Garmin Skoda, Move&Fun Navigation User Manual

June 2012
User’s manual
English (United Kingdom)
Garmin Würzburg GmbH Beethovenstraße 1a+b
D-97080 Würzburg
The information contained herein may be changed at any time without prior notification. Neither this manual nor any parts thereof may be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of Garmin Würzburg GmbH, nor may they be transmitted in any form either electronically or mechanically, including photocopying and recording. All technical specifications, drawings etc. are subject to copyright law.
2012, Garmin Würzburg GmbH
All rights reserved.
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User’s manual Table of contents III
Table of contents
1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 8
1.1 About this manual ................................................................................ 8
1.1.1 Conventions.......................................................................... 8
1.1.2 Symbols ................................................................................ 8
1.2 Legal notice ......................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Liability ................................................................................. 8
1.2.2 Trade marks ......................................................................... 9
1.3 Questions about the product ................................................................ 9
2 Before you begin ............................................................................... 9
2.1 Scope of delivery ................................................................................. 9
2.2 Description of the navigation device ................................................... 10
2.3 Important safety information .............................................................. 10
2.3.1 Navigation safety information .............................................. 10
2.3.2 Safety information for the navigation device ........................ 11
2.4 Mounting/removing the navigation system ......................................... 11
2.4.1 Removing the navigation device ......................................... 12
2.4.2 Mounting the navigation device ........................................... 13
2.4.3 Memory card ....................................................................... 14
2.5 Navigating with GPS .......................................................................... 14
3 Switching the navigation device on and off ................................. 15
3.1 Device mounted in the vehicle ........................................................... 15
3.1.1 Switching on the device ...................................................... 15
3.1.2 Screensaver ....................................................................... 16
3.1.3 Switching the device to standby mode ................................ 17
3.1.4 Switching off the device ...................................................... 17
3.2 Device not mounted ........................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Switching on the device ...................................................... 17
3.2.2 Screensaver ....................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Switching the device to standby mode ................................ 17
3.2.4 Switching off the device ...................................................... 18
3.3 Starting the navigation device for the first time ................................... 18
3.4 Manual .............................................................................................. 19
3.5 Options .............................................................................................. 20
4 Password lock ................................................................................. 20
4.1 Activating password protection .......................................................... 20
4.2 Changing a password ........................................................................ 20
4.3 Cancelling password protection ......................................................... 21
4.4 Forgotten your password? ................................................................. 21
5 Operating the navigation system .................................................. 21
5.1 Information ........................................................................................ 21
5.2 Software keyboard ............................................................................. 25
5.2.1 Special keys ....................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Entering data ...................................................................... 26
5.3 Options .............................................................................................. 27
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5.4 Menus ............................................................................................... 27
6 Voice command .............................................................................. 28
6.1 Activating the voice commands function ............................................ 28
6.2 Use voice command .......................................................................... 28
6.3 Help ................................................................................................... 29
6.4 Deactivation of the voice commands function .................................... 29
6.5 Configuring the voice commands function .......................................... 29
7 Navigation........................................................................................ 30
7.1 Starting the navigation application ..................................................... 30
7.2 Specifying a destination ..................................................................... 31
7.2.1 Specifying the country in which the destination is
situated ............................................................................... 32
7.2.2 Entering a destination by voice commands ......................... 32
7.2.3 Entering a destination address ............................................ 33
7.2.4 Enter coordinates................................................................ 35
7.2.5 Points of interest ................................................................. 36
7.2.6 Direct access to POI ........................................................... 40
7.2.7 Information about the destination ........................................ 40
7.2.8 Favourites ........................................................................... 41
7.2.9 Last destinations ................................................................. 41
7.2.10 Imported addresses: Outlook / Internet ............................... 42
7.2.11 Imported addresses from the phone book ........................... 43
7.2.12 Navigating home ................................................................. 43
7.2.13 Selecting destinations on the map ...................................... 43
7.2.14 Route preview ..................................................................... 44
7.3 Managing destinations ....................................................................... 46
7.3.1 Saving destinations ............................................................. 46
7.3.2 Deleting a destination from the Favourites list ..................... 47
7.3.3 Defining the home address ................................................. 47
7.3.4 Changing the home address ............................................... 48
7.4 Tracks and multi-leg routes ................................................................ 48
7.4.1 Entering the starting point ................................................... 49
7.4.2 Entering route points ........................................................... 49
7.4.3 Editing route points ............................................................. 50
7.4.4 Managing routes ................................................................. 50
7.4.5 Loading routes or tracks ..................................................... 51
7.4.6 Calculating and displaying routes ........................................ 51
7.4.7 Simulating routes ................................................................ 52
7.4.8 Route preview ..................................................................... 52
8 Options ............................................................................................ 54
9 Working with the map ..................................................................... 57
9.1 Selecting the navigation map ............................................................. 57
9.2 Map in Standard mode ...................................................................... 57
9.3 Map in Preview mode ........................................................................ 58
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9.4 Map in Navigation mode .................................................................... 60
9.4.1 Navigation in Vehicle mode................................................. 60
9.4.2 Navigation in Pedestrian mode ........................................... 64
9.4.3 Navigation in Track mode ................................................... 66
9.4.4 Navigation in Offroad mode ................................................ 66
9.4.5 Map options in Navigation mode ......................................... 67
9.4.6 Quitting navigation .............................................................. 67
9.5 Map in Destination search mode ........................................................ 67
9.5.1 Operating in Destination search mode ................................ 68
10 Useful functions .............................................................................. 69
10.1 Route profiles .................................................................................... 69
10.1.1 Route profile settings .......................................................... 69
10.1.2 NAVIGON basic profiles ..................................................... 70
10.1.3 Creating a new route profile ................................................ 70
10.1.4 Selecting a route profile ...................................................... 71
10.1.5 Managing route profiles ...................................................... 71
10.2 MyPOIs: My POIs .............................................................................. 72
10.2.1 Creating your own destinations ........................................... 73
10.2.2 Symbols for your own POIs................................................. 74
10.2.3 POI-Import: Importing your own POIs onto the
navigation device ................................................................ 74
10.3 Tracks ............................................................................................... 74
10.4 Parking near the destination .............................................................. 75
10.5 Nearby ............................................................................................... 77
10.6 MyBest POI: POIs on your route ........................................................ 78
10.6.1 Displaying POIs along the route .......................................... 78
10.6.2 Navigating to one of the destinations .................................. 79
10.6.3 Selecting categories ........................................................... 80
10.7 NAVIGON Sightseeing ...................................................................... 80
10.8 Sightseeing tours ............................................................................... 82
10.9 Direct help ......................................................................................... 83
10.10 GPS status, saving the current location ............................................. 84
10.11 Block ................................................................................................. 84
10.12 Turn-by-Turn list ................................................................................ 85
10.13 TMC (Traffic information) ................................................................... 87
10.13.1 Preview TMC ...................................................................... 87
10.13.2 Displaying traffic information ............................................... 89
10.13.3 Showing a single message in detail .................................... 90
10.13.4 TMC settings ...................................................................... 90
10.14 Logbook ............................................................................................ 91
11 Car info ............................................................................................ 92
11.1 Low fuel warning ................................................................................ 92
11.2 Optical parking system (OPS), Reversing assistance ........................ 93
11.3 Door monitoring ................................................................................. 94
11.4 Trip computer .................................................................................... 95
11.4.1 Opening the trip computer .................................................. 95
11.4.2 Selecting the period ............................................................ 96
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11.5 Status ................................................................................................ 96
11.5.1 Opening the Status window ................................................ 96
11.5.2 Configuring the Status window ............................................ 96
12 Media ................................................................................................ 97
12.1 Controlling the car radio ..................................................................... 97
12.1.1 Selecting the frequency band .............................................. 98
12.1.2 Setting a certain frequency ................................................. 98
12.1.3 Selecting a radio station ...................................................... 99
12.1.4 Scan: Scanning the frequency band ................................... 99
12.1.5 Preset list ............................................................................ 99
12.2 Media Player ................................................................................... 100
12.2.1 Supported audio files ........................................................ 102
12.2.2 Selecting a media source .................................................. 102
12.2.3 Selecting files for playing back .......................................... 103
12.2.4 Selecting the play-back mode ........................................... 104
12.2.5 Controlling the play back ................................................... 104
12.3 Options for the radio and media player ............................................ 105
12.3.1 Traffic information (TP) ..................................................... 105
12.3.2 Sound ............................................................................... 105
12.3.3 Volume ............................................................................. 106
12.4 Pictures ........................................................................................... 107
12.4.1 Suitable files ..................................................................... 107
12.4.2 Opening the picture viewer ............................................... 107
12.4.3 Selecting an image file ...................................................... 107
12.4.4 Operating the picture viewer ............................................. 108
12.4.5 Selecting the play-back mode ........................................... 108
12.5 Options for the picture viewer .......................................................... 108
12.5.1 Slideshow (Slide show) ..................................................... 108
12.5.2 Background for the screensaver ....................................... 109
13 Handsfree module ......................................................................... 110
13.1 Bluetooth connection ....................................................................... 112
13.1.1 Searching for and pairing Bluetooth devices ..................... 112
13.1.2 Pairing from the mobile phone .......................................... 113
13.1.3 Connecting to a device ..................................................... 114
13.1.4 Activating a mobile phone ................................................. 115
13.1.5 Deleting a device .............................................................. 116
13.1.6 Importing a phone book .................................................... 116
13.1.7 Importing recent calls ........................................................ 117
13.2 Taking a call .................................................................................... 118
13.3 Receiving a text message ................................................................ 118
13.4 Making a call ................................................................................... 119
13.4.1 Making a call with the voice commands function ............... 119
13.4.2 Dialling a telephone number ............................................. 120
13.4.3 Dialling a Speed Call number ............................................ 120
13.4.4 Calling a contact from the phone book .............................. 120
13.4.5 Calling most recently dialled, received or missed
numbers ........................................................................... 121
13.4.6 Transferring a call from your mobile telephone ................. 121
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13.5 During a call .................................................................................... 122
13.5.1 Moving the navigation application to the foreground ......... 122
13.5.2 Entering numbers ............................................................. 122
13.5.3 Muting the microphone ..................................................... 122
13.5.4 Transferring a call to the mobile phone ............................. 122
13.5.5 Ending the call .................................................................. 123
13.6 Useful functions ............................................................................... 123
13.6.1 Navigating to a contact from the phone book .................... 123
13.6.2 Opening the mailbox ......................................................... 123
13.7 Configuring the hands-free function ................................................. 124
13.7.1 Preset ............................................................................... 124
13.7.2 Settings ............................................................................ 124
14 Configuring the Navigation System ............................................ 126
15 Appendix ....................................................................................... 127
15.1 Technical data of the navigation device ........................................... 127
15.2 Garmin Licensing Policy .................................................................. 128
15.3 Declaration of Conformity ................................................................ 132
16 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 132
17 Index .............................................................................................. 134
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- 8 - Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual
1.1.1 Conventions
For better legibility and clarification, the following styles are used in this manual:
Bold and italics: Names of products
MALL CAPITALS: Names of windows and dialogue boxes
Bold: Highlighting of important parts in the text
Underlined: Descriptions of buttons, input boxes and other
elements on the user interface
Underlined and italics: Names of control elements on the navigation
1.1.2 Symbols
The following symbols refer to specific passages of text:
Instructions and tips for operating the software
More detailed information and explanations
1.2 Legal notice
1.2.1 Liability
The software and manual are subject to change without notice. Garmin Würzburg GmbH is not liable for the accuracy of the information contained in this manual or for damages resulting from the use of this manual.
Suggestions for improvements and information regarding errors are always welcome so that we can supply you with even better products in the future.
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Before you begin - 9 -
1.2.2 Trade marks
All brand and trade marks mentioned in this document and registered by third parties are subject without reservation to copyright law and the proprietary rights of their respective owners. All trade marks, trade names and company names used in this document are or may be trade marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved except those explicitly granted.
If the registered trade marks used in this manual are not explicitly identified as such, this does not imply that the name is not subject to the rights of a third party.
Microsoft, Outlook, Excel and Windows are registered trade marks
of the Microsoft Corporation.
NAVIGON is a registered trade mark of Garmin Würzburg GmbH.
1.3 Questions about the product
You have a question concerning your product? Then visit our website
and click on "Customer services". There you will find an area with frequently asked questions (FAQ Center) along with details of how to contact us by phone or e-mail.
2 Before you begin
2.1 Scope of delivery
Please check that the contents are complete. If anything is missing, get in touch immediately with the dealer who sold you the product.
The purchased product includes the following:
Navigation device
Designer car cradle
USB cable
Illustrated installation instructions
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- 10 - Before you begin
2.2 Description of the navigation device
1 Touch-screen
2 On/Off
3 Microphone
4 Slot for microSD memory card
5 Mini USB socket for USB cable / mains adapter
6 Reset
2.3 Important safety information
In your own interest, please read the following safety information and warnings carefully before starting up your navigation system.
2.3.1 Navigation safety information
Use the navigation system at your own risk.
Caution! To prevent accidents, do not operate the navigation system
while driving.
Caution! Do not look at the screen unless it is absolutely safe to do so!
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Caution! Traffic regulations have priority over any instructions from the
navigation system.
Caution! Follow the instructions of the navigation system only when the
circumstances and the road traffic regulations allow you to do so! The navigation system will still guide you to your destination even if you deviate from the calculated route.
Caution! When you use the navigation device in a vehicle, mount it
only in the supplied cradle.
Caution! Check that the cradle is secured and adjusted properly before
each journey.
Note: If you have not understood the spoken instructions or are unsure
about what to do at the next junction, you can refer briefly to the map or schematic view of your navigation system.
2.3.2 Safety information for the navigation device
Protect the device from moisture. The device is neither
waterproof nor protected against splash water.
Caution! Do not open the case of the navigation device under any
Caution! Do not expose the navigation device to extreme heat or cold.
This may damage the device or impair its function. (Refer to "Technical data" on page 127)
Caution! Do not subject the navigation device to severe temperature
fluctuations. This can lead to condensation.
Note: Create a backup of the data which exist in the internal memory of
your navigation device.
This is very easy to do with the NAVIGON Fresh software which can be
downloaded free of charge from our website
2.4 Mounting/removing the navigation system
The vehicle is already prepared for the navigation system to be installed. In the middle of the dashboard is a slot for the cradle of the navigation device. Power is supplied to the device through this cradle. Radio traffic information is received via the antenna of the car radio. The navigation device can be used to control the car radio, and it receives vehicle data such as consumption, amount of fuel in the tank, speed, etc.
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- 12 - Before you begin
2.4.1 Removing the navigation de v ice
When you receive your new vehicle, the navigation device is already installed. To prevent theft we recommend that you do not leave the navigation system mounted in the vehicle when you park.
Removing the navigation device from the cradle
1. Press the button at the top of the cradle (see figure).
2. Pull the bottom edge of the navigation device away from the cradle
3. Lift the device up and out.
Removing the cradle
1. Press the button at the bottom of the cradle (see figure).
2. Holding the button pressed, take the cradle out of the opening.
Fitting the cover
1. Place the cover over the opening.
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Before you begin - 13 -
2. Press the cover fully into the opening.
2.4.2 Mounting the navigation device
Caution! Be sure to refer to all the safety information in chapter
"Important safety information" on page 10.
Removing the cover
In the middle of the dashboard is the opening for the cradle of the navigation device.
Remove the cover from over the opening in the dashboard.
Fitting the cradle
1. Place the cradle, correctly aligned, over the opening provided for it.
2. Press the cradle into the opening until you hear and feel that it
latches in place.
Fitting the navigation device in the cradle
On the back of the navigation device you will see a circle with two recesses.
1. Hang the navigation device by the upper recess on the upper lug of
the cradle.
2. Then press it towards the cradle so that it latches in place.
Supplying power to the navigation device
The navigation device is supplied with power via the cradle. At the same time the device's battery is charged so that it can also be used outside the vehicle, e.g. for pedestrian navigation.
The LED on the bottom of the navigation device is active only when the navigation device is being charged via a charger or is connected by a USB cable to a computer. In this case its colour has the following meaning:
Orange: The device is in the process of being charged. Green: The battery is fully charged.
The LED on the bottom of the navigation device lights up orange during charging.
As soon as the battery is fully charged, the LED lights up green.
Note: It takes approx. 3 hours to charge the device when the battery is
A fully charged battery enables up to 3 hours of use depending on the device configuration.
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Traffic information (TMC)
The navigation device has an integrated TMC receiver. As soon as it is mounted, the device can receive traffic message updates. If required, it can change your route dynamically, e.g. in order to avoid a traffic jam.
2.4.3 Memory card
A memory card is not required to operate the navigation system because all the data needed for navigation are stored in the internal memory of the device.
If you purchase additional navigation maps, they must be saved in the internal memory of the navigation device. Navigation data on the memory card are not used. The slot for memory cards is intended only for media which you can play back with the media player or the picture viewer.
When you connect the navigation system to your computer using a USB cable, the internal memory is detected as the 'NAVIGON' drive. The slot for the memory card is detected as the 'NAVIGON SD' drive.
Data backups, software updates and navigation map updates can be
carried out quickly and conveniently with the NAVIGON Fr e sh software,
which you can download free of charge from the website
Caution! Do not remove the memory card from the device while the
data saved on it are in the process of being used, e.g. for playing back music or viewing pictures. Data may be lost as the result.
Note: A change of memory card is detected only when the device has
been switched on. If the memory card is not detected, insert it again when the device is on and running.
2.5 Navigating with GPS
GPS is based on a total of at least 24 satellites orbiting the Earth and continuously transmitting signals of their position and time. The GPS receiver receives this data and calculates its own geographical position on the basis of the information transmitted by the various satellites.
Data from at least three satellites is required for positioning with an acceptable degree of accuracy. With data from four or more satellites it is possible in addition to determine the position's altitude above sea level. Positioning is accurate to within three metres.
Once the navigation device has determined your position, this position can be used as a starting point for calculating a route.
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The map data on your navigation device includes the geographical coordinates of all digitally recorded points of interest, streets and places. This enables the device to calculate a route between a starting point and a destination.
Calculation of the current position and its representation on the map take place approximately once every second. In other words, your current position is always shown on the map.
3 Switching the navigation device on and
The navigation device can be in one of four states:
On: The navigation device is on and can be operated. Screensaver: The navigation device is on. However, you see only
a screensaver. As long as the screensaver is visible, the device cannot be operated.
The screensaver is available only when the device is mounted in the vehicle.
If you switch on the screensaver while navigation is in progress, you will continue to hear the navigation announcements from the device.
If music is being played when the screensaver is switched on, the music will continue.
Standby: When you switch the navigation device to standby mode,
the next time it is switched on it will start very quickly. In standby mode the device still consumes a small amount of energy however. Depending on how full the battery is, it can become flat within a few days or a few weeks.
Off: When you switch off the device, it consumes no energy. It can
then take several months for the battery to become flat. Switching the device on again triggers a restart which can take some time (approx. 60 seconds). Your settings and your saved destinations and routes will be retained.
The procedure for switching the navigation device on and off depends on whether it is mounted in the vehicle or not.
3.1 Device mounted in the vehicle
When the navigation device is mounted in the vehicle, it does not need to be switched on or off.
3.1.1 Switching on the device
The navigation device switches on when you switch on the ignition.
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- 16 - Switching the navigation device on and off
Note: The device also switches on when it is fitted in the vehicle while
the ignition is already on.
If the navigation device was previously set to standby, the window which was last visible will appear.
If the device was previously switched off, it will take several seconds for
the software to be started again. The S
TART window then appears.
If you want to switch on the device with the engine off, press and hold
(On/Off) key until the device switches on.
3.1.2 Screensaver Switching on the screensaver
The screensaver is available only under the following conditions:
The device is mounted in the vehicle and is on.
The vehicle's ignition is on.
Press briefly on the (On/Off) key.
- or -
In the START window tap on (Switch off).
The screensaver will appear. On it you can see the date, the time and the outdoor temperature.
Using the NAVIGON Fresh software you can install a function which
allows you to select the picture you want to use as the screensaver.
NAVIGON Fresh can be downloaded free of charge from the website
The date, the time and the outdoor temperature are shown likewise on the picture which you selected yourself. For more details refer to the chapter "Background for the screensaver" on page 109.
Switching off the screensaver
Press briefly on the (On/Off) key.
- or -
Tap anywhere on the screen.
The screensaver is phased out. The window which was active when the screensaver was switched on is visible again.
Note: The screensaver is also switched off automatically when you pull
out the ignition key.
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3.1.3 Switching the device to standby mode
When you pull out the ignition key, a message will appear shortly afterwards telling you that the device is being switched to standby mode.
Tap on Standby or wait for the device to go out on its own.
3.1.4 Switching off the device
When the device is mounted in the vehicle, it does not need to be switched off. However, if you are not going to use the device for a longer period of time, you can switch it off all the same.
Press the (On/Off) key and keep it pressed until the device
switches off (approx. 5 seconds).
3.2 Device not mounted
Of course you can also switch the device on and off when it is not mounted in the vehicle.
3.2.1 Switching on the device
Press the (On/Off) key and keep it pressed until the device
switches on.
If the navigation device was previously set to standby, the window which was last visible will appear.
If the device was previously switched off, it will take several seconds for
the software to be started again. The S
TART window then appears.
Forgotten your password?
It can happen that you activate the password but are then unable to remember it.
If you forget your password, follow the procedure described in
"Forgotten your password?" on page 21.
3.2.2 Screensaver
When the navigation device is not being supplied with power from the vehicle, the screensaver is not available.
3.2.3 Switching the device to standby mode
Press briefly on the (On/Off) key.
- or -
In the START window tap on (Switch off).
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A message will appear telling you that the device will be switched to standby mode in several seconds.
Wait for the device to be switched to standby mode or tap on
3.2.4 Switching off the device
Press the (On/Off) key and keep it pressed until the device
switches off (approx. 5 seconds).
- or -
1. Press briefly on the
(On/Off) key (max. 1 second).
A message will appear telling you that the device will be switched to standby mode in several seconds.
2. Tap on Switch off.
3.3 Starting the navigation device for the first time
When you switch on the navigation system for the first time, you will be asked to make the following settings:
your preferred language for using the software
the unit of length for distances
the time format
the date format
the unit for temperature values
The S
TART window opens.
From the S
TART window you can access all the applications of the
navigation device:
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Switching the navigation device on and off - 19 -
Navigation, see page 30
Car info, see page 92
Media, see page 97
Phone, see page 110
You can open the
TART window from practically every other
window by tapping on the
(Main menu) button.
Note: If you have not used the navigation device for a long time, the
battery may be flat.
If you are using a plug-in mains adapter or have connected your device to a PC, the device may need charging for a few minutes before it can be switched on.
When you have fitted the navigation device correctly in the vehicle, it cannot be switched on immediately. You must first wait approx. two minutes before switching it on by hand.
Chargers and other accessories are available in the online shop at
or in specialist stores.
3.4 Manual
An excerpt of this manual describing the most important functions of the navigation device is saved on the navigation device.
To open the manual:
1. In the START window, tap on more > Manual. The TABLE OF CONTENTS window opens.
2. Tap on the name of the chapter you want to read.
The content of the chapter is shown.
With the
(Up) and (Down) buttons you can scroll up one
page and down one page respectively.
With the (To the left) and (To the right) buttons you can open the previous or the next chapter respectively.
Tap on the Table of contents button in order to open the Table of
contents window.
Tap on the (Close) button to close the manual and return to
the START window.
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- 20 - Password lock
3.5 Options
Some windows offer options that lead to more functions.
A description of all available options can be found in the chapter
"Options" on page 54.
4 Password lock
You can protect your navigation system from unauthorised use by creating a password. The password is always requested when the device is switched on and it is not mounted in your vehicle.
As soon as the device is mounted in a vehicle, it automatically receives the vehicle's individual ID number. The device knows therefore whether it is mounted in the "correct" vehicle. In this vehicle the password is requested only once.
4.1 Activating password protection
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password lock.
The NEW PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter a password in the New password box and tap on Next.
3. Enter this password again in the Confirm new password box.
4. Tap on Activate.
Note: The password must have exactly 4 digits.
4.2 Changing a password
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password lock.
The ENTER PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter the currently valid password in the Enter password box.
3. Tap on Change password.
The NEW PASSWORD window opens.
4. Enter a password in the New password box and tap on Next.
5. Enter this password again in the Confirm new password box.
6. Tap on Activate.
Note: The new password must have exactly 4 digits.
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Operating the navigation system - 21 -
4.3 Cancelling password protection
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Options >
Password lock.
The ENTER PASSWORD window opens.
2. Enter the currently valid password in the Enter password box.
3. Tap on Deactivate.
4.4 Forgotten your password?
If you enter the password wrongly three times, a window will open with instructions telling you what to do now.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
5 Operating the navigation system
5.1 Information
The time is indicated at the top edge of many windows. When the device is mounted in the vehicle and the ignition is on you will also see the outdoor temperature.
Various information symbols are likewise located at the top of many windows.
The GPS symbol can show the following GPS reception status:
No GPS (No symbol): The built-in GPS receiver is not operational.
Contact us if the problem persists. (Refer to "Questions about the product" on page 9)
No signal: Data is being received from less than three satellites.
Position cannot be calculated.
GPS ready: Data is being received from at least 3 satellites. Position
can be calculated.
For details of the GPS status refer to chapter "GPS status, saving the
current location" on page 84.
The (Record track) symbol indicates that a track is being recorded
at this moment.
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- 22 - Operating the navigation system
For more information about tracks refer to chapter "Tracks" on page 74.
The Compass symbol is available only in the map view. It shows you in
which direction you are currently moving. It can indicate the following points of the compass: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.
Showing and hiding the Compass symbol
You can activate and deactivate the Compass symbol so that it is
shown or hidden.
In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Navigation.
Scroll with the (To the left) and (To the right) buttons
until you see the Display compass setting.
The currently valid setting value is highlighted (green).
Tap on the (Toggle) button to alternate between the setting
Tap on OK.
The Energy symbol can indicate the following states of the integrated
The device is mounted in the vehicle and is being supplied with power
from the vehicle. The battery is fully charged.
The device is mounted in the vehicle and is being supplied with power
from the vehicle. The battery is in the process of being charged.
The device is in the vehicle and is being supplied with power from the
vehicle. The battery cannot be charged because its temperature is too high or too low.
The device is being supplied by its internal battery. The battery charge
is sufficient.
The device is being supplied by its internal battery. The battery charge
is low.
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Traffic information (TMC)
The navigation system has an integrated TMC receiver which supplies up-to-date traffic information. Using this information the navigation system can change your route dynamically, for example in order to avoid a traffic jam.
Note: This function is only available if TMC traffic messages are being
transmitted in the country in which you are travelling. This is not the case in all countries.
The TMC symbol can display the following TMC reception status:
Tuning (in red): The TMC receiver is operational but cannot find a
transmitter that is sending TCM signals. There are no active traffic messages.
Tuning: The TMC receiver is operational but cannot find a station that
is transmitting TMC signals. Traffic messages are active however. This can be the case, for example, when travelling through a tunnel.
TMC on standby (in grey): Traffic messages can be received.
Note: The TMC receiver uses the antenna of the car radio. The Tuning
symbol may still appear therefore when the navigation device is not mounted in the vehicle.
For details of the TMC function refer to chapter "TMC (Traffic information)" on page 87.
Traffic information (TP)
The car radio can phase out the playing back of music or navigation instructions and have traffic messages announced instead when traffic information is available.
The TP symbol can indicate the following states:
No TP (No symbol): Traffic messages are not phased in.
TP on standby (white): Traffic messages are phased in. When the
traffic message announcement has finished, the original audio source will be used again.
Tuning (red): The radio looks for a station which transmits traffic
Bluetooth / Phone
The navigation device has an integrated Bluetooth hands-free module. This enables you to use the device as a hands-free kit for up to two mobile phones with Bluetooth capability.
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- 24 - Operating the navigation system
The Phone symbol can display the following states of the hands-free module:
No Bluetooth (No symbol): The Bluetooth function is deactivated.
Not connected (red mobile phone): The navigation device has no
Bluetooth connection to another device.
Connected (white mobile phone): The navigation device is connected
to a mobile phone and can be used as a hands-free car kit. The number indicates which of the two phones is currently active.
Call in progress (green mobile phone): The hands-free module of the
navigation device is being used for a phone call. The number indicates which of the two phones is being used to make the call.
Headset: A headset is connected. All the instructions given by the
navigation system are heard over the headset. The telephone functions of the hands-free module are not available.
The Muting symbol can indicate the following states:
No symbol: The navigation application is not muted.
Muting: The navigation application is muted. If the device is navigating
at the moment, you will not hear any driving instructions.
Note: This icon indicates only the muted state of the navigation
instructions. It says nothing about the volume of the hands-free module.
The procedure for regulating the volume is described in the chapter
"Navigation in Vehicle mode", section "Volume", on page 63.
The Logbook symbol can indicate the following states:
No symbol: The logbook is deactivated. There is no recording of trips.
Logbook: The logbook is activated. Before each navigation you will be
prompted to enter the necessary details for the logbook entry (reason for the trip, km total, …). It is possible however to suppress the recording of the trip.
For a description of the logbook refer to the chapter "Logbook" on page 91.
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When the navigation device is mounted in the vehicle and is being supplied with power from the vehicle, it can control the installed car
radio. The Media symbol then indicates which audio source is active at
the moment.
No symbol: The radio is off or the navigation device is not being
supplied with power from the vehicle.
FM: The current audio source is the radio. It is set to FM reception.
AM: The current audio source is the radio. It is set to AM reception.
AUX-IN audio: The current audio source is an external device which is
connected to the AUX port of the car radio.
BT-Audio: The current audio source is an external device (mobile
phone or smartphone) which is connected to the navigation device via Bluetooth.
CD: The current audio source is the CD which is inserted in the car
SD card: The current audio source is the MicroSD card which is
inserted in the navigation device.
5.2 Software keyboard
A software keyboard appears on the screen when text entries are necessary.
All entries can be made on the software keyboard using your fingertips. Only capital letters can be entered.
When entering town or street names you need not enter any special characters or umlauts. The navigation system fills in these characters for you automatically. For example, if you are looking for the town of "Bärnau", then simply type in the word "BARNAU". Special characters may be helpful however when naming saved destinations and routes.
5.2.1 Special keys
inserts a space.
deletes the character in front of the cursor.
opens the keyboard with numerals.
Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabet
opens the keyboard with the Latin alphabet.
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- 26 - Operating the navigation system
Note: The layout for the keyboard with the Latin alphabet can be
In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > General >
Keypad layout (Latin).
Select the layout you want to use (QWERTZ, QWERTY, ABCDEF,
opens the keyboard with the Cyrillic alphabet.
opens the keyboard with the Greek alphabet.
When you want to enter addresses, names or POIs, the keyboard with the alphabet for the country in question will open automatically.
When you want to save a destination to Favourites or when you enter a POI category or a country, the keyboard with the alphabet of the user interface will open automatically.
You can also switch from the Cyrillic or Greek keyboard to the Latin keyboard. Many addresses can then also be entered as transliterations or in the language of the user interface.
Example: The language of the user interface is English. You want to navigate to Moscow. You have the following options:
"Москва" (Cyrillic)
"Moskva" (transliterated)
"Moscow" (English).
Note: Street names and place names can be entered only in the
language of the user interface if that is how they exist in the map's database.
Note: The maximum number of keyboards available is always 2.
Umlauts, accents and other letters
Another keyboard with special characters is available for each alphabet.
opens the keyboard with Latin special characters.
opens the keyboard with Cyrillic special characters.
opens the keyboard with Greek special characters.
As soon as you have entered a special character the letter keyboard reappears.
5.2.2 Entering data
Often you can select an entry from a list. This is the case, for example, when you enter a location.
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As soon as you enter the first letter, the largest city in the given country that begins with this letter appears.
Enter more letters and after each entry the first city which begins with these letters will appear.
When the correct location appears, tap on (OK) in order to
complete the entry.
You can open at any time a list containing all the locations which begin with the letters or include the text already entered. The more letters you enter, the shorter the list becomes.
Tap on (Open list) in order to call up this list.
You can use the (Up) button and the (Down) button to move through the list.
Tap on an entry in the list to select it and transfer it to the input box.
The list closes once an entry has been selected. You are now finished with entering the city.
Tap on (Close list) in order to close the list without selecting an
Note: The list opens automatically as soon as it contains only 4 or less
5.3 Options
Some windows offer options that lead to more functions.
A description of all available options can be found in the chapter
"Options" on page 54.
5.4 Menus
Some buttons have menus which open when activated.
Tap on a menu point to execute its function.
If you would like to quit the options list without selecting a function, tap on the button you used to open the menu.
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- 28 - Voice command
6 Voice command
Note: The Voice command function is not available in every language.
For languages in which this function is available, the Voice command
button is shown in the NAVIGATION window. For languages which are
not supported, the Voice command button is replaced by the Show map button.
Many functions of your navigation device can be called up conveniently by voice command.
6.1 Activating the voice commands function
The voice commands function is automatically active in many windows. This applies in particular to windows in which you are expected to provide an answer, for example when there is a new traffic message concerning your route.
6.2 Use voice command
When the functions in a window can be called up by voice command, this is indicated in the top left corner of the window by the symbol
(Voice command active).
A single signal tone and the symbol
(Speak) indicate that the
navigation system is waiting for your voice command.
Say a command.
The positive acknowledgement tone sounds (two high-pitch tones) and the function is executed.
If the navigation system has not understood your instruction or if you do not say anything within a certain time, the negative acknowledgement tone (two short low-pitch tones) will sound.
Say the command again.
If the navigation system has not understood you after several repetitions, the prompt "Say Help" will appear.
Note: Navigation instructions, warnings and the media player are muted
for as long as the navigation device expects to receive voice commands from you.
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6.3 Help
Say only "Help" if you want to know which voice commands are currently possible. In nearly all windows in which voice commands are supported the navigation system will then tell you which commands you can say in the current window.
6.4 Deactivation of the voice commands function
The voice commands function will be deactivated under the following conditions:
If you operate the navigation device with your finger while a voice
command is expected from you.
If a call is received and during an active phone call if the navigation
device is being used as a hands-free module.
6.5 Configuring the voice commands function
You can configure for which tasks you want to use voice commands.
In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > General >
Use voice command.
Select the tasks for which you want to use Voice Command:
Complete: You can use all the voice command functions.
Answering: You can enter addresses and answer questions
asked by the navigation device.
Entering addresses: You can enter only addresses with the
voice command function.
For details of how to enter a destination using voice commands refer to
the chapter "Entering a destination by voice commands" on page 32.
For details of how to make a call using voice commands refer to the chapter "Making a call with the voice commands function" on page 119.
The volume of the voice controls assistant can be controlled independently of the volume of the navigation instructions. This means you can still hear the speak prompts when you have muted the navigation instructions.
1. In the NAVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > General >
Volume of the assistant.
2. Select the volume for the assistant.
Note: For details of how to configure the navigation system refer to the
chapter "Configuring the Navigation System" on page 126.
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- 30 - Navigation
7 Navigation
Use the navigation system at your own risk.
Caution! Be sure to refer to all the safety information in chapter
"Important safety information" on page 10.
Impaired GPS reception
If GPS reception is impaired (e.g. because you are in a tunnel), navigation will be continued. The navigation system will then calculate your likely position from the route data and your previous driving profile. As soon as GPS signals are received again, navigation will be continued with real GPS data.
Arriving at your destination
When you have reached your selected destination, a message to this effect will be displayed.
Only your current position (red arrow) and the destination flag will now be shown on the map.
7.1 Starting the navigation application
You have switched on the navigation device. The START window is
Tap on Navigation.
The NAVIGATION window is opened. From here you can access all the
functions of the navigation application.
Returning to the Start window
You can go to the START window at any time by tapping on on the
(Start) button. This does not result in the current application
being closed.
Initialising the GPS receiver
Note: Good reception of GPS data requires an unobstructed path from
the GPS receiver to the satellites. Tunnels, narrow thoroughfares between buildings and reflecting house fronts can restrict GPS reception greatly or make it impossible. If the GPS receiver or the navigation device is inside a vehicle, a metallised windscreen or a windscreen heater can be the cause of poor GPS reception.
As soon as the navigation device has been switched on, initialisation of the GPS receiver will begin.
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