.Thisdisc contains software for the PlayStation@2 computer entertainment system. Never use this disc on any other system, as itcould
damage it. .This disc conforms to PlayStation@2 specifications for the PAL market only. It cannot be used on other
specification versions of PlayStation@2. .Read the PlayStation@2 instruction Manual carefully to ensure correct usage. .When
inserting this disc in the PlayStation@2 always place it with the required playback side facing down. .When handling the disc, do not
touch the suriace. Hold it by the edge. .Keep the disc clean and free of scratches Should the suriace become dirty, wipe it
gently with a soft dry cloth. .Do not leave the disc near heat sources or in direct sunlight or excessive moisture. .Do not use an
irregularly shaped dis~ a cracked or warped dis~ or one that has been repaired with adhesives as itcould lead to malfunction.
Health Warning
Foryour health, be sure to take a break of about 1S minutes during every hour of play.Avoid playing when tired or suffering from lack
of sleep. Aiways play in a well-lit room, sitting as for from the screen as the cord will allow. Some people experience epileptic seizures
when viewing flashing lights or pattems in our daily environment. These people may experience seizures while watching N pictures or
playing video games. Even players who have never had any seizures may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition. Consult
your doctor before playing video games if you have an epileptic condition or immediately should you experience any of the following
symptoms during play: diuiness, altered vision, musde twitching, other involuntary movements, loss of awareness of your surrounding~
mental confusion, and I or convulsions
The unauthorised reproduction of all or any game part ofthis product and the unauthorised use of registered trademarks are likelyto
constitutea criminaloffence.PIRACYharmsConsumersas welias legitimateDevelopers,Publishersand RetailersIfyoususpectthis
game product is an unauthorised copy, or have any other information abqut pirate product. please call your local Customer Service
number given at the back of this Manual.
See back page of this manual for Customer Service Numbers and Games Hotline Numbers.
1. Set up your PlayStation@2 computer entertainment system according to the
instructions in its instruction manual. Attach game controllers and other
accessories, as appropriate.
2. Make sure the MAINPOWERswitch (located at the back of the console) is
turned ON.
3. Press the C)/RESET button. When the C) indicator is green, press the ~ button.
The disc tray opens.
4. Place the Tiger Woods PBA rOUR@ 06 disc on the disc tray with the label side
facing up. Press the ~ button again and the disc tray closes.
5. Follow on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on using
the software.
It is advised that you do not insert or remove accessories or memory cards (8MB)
(for PlayStation@2) once the power is turned on. Make sure there is enough free
space on your memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation@2) before commencing play.
Note: If using a multitap (for PlayStation@2), insert the multitap (for
PlayStation@2) into controller port 1 and insert the controllers sequentially into
controller port I-A, controller port I-B etc.
Note: A memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation@2) with previously saved Tiger
WoodsPGATOUR@06 options/games data is required on boot up to load any
previously saved options/games data.
Note: This title does not support the digital controller.
1- 4 PIajers .M""ryCani 18MB) 1forI'laySlali,n@2),53&<8minimum. Muitilap(fur l'IaySIaIion@2) adapfab~, 1-4 playels
. Analog C'nlrnlCompatib'" """g stid<s ,DIy 'I'ibration f1mdiIl1Compatib~' Network Adaptor (lthernel) (furPlayStal'm@2)CompaliJ"'2-4P1ajers
roo" Wood, 06 " 2005 E'e,,","c Ms ]OC. Ubouy p"",,~~ " 1997-2005 Sony Comp"," EnIeo1aIrunent ]OC.exc""'~ 'Ioo<,ed to SO"" CompoW
E ralnme" Europe. FOR HOME USE ONLY. UM'-rio,' """""9, ad_'oo, ..mat, !en"og, """'",'00, ext"""",,, "e. "oade ""', """glog 1m U'",
broad""", pu~lo p"I00m""" ~, I...met, """e °' ""V telecommuoica'ooo ",,",""";00. """'" m"," of \hI, p,o'uct °' ""V tra',m,,' "' copyright ~'" tha'
Ionn, p.rt of 'hi, p,oduc, '" proh;""'. Thi, "ftw", u", 'ONAS" (Dvooml, Au~,""c"loo SV",m). . p"p,I,"'>' .u'he"lc"loo ,vs"m "..", bV Sooy
Comp"", Eo"rt,lome" '00.. '0 pcovl" ,",u,l,>, eo' to h.,p p""" ,0PV"gh", 000"0". Th. ucooth"I,"' "'"~". "hi'I'loo. "port. Import e, "'",ml"lo, ef
p"",m, eod d,vl," " "ceumv,",lo, '" ,u'heo",,"oo "hem, m,y" pcohibit,d by '.w.Pob",h,' by EI,ct"ol, Art, Ltd. D,v,'ep" by EI.c'"olc Art, ]oc.
Starting the Game 1
Basic Controls 2
Complete Controls 2
Playing the Game 4
RivalsMode n..."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" , 8
OtherGameModes , .n...'..,. , .,..., ,,... ,...,. 8
Play Online , 9
Warranty 11
CustomerSupport 12
Note: For more information about this and other titles, check out EA SPORTS'" on
the web at www.easports.co.uk

For more information about controls see Complete Controls onp.2.
left analog stick
Shot trajectory/
right analog stick
Putt power
Change camera view
Reset targeting marker
Select shot type
(see Shot Selection
Zoom to target
~ Shot calling/
Skills 18 camera
Switch clubs
Hole Details
Access Pause menu
With new swing and putting controls, you have more command than ever over
your game.
Trigger Gamebreaker
moment/Fast forward shot
Watch a replay
Mulligan (if on)
Powerboost (press repeatedly
during your backswing for more
Add ball spin (press repeatedly for
more spin while pressing the right
analog stick in the direction you
want to spin)
Change max putting
Access Pause menu
You now use both analog sticks to take your shots. The left analog stick controls the
backswing and downswing, while the right analog stick determines where the club hits
the ball - and the resulting trajectory of the ball in flight.
Note: You can switch the functionality of the analog sticks in the Controller
Setup section of the Pause menu.
Where the club impacts the ball now
determines the shot's trajectory. You
control the point of impact with the right
analog stick.
The golf ball graphic on the bottom-right
corner of your screen is your guide. Move
the impact indicator anywhere on the ball
to dictate its flight. Wherever the
indicator is located at the moment of
your downswing determines how the ball
is affected.
Note: Invert the Shape Stick in the Controller Setup section of the Pause menu
to reverse the effects of the indicator on the left/right side of the ball.
Hookfrom -
right to left
Most spots to whichyliu
movethe indicatbr have ,::
a combination effect. For
example this locan"n
results in a lofted shot'
with a slight hook.
- --