Furuno FCV-620, FCV-585 User Manual

After 33 years of awards, how
After 33 years of awards, how
main controls
O pe ns m en us , es ca p es c ur re nt o p er at io n, m ov es c ur so r a nd s av es s e tt in gs .
can our Fishnders get any better?
can our Fishnders get any better?
Go Digital with Furuno and nd out!
Go Digital with Furuno and nd out!
range key
O pe ns d is pl a y ra ng e s et ti ng wi nd ow .
mark key
R ec or ds t he p os i ti on o f an e ch o as a w a yp oi nt o n a pl ot te r.
function key
O pe ns a u s er d ef in ed f un ct io n wi nd ow .
E as y- g ri p kn ob al lo ws u se r t o ch an ge g a in w he n in m an u al m od e. A u to C ru is in g an d A ut o Fi sh in g G ai n Mo de s a va il ab le .
mode control knob
E as y- g ri p kn ob al lo ws u se r t o ch an ge m od es f ro m Na vd at a , Zo om , Low Fre q ue nc y, D ua l Fr eq ue n cy a nd H ig h Fr eq ue nc y.
FCV585 & FCV620 features include:
Dual- Frequency 50 /200 kHz
8/16/64 Color Echo Presentations
Hands free adjus tments of gain , clutter & outpu t
power throug h digital filtering
Selec table Auto Fishing or Cruising Modes
Customized NAV data display *
8 Ran ge Scales to 2,500 fee t
New DSP F ilter makes the picture clearer and easier to
discriminate between baitfish and larger target species
High outp ut power of 600W on FCV620 ;
1kW or 60 0W on FC V585
Audio and visual a larms for water depth, fish echoe s
and wate r temperature*
Wide variety of tra nsducer options
*appr opriate s ensors required
NEW! FCV620 - 600W
NEW! FCV585 - 1kW or 600W
Dual-Frequency 50/200 kHz
8.4˝ Sunlight Viewable LCD
Dual-Frequency 50/200 kHz
5.6˝ Sunlight Viewable LCD
catch even more sh with our new dsp technology!
You’ve probably heard about digital sh nders, but aren’t quite sure what the difference is. The main difference is the ltering capabilities and auto adjustments. Our new DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technology adjusts the picture by ltering out items that you don’t need to see, while enhancing the sh targets! But even the best digital lter won’t help unless you start with a solid base, such as Furuno’s renowned sh nder technology. Anyone who knows shing will tell you that if you want the best sh nder, you need to go with Furuno. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!
We are oering big savings on a variety of Furuno equipment.
See your dealer or visit us at www.Furuno.com for details.
!! !
The gimbal mount allows the display to swivel around when desktop mounted. You can adjust the angle of the display so that the optimum viewing angle can be easily achieved. When ush mounting, all that is needed is a 5” hole-saw to make the cut-out for installation.
The most trusted name in marine electronics!