A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or while playing video games, including games played on the PlayStation 2 console, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video game—dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions—IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play.
Do not connect your PlayStation 2 console to a projection TV without first consulting the user manual for your projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. Otherwise, it may permanently damage your TV screen.
The use of software or peripherals not authorized by Sony Computer Entertainment America may damage your console and/or invalidate your warranty. Only official or licensed peripherals should be used in the controller ports or memory card slots.
• This disc is intended for use only with PlayStation 2 consoles with the NTSC U/C designation.
• Do not bend it, crush it or submerge it in liquids.
• Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat.
• Be sure to take an occasional rest break during extended play.
• Keep this compact disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case when not in use. Clean the disc with a lint-free, soft, dry cloth, wiping in straight lines from center to outer edge. Never use solvents or abrasive cleaners.
SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs Tips and Hints
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The Ultimate Evolution In Combat 2
Setting Up Your Console 4
Network Adaptor
(Ethernet/Modem) (for PlayStation 2) 4 Memory Cards 5 Headset (Optional) 5
Controls 6
Configuration 6 Menu Controls 6 SEAL Movement and Actions 7
Using the Headset 8
Issuing Voice Commands (Single Player) 8 Listening 9
Issue Commands Using Button Controls 9
The Commands (Single Player) 10
Movement and Position Commands 10 Tactical Commands 11
Starting the Game 12
Main Menu 12
New Game 12 Load Game 12 Online 13 LAN 13 Options 13 Hard Disc Drive 13 Extras 13
Single Player Team Structure and Movement 14
Other Special Forces 14
The Mission Briefing 15
Overview 15 Mission Details 15 Objectives 15 Maps/Intel 15 Armory 15
The Single Player Game Screen 17
TacMap and Tracking Mission Objectives 18
Using the TacMap 18 Keep Track of Mission Objectives 19
Special Actions 20
For the most up-to-date version of this manual, go to and check out the SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs mini-site.
Using Weapons 22
Single Player Mission Success 24
Stealth 24 Accuracy 24 Teamwork 24 Primary Objectives 24 Secondary Objectives 24
Single Player Mission Failure 25
The Pause Menu 26
Resume 26 Abort 26 Invert Pitch 26 Help 26 Aim Assist 26 Replay Mission 26
SOCOM II Online 27
Creating a Network Configuration 27
Online Communication 29
Using the On-Screen Keyboard
to Enter Data and Chat 29
Text Chat During Missions
Using the Chat Menu 29
Using the Headset Online 30
Get Connected to SOCOM II Online 31
Playing the Online Game 33
Online Mission Types 33 Finding a Game 34 SOCOM II Online Screen 34 The Briefing Room 35 The Game Lobby 37 Friends List 38 The Online Game Screen 38 Player Rankings (Rank Insignias) 39 Create Your Own Clan 40
Saving and Loading Game Data 41
Saving Game Data 41 Loading Game Data 41
Game Credits 42
Are You Interested In a SEAL Career? 45
or decades, SEAL teams have been elite U.S fighting forces. Naval Special
Warfare and the SEALs evolved from the necessities of World War II amphibious combat. Before delivering thousands of soldiers onto beaches in landing craft, underwater demolition teams wearing swim masks and fins had to sneak in from the ocean, recon the area and remove hazards, sometimes with high explosives. SEAL teams are small, highly lethal attack squads of stealthy soldiers. By 1962 this method of fighting had a name: Unconventional Warfare, and the SEALs were formed to meet the needs of a new type of combat.
SEALs are exceptionally well-trained, tactically intelligent students of warfare, masters of hand-to-hand combat, and experts with any weapon from knives to heavy machine guns. While a single SEAL is dangerous, an entire fireteam is even more so. When the smoke clears, SEALs are victorious because of teamwork. In a firefight, no terrorist threat is a match for an efficient SEAL fireteam. Each member is trained to protect other team members, never hesitating to act for the good of the mission, and the team, in every combat scenario.
Now you are the commanding officer of a four-man SEAL fireteam. You will deploy on missions to neutralize terrorist threats from South America to Russia. Take on explosive urban firefights, breach hardened defenses, rescue non-combatants or capture terrorist assets. The success of each mission will depend on extreme stealth and the lethal teamwork that marks every SEAL operation.
When you are ready for SEAL warfare online, join up to 15 other players and take sides as a SEAL, Terrorist, or other special operations units. This is the true test of teamwork. Each battlefield will offer even the most seasoned soldier a tactical challenge. The headset will keep you in voice contact with every other teammate so you can adapt your strategy even as the bullets fly.
Terrorism is a threat to freedom all over the world and the unconventional tactics of U.S. Navy SEALs are needed. This is the time. When they picked a fight, they never planned on fighting these guys.
USB connector S400 i.LINK connector
controller port 1 controller port 2
disc tray
RESET button
(OPEN) button
Set up your PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system according to the instructions in its Instruction Manual. Make sure the MAIN POWER switch (located on the back of the console) is turned on. Press the RESET button. When the power indicator lights up, press the open button and the disc tray will open. Place the SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs disc on the disc tray with the label side facing up. Press the open button again and the disc tray will close. Attach game controllers and other peripherals, as appropriate. Follow on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on using the software.
A memory card is required to play SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs both online and offline. Before playing online, a valid Network Configuration must be saved to the memory card using either the Network Adaptor Start-Up Disc or the SOCOM II Network Configuration utility.
To save game settings and progress, insert a memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation into the MEMORY CARD slot 1 of your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. You can load saved SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs game data from the same card or any memory card containing previously saved data. See “Creating a Network Configuration” on page 27.
In order to play SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs online, you must have installed a Network Adaptor (Ethernet/Modem) (for PlayStation computer entertainment system before playing. Set up the Network Adaptor according to the instructions included in its packaging.
Caution: Unplug the AC power cord on your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system before adding any networking equipment to the system.
Note: SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs must be played over a broadband internet connection (DSL, cable modem, or higher speeds).
®2) on your PlayStation 2
The SOCOM headset or USB headset (for PlayStation®2) allows you to issue voice commands to fellow SEALs and talk with teammates during online games. Connect the headset to either of the USB (Universal Serial Bus) connectors located on the front of your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system with the USB symbol on the plug facing UP.
button button button
directional buttons
left analog stick (L3 button
when pushed down)
L2 button L1 button
R2 button R1 button
SELECT button
START button
right analog stick (R3 button
when pushed down)
ANALOG mode switch
Highlight menu item directional button or left analog stick Select highlighted menu item directional button or left analog stick + x Previous screen/Return to Main Menu t Pause game w Utilize team command menu (with headset) c + voice Utilize team command menu
(via controller) c + directional button 1/2 Open team command sub-menu x or c Highlight tactical command on sub-menus directional button 1/2
Execute command x Cycle through Weapons/Equipment d + directional button 1/2 Select Weapon/Equipment d or x Open/close tactical map q Move map (Briefing Room) directional button or left analog stick Zoom map in/out (Briefing Room/in-game) right analog stick 1/2 Move map (in-game) left analog stick
Note: These are the default precision shooter controls. You can change
controls on the Options Menu.
Move SEAL left analog stick Aim weapon/look right analog stick Move sideways left analog stick 4/3 Change body position (stand, prone, crouch) t (press hard to go prone) Jump s Dive run + t firmly Peek around corner directional button 4 or 3 Fire/throw/deploy weapon r Equip primary weapon or l quick select l Equip secondary weapon or , quick select , Toggle weapon to semi/full auto press L3 twice or hold Reload weapon R3 Toggle special action icons Hold
Toggle perspective, directional button 3rd person, 1st person, binoculars, weapon scope, nightvision goggles (when available)
Cycle through teammates during online play directional button
Note: You will be able to do this in Spectator mode as well.
x + directional button
4/3, then release
after you are out of action
You hear three different types of communication during single player games:
• Team member communications which include acknowledging your orders or giving situation reports including kills, warnings and personal status.
• Objective status reports and new intel important to the mission.
• Warnings when you drift out of the mission area.
Note: SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs is designed to issue voice commands via the SOCOM headset or USB headset (for PlayStation headset is optional. You can also issue commands using button controls.
Use the headset to:
• Issue voice commands to your SEAL team during single player missions.
• Receive Commands and Intel updates from SOCOM during single player missions.
• Conduct 2-way conversations with other players during Online Games. See “Online Communication” for information on headset usage.
®2). However, the
To send a voice command to your team, first press c to open the command menu. Say the command exactly as it appears on the menu out loud until you become comfortable with them. A command consists of three basic components spoken with a normal voice into your headset microphone:
1. Say WHO you are commanding—This is the first part of a command and the first
menu you see displayed on-screen. Say “FIRETEAM” if you are directing an order to all three members. Say “BRAVO” if you intend to issue an order to only the two members of Bravo Element. Say “ABLE” if you want only your partner to take action. Say “ESCORTEE” to direct an order to someone traveling with your team.
Note: Other names will appear for various characters that can travel with your SEAL team in later missions.
2. Say WHAT you want done—This is the second part of
the command to communicate what you want done. The menu will appear to prompt you.
3. Say WHERE or HOW you want the order carried out—
in some cases you need to further define your order. It may be a map location or the type of explosive you want deployed. See “The Commands” section to view all the commands you can issue to your team.
Alternatively, you can issue commands using buttons.
1. Open the team command menu, and press
2. Designate WHO will receive the order. Press the directional button select TEAM, ABLE, or BRAVO.
x to open the sub-menu for the highlighted command, then press x
3. Press again to execute the command.
1/2 to
Run to
SEALs run to a designated position.
Lead To
Use this command to decide whether Able or Bravo will take point when moving from one objective to the next. Bravo unit leads only if you are within a certain distance of them. If you are outside that distance they will wait until you are in range to begin leading again. Able teammate Jester will take the lead but change to “Following” if you drift too far from him.
Use movement and position commands to specify exact positions or map coordinates.
Using the Crosshairs as a Pointer
Use the crosshairs to send team member(s) to a position
or alert them to something at a specific location.
Position the crosshairs on the point of interest and
issue your command finishing with the word
“Crosshairs.” For example, place your crosshairs over
an enemy and issue the command “BRAVO…ATTACK
TO…CROSSHAIRS.” Bravo will move into position
and attack the enemy.
Note: Your crosshairs do not have to be on an enemy to execute an “ATTACK TO” command.
even the ground, and your teammates will move to that position,
attacking any targets of opportunity they see.
Using Nav Points
Nav Points are map coordinates marking key positions in your op area and are created prior to insertion. They are always Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Juliet, Romeo, Whisky, X-Ray or Zulu. View them on the Tactical Map display by pressing analog sticks to navigate and zoom the map. See “TacMap and Mission Objectives” for detailed instructions on using the Tactical Map.
Your crosshairs can be on a door, building or
q and using the
Attack To
Designate who will advance to a specified position, while firing at any enemy encountered. If using the crosshairs to point at an enemy, your team will attempt a shot instantly.
Stealth To
Advance as quietly as possible in a prone position while taking advantage of the terrain, structures or foliage to minimize the chance of discovery.
Hold Position
Hold position until commanded otherwise.
The team will move to your position.
Fire At Will
SEALs will fire on any enemy encountered.
Use explosive weapons. If your SEALs are equipped with grenades, C-4 or satchel charges, they will respond.
Cover Target
Give the command to cover a specific point. Enemies entering that zone will be fired upon. Place your crosshairs on the location and issue the command. Your SEALs must have visual contact on the specified area to carry out this order.
Hold Fire
Hold fire until you countermand the order.
Note: Moving to a specific point during a mission may be a required objective.
You take point and the team follows behind you and assumes your body position. For example, if you advance in prone position, they will too.
Teammates will cover a designated area, calling out any enemies that they see. Place your crosshairs on the location and issue the command.
Deploy a fragmentation grenade and clear the breached area.
Deploy a flashbang and clear the breached area.
Open door, deploy grenade and clear area on other side.
Connect to the Internet to play SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs Online. You must be
connected via broadband service (either DSL, cable
modem or higher speeds) in order to play online. See
“Playing the Online Game” on page 33.
When traveling with an escortee who needs protection, give this command to Bravo Element and they will bring the escortee with them, and follow additional commands.
While loading, the game will search for SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs game data on any memory card inserted in your PlayStation 2 system. To continue, press
Press the directional pad or left analog stick 1/2 to highlight an option and press x.
Begin a new single player game.
Load a saved SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs game. See “Saving and Loading Game Data” on page 41.
Play on a local area network through an Ethernet
connection. Each player must have a PlayStation 2
system equipped with a configured Network Adaptor
(for PlayStation
SEALs to play.
®2) and a copy of SOCOM II: U.S. Navy
Set game options.
Audio Options
Music Volume—Set the level of background music. Sound Volume—Set the level of sound effects. Dialog Volume—Set level of spoken words. Sound—Set STEREO or MONO to match your
television or sound system.
Default—Reset everything.
Video Options
Brightness—Set the brightness of the screen
Video Mode—Set to INTERLACED or
PROGRESSIVE SCAN (480p) to match your television.
Hard Disk Drive
SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs supports the Internal Hard Disk Drive (for PlayStation SOCOM II you must first purchase an HDD and install it into your PlayStation console according to the instruction manual provided with the HDD. Once the HDD is installed you must “enable” HDD functionality in SOCOM II on the SOCOM II Options screen. Select the “HDD” option on the SOCOM II options screen and then select “ENABLED”. Exit the options screen and save your preferences to the memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation
Downloadable content for SOCOM II will be made available through the HDD. After HDD support in SOCOM II is enabled, you must first download the SOCOM II content before you can use it in the game.
HDD available March 2004*
®2) with downloadable content. In order to use downloaded content in
View and select extras that you have unlocked while playing the game.
*Launch date subject to change.
The Team you command consists of two elements:
• Specter (You) and Jester are Able Element.
• Wardog and Vandal are Bravo Element. The SEALs in Bravo operate close together and execute your orders as a pair. You can
send them almost anywhere in the op area, giving you flexibility in suppression of enemy forces, ambushes and extraction of personnel.
You can send Jester a short distance from you to execute some orders, but one of his primary jobs is to cover you, so he will never travel too far from your position. If you move away from his position, Jester always joins up with you.
During certain missions, your Bravo Element will be replaced with special forces from other allied countries.
View your mission orders, arm your team and start your mission from here.
This summarizes your orders with a general mission description, including intelligence, target specifics, and diplomatic concerns.
Read this for additional intel gathered by intelligence agencies or people at the mission location. You may also learn of informants or agents within the op area who can help your fireteam accomplish the mission.
These objectives appear in the order that they should be executed. You will be notified of additional objectives by SOCOM as they become necessary.
View the mission area and/or other important intel for the mission.
• Pan with the directional button or left analog stick.
• Zoom using the right analog stick
Your team is already armed with default weapons. However, you can review or change weaponry and equipment for any fireteam member here. Change weapons and items for a single SEAL element or the entire team.
1. Select the fireteam, element or individual SEAL.
2. Select PRIMARY (rifles, machine guns), SECONDARY (pistols) or EQUIPMENT (includes grenades, ammo, mines, explosives and rocket launchers).
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