Pub. DS751-005
Model 751-005
Speak er Amplifier
General Information
This data sheet applies to the Model 751-005 Speaker Amplifier, which is a component of the 700 Series
announcements over the Page/Party
cold-rolled steel and is suitable for either indoor or outdoor use.
Model 751-005 Speaker Amplifier mates with an enclosure wired directly to a speaker. To install, plug
the Model 751-005 Speaker Amplifier into the appropriate enclosure, and tighten the four screws in the
corners of the front panel. For continued IP 66 protection, torque setting for securing the amplifier to the
enclosure should be 10 to 12 in-lbs. or 1.13 to 1.36 n-m.
The speaker volume adjustment is located under the GAI-Tronics nameplate on the front panel. Refer to
Figure 1.
system. It mates directly with the Page/Party® Series enclosures and broadcasts page
system speakers. The Model 751-005 is constructed of 16-gauge
Figure 1. Model 751-005 Speaker Amplifier Outline Diagram
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

Pub. DS751-005
Model 751-005 Speaker Amplifier Page:
2 of 2
Power input ....................................................................... 90–140 V ac range, 50/60 Hz, 120 V ac nominal
Power consumed ............................................................................................... Zero signal: 10.5 VA, 5.3 W
Max. signal: 58 VA, 29.5 W
Construction/Finish................................................................ 16-gauge cold-rolled steel/gray polyurethane
Amplifier output................................ Push-pull, Class B, 12 watts minimum, with nominal supply voltage
Amplifier sensitivity .............................................................................................. 0.5 V ac, for rated output
Frequency response........................................................................... 250–4,000 Hz, +0/−3 dB ref. to 1 kHz
Distortion ................................................................................................. 1% max. THD @ 1 kHz, 12 watts
Input impedance........................................................................................................... 50,000 ohms nominal
Controls............................................................................ Speaker volume (adjusted through an access hole
behind the nameplate on the front panel)
Temperature range ............................................................................. −22° F to +158° F (−30° C to +70º C)
Dimensions ................................................................. 8.1 H × 8.1 W × 3.0 D inches; (206 × 206 × 76 mm)
Shipping weight .................................................................................................................... 5.6 lbs. (2.6 kg)
Model 751-005 Amplifier ............................................................................................ II 3G EEx nA IIC T6
Location Zone 2
IP 66 when installed in a Model 702-006, 703-006, 703-007,
7325-106, or 7325-107 Enclosure
NRTL listed ..............................Suitable for use in hazardous locations Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D;
Class II, Div. 2, Groups F, G;
Class III, Div. 2
when used with listed 702-006, 703-006, 703-007
7325-106, or 7325-107 Enclosure
CE Mark
Certificate No. DEMKO 04 ATEX 0424225X
Notified Body Id No. 0539
UL International DEMKO A/S
Lyskear 8
DK-2730 Herlev
f:\standard ioms - current release\data sheets\ds751-005.doc