Pub. 42004-211B
Model 758-001
Weatherproof Speaker Ampli fi er Enclosure
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d solely as an oper ational, installation, and ma inte nance guid e and co ntai ns
sensitive business and te chni c al information that is con f idential and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics. GAITronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and
such information may on ly be u sed in conn e c tion with the operation of your GAI-Tronics p rodu c t or
system. This manu al may not be dis close d in a ny form, in whole or in part, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny
third pa r ty.
General Information
The Model 758-001 Weatherproof Speaker Amplifier Enclosure is an important component of the 700
Series Page/Party< system. I t is co nstructed of ca st alu minum a lloy, which is extrem e ly wea therp roof
and corrosion-resistant, and can be used in either indoor or outdoor applications.
This enclosure is designed for 115 V ac input systems, and is equipped with terminal strips for connecting
inter-station system cable. The GAI-Tronics Model 751-001 Speaker Amplifier mates directly into this
indic at ed on t he approv al listing in th e Speci f ication section of th is manual. Such ins tallation may
cause a safety ha za rd and consequent injury or property damage.
When installing an a dd-o n sta tion, c onsult the s yste m layou t dia grams at t he end of this ma nual. These
figures, when used in conjunction with the station installation information and cable layout guide, should
provide all the information necessary to install additional Page/Party< stations.
Do not install this equipment in hazardous areas or areas other than those
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

Pub. 42004-211B
Model 758-001 Weatherproof Speaker Amplifier Enclosure Page:
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Enclos ure Placement
All GAI-Tronics Page/Par t y® units are wired in parallel. Good system layout design minimizes the cable
required for each installation. GAI-Tronics multi-conductor cable, designed especially for this
application, is recommended. The number, size, and color-coding of conductors are listed in the
accompanying system connection diagrams.
System layout and power cable length are very important when installing Page/Party< equipment.
Although it varies for different systems, the general guideline is that the total power cable length should
not exceed 1 mile (5280 feet) for 115 V ac systems. The total cable length is the most important
consideration while cable length between the stations is generally not a factor.
The Model 758-001 Weatherproof Speaker Amplifier Enclosure is supplied with pre-drilled cable
openings and conduit hubs with top and bottom cap plugs in place to prevent contamination.
Whenever possible, do not enter an enclosure from the top: bottom entry helps to prevent moisture from
dripping onto the terminals or PCBAs. There are four 0.44-inch diameter mounting holes in the corners
of the amplifier enc losure. Refer t o Figur e 1 . The sugges ted mounting h e ight f or all stat ion enc losures is
54 inches (137 cm).
\\s_eng\gtc proddoc s \st andard iom s - current releas e\ 42004 ins t r. m anuals \ 42004-211b. doc

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Model 758-001 Weatherproof Speaker Amplifier Enclosure Page:
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Figure 1. Mounting Details for Model 758-001 Speaker Amplifier Enclosure
\\s_eng\gtc proddoc s \st andard iom s - current releas e\ 42004 ins t r. m anuals \ 42004-211b. doc