Garmin nüvifone G60 Important information about the product and your safety [es]

Important Safety and Product Information ..................................... 2
Información importante de seguridad y producto .......................... 9

Important Safety and Product Information

Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations could result in an accident or collision resulting in death or serious injury.
General Device Warnings:
• the device securely so it does not obstruct the driver’s view of the road or interfere with vehicle operating controls, such as the steering wheel, foot pedals, or transmission levers. Do not place in front of or above any airbag.
Do not become distracted by the device while
• driving, and always be fully aware of all driving conditions.
Always operate the vehicle in a safe manner.
• Minimize the amount of time spent viewing
• the device’s screen while driving and use voice prompts when possible.
Do not send text messages, place or receive
• phone calls, input destinations, change settings,
WARNING: This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This notice is provided in accordance with California’s Proposition 65. See for more information.
2 nüvifone G60 Important Safety and Product Information
or access any functions requiring prolonged use of the device’s controls while driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting such operations.
Check and follow local laws regarding device
• usage.
Navigation Warnings:
When navigating, carefully compare
• information displayed on the device to all available navigation sources, including information from street signs, visual sightings, and maps. For safety, always resolve any discrepancies or questions before continuing navigation and defer to posted road signs.
The device is designed to provide route
• suggestions. It is not designed to replace the need for driver attentiveness regarding road
closures or road conditions, trafc congestion,
weather conditions, or other factors that may affect safety while driving.
Battery Warnings
If these guidelines are not followed, the internal lithium-ion battery may experience a shortened life span or may present a risk of damage to the GPS
device, re, chemical burn, electrolyte leak, and/or
Do not leave the device exposed to a heat source
• or in a high temperature location, such as in the sun in an unattended vehicle. To prevent damage, remove the device from the vehicle or store it out of direct sunlight, such as in the glove box.
Do not use a sharp object to remove the battery.
• Keep the battery away from children.
• Do not disassemble, puncture, or damage the
• battery.
Do not modify or remanufacture the battery.
Do not expose the battery to liquids, re,
• explosion, or other hazard.
Do not short circuit the battery or allow metallic
• conductive objects to touch the battery terminals.
Do not drop the device or the battery. If the
• device or the battery is dropped and you suspect damage, take the device or battery to a service center.
When storing the device for an extended time,
• store within the following temperature range: from -4° to 95°F (from -20° to 35°C).
Do not operate the device outside of the following
• temperature range: from 5° to 131°F (from -15°
nüvifone G60 Important Safety and Product Information 3
to 55°C). Do not charge the device outside of the following
• temperature range: from 5° to 131°F (from -15° to 55°C). When outside the temperature range, the battery may not charge even when the device is connected to external power. In these cases, remove the device from the hot location so that the battery can cool down and be properly charged.
If using an AC charger or external battery
• charger, only use the accessory approved for your product.
Only connect the device to products that either
• bear the USB-IF logo or have completed the USB-IF compliance program.
Only replace the battery with the correct
• replacement battery, according to IEEE-Std-1725-
2006. Using an unqualied battery may present a risk of re, explosion, leakage, or other hazard.
To purchase a replacement battery, see your Garmin dealer or the Garmin Web site.
Contact your local waste disposal department to
• properly recycle/dispose of the device/battery.
Important Information
MAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of Garmin is to provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that is available to us at a reasonable cost. We use a combination of governmental and private data sources, which
we identify in product literature and copyright messages displayed to the consumer. Virtually all data sources contain some inaccurate or incomplete data. In some countries, complete and accurate map information is either not available or is prohibitively expensive.
The California Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 requires the recycling of certain electronics. For more information on the applicability to this product, see
using the suction cup mount on your windshield, check the state and local laws and ordinances where you drive. Some state laws prohibit drivers from using suction mounts on their windshields while operating motor vehicles. Other state laws allow
the suction mount to be located only in specic
locations on the windshield. Many other states have enacted restrictions against placing “non-transparent material” on the windshield or placing objects on the windshield in locations that obstruct the driver’s vision. IT IS THE USER’S RESPONSIBILITY
dashboard or friction mount options should be used to comply with state and local laws and ordinances. Always mount your Garmin device in a location
4 nüvifone G60 Important Safety and Product Information
that does not obstruct the driver’s view of the road. Garmin does not assume any responsibility for any
nes, penalties, or damages that may be incurred as
a result of disregarding this notice or as a result of any state or local law or ordinance relating to the use of your Garmin device.
Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices
Studies have shown that there may be a potential interaction between mobile phones and normal pacemaker operation. The pacemaker industry recommends that people with pacemakers follow these guidelines to minimize any risk of interference with pacemaker operation:
Always maintain a distance of 6 inches (15 cm)
• between the pacemaker and any mobile phone that is turned on.
Store the phone on the opposite side of the
• pacemaker. Do not carry the phone in a breast pocket.
Use the ear furthest from the pacemaker in order
• to minimize any potential for interference.
If you think that interference may be occurring,
• turn off the phone immediately.
For other medical devices, consult with your physician or the manufacturer to determine if your mobile phone may interfere with the device, and to determine any precautions that you can take to avoid interference.
Avoid Repetitive Motion
You may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body if you perform repetitive activities, such as typing on the device. Take frequent breaks. If you have discomfort while or after using the device, stop using it and see a physician.
Avoid Hearing Damage
You can permanently damage your ears and lose hearing if you listen to the receiver, earbuds, headphones, or headsets at high volume. Turn the volume down. The volume is typically too loud if you cannot hear people speaking around you. Limit the amount of time you listen at high volume. If you
experience ringing in your ears or mufed speech,
stop listening and have your hearing checked.
Radio Frequency Exposure /
Specic Absorption Rate
This device is a transmitter and receiver that uses its antenna to send and receive low levels of radio frequency (RF) energy for voice and data communications. The cellular antenna is located above the camera lens, along the top edge of the back of the device. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® antenna is located to the right of the camera lens on the back of the device.
Regular review of scientic research and studies
has led to the formation of international safety guidelines and regulations regarding limiting
nüvifone G60 Important Safety and Product Information 5
exposure to this RF energy. This product emits RF energy below the published limits when operating in its maximum output power mode and when used with Garmin authorized accessories. In normal operation, the device will operate at even lower output power modes, depending on many factors including proximity to network cellular towers and the absence of external interference.
The RF exposure guidelines use a unit of
measurement known as the specic absorption rate,
SAR. The SAR limit applicable to this device set by the FCC is 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg), 1.6 W/kg by Industry Canada, and 2.0 W/kg by the Council of the European Union.
This device has been tested and is in compliance with international SAR Exposure limits. The actual measured values are as follows:
Band Position SAR (W/kg)
GSM 850
GSM 1900
Head 0.949 Body 0.583 Head 0.74 Body 0.369 Head 0.981 Body 0.416 Head 1.26 Body 0.285 Head 0.089 Body 0.068
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