AN T Operat ion (w he n l oad ed wi th S2 10 Sof tDevi ce)
79 s ele ctable RF chan nels (24 0 2 to 2480 MH z)
Simp le to com plex net wor k t opolo gie s: p eer-to-p eer ,
star, tr ee, s tar-to-star and m ore
Br oadcast, ac kno wledged, an d bur st data
communi cat ion mode s
Supports up to 8 logical ch annel s each with
conf igu rab le channel per iod s ( 5.2ms – 2 s)
Buil t-i n d evi ce search and pairin g
Buil t-i n i nte rfe ren ce handl ing an d ra dio coexist enc e
managem ent with app lication ra dio di sable reque sts
and applic ati on flash wr ite /er ase re quests
Enha nce d A NT fea tur es
- Ad vance d b urs t d ata tr ansfer m odes (up to 60 kbp s)
- Op tiona l s ing le ch ann el encrypti on mod e ( AES -128)
- Supports up to 8 pu blic, pr iva te and /or man ag ed
netw orks
- Ad vance d p owe r m anage men t fea tur es to opt imize
applica tion power c onsum pti on inclu din g E vent
Filt eri ng and Se lecti ve dat a updates
- Asynchr ono us tra nsmit ch ann el
- Fast chann el initi ati on
AN T/B LU ETO OTH® low en ergy p er iph era l Operat ion
(w hen l oad ed wit h S31 0 S oftDevic e)
ANT o perat ion functio ns as S21 0
BLUE TOO TH 4.0 co mpliant low ener gy sin gle - mode
pr otocol s tac k
- Link La yer
- L2GA P,A TT, an d SM pro toc ols
- GATT, GA P, and L2GA P
- Peripheral an d B roadcast er roles
- GATT Clien t a nd Ser ver
- Full SM P supp ort in clu ding MITM a nd OO B pair ing
Mo dule Har dwa re
In tegrated PC B m eander a nte nna
Onboar d 3 2kHz and 16 MHz crys tal cl ocks
1.8V to 3. 6V sup ply volt age ra nge
-25° C to +75° C o per ating te mpe rat ure
24 G PIOs (LGA pa cka ge)
Pr ogr am mab le out put pe r c han ne l f rom –2 0dB m
up to +4dBm
Exce llent receiver sensi tiv ity -90dB m
RSSI reading (1d Bm res olu tion)
Total 2 56kB emb edd ed fla sh m em ory an d 1 6kB
SPI, I2C and UAR T i nterface
ARM SWD in ter face
14.0 x9. 8x2.0mm (LG A pack age )
Dr op- in compatib le pac kag e wit h A P2/ C7 modules
Radio r egu lat ory ap pro val f or maj or mar kets
BLUE TOO TH SIG qu alificat ion
RoHS complian t
FA MILY MEM BER S (N5 xx Mxxx)
ANTN548 – pre-lo ade d w ith ANT Sta ck and network
pr ocessor cod e
- M8CB: 14x 9.8mm LGA
- M4CB: 20x 20m m S MT
- M5CB: 20x 20mm M olex con nec to r
N5 ANT SoC Module Series
D00001598 Rev 0.70

Page 2 of 19 N5 ANT SoC System Module Series
Table of Contents
1. N5 System Module Series ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 N5 Module Nomenclature ................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 N5 System Module Offerings ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Production Code ............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Product Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Block diagram ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Generic Pin-outs ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Writing the application code and programming ................................................................................. 7
2.4 Designs Consideration using the Module .......................................................................................... 8
2.5 Assembly Consideration................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Moisture Control ............................................................................................................................. 8
3. Regulatory Approvals and Compliances ....................................................................................................10
3.1 United States ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Industry Canada Compliance ......................................................................................................... 10
3.3 CE Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Australia & New Zealand ............................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Japan ........................................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 BLUETOOTH Qualification .............................................................................................................. 11
4. Electrical Specifications ..............................................................................................................................12
4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ............................................................................................. 12
4.3 Electrical Specifications ................................................................................................................. 12
5. Mechanical Drawings .................................................................................................................................13
6. Support ........................................................................................................................................................14
6.1 One Year Limited Warranty ........................................................................................................... 14
6.2 ANT Forum ................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Public Technical References ........................................................................................................... 14
6.4 ANT Developer’s Zone ................................................................................................................... 15
6.5 ANT Social Media .......................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix: Using the ANT Network Processor Configuration ...........................................................................16
Pin Assignments in the ANT Network Processor Configuration ........................................................... 16
Async Mode Baud Rate Select .......................................................................................................... 17
Async Mode Baud Connection Example ............................................................................................ 18
Byte Sync Mode Connection Example ............................................................................................... 19
........................................................................................................ 12

N5 ANT SoC Module Series Page 3 of 19
Notices and Restricted Use Information
Information contained in this document is provided only for your ("Customer" or “you”) convenience and may be
superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
Dynastream Innovations Inc. ("DYNASTREAM") makes no representations or warranties of any kind whether
express or implied, written or oral, statutory or otherwise, related to the information, including but not limited to
its condition, quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for purpose. DYNASTREAM disclaims all liability
arising from this information and its use.
DYNASTEAM does not assume any responsibility for the use of the described ANT module (“the Module(s)”).
Dynastream makes no representation with respect to the adequacy of the module in low-power wireless data
communications applications or systems. Any Products using the Module must be designed so that a loss of
communications due to radio interference or otherwise will not endanger either people or property, and will not
cause the loss of valuable data. DYNASTREAM assumes no liability for the performance of products which are
designed or created using the Modules.
The Modules are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical
implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in
which the failure of the Module could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. If you use the
Modules for such unintended and unauthorized applications, you do so at your own risk and you shall indemnify
and hold DYNASTREAM and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all
claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim
of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that
DYNASTREAM was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Product.
The information disclosed herein is the exclusive property of DYNASTREAM, and is not to be reproduced and/or
distributed without the written consent of DYNASTREAM. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic storage, reproduction, execution or transmission
without the prior written consent of DYNASTREAM. The recipient of this document by its retention and use agrees
to respect the security status of the information contained herein.
DYNASTREAM believes the information contained herein is correct and accurate at the time of its release.
However, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by DYNASTREAM unless such commitment is expressly given in a covering document.
©2013 Dynastream Innovations Inc. All Rights Reserved. ANT is a registered trade mark of Dynastream
Innovations Inc.

Page 4 of 19 N5 ANT SoC System Module Series
Pa ck aging an d Or d eri ng O pti o ns
N5 48M 8 CB
A NTN 5 48 M 8CB
14 .0 x 9 . 8 x 2. 0mm , L G A p ac k age , 3 1 p i ns,
24 GP IOs . Pr e-l o ad e d w ith S21 0 S oft D ev i ce
an d A NT n et w ork pr o ce s sor co d e.
AN TN5 48M 8 CB- T ra y : 4 0 m odul es on
a tra y
N5 48M 8 CB - Ree l: 150 0 mo dul es
ta p ed on a 1 3” ree l
N5 48M 4 CB
A NTN 5 48 M 4CB
20 .0 x 2 0 .0m m, 17 p in s , 1 3 G PIO s . Pr e-
lo ade d w i th S21 0 S o ftD evi c e a nd A NT
ne two rk p roc ess or c od e .
AN TN5 48M 4 CB- T ra y : 2 0 m odu l es on
a tra y
AN TN5 48M 4 CB - R ee l : 8 00 mod u le s
ta p ed on a 1 3” ree l
20 .0 x 20 .0m m, 20 p in Mol ex c on n ect or.
On boa rd J TAG pr ogra mmi ng c onn ect or. 13
AN TN5 48M 5 CB- T ra y : 2 0 m odu l es on
a tra y
1. N5 System Module Series
The N5 module series uses Nordic Semiconductor’s nRF51422, the industry’s first System on Chip (SoC) solution
that is able to support ANT standalone or ANT/BLUETOOTH low energy dual mode operation depending on the
loaded protocol stack with advantages in power, size, cost, speed and security built directly into the protocol layer.
The nRF51422 integrates a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™ M0 CPU with 256KB flash, 16KB RAM, and analog and digital
peripherals. Benefits will reach consumers in the form of new products with even longer battery life, expanded
functionality and security, further simplified operation and overall value.
Nordic Semiconductor protocol stacks are known as SoftDevices. SoftDevices are pre-compiled, pre-linked binary
files, which can be programmed and are downloadable from the Nordic Semiconductor’s web. The nRF51422 and
N5 system module series support the S210, ANT 8-channel protocol stack, and the S310, ANT 8-channel /
BLUETOOTH low energy peripheral protocol stack.
The N5 system module series starts with N548M8CB (or ANTN548M8CB) in a 14.0mm x 9.8mm x 2.0mm LGA
(Land Array Grid) package. A compact design meeting the industrial requirement to go small, light and wearable,
the N548M8CB is also a turnkey system hardware solution including antenna, onboard 32k and 16M crystal clock,
DC-DC converter and 24 GPIOs with 6 analogue inputs.
The N548M8CB modules are pre-programmed with the S210 SoftDevice and reference ANT network processor
application code in order to function as a generic ANT RF module when connected to an application controller.
Both pre-programmed images can be easily replaced via the onboard SWD interface pins using off-the-shelf ARM
Pin compatible options to Dynastream’s 20mm x 20mm AP2 or C7 modules are also available. In these options,
N548M8CB modules are soldered on carrier boards that are pin compatible to the previous modules. Current AP2
or C7 module customers can easily use these models to evaluate the hardware and upgrade their final products.
The N5 module series if loaded with ANT and/or BLUETOOTH Low energy stack has been certified to comply with
radio regulation or standards covering major markets include North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and
Japan. The N5 modules series is also qualified by the BLUETOOTH SIG.
1.1 N5 Module Nomenclature
1.2 N5 System Module Offerings
The N5 module series are currently available in the following varieties.

N5 ANT SoC Module Series Page 5 of 19
GP IOs . P r e-l oad ed w it h S2 1 0 S oft D evi ce
an d A NT n et w ork pr o ce s sor co d e.
Table 1 N5 Module Series Offerings
1.3 Production Code
For technical support and customer service purposes, a production code of three characters is laser marked on the
RF shield as illustrated below.
Figure 1 N5 Module Production Code
YW – Production date code
R – Product version

Page 6 of 19 N5 ANT SoC System Module Series
2. Product Overview
2.1 Block diagram
Figure 2 N5 Module Series Block Diagram
2.2 Generic Pin-outs
Figure 3 N5xy M8__ Module LGA Bottom View
Figure 4 N5xy M4__ Bottom View