GAI-Tronics TMA Version User Manual

Pub. 42004-479B
Telephone Management Application
(TMA) User Guide


Confidentiality Notice .....................................................................................................................1
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1
Starting TMA...................................................................................................................................2
Creating a New Database File ................................................................................................................ 3
Opening an Existing Database File........................................................................................................ 4
Database Back-up Information ............................................................................................................. 4
TMA Database Archives ........................................................................................................................ 4
TMA Database.................................................................................................................................5
TMA Database Structure ....................................................................................................................... 5
TMA Icons ............................................................................................................................................... 6
TMA Template Phones ........................................................................................................................... 7
Selecting the Template Phone Record .................................................................................................................. 8
Adding a Group to TMA Database ....................................................................................................... 9
Adding Phones to TMA Database ....................................................................................................... 10
Preparing the First Phone Record (excludes GAI-Tronics VoIP Phones) .......................................................... 10
Manual Entry ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Auto-Discovery ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Copying a Phone Record .................................................................................................................................... 18
Import ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Managing Phone Records ............................................................................................................23
Phone Management Form .................................................................................................................... 23
Phone Properties Area......................................................................................................................................... 24
Phone Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Command Area ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Synchronization Area.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Example --Typical Phone Record Setup ............................................................................................................. 26
Phone Properties Area .......................................................................................................................... 27
General ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Behavior .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Call-In Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Fault Indicators ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Memory Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Cascading Autodial Numbers ............................................................................................................................. 39
Valid Autodial Numbers ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Type A Advanced Settings ................................................................................................................................. 39
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
GTL SMART Phone Properties .......................................................................................................... 44
General ................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Behavior .............................................................................................................................................................. 46
Call-In ................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Memories ............................................................................................................................................................ 49
Sensor/Faults ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
VoIP Phone Properties Form ............................................................................................................... 52
Command Buttons .............................................................................................................................................. 52
GAI-Tronics VoIP Phone Properties .................................................................................................. 53
General ................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Changing Phone Records ..................................................................................................................... 57
Moving a Phone Record ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Deleting a Phone Record .................................................................................................................................... 57
Polling Phones ..............................................................................................................................58
Polling Setup Form ............................................................................................................................... 59
Filter Field .......................................................................................................................................................... 59
Available Phones List ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Polling List .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Add/Remove Buttons .......................................................................................................................................... 60
Polling Control Area ........................................................................................................................................... 61
Monitoring In-Progress Communications ...................................................................................62
Multiple Phone Update .................................................................................................................65
Multiple Phone Update Wizard ........................................................................................................... 65
Viewing Call-in or Poll Schedules ...............................................................................................72
Viewing a Call-in Schedule .................................................................................................................. 72
Viewing a Poll List ................................................................................................................................ 74
TMA Status Reporting ..................................................................................................................76
Status Report Window Tabs ................................................................................................................ 77
Fields Drop-Down List Selections ...................................................................................................................... 80
Criteria Drop-Down List Selections ................................................................................................................... 81
Creating Reports ................................................................................................................................... 82
Maintenance (Poll) Calls Report ......................................................................................................................... 82
Polling Exceptions Report .................................................................................................................................. 87
Call In Report...................................................................................................................................................... 91
Inactive Phone Report ......................................................................................................................................... 94
VoIP Alarm Notification Report ......................................................................................................................... 98
Configuring Reports ........................................................................................................................... 102
Type A/Type B Exceptions Options Report Window ....................................................................................... 102
Automated Reports ........................................................................................................................................... 105
Default Automated Reports .............................................................................................................................. 107
Custom Automated Reports .............................................................................................................................. 108
E-mail Setup ................................................................................................................................111
General Options .................................................................................................................................. 112
SMTP Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 113
E-mail Addresses ................................................................................................................................. 113
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Custom E-mail for Critical Faults ..................................................................................................... 113
Placing Phones In or Out of Service ..........................................................................................114
Placing a Phone “Out of Service” ...................................................................................................... 114
Placing a Phone Back In Service ....................................................................................................... 115
TMA Options ...............................................................................................................................116
Communication Window .................................................................................................................... 116
Actions Window .................................................................................................................................. 118
Graphical Window .............................................................................................................................. 120
Maintenance Log ........................................................................................................................121
Maintenance Log Template................................................................................................................ 122
Adding an Entry to Maintenance Log ............................................................................................................... 122
Reviewing Records ........................................................................................................................................... 123
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................124
Recommended Spare Parts .........................................................................................................127
Definitions and Acronyms ..........................................................................................................127
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-479B
Telephone Management Application
(TMA) User Guide

Confidential ity Notice

This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sensitive business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any third party.


The GAI-Tronics Telephone Management Application (TMA) is used to monitor the activity and health of GAI-Tronics RED ALERT information provided by TMA can prove useful in reducing maintenance labor costs and greatly reduce liabilities typically associated with an emergency communication system.
, SMART Industrial, and VoIP/WiFi Telephones. The reports and
OTE: All references to “telephones” in this document are understood to be GAI-Tronics RED ALERT
SMART Industrial, or VoIP/WiFi Telephones.
TMA runs continuously on a dedicated personal computer by using one (or more) telephone line compatible modems or a Local Area Network (LAN) to gather status information from each telephone at regular intervals. In addition, the System Manager uses TMA to remotely adjust the behavior of individual telephones. These updates are either sent to the phone immediately or are held to be sent during the next scheduled health-check maintenance call.
TMA provides an at-a-glance view of the status of the telephones as well as customizable reporting in the form of scheduled printed reports, and reports generated on demand.
For questions about TMA, please contact:
Service Group GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Avenue Mohnton, PA 19540 800-492-1212 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST) 610-777-1374 outside the USA
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
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Starting TMA

TMA can be started (or re-started) after installation of the software, the security key has been inserted into a USB port, and at least one telephone icon appears in the Windows taskbar notification area. Refer to GAI-Tronics Pub. 42004-478. To start TMA, double click the desktop TMA icon with the GAI-Tronics logo (shown below) or start the application via the Windows Start menu. The path is
Programs > TMA
TMA Desktop Icon
When TMA is initially started, it will display a “No Current Database” dialog box over the startup splash screen, indicating TMA was not able to open the most recently used telephone database. This occurs because the recently used database name is undefined for this new TMA installation.
Start > All
Read the dialog box, and then select
and pull-down menu selections for F
OK to dismiss it. The TMA window will now contain empty panels,
ILE, EDIT, VIEW, etc., as shown below.
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Creating a New Database File

All SMART Telephone information relating to the site is contained in a TMA database. To create a new database file, select below.
In the “File name” field, type the site name of the database such as “University E-Phones”, or, “Transit Authority Phones”. Do not type the file extension “.mdb” since the system will add this automatically.
File, then New from the menu. The “New File” dialog box will appear, as shown
Click Open and the following window will appear with the site name at the Domain Level, as shown
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Opening an Exis ting Database Fi le

To open the TMA database to access an existing file, select File, then Open in the menu bar. This will
display Open File window, as shown below.
In the Open File window, ensure the select the appropriate file name with an .mdb file extension from the list, and click
OTE: Do not open the file TMSconfig.mdb since this database is used for processing directives.
GTCTMA folder name appears in the Look in: field at the top, then

Database Ba ck-up Info rmation

TMA uses a single database file to store phone information, configuration data, voice call and data call information for all telephones. The database is normally stored in the folder C:\Program Files\GTCTMA. As with other important documents or files, a backup copy of the database file should be created at regular intervals.
The initial file size is approximately 600 kb. The file size for a system containing 40 phone records will grow to approximately 2 Mb over a 60-day interval. TMA archives older telephone data every month.

TMA Database Archi ves

At noon on the first day of each month, TMA creates an archive database. The archive database will contain all call data that is more than 30 days old along with all current phone configuration data. Any data less than 30 days old will remain in the current database. The archive database file is assigned the name of the current database followed by mmddyyarc where “mmddyy” denotes the month, day and year when the archive was created and “arc” denotes that is an archive file.
With this database archive process, the size of the active database is kept reasonably small to maintain high data processing efficiency. The archive process only takes a few minutes, and the active database is also compacted. All archived database files are directly compatible with TMA and can be accessed in the same manner as any other database.
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TMA Databa se

The TMA database must contain one phone record for each supervised telephone on site. Information contained in this section explains how the TMA database is structured and how phone records are added into the database, based on demographics of the site or facility.

TMA Database St ructure

Phone records are organized in a tree structure with a “domain” as the highest level in a system configuration. The domain is typically the name of the site or facility. Beneath the domain there are three “group levels” used to organize the phones. Each level provides the means to organize the telephone system within the tree structure. Individual phone records are always contained in group level 3.
When planning a system, considerations should be given to the physical geographic locations of the telephones, physical telephone lines, the types of telephones in the system, and the administrative process of assigning phone maintenance tasks. Careful planning facilitates the use of the many sorting options provided by the TMA reports.
Domain Name – is the highest level and is generally the name of the site or facility.
Group Level 1 – can be a satellite location or region, e.g., North or South Campus. Group Level 2 – is typically an area within a satellite location or region, e.g., Northeast quadrant └ Group Level 3 – is the lowest level where individual telephones reside (a building or area).
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TMA Icons

For each phone and template phone in the system, TMA displays an icon for quick recognition of each phone’s status. Icons displayed in TMA are shown below.
Table 1. TMA Icons
Large Icon Small Icon Description
Type B Hands-free Phone Icon (formerly called GTC)
Type B Handset Phone Icon (formerly called GTC)
GTL SMART Hands-free Phone Icon
GTL SMART Handset Phone Icon
Current Phone Templates Icon
Type A Hands-free (RED ALERT
) Phone Icon
Type A Handset Phone Icon
GAI-Tronics VoIP Phone Icon
Icon with a yellow “X” is a Phone with Exceptions
Icon with a red “X’ is an Inactive Phone
Out of Service Icons
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TMA T emplate Phones

Each new TMA database includes six phone records, one for each telephone type (excluding GAI-Tronics VoIP Phones). Each phone record is tagged as the template phone that TMA uses to create additional phone records in the database. The six template phone records correspond to the different types of telephones manufactured by GAI-Tronics. A template phone record is always shown with its description in bold text. The initial phones present in a new database are displayed in the main window as:
Table 2. GAI-Tronics Telephone Type Identification
Telephone Type Models Hands-free Telephones
Type A Hands-free (RED ALERT
Type B Hands-free (GTC)
GTL SMART Hands-free
Handset Telephones
Type A Handset
39x-00x 39xAL-00x
Telephones using 69577 PCBA 29x-003 29xAL-003
Telephones using 69411 PCBA 29xSL
29xALSL Telephones using 69385 PCBA VR DDA Help Point Hygeia
2x6-005 2x7-005 Telephones using 69577 PCBA
Type B Handset (GTC)
2x6-003 2x7-003
Telephones using 69411 PCBA
2x6S 2x7S Telephones using 69285 PCBA Titan Commander
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Each template phone can be configured and saved in the same way as other phone records are updated. Each phone record (including those tagged as the “Template”) contains information such as emergency auto-dial phone numbers, a voice call time limit, TMA call-in phone numbers, a call-in schedule, and more. The designated template phone is used when phones are added to the database either manually, through the Auto-Discovery feature, or through the Import feature, each of which is detailed in the sections that follow. A phone record that is set as a template can be configured and saved, but cannot

Selecting the Template Phone Record

Any phone record can be selected to be the template for its telephone type. To designate a phone record as the template phone, right click on the telephone icon and select
Set as Template Phone.
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Adding a Group to TMA D atabase

Adding another group to the TMA database is done manually, and can only be done at the Domain Name Level, or at Group Levels 1 or 2. The following explains how to add a group.
To add another group, right click on the group level name where the new group (or sub-group) is to be placed. A pop-up menu will appear as shown below. Move the cursor to highlight select
Group Member in the fly-out box.
New and then
Upon clicking on “Group Member,” the next screen shows the “New Group” added to the phone tree list. In this example, another Level 2 group is added, a new Level 3 group is also added.
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To rename any group, select and click on the group name and type the new name in the box.

Adding Phones to TMA Da tabase

Adding phone records to the TMA database can be done by several methods: manual entry, Auto­Discovery, copy, or import. Each method is explained below:

Preparing the First Phone Record (excludes GAI-Tronics VoIP Phones)

The first phone record included in a new database is tagged as the template phone for its telephone type. A template phone record will be copied repeatedly to create new phone records. It is important to specify the required settings prior records do so by making copies of the template phone record.
1. Identify the type of telephone(s) that are being added to the system using Table 2 as a reference.
2. Right click on the template phone record of this type in the TMA database. (The description of each
template phone is shown in bold text.)
3. Select
Phone Management Form. Consult the section “Managing Phone Records” on page 23.
4. Specify the AutoDial phone numbers (and any other settings required). Refer to the “Memory
Configuration” section on page 38.
to making many copies of this record. All methods that can be used to add new
5. Select
Send and Synchronize Later, then click Apply, then click OK. This adjusts the settings of the
template phone record.
OTE: Changes made to the template phone record will carry over into every new phone record created.
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Manual Entry

A phone record that is manually entered is a copy of the template phone for the selected phone type, except in the case for GAI-Tronics VoIP Phones which do not have a default template. The New Phone Wizard can create up to ten phone records each time it is run.
To add a phone record using the New Phone Wizard, right click on the group name where the phone record is to be placed. A pop-up menu will appear as shown below. Move the cursor to highlight
and then select Template Phone… in the fly-out box. In this example, a phone record is being added to the “Engineering Services” group. To add a VoIP phone, simply follow the same procedure and select VoIP Phone which will bypass the New Phone Wizard and create the phone in the selected group.
The Phone Wizard window will appear; it allows for creation of one or more phone records.
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Click Next > to continue.
Select the number of phones to be created in this group and click
Next > to continue.
In the next window, choose the type of the phone to be added to the database. The available SMART phone record types are divided into those equipped with a handset and those without a handset (hands­free). Refer to Table 2, which lists the model numbers (by series) to select the type that matches the SMART Telephones being installed.
Finish. The Phone Wizard adds the new phone records to the database.
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Click Cancel to close the Phone Wizard. The new phone record added to the database is assigned a
sequence number; in this case, Phone 0007.
It appears in the “TMA Phone System” tree view (left side) and in the phone listing (to the right), as shown below. The new phone record is shown with the “Out of Service” icon because this newly created record has not yet received any health-check status update from its corresponding telephone. At this point, this telephone is shown as Out of Service-Uncommissioned on the Basic Summary report.
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To rename the phone (or any phone), select and click on the phone name and type the new name in the box, as shown below.
The name assigned to the phone record is listed in the Description Field of the “General” section of the Phone Management Form. Refer to page 24.
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Auto-Disco very

Auto-Discovery provides an alternate method of adding telephone records (RED ALERT
or -005 SMART Handset) to TMA. This method provides the ability for a single installer to connect a telephone at its installed location and have TMA automatically create a phone record for it. In addition, TMA synchronizes the new phone record with the installed telephone. After synchronization completes, the installer can then test the telephone to confirm its operation. This Auto-Discovery feature avoids the need to have a second person helping at the TMA PC while installing additional telephones in the system.
Through Auto-Discovery, the new telephone calls the TMA PC. TMA then creates a new phone record in the database by copying from the “Template” phone for that phone type. Next, TMA makes a poll call to the telephone to synchronize the settings in the telephone to the new phone record. When this poll call completes, the auto-dial memory numbers and the configuration settings of the installed telephone will match those of the new phone record in the database.
OTE: Auto-Discovery can be used only with RED ALERT
and -005 series SMART handset
telephones. It is not applicable to VoIP/WiFi telephones.
The new phone record will be located in the New Phones group; the description is set to be the record creation date and time and the phone number.
Initial Checks
To use Auto-Discovery:
1. Confirm that TMA is not currently polling any telephones.
2. Confirm that each telephone being added will be connected to a dedicated line from the PABX.
3. Note the line number (PABX extension) and location of each telephone being added.
Review completely the following steps to use Auto-Discovery. Print these pages and fill-in the telephone line numbers required in steps 7 and 8 using the right-hand column. This allows for key in of these settings quickly enough so that the Type A telephone recognizes and acknowledges the keypad entries. The right column shows the installer key press actions and shows the expected phone response in [brackets].
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Complete the following procedure at the telephone site location. Print the form in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Auto-Discovery Procedure
Step Explanation of St ep Actions Installer Actio ns
1 Connect the phone line to the Type A telephone at its site
location. Wait 30 seconds.
2 The following steps use “local” access programming (keypad required). Refer to GAI-
Tronics Pub. 42004-438 (available on
Type A telephones that do not include an integral keypad will require the use of a No.
51035-011 Keypad and No. 61504-048 Keypad Cable Assembly. The keypad and cable must be connected to J13 on the PCBA.
The CALL push-button connector J1 is exclusively used for local programming. Type A
telephones that include only the EMERGENCY push button must temporarily have the associated switch harness plug moved from the EMERGENCY connector J7 to the CALL
push-button connector J1 on the PCBA.
3 Press the CALL or EMERGENCY push button (whichever is
connected to J1).
When the dial tone is heard from the speaker, simultaneously press the “1” and “#” keypad buttons.
If the telephone is in its factory-programmed Standard
Mode, the telephone generates a splash tone (low to high sequence), followed by a success tone (short beep).
Connect Tip/Ring.
Wait 30 sec.
) for further instructions.
Press J1 button, then 1 + #
[ tone(s) ]
If the telephone has previously been used with TMA, it
generates only a success tone (short beep).
4 Immediately after the success tone, use the keypad and
*** to enter Programming Mode.
5 Wait 2 seconds. Wait 2 sec.
6 Using the telephone’s keypad enter **0000 to gain access
with the factory-default password.
7 Next, enter *127 followed by the phone number of the
telephone. When finished, press #. The telephone outputs
a success tone (from the speaker of hands-free phones, or the earpiece at handset phones) to acknowledge the entry.
8 After the success tone, enter *123 followed by the
telephone number assigned to the TMA DTMF
Transceiver. When finished, press #. The phone outputs a
success tone to acknowledge the entry.
9 After the confirmation tone, enter *99 to end the set up.
The telephone outputs a success tone to confirm completion of the entry.
* * * [no tone]
* * 0 0 0 0 [no tone]
_ _ _ _ _ _ #
*1 2 7
[ one tone]
_ _ _ _ _ _ #
*1 2 3
[ one tone]
*9 9
[ one tone]
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Step Explanation of St ep Actions Installer Actio ns
10 A few seconds after the success tone of the previous step,
the telephone initiates a Call-In to the TMA PC. The duration is typically 1 to 2 minutes, but could be up to 5 minutes. Approximately 1 minute after the Call-In begins, two short tone bursts are output from the speaker (if it is a hands-free model).
11 Within 40 seconds after the Call-In completion, the TMA
PC initiates a poll call to the Type A telephone. In this poll call, TMA updates the telephone’s settings based on the parameters contained in the original template phone.
OTE: During the poll call of a hands-free phone, two
short tone bursts are output from the speaker approximately 5 minutes into the poll call.
12 Wait 30 seconds after hearing these two short tone bursts
for the poll call to complete.
13 Return the EMERGENCY push-button switch harness plug
EMERGENCY connector J7 (if it was moved in Step
to the
2). Make several test calls from the telephone to confirm proper operation.
At the TMA PC Location
Wait 1-2 minutes.
[ two tones]
Wait 2 minutes.
Wait 6 minutes.
[ two tones]
Wait 30 sec
Reconnect the EMERGENCY
button. Test the telephone.
At the TMA PC, use the line number /location list to rename each new phone record as appropriate. (The new phone records created are located in the “New Phones” group; the description was set as the creation date and time and the PABX extension number.)
Make note of any unused or redundant phone records for later deletion.
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Copying a Phone Recor d

If a phone record already exists with a configuration similar to an existing phone, the existing phone record can be copied to create a new phone record.
To copy an existing phone record, highlight the phone to be copied, right click and select
Copy from the
pop-up menu, as shown below page. In this example, the “Entrance Phone” at the “Maint Bldg” will copied into the “Maint Bldg.”
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Next, select and right click on the group level which will hold the new phone record, as shown below.
Paste in the pop-up menu.
The following window will open asking, “Are you sure you want to copy the selected phone(s)? Click
Yes to continue.
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The new (or copied) phone record is added to the database and is assigned the next sequence number, in this case, Phone 0008, which appears in the “TMA Phone System” tree (under the “Admin Bldg”) and in the “Phone Listing” (to the right), as shown below.
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Phone records can be added to the database by importing from a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. Include fields in this text file as shown on the opening form of the TMA Phone Import Wizard.
Fields 1–4 are required and are described as follows:
Field 1: “Description” as shown in Table 5.
Field 2: The name of an existing group (folder) at level 3 in the site’s phone record tree structure.
Field 3: “Line Number” as shown in Table 5. (N
OTE: This field is the same as IP Address for VoIP
Field 4: “Phone Type Number” as a code number corresponding to the telephone type. Refer to Table 2 and the following list:
Use 8 for GAI-Tronics VoIP Phones Use 6 for Type A or Type B Hands-free Use 5 for Type A or Type B Handset Use 2 for GTL Hands-free Use 1 for GTL Handset
For the Type A and Type B telephones, TMA will assume the proper phone record type (and icon) after the telephone has completed its first poll call. Refer to “Phone Management Form” section for details pertaining to the remaining optional fields.
Next > to continue to the File Selection Form.
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Type the CSV file name including the full path (or select it using the Bro wse button). Click Finish to
create new phone records in the database according to the specified CSV file.
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Managing Phone Reco rds

With groups established and named for the telephone system, individual telephone settings can be modified through the Phone Management Form; with the exception of the VoIP phones (refer to “VoIP Phone Properties Form” section on page 52).

Phone Management F orm

The Phone Management Form is used to set up synchronization of settings (data) between TMA and the SMART telephones. Synchronization can be accomplished by:
Sending data to a telephone (synchronize the data in a phone to the data in TMA) Receiving data from a telephone (synchronize the data in TMA to the data in a phone) A combination of send data and receive data
To access the Phone Management form, right click on the phone to be configured. When the pop-up menu appears (as shown below), move the cursor and click on Phone Management Form. In this example, the selected phone record to be configured is the “Entrance Phone” at the “Maint Bldg.”
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Click on the Phone Management Form to open. It is shown below.
Phone Properties Configuration Forms
Value Field
Phone Properties Area
Phone Data Area
Command Area
nchronization Area
The Phone Management Form consists of four areas: Phone Properties, Phone Data, Command Area, and Synchronization.
Phone Properties Area
The Phone Properties area displays the phone properties in a tree structure. Each property contains multiple parameters and can be expanded or collapsed by clicking or respectively.
To select all parameters of a property, click the property check box. To select an individual parameter, click the parameter check box. All selected parameters will be processed based on user actions in the Command area.
OTE: The “Type A Advanced Settings” appears in the Phone Properties area only if this phone record is
Type A.
Phone Data
The Phone Data area contains parameters with value fields that correspond to the parameter and value columns in the synchronization list. As each parameter is selected in the Phone Properties Tree, the appropriate form is displayed in the Phone Data area for entering information in the value fields.
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Command Area
The Command area is used to queue send/receive requests and to schedule synchronizations for processing. The user can also reset (undo) changes or cancel the entire operation. The Command area controls the following actions:
Table 4. Command Area Actions
Command Function
When selected, TMA will immediately poll and synchronize the telephone.
Synchronize Later
When selected, data between TMA and the telephone will be synchronized the next time the telephone is contacted.
When selected, data in the telephone will be synchronized to data stored in TMA.
When selected, data in TMA will be synchronized to data stored in telephone.
When clicked, TMA processes the current synchronization list with the selected schedule (Now or Later) and closes the Phone Management Form.
When clicked, the Phone Management Form closes and no processing will occur.
When clicked, the selected batch is added to the synchronization list with the current Send/Receive selection.
When clicked, it will reset (undo) all changes made after the last “Apply” function.
Synchronization Area
The Synchronization area displays a listing of all data selected for processing. The list contains two columns, Parameter and Value, that correspond to the selections and entries made in the Phone Data area. Data to be exchanged between the PC and the phone is separated into “Receive” and “Send” batches. The Parameter column lists the phone property name and the parameters selected. The Value column lists the entries from the Value fields for each parameter.
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Phone Property
Value Field Entries
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Example --Typical Phone Record Setup
In many cases, updating just the Description, Line Number, and Emergency autodial numbers in the GAI­Tronics SMART telephone is sufficient for initial setup. Follow these steps to update a phone record and to synchronize the telephone to the updated phone record.
1. Choose the type of phone record that corresponds to the telephone model.
2. Right click on the icon of this telephone’s phone record.
3. Click on
4. Click in the
5. Click in the
Phone Management Form.
Description field (General properties) and enter a location/identification description.
Line Number field (General properties) and enter the telephone’s line number exactly as
the TMA DTMF Transceiver or modem will dial it.
6. Click on the title
Memory Configuration in the Phone Properties tree to display the section
containing the autodial telephone numbers.
7. Click in the first
EMERGENCY button is pressed.
8. Click in the second
Emergency field and enter a telephone number that the telephone will dial when the
Emergency field. TMA fills the second and third autodial numbers. Update
these second and third cascade numbers if desired.
9. Select
10. Click
11. Click
Send and Synchronize Now in the Command Area.
Apply (Command Area). This adds all updated values to the Synchronization Area.
OK (Command Area). This closes the Phone Management Form and sends a request to SPI
(SMART Phone Interface) to call the telephone and synchronize it to the updated phone record settings (i.e., “Send” these values to the telephone).
12. Within 15 seconds, SPI takes the transceiver or modem off-hook and begins the call. As a result of
this maintenance call, the telephone’s health status shown by TMA will also be updated.
13. If desired, monitor the progress of this maintenance call using the SPI call status window. If the SPI
call status window is not open; double-click the telephone icon in the Windows taskbar notification area to open the call status window.
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Phone Properties Area

This section examines the parameters of each phone property displayed in the Phone Properties area of the Phone Management Form.
The General Properties Form for a Type A Hands-free phone record is shown below followed by an explanation of each parameter.
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