................................................. 8
System Alarms....................................................................... 8
Sonar Alarms......................................................................... 8
Unit Settings............................................................................... 8
Navigation Settings..................................................................... 9
Restoring the Factory Default Settings....................................... 9
Appendix......................................................................... 9
Registering Your Device............................................................. 9
Troubleshooting.......................................................................... 9
My device does not turn on.................................................... 9
My sonar does not work......................................................... 9
My device is not creating waypoints in the correct
Index.............................................................................. 10
Table of Contents i

See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the
product box for product warnings and other important
Device Keys
• Select to zoom in.
• Select to zoom out.
Panning on the STRIKER 4
You can move the Waypoint Map to view an area other than
your present location.
Select or to start panning.
Use the arrow keys to pan.
TIP: You can select to zoom.
Adjusting the Backlight
Select Settings > System > Display > Backlight.
Adjust the backlight.
TIP: From any screen, press repeatedly
to scroll through the brightness levels. This
can be helpful when the brightness is so
low you cannot see the screen.
Before turning on the device, you must firmly press the
connectors into the appropriate holes in the device. If the cables
are not pressed far enough into the device, the device appears
to lose power or stop working.
Returns to the previous screen.
Returns to the home screen when held.
Scrolls, highlights options, and moves the cursor.
Zooms in and out of a view. (Not available on all models.)
Closes a menu, when applicable.
Opens a menu of options for the page, when applicable.
Turns on and off the device when held.
Performs one or more of these actions when quickly pressed:
• Adjusts the backlight
• Adjusts the color mode
• Enables and disables sonar
Acknowledges messages and selects options.
Saves the present location as a waypoint.
Zooms out of a view. (Not available on all models.)
Zooms in to a view. (Not available on all models.)
Contacting Garmin® Product Support
• Go to www.support.garmin.com for in-country support
• In the USA, call 913-397-8200 or 1-800-800-1020.
• In the UK, call 0808 238 0000.
• In Europe, call +44 (0) 870 850 1241.
Selecting the Transducer Type
If you are connecting a transducer that was not included with the
chartplotter, you may need to set the transducer type to make
the sonar function properly. If the device automatically detected
your transducer, this option does not appear.
This chartplotter is compatible with the Garmin ClearVü
transducer as well as a range of accessory transducers
including Garmin GT transducers, which are available at
Select Settings > My Vessel > Transducer Type.
Select the type of transducer you are using.
Zooming on the STRIKER 4
You can zoom in and out of the Waypoint Map.
Adjusting the Color Mode
Select Settings > System > Display > Color Mode.
TIP: Select > Color Mode from any screen to access the
color settings.
Select an option.
Setting the Beeper
You can set when the device makes sounds.
Select Settings > System > Beeper.
Select an option:
• To have the device beep when you select an item and
when an alarm is triggered, select On (Selections and
• To have the device beep only when alarms are triggered,
select Alarms Only.
GPS Satellite Signal Acquisition
When you turn on the fishfinder, the GPS receiver must collect
satellite data and establish the current location. When the
fishfinder acquires satellite signals, appears at the top of the
Home screen. When the fishfinder loses satellite signals,
disappears and a flashing question mark appears over on the
For more information about GPS, go to www.garmin.com
Home Screen
The fishfinder home screen provides access to all of the
features in the fishfinder. The features are dependant on the
accessories you have connected to the fishfinder. You may not
have all of the options and features discussed in this manual.
When viewing another screen, you can return to the home
screen by holding . You can customize the layout of the
Customizing the Home Screen
You can add items to and rearrange items on the Home screen.
From the Home screen, select Customize Home.
Select an option:
• To rearrange an item, select Rearrange, select the item to
move, and select the new location.
Introduction 1