GAI-T r onics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, P A 19540 US A
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
This manual is provided s olely as an operational, installation, and maint enance guide and contains sensitive
bus ines s and technic al infor ma tion that is confident i al and p ropr ietar y to GAI-Tronics . GAI-Tronics
retains a ll intellectua l property a nd other ri ghts in or to the infor ma tion contained herein, a nd such
informa tion may only be used in connection with the opera tion of your GAI-Tronics product or system.
This ma nual may not be disclos ed in any form, in whole or in pa rt, directly or indirectly, to a ny third p art y.
This produc t contains cop yrighted compu ter programs stored in semiconductor memory. These progra ms
ar e c opyright ed b y G AI - Tronic s Cor poration and may not be r eproduc ed in any form without exp ress
writ ten permiss i on f rom GAI-Tronics.
GAI-Tronics warrants for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, that any GAI-Tronics equipment supplied
hereunder shall be free of defects in material and workmanship, shall comply with the then-current product specifications and
product literature, and if applicable, shall be fit for the purpose specified in the agreed-upon quotation or proposal document. If
(a) Seller’s goods prove to be de f ecti ve in w orkma nship an d/or mate rial under normal and proper usage, or unfit for the
purpose specified and agreed upon, and (b) Buyer’s claim is made within the warranty period set forth above, Buyer may return
such goods to G AI-Tronics’ nearest depot rep air facility, freight prepaid, at which time they will be repaired or replaced, at
Seller’s option, without charge to Buyer. Repair or replacement shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and the warranty
period on any repaired or replacement equipment shall be one (1) year from the date the original equipment was shipped. In no
event shall GAI-Tronics’ warranty obligations with respect to equipment exceed 100% of the total cost of the equipment
supplied hereunder. The applicability of any such third-party warranty will be determined solely by GAI-Tronics.
Services. Any services GAI-Tronics provides hereunder, whether directly or through subcontractors, shall be performed in
accordance with the standard of care with which such services are normally provided in the industry. If the services fail to meet
the applicable industry standard, GAI-Tronics will, for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion, re-perform such
services at no cost to the Buyer. Re-performance of services shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and in no event shall
GAI-Tronics’ warranty obligations with respect to services exceed 100% of the total cost of services provided hereunder.
Limita ti ons/Exclusions. The warranty on any equipment supplied hereunder is subject to Customer’s use in compliance
with applicable FCC regulations and manufacturer specifications. The warranties herein shall not apply to, and GAI-Tronics
shall not be responsible for , an y damage to th e goods or fai lur e of the service s supplied here under, t o the extent caused by
accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, system design, product modification, failure to follow instructions contained in the product
manual, repair, or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by GAI-Tronics, improper installation, installation of parts that do
not conform to the quality or specifications of the original parts or accessories, damage or loss occurred during shipment, or any
unit which is not new when sold or upon which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed. The warranty does
not extend to damage incurred by natural causes including Force Majeure. The warranty does not cover microprocessors if
failure is due to static damage or application of improper voltage.
Operational and Maintenance Procedures
modification of the equipment provided hereunder, or use of unqualified maintenance or service technicians will severely
impair the operational effectiveness of the entire communication system. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
GAI-Tronics harmless from and against any and all third party claims arising, in any manner, out of: (a) Buyer’s neglect of the
equipment; (b) Buyer’s use of technicians not authorized by GAI-Tronics to service the equipment; or (c) Buyer’s improper use
or modification of the equipment or failure to follow the operational and maintenance procedures provided with the equipment.
. Buyer acknowledges that any improper use, maintenance, or
Limitation of Liability /Damages. In no event (even should circumstances cause the exclusive warranties and remedies
set forth in the Warranty section to fail of their essential purpose) shall either party be liable for any indirect, incidental, special
or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of anticipated profits, or damages arising from delay)
whether such claims are alleged to have arisen out of breach of warranty, breach of contract, strict or absolute liability in tort,
or other act, error or om iss ion, or from any other cause w hatsoever, or any combi nation of t he foregoing.
SCOPE OF MANUAL..............................................................................................................................................1
SERVICE AND REPAIR .......................................................................................................................................... 1
FEATURES AND BENEFITS ....................................................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTION TO THE ACC2500AUDIO CONTROL CENTER ................................................................................4
SYSTEM COMPONENT REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 4
DESK SET BUTTON PANEL ...................................................................................................................................5
INTERNAL MICROPHONE AND SPEAKER ................................................................................................................6
Power Connector........................................................................................................................................... 7
AMI Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 7
ACCESSORIES, AND OPTIONS A ND KITS ................................................................................................................ 9
ZONE SELECTION ..............................................................................................................................................12
INITIATING LIVE VOICE BROADCASTS WITHOUT AN ALARM ................................................................................13
PLANNING THE INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................... 21
POWER CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................................ 23
AUDIO AND DATA CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................ 23
Main Diagnostics Selection ......................................................................................................................... 26
PB1 – Line Output Adjust............................................................................................................................ 26
Time Setting.................................................................................................................................................30
THEORY OF OPERATION............................................................................................................................. 31
GENERAL DESK SET OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 31
CARD SUITE PROGRAMM ING SOFTWARE .............................................................................................. 33
GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................... 33
READING THE UNIT ...........................................................................................................................................33
PROGRAMMI NG THE ACC2500.......................................................................................................................... 34
Zone Field Name......................................................................................................................................... 34
Alarm Field Name ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Page PTT Pretime..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Zone Address Length................................................................................................................................................35
Zone Activation Duration..........................................................................................................................................35
DTMF Digit Time ....................................................................................................................................................35
Restrict Entry of Manual Zones.................................................................................................................................35
Restrict DTMF Over Dial.........................................................................................................................................35
Preprogrammed Zone / No Alarm..............................................................................................................................35
Preprogrammed Zone with Alarm.............................................................................................................................36
This manual offers descriptive data and service information for the Model ACC2500 Audio Control
Center . Ser vice diagra ms and pr inted circu it board deta ils ar e a part of t his service ma nu al.
The mo del number, loca ted on the na meplate on the bottom, sp ecificall y identi fies GAI-Tr o n i cs equipment.
If a dditional options a re order ed, the opt ion is identified on the circuit board.
Ordering Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts or requ esti n g eq uipment inf o rmation, please i n clude the complete
identification number. T his app lies to all c omponent s, kits, a nd c hassis. If the component pa rt nu mber is
not known, the order should inclu de t he nu mber of the chassis or kit of whic h it is a part and suffic ient
descri ption of t he desired component to identify it. Order parts from:
Customer Service
GAI-Tronics Corpora tion
400 E. Wyomissing Ave.
Mohnton, PA 19540
US: 800-492-1212
Outside US: 610-777-1374
Service and Repair
Inoperative or ma lf unctioning equip ment s hould be returned to the fact ory for repair. Please call
1-800-492-1212 to obtain a R et urn Authorization number, published r ep air p rices, and shipping
instruct ions. A R et urn Au thorization number can also be ob tained by visiting our website at
OTE: A purchase order or credit card number is r equ ired pr ior to process ing non- warranty repairs.
FCC Interference Warning
The F CC r equ ires that manuals pertaining to Class A and C lass B c omp uting devices mus t contain
war nings about pos sible interference with local res idential r adio and TV reception. T his warning reads as
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required
to correct the interference at his own expense.
1 09/08
Foreword ACC2500 Audio Control Center
Safe Handling of CMOS Integrated Circuit Devices
Many of the integrated cir c uit devices used in communicati ons equipment are of the Complementary M et al
Oxide Semicondu c tor (CMOS) type. Becau se of their high open circuit impedanc e, CMO S integrated
circ uits are vulnerable t o damage fr om s tatic char ges . Ca re must be taken handling, shipping, and
servicing them and the as semblies in which they are used.
Even though protection devices are pr ovided in C MOS integrated circuit inputs, the protection is effective
only aga inst over- voltage in the hu ndreds of volt s ra nge such a s is encount ered in an operating system. I n a
system, cir cuit elements dis tri bute st at i c charges an d load the C MOS circui ts, decreasing the chance of
damage. However, CMOS circ uits c an be damaged by improp er handling of the modules, even in a
To avoid damage to c i rcuits, ob serve the following handling, shipping, and servic ing precautions :
1. Pr ior to a nd while servicing a circuit module, particu larly after moving within the service a rea,
momentarily t ouch both hands to a ba re metal, earth- grounded su rfa c e. This will discharge any st atic
charge that may have accumulated on the person doing the s ervicing.
OTE: Wearing a c onductive wris t strap will minimize static b uild-up du ring ser vic ing.
2. Whenever possible, avoid touc hing any electr ic ally conductive parts of the circuit module with you r
3. Power down the unit bef ore installing or removing the circu i t module.
4. When servicing a cir c uit module, avoid carpeted areas, dry environments, and cer tain t ypes of clot hing
(silk, nylon, etc. ) because they contr ibute to sta tic build- u p. S imila rly, disconnect the t es t probe prior
to removing the ground lead.
5. All electric ally power ed t es t equipment s hould be grou nded. Apply the ground lea d f rom the test
equipment to the circuit module before connecting t he t es t pr ob e.
6. If a c i rcuit module is removed from the sys tem, it is desi rab le t o lay it on a c onductive su rfac e ( such a s
a sheet of aluminum foil) that is connected to ground through 100k of resistance.
7. When soldering, be sure the solder ing iron is grounded and has a grounded tip.
8. Pr ior to connecting jumpers , repl acing cir c uit components, or touching C MOS p i ns (if this becomes
necessa ry in the r ep lacement of an integrated circuit device), b e sure t o discharge any st atic build-up as
descri bed in procedu re 1. Since volta ge differences can exist across the huma n body, it is
recommended that only one hand be used if it is necess ary to touch pins on the C MOS device and
associated board wiring.
9. When replacing a CMOS integrated circuit device, lea ve t he device in its conductive rail c ontainer or
conduct ive foam until it is to be inserted into the printed circuit module.
10. All low impedanc e t est equipment ( such a s pulse generat ors, etc.) should be connected to CM O S device
input s aft er power is applied t o the CMOS circ u i try. Similarly, suc h low impeda nc e equip ment should
be disconnected before p ower is turned off.
11. Rep lacement modules shipped separat ely f rom the factory will be p ackaged in a c onductive mat erial.
Any modules being trans port ed from one ar ea to another should be wrapped in a similar ma teria l
(alu minum foil may be u sed). Never us e non- conductive mat erial for packaging these modules.
09/08 2
Features and Benefits
Feature Benefit
LCD display Allows us er-fr iendly int erfac e; displays zone and alar m, sta tus and
diagnostic infor ma tion.
Pr ogrammab le b uttons Four buttons p rovide up to eight us er-defined actions, i.e.,
prep rogrammed zone and alarm selection, button r ema p ping, ou tput
contr ol, etc.
DTMF Control for Model 133x2
Series Amplified Addressa b l e
Speakers and GAI-Tronics SBA
and SBM Stanchion assemblies.
Hot-Sta ndby Control Additiona l units can be connect ed for hot standb y c ontrol in case of
Direc t AMI Au dio Monitori ng User c an hear all a udio being genera ted by the AMI whether originat ed
Live Broadcast Supports live broadcast with zone selection
Fr ont-mounted controls and
Pr eannounce tone When pr ogrammed in the Audio M es senger Int erfac e ( AM I), a
Built- in interna l mic and speaker Allows for single push-button communication.
Genera tes the necess ary c ontrol t ones to addr ess the GAI-Tronics
Amplified Addressabl e Speaker series and St anchion Br oadcast
prima ry failure. ( Requires relay control option to be installed.)
such as cont act c losur e or phone call.
from the ACC2500 or external event such as a timed event or telephone
Includes mute/unmut e and local speaker on/off.
preannounce tone will be generated prior t o live b roadcast f rom the unit
spea ker and all addr es sed speakers/sta nc hions.
Pr ogrammab le inputs and outputs Inputs a nd outpu ts ca n be configured for a var iety of selections.
(Requires relay contr ol option to b e ins talled.)
3 09/08
Description ACC2500 Audio Control Center
Introduction to the ACC2500 Audio Control Center
The ACC2500 Audio Control Center works in conjunction with the GAI-Tronics Audio Messenger
Interface (AMI), Model 133x2 Addressable Amplified Speakers, and the GAI-Tronics Stanchion Broadcast
products to provide a complete wide-a rea broadc ast and alert system. T he u nit allows addressing of
individual, zone or all addr es sable u nits in the system. Using the Audio Messenger Int erfac e, live voice,
prep rogrammed voice/tone messages as well as telephone dial-up live b roadcast s can b e ma de over the
Eac h of the four programmable b uttons can b e conf igured for up t o eight preset zone selection or pr eset
zone/alarm select ion. In addition, t he fou r optional inputs and three outputs can be programmed for
var i ou s uses. With optional relays , outputs c an be configu red for O n- Air Light, General Purpose C ontrol,
and On/Off. Inputs can be configu red for Button Remap, Outp ut Link, and L ink to a p reprogrammed zone
and a larm conf igu ration.
The ACC2500 uses DTMF control for zone selection of the Addressable Amplified Speakers or Stanchion
Broadcas t pr oducts. The u nit allows direct entry of zones via the numer ic keyp ad or s election of zones
using a prep rogrammed alias (programmed using the C ARD Su ite software a pplica tion.)
In addition, the u nit allows direct entry of preprogrammed alarm messages/t ones using the numer ic keyp ad
or selection using t he names of each message/alarm a s programmed using the AMI AC T tool p rovided with
the Audio Messenger Interface. Upon power-up, the ACC2500 will verify the contents of the AMI
messages and ret rieve them for use as neces sar y.
System Component References
The following repres ents a few common system component references.
ACC2500 Audio Control Center – The ACC2500 is a desktop unit complete with push-to-talk handset,
integral speaker and microphone, LCD dis play, D TMF keypad, and various c ontrol buttons. This unit
communicates directly with the AMI via RS-232.
Audio Messenger Interface (AMI) – The AMI provides p rogrammed speech messa ge and alarm tone
outputs via activation from the ACC2500. Additionally, the AMI provides dial-up telephone access to the
Stanchion Broadcast Products – T he 234SBA Stanchion Broadcast Assembly and 234SBM Stanchion
Broadcast Module receive the audio signal generated by the AMI and/or ACC2500. The units’ integral
spea kers broadcast the received signa l.
Addressable Amplified Speaker – The Addressable Amplif ied Speaker series p rovides disc rete sp eaker
broadcasts of the AMI or ACC2500 audio signal.
09/08 4
ACC2500 Audio Control Center Description
Desk Set Button Panel
TRANSMIT Button and LED The red TRANSMIT button is
used to place the unit in the broadcast mode and to initiate
voice and a l arm trans missions. The
locat ed t o the left of the b u tton, illuminates s teadily when
tr ansmitt ing voice and flashes when the AM I is actively
generat i ng a message/ alarm or in a telephone voice call.
DEACT Button and LED The DEACT button is used to
immediately deact ivate a ll active s peakers or br oadca st
assemblies and cease any activity cur rently on the AM I.
VOLUME Buttons The units c ontain t wo b uttons labeled
VOLUME imprinted with up and down arrows. They are
used to inc reas e and decrease the local speaker volume and
microphone levels. They ar e also us ed for special
CTL CTL is used in conjunction wit h other bu ttons to
provide secondar y key f unctions .
TIME The TIME but ton briefl y displays the current time.
This time is retrieved from the AMI and ca n b e u seful to
ACC2500 Front Panel
monitor for timed events automatically generated by the AMI.
Keypad Buttons The numeric keypad is us ed f or the select ion of a desir ed zone and alarms. See the
Oper ations section of t his manua l for fu rther inf ormation.
STOP/CLR Bu tton The STOP/CLR butt on serves t wo p urposes. While an ala rm is being generated
pressing the
STOP/CLR button will stop the generation of the ala rm and keep the addressed
spea kers/broa dc ast assemblies active for their time-out duration. When selecting a zone or alarm, pressing
STOP/CLR button will, if allowed via CARD Suite, per mit ma nual entry of the zone or alarm.
ZONE UP and DOWN Buttons: The ZONEUPand DOWN bu ttons allow selection of a pa rticular addres s
or zone using prep rogrammed aliases . If no a liases have been programmed using t he C ARD Su ite
applicat ion, these buttons ar e not used.
ALARM ON/OFF Button The ALARMON/OFFbutton is used to t urn a l arm generation on or of f. When
off, pressing the
holding the
display. Pressing the
TRANSMITbut ton will allow voice-over live b roadcast while keeping t he alar m pl aying at a reduc ed or
TRANSMITbut ton will act ivate the s elect ed zone a nd allow live voice broadcast while
TRANSMITbut ton. When on, the ala rm will be displa yed in t he s econd line of the LCD
TRANSMITbut ton will initiate the alarm. While the al arm is active, p ressing t he
muted level.
ALARM UP and DOWN Buttons The ALARMUP/DOWNbuttons allow selection of t he mess ages as
programmed in the AMI via the AC T tool p rogram.
5 09/08
Description ACC2500 Audio Control Center
LCD Display: Each of the desk sets includes a backlit 2×16 charact er LCD display f or operator
Programmable Buttons: The PB1, PB2, PB3, and PB4pr ogrammab l e b uttons can ea c h be configured to
perform two separate func tions: one directly and t he ot her in conjunction with the
CTLbutton. D ep ending
on its conf igura tion, the s elect ed b utton illu mina tes when it is p ressed.
Internal Microphone and Speaker
This microphone is int ended for use in low nois e environments. The hands et must be on-hook in order t o
use t he microphone. The internal microphone and sp eaker a re pr ovided t o allow one-bu tton
Each ACC2500 is equipped with a handset with a coil cord used for receiving and transmitting calls. The
handset includes a push-to-talk (PTT) pressb ar.
Rear View of ACC2500
09/08 6
ACC2500 Audio Control Center Description
Power Connector
The ACC2500 is powered by a listed ac wall transformer supplying nominal 12 V dc. The operating range
is 10 .5 t o 15 V dc. The 5-p i n power connect or diagram a nd pinout are s hown below:
Pin Function
1 -IN
2 Battery backup
3 +IN
4 -IN
5 +IN
AMI Connections
The rear of the ACC2500 contains two modular ports used to connect to the f ront control port of the AMI.
The 6- pin line connector is the transmit and receive audio connection t o the AMI.
Pin Function
1 No connection
2 RX +IN
5 RX –IN
6 No connection
7 09/08
Description ACC2500 Audio Control Center
The 8- pin modular c onnector is the RS-232 data control port.
Pin Function
1 No connection
2 RS-232 TX OUT
3 No connection
5 No connection
6 No connection
7 RS-232 RX IN
8 No connection
NOTE: It is important that those pins labeled "No connection" be left un-terminated. Connection of
these pins may damage the ACC2500 or AMI and may not be covered under warranty.
To facilitate the connect ion of these two ports to the AMI, the 69612-xxx (purchased separately) contains
thr ee modula r connectors and two ca bles. The two ca bles included combine the 8-pin and 6-p in port s as
necessary to allow connection to the front AMI c ontrol port u sing a s tanda rd ca tegory-5 net working cable.
This CAT-5 cab le mus t be provided by the inst aller a nd must not exc eed 45 feet in length.
09/08 8
ACC2500 Audio Control Center Description
Accessories, and Options and Kits
Description Part No.
CARD Suite Software on CD XAC1000A
Programming Cable XAC0004A
Relay Control Field Install Kit XRC0001A*
Mounting Kit for Option Boards XAC0100A
Power Supply, 120 V ac 60 Hz 3308-00750-00
Power Supply, 110/220 V ac 50/60 Hz 3308-00750-10
Desk Microphone** XDM002A
Gooseneck Mi c rophone** XGM002A
Amplified Headset** XHS003B
Coiled Cord (required for XHS003B) XCC004B
Footswitch** XFS002A
Audio Accessory Box XAAB002A
*Requires XAC0100A (1 per unit)
**Requires XAAB002A Audio Accessory Box (1 per unit)
9 09/08
Description ACC2500 Audio Control Center
Performance Specifications
Color................................................................................................................................................ Black
Physical size................................................................................................ 7.6 W × 8.9 L × 4.7 H inches
Class III SELV powered equipment.
Powered by UL-listed (E104603)
and CSA-certified (LR67888) Class 2 ac adapter.
Emissions:......................................................................USA: FCC Part 15, Sub. B- Verification.
Canada: ICES – 003
Line interface.............................................................................................................FCC Part 68 Exempt
(Categor y II Tariff #260 service for private/leased line applications)
Canada: IC CS03-8
Range -14 to +12 dB into 560 ohms
Frequency response..................................................................+
Hum and noise.................................................................................. Less than -45 dB below rated outputs
Audio output to speakers.................................................. 1 watt minimum with level in compression range
Audio distortion............................................................................................................Less than 3% THD
3 dB, 300 to 3000 Hz (except notch filter)
09/08 10
The ACC2500 provides system control of a GAI-Tronics wide-area broadcast system consisting of an
Audio Messenger Int erface ( AM I), amplified addressable speakers and/or sta nc hion broa dc ast produc ts. I t
allows selection of individual units or zones and selection of preprogra mmed speech/ tone ala rms.
Audio that is outpu t from t he AM I is direct ly rout ed t o the integral speaker or handset to allow dir ect
monitoring of the AMI audio by the ACC2500 operator.
The ACC2500 has a backlit 2×16-chara c ter su per-t wis t LCD display to provide va luable op erator
information. This infor mation allows the opera tor t o det ermine the sta tus of the unit. The following
describes the disp lay at var ious st ates:
At power up:
• Initia lly, line 1 shows:
• After 3 to 5 seconds, line 1 shows
ACC2500, and line 2 shows the firmware version.
During normal operation,
Line 1 shows the currently selected zone, i.e. Zone 12
Line 2 s hows:
• Speaker/handset audio level during a change of level
• Alar m s election when tur ned on or active
• AMI activit y during int ernal and external events
• The current time when the
TIME button is pressed
•Oper ator instr uctions during b roadcast of live voice
During installatio n, the displa y shows various diagnosti c inf ormation.
11 09/08
Operation ACC2500 Audio Control Center
_ _ _
Idle Mode
When power is applied, the ACC2500 is in the receive or idle mode, allowing any AMI audio to be heard
through the speaker or handset. It is always in this mode unless the unit is transmitting.
The ACC2500 contains an internal or local speaker and a handset that operate as follows:
• When the hands et is in the cradle, or on-hook, audio is heard on the internal speaker. In s ome
operationa l modes, this c an be cha nged, i.e., muting the speaker by pressing CTL + VOL Down.
• When the hands et is off- hook, audio is routed to the ha ndset receiver . By us ing the front panel bu ttons,
you may optionally s elect to hear audio through the local speaker in a ddition to the handset.
Zone Selection
The system can have many zones a vailab le to the operator each including one to many speakers or
broadcast a ssemblies. I n order t o select the proper z one f or a b roadcast of any type, the oper ator must f irst
select t he desired zone. T his zone is disp layed on the fir st line of the LCD disp lay.
Note that during inst allation and programming, the zone label can be changed to a des ired display using the
CARD Suite a pplica tion. By defa ult, if nothing is programmed, the word “Z one” will b e dis played on the
first line of the dis p lay. This cou ld be changed to “Grou p,” “Area,” “Z ” or any alpha nu mer ic des c ript ion
of up to eight character s.
After initial power - up, t he dis play will be a s shown below where the address of all units and zones is
programmed to be 3 digits in length.
Z o n e :
The “
→” in the first location of the first line indicates that the zone selection is active. To manua lly select a
zone using the numeric key, enter the desired address or zone. To select zone 123, press “1,” “2,” followed
by “3 .” As t he digit s ar e entered, the first digit will be display in the thir d blank and moved to the left as
sub sequent digits are enter ed. If more than the allowed number of digits is entered, the zone entry will be
clear ed and the last digit will bec ome the first digit of the new address. Af ter entr y of the zone, t he dis play
will app ear a s shown below:
Z o n e : 1 2 3
09/08 12
ACC2500 Audio Control Center Operation
If zone a liases have been programmed using the CARD S uite ap plicat ion, the operator may choos e a zone
using a name instead of a direct number. For example, zone 123 can be programmed as “Zone 1,” zone
234 can be “Zone 2,” zone 345 can be “Zone 3,” zone 456 can be “Zone 4” and all zones can be “Zone
All.” To select a particu lar zone, the operator can use the
ZONE Up/Down b uttons to sc roll to t he desi red
zone suc h as “ Zone 3” as shown below:
Z o n e : Z o n e 3
If the a lias ha s a pre-configured ala rm associat ed wit h it, the a l arm will be disp layed on the second line of
the display. The operator may not override or t urn off this pre-configu red alarm and attempting to do so
will displa y an err or messa ge along with an error tone.
If the op erat or wishes to rever t to manu al entry, pressing the
STOP/CLR button will switc h back to ma nual
entry and will display the las t manua lly ent ered zone. If the unit is p rogrammed to restrict ma nual entry of
the zone addressed, pressing the
manual entry mode, press i ng
STOP/CLR button will res ult is an error message and tone. While in
STOP/CLR a second time clears t he zone ent ry.
Initiating Live Voice Broadcasts without an Alarm
After selecting the desired zone, the op erat or may initiate a live b roadcast immediat ely b y pressing and
holding any P TT sourc e s uch as the main
Upon pr es sing and holding P TT, if the s elect ed zone is not act i ve (mor e on this below) the u nit will
generate the necessary DTMF digits to activate the desired zone. Duri ng the DTMF generation, the second
line of the display will be:
After generation of the DT MF sequ ence, the AMI, if pr ogrammed to do so, will generate a
preannouncement tone that is broa dc ast over the unit speaker and the select ed zone. The operator will hear
the preannouncement t one and will be instructed to wait during t he generation of the tone. Upon
completion of t he p reannounc ement tone, the display will change t o:
TRANSMIT button, handset PTT or PTT of a c onnec ted
Z o n e : Z o n e 3
* * * WA I T * * *
A C T I V E : Z o n e 3
* * * T A L K N OW * * *
“ACTIVE” will b e flashing indicating that the s elect ed zone has been ac tivat ed and is within it s time-out
duration. As long as the PTT source is held, the displa y will remain in this state. T he op erator may sp eak
whenever the display i ndica tes ***TALK NOW***.
To cease voice br oadcast the operat or must release t he P TT sourc e. Upon doing so, the displa y will change
A C T I V E : Z o n e 3
13 09/08
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