GAI-Tronics 780-001 User Manual

Pub. 42004-156D
7855-001 Explosion-proof Handset Stations
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident ial and prop rieta ry to GAI - Tr onic s. GAI- Tr onic s retains all intellectual prop erty a nd other r ights in or to the information contained herein, and s uch infor ma tion may only be used in connection with t he op erat ion of your GAI-T ronics produ c t or s ystem. This manu al may not be disclos ed in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or indirectly, t o any third party.
General Information
GAI-Tronics hazardous a rea Page/Party® handset stations are desi gned t o provide safe and clear communicat ions in hazardou s areas, even in high-noise sit u ations . Thes e models are NR TL certified for use in t he US and C anada for the following areas : Class I, Div. 1, Group s C and D; Clas s II, Div. 1 , Groups E, F, and G; and Class III, Div. 1.
Eac h of these models includes a fr ont-panel push button for paging, a 6-f oot PVC c oil c ord, a noise­canceling microphone for reduc ed t ransmission of background nois e, and s idetone circuitry to r edu c e amplification of the user ’ s voice and b ackgr ou nd noise into their earpiece. An electrical safet y barrier mounted inside the hou sing creates an intr insically- safe handset. Mult i-party s tat ions include a dura ble rotary switch for pa rty line select ion. The wea therproof stat ions include a nonmetallic hous i ng with a front door. This ins tallation manu al covers the following models:
Model Description
780-001 Explosion-proof Handset Station, indoor, 120 V ac, single party 7805-001 Explosion-proof Handset Station, indoor, 120 V ac, multi-party 785-001 Explosion-proof Handset Station, weatherproof, 120 V ac, single party 7855-001 Explosion-proof Handset Station, weatherproof, 120 V ac, multi-party
This manual provides instructions for station placement and mounting. Refer to Pub. 42004-184, 42004­238, or 42004-239, as applicable, for information detailing how to maint ain the exp losion-proof integr ity of the stations . The appropr iate pu blication is packed with eac h station.
been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous.
Explosion Hazard – Do not connect or disconnect equipment unless power has
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-156D
Model 780/785-001 and 7805/7855-001 Expl osi on- proof Handset Stations Page:
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Whether insta lling an entir e s ystem or only an add-on s tation, cons ult t he s ystem layout diagrams at the end of this manual. T hese f igures, used in conjunction wit h the station installation information and the ca ble layout guide, s hould pr ovide all the information necessary to install the Page/P arty do not show an explos ion- proof sta tion; however, the basic p oints of t he s ystem layou t and design still apply.
stations. T hes e fi gu res
separate power feed, the Page/Party
A separate power feed is recommended for Page/Party® stations in Div.1 areas. With a
stations c an be shut off for maintenance wit hout disrup ting the power
supply to the other equipment in the Div. 1 area.
Enclos ure Placement
All GAI-Tronics Pa ge/ Party® units are wired in parallel. G ood system layout design minimizes the cable required for ea ch insta llation. GAI-Tronics multi-condu c tor cable, des igned especially for this applic ation, is recommended. The number, size, and color-coding of condu c tors are lis ted in the acc ompanying sys tem connection diagra ms .
System layout and power c able length are importa nt consider ations when ins talling Page/Party
equipment. The r ules vary for different systems, but generally, the total power cable length should not exceed one mile (5280 feet) for 115 V ac systems. The length of cable between the stations is not a factor; the total cable length is the most import ant cons iderat ion.
To maintain t he explosion-p roof integrity of these stations , all mounting hardwar e is located outside the aluminum enclosure. The suggested mounting height for all station enclosures is 54 inches (137 mm) up to the c en ter l i n e o f the en closur e.
Indoor Station: Mount the indoor unit using the two mounting s traps on the rear of t he enclos ure. Refer t o
Figu re 1. Use the standard
/8-inch bolts to secure the enclosure to the mounting surface. Secure the two bott om b olts first, then the t op bolts. The mounting stra p design allows the stat ion to be removed from it s mounting surface by removing only two of the bolt s.
Outdoor Station: The out door model stations are shipped with a sepa rate glass-reinforced polyester enclosure with a f ront door. This enclos ure ha s four 0.44-inch diameter mount ing feet in the 4 corners and is su itable f or mounting t o ma ny types of s urfaces. Refer to Figure 2.
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Pub. 42004-156D
Model 780/785-001 and 7805/7855-001 Expl osi on- proof Handset Stations Page:
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Figure 1. Mounting details for indoor sta tions
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Figure 2. Mounting details for outdoor sta tions (multi-part y sta tion shown)
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