This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive
bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics
retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch
informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system.
This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
General Information
This publication contains information relating to Model MOD5300A, MOD5400A, and MOD5500A
Call/Talk St ations . They cons ist of t he following s ubassemblies:
A01B B01B B02B B04 C01B D01B
System layout should be pl anned in adva nc e of insta llation. Stations should be located carefu lly, taking
convenience, ac c es sibility, and personnel s afety int o accou nt. The quantity a nd loc ation of paging s peakers
must b e carefully consider ed, particularly in areas of high ambient noise or rever b eration. The speaker
amplifier built into each s tat ion drives one horn- loaded paging speaker. If additional pa ging speakers are
needed, separate speaker amplifiers can be added to the system. In quiet areas, such as offices, several
paging speakers can be connected to a si ngle s tat ion. Please see publication 42004-135 Speaker/Horn
Installation for GAI-T ronics Communicati on Systems or consu l t a GAI - Tronic s sa les repr es ent ative for
additi onal system planning information.
All units are wir ed in p arallel. Good pl anning will minimize the cable r equired for each installat i on.
GAI-Tronics can supply multi-conductor c able designed esp ecially for this a pplica tion. The number, size,
and color coding of condu c tors are lis ted in the ac c ompanying sys tem connection diagrams. Standa rd ca ble
has 600-volt insulation and is UL-rated for power cable tray use. The maximum standard cable length is
5,250 feet (1600 m) from the line balance assembly. For larger systems or non-s tandard cable, pleas e
contact a GAI-Tronics representative.
The cable described a bove includes conductors to provide a c power t o each st ation. All stations opera te
from a c ommon source, enha nc ing reliab ility, particularit y if no other a c load is placed on the circuit
breaker or bra nch line feeding the sy stem. Th i s con figuration also al lows easy tr ans fer to an emergen cy
power s ource in t he event of a power f ailure. However, if preferred, ea c h sta tion may be individually
powered from a nearby nominal 115 volt, 50 or 60 Hz single-phase outlet.
hazard and consequent injury or property damage.
NOTICE: Effective Jan. 1, 2005, the Call/Talk communication system and its components will not
maintain any nationally recognized laboratory approval for hazardous locatio ns.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
Do not inst all in any hazardous lo c ati o ns ; such installations may cause a safet y
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-251A
Install ation of Call/T alk Systems Page: 2 of 9
STEP 1 - Station and Speaker Amplifier Enclosure Mounting
Each Call/Talk station consists of an enclosure, a cover plate, a power supply, and a speaker amplifier
module. Each enclosu re pr ovides a ter mina l str ip for c onnecting inter sta tion cable. T he 1 6-gauge coldrol l ed steel /ligh t gray en amel enclosures use internal screw-type barrier terminal b l o cks. T h e suggested
mounting height for all station enclosures is 54 inches (137 cm).
STEP 2 - Line Balance Assembly Mounting
One li n e bal ance as sembly i s r eq uir ed for each communications system. T h e func tion of the line balance
assemb l y i s to pro perly load th e pag e and the par ty lin e cir cuits. T h ere are thr ee pr i mar y considerat i o n s in
determining the location of t he line balance assembly:
• It shou ld be near the elec tr ica l center of the sy stem.
• It should be adjacent t o the indoor station in a relatively quiet area.
• It should be no more than 5,250 feet (1600 m) from the most distant station when using GAI-Tronics
standard cable. F or larger s ystems or when non-sta ndard c able is to be us ed, please conta c t a
GAI-Tronics representative for further information.
The line ba lance assembly has one electrical adju stment that mus t be made while using a station (see the
Step 5 - Checkout a nd Adju stment s ection).
The preferred mounting method is to sus pend the as sembly by a 1-inch conduit nipple ( not sup p lied) f rom
the lower s ide of an indoor wall st ation. The t erminal bloc ks of the line balance assembly and the
associated indoor wa ll sta tion must be connected by one twisted pair for the page circ uit a nd one s imilar
pair for each pa rty line. Refer to the typ i c al wiring diagrams on pa ges 8 and 9 f or the connect ions between
the Model 305 Series Line Balance Assembly and the wall station enclosure.
STEP 3 - Inter-station Conduit and Cable Installation
Genera lly, intersta tion cables are installed in cab le tra ys or conduit. To help determine the requir ed condu it
sizes, the out side diameters of the GAI-Tronics cab les discus sed in this manual a re listed in the following
Cable Conductors Outside Diameter
60038-101 8 0.60 in. (15.1 mm)
60029-101 16 0.68 in. (17.2 mm)
The siz e and installation of conduit and cable must meet the requirements of a p plicable electrical codes. A
ground c onductor, wit h green/yellow insu lation, should be included with the cabl e in any area where no
conduit or non-metallic c onduit is used. Non- metallic enclosu res used with metallic conduit and c ables
without a ground conductor require a bond between the conduit(s) and the gr ound terminal (terminal 3)
withi n the encl o sure.
No station is to be installed or operated without having a proper ground.
Where GAI-Tr onic s cab le is insta lled, each condu c tor s hould be lugged and att ached to t he t erminal. This
must be performed in accordance wit h the color code shown on the ap plicable accompanying wiring
diagr ams, or with s p ecial drawings provided for this pu rpos e.
OTE: Some cables ha ve an orange (spare) c onductor. Unless otherwise instruct ed, this c onductor should
be taped and not connected to the terminal strip(s) in the enclosures.
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Pub. 42004-251A
Install ation of Call/T alk Systems Page: 3 of 9
STEP 4 - Amplifier and Subset Installation
Call/Talk equipment is f actory set f or au tomatic loc al speaker muting. When the push-to-page switc h is
pres sed at a pa rticular station, the pa ging speaker connected to that sta tion is silenced, preventi ng acous tic
feedbac k to the handset micr ophone. For ca ses where t he muting featur e is not necess ary or may b e a
disadvantage, it c an be disconnected by removing the jump er between the MUTE IN and t he MUTE OUT
Remote Muting
Additiona l amplifiers can b e muted by the paging station by c onnecting its MUTE OUT terminal to the
MUTE IN terminal of all af f ected amplifier s. This ca n be performed to avoid feedback fr om stat ions in
proximity of eac h other. A c ommon ground must be pres ent at all stations to be muted. Connect one end
of the GAI- Tr onic s orange cab le wire to the MUTE IN of one stat ion, and c onnect the other end to the
MUTE OUT of a nother stat ion. Cont inue this procedure until all stations in that area are connected. To
ensur e t hat t he s tations are correctly wired, initiate a page from a st ation, and ver ify that speaker muti ng is
occurring where desir ed.
After making any necessary muting changes, unpack and install the C01B power supply and the D01B
spea ker amplifier. The C01B and the D01B modules plu g directly int o the motherboard located in the
station enclos ure. Secure the module to the enclosure mounting br acket u sing the captive s c rews provided
with the modules. The ribbon c able from the front panel containing the handset amplifier plugs into the
mating connec tor on t he motherboa rd. The cover plate should also be p lug-connect ed t o the motherb oard
and sec urely mounted to the enclosure using the hardware pr ovided.
Step 5 - Checkout and Adjustment
All field wiring c onnections (p age line, party line(s), mute, ac power, a nd speaker) between stat ions must
be tested, and the line balance assembly installation must be complete before checkout begins . Ever y
handset should b e on- hook.
App l y the a c power, and c heck th e stati o n n ext to th e l i n e balance assemb l y . P ress th e push-to-p age s witch
(in the ha ndset handle on some stations), and s peak firmly and dir ectly into t he microphone of the handset.
The broadcast should be hea rd at all p aging speakers in the system except those associated with the s tat ion
under test. The operat or shou ld hear lit tle or no s idetone (the us er hear ing his voice fr om t he ea rpiece of
the hands et ). If the line balance as sembly is not connected prop erly, t here will be a high level of sidet one,
perhaps enough to cause feedba c k. The line balance assembly adjust s to optimize sidetone r eject ion on the
page line. I f the system is complete when the first station is c hecked, adjust the line balance as sembly as
pres ent ed in t he Line Balance Assembly Adjustment section below. Do N OT adjust the sta tion (amplif ier)
contr ols until t he line balance a ssembly is a dju sted.
Releas e t he p ush-t o- page swit c h, and c heck the party line(s ) sidetone level. Aga in, the operat or speaking
into the microphone of the handset s hould hear very litt le or none of his own voice from the earpiece in the
handset . This sidetone r eject ion will only oc c ur if the line bala nc e assembly is prop erly connected, because
it cont ains a fixed r es istor load for each p arty line. In addition, no p arty line adjustments are provided;
therefore, p arty line operation is c hecked b y c onversing bet ween two or more st ations .
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