GP32/37 Operations and Information Quick Guide
Specifications: 12-24 VDC, 340 ma (max), settling time ~12 sec’s (90 sec’s initial), accuracy (95%) ~5-7 m, 1-3m w/WAAS or DGPS
Receiver status: 2D or 3D with either a D
[differential] (GP37 only) or W [WAAS] prefix
Horizontal “plotter range adjustment”
Press [MENU] key “once” for ZOOM IN/OUT? or
“SHIP TO CENTER?” and [ENT] key; for zoom
use cursor up/down to adjust range, press [ENT]
Bearing to cursor*
Range to cursor*
* = COG and SOG replace bearing to cursor and
range to cursor when the cursor is not displayed.
User display (digital)
Selectable sentences
Press [MENU] until “MAIN MENU” appears
Select “USER DISP” and follow prompts
(example shown right)
Own ship mark
Waypoint mark (Shape selectable)
Menu selectable display [ALL], [RTE], [GOTO]
Vessel’s track
Cursor (Displayed
six (6) seconds)
Cursor position
(Own ship’s position when
Plotter display
User display (digital) User display (speedometer)
cursor is not displayed.)
Keypad Operations:
CURSOR PAD - Shifts cursor (cursor displayed) and display (with cursor off)
- Selects items on menus
- Enters alphanumeric data
MENU – “MAIN MENU” press once (twice when in “plotter” or “high way” screen)
- [Plotter screen only] press once to “Zoom” or “Ship to center” also use to escape current function
- Chooses display mode (press until desired mode is displayed)
ENT - Confirms menu selection and entered information
GOTO - Sets/cancels destination (press and select function from menu options)
MARK/MOB - Momentary press: Creates mark (waypoint)
- Long press: Creates MOB (Man Over Board)
can edit or replace with new position (cannot erase)
DIM/PWR - Momentary press: Turns power “on”, press for brilliance and contrast, use cursor pad to adjust
- Long press: Turns power “off” (after three second count down)
Waypoint Operations: (total of: 999 waypoints with comments)
• Entering a waypoint with the cursor
1. Use cursor pad to move cursor to desired location
2. Press the [ENT] key, then follow screen prompts
• Entering a waypoint at “own ship’s” position
1. Press the [MARK/MOB] key, then follow screen prompts
• Entering a waypoint from the waypoint list
1. Press [MENU] until “MAIN MENU” appears
2. Select “WAYPOINT” using the “cursor pad” and press [ENT] key
3. Choose “List” (complete) or “Nearest” (closest 35 waypoints from present location), press [ENT] key
4. Follow screen prompts using cursor pad to edit and/or add information, confirm using the [ENT] key
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Route Operations: (total of: 50 routes with 30 waypoints each)
• Creating a route with “cursor” (using “LOG RTE” function)
1. Use cursor pad to move cursor to desired location (shown at bottom of screen), press [ENT]
2. Use cursor pad to edit waypoint name and press [ENT] to display waypoint information screen
3. Use cursor pad to edit any additional information, then select [LOG RTE?] and press [ENT]
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 for additional waypoints (total of 30), selecting [LOG RTE?] before pressing [ENT]
5. See GOTO operations below for navigating using a route
• Creating a route with the “route menu”
1. Press [MENU] until “MAIN MENU” appears, select “ROUTE” using the cursor pad, press [ENT]
2. “NEW?” is selected; press the [ENT] key. New route screen is displayed, press [ENT] to add waypoints
3. Use the cursor pad to select appropriate waypoint and press the [ENT] key
4. Repeat step 3 to select additional waypoints (total of 30)
5. When finished adding waypoints use the cursor pad to select [EXIT?] and press the [ENT] key
• Creating a route with the “waypoint list”
1. Press [MENU] until “MAIN MENU” appears
2. Select “WAYPOINTS” using the cursor pad, press [ENT] key
3. Choose “List” (complete) or “Nearest” (closest 35 waypoints from present location), press [ENT] key
4. Select a waypoint, then press [ENT] key, use the cursor pad to select [LOG RTE?], press [ENT] key
5. Repeat step 4 to add additional waypoints until route completed
6. Press [MENU] (once only)
7. Select “ROUTE” from “main menu” using the cursor pad and press [ENT] key
8. Select [LOG] using the cursor pad and press [ENT]; “MOVE?
• Creating “track based” route manually
1. Press the [MARK/MOB] momentarily, edit waypoint if required, select [LOG RTE?], press [ENT]
2. Repeat step 1 at course change or any other interval required
3. When finished adding waypoints, press [MENU] key twice
4. Select “LOG” and press [ENT]; “MOVE?
• Creating “track based” route automatically
1. Press [MENU] until “MAIN MENU” appears
2. Select “ROUTES” using the cursor pad, press [ENT] key
3. Use cursor pad and [ENT] to select “INTERVAL:” TIME or DISTANCE (select appropriate values)
4. Use cursor pad to select “VOYAGE ROUTE” and press [ENT]
5. Select “START” and press [ENT], press the [MENU] key twice
6. When finished adding waypoints, press [MENU] key twice
7. Select “LOG” and press [ENT]; “MOVE?
” is selected, press [ENT] twice
(position saved sequentially, display shows “saved”, beep sounds)
” is selected, press [ENT] twice
” is selected, press [ENT] twice
and select “ROUTES”, press [ENT]
to finish (or message after 30 saved)
and select “ROUTES”, press [ENT]
GOTO Operations: Navigating to a waypoint, route or cursor
• Press [GOTO] key, select from the following using the cursor pad and confirm using [ENT] key
o WPT-LIST? Destination by “list” (complete), select desired waypoint and press [ENT]
o WPT-NEAR? Destination by “near” (closest 35), select desired waypoint and press [ENT]
o ROUTE? Destination by “route” select desired route and press [ENT]
o CURSOR? Destination by “cursor” (?) mark appears, move cursor to location, press [ENT]
o - - - - - -? * Location of user waypoint (example “HOME”), select and press [ENT] to confirm
o OFF? Stops all waypoint or route navigation functions
o SETUP? * Used to set “User Waypoint”, select from waypoint list and press [ENT]
Position Display Format: XX.XXX’ (decimal), XX’XX.X’ (minutes/seconds), LC TD (Loran C “TD’S)
• Press [MENU] until “MAIN MENU” appears, select TD SETUP, press [ENT], select format, press [ENT]
o TD setup requires selecting the “GRI” and “TD” set closest to but under the local area TD numbers
o Example: Local numbers (GRI area 7980) 14445.6 & 45535.6, set “TD SETUP” to GRI: 7980 11-43
o Use TD1 and TD2 offsets to correct difference between “known” TD position and displayed position
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