C e r t i f i c a t e
EC type-examination (Module-B)
No: 02212008\AA\02
With respect to Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC and the amending Directive 2002/75/EC,
Telefication declares that the equipment:
Product description: A.1/4.7
Speed and distance measuring equipment
Trademark: Furuno
Family name: - Type designation: DS-30
Serial N
Software release N
Manufacturer: Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
Address: 9-52 Ashihara Cho
City: 662-8580 Nishinomiya City
Country: Japan
complies with the international instruments and test standards as listed in the Annex.
This certificate is granted to:
Name: Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
Address: 9-52 Ashihara Cho
City: 662-8580 Nishinomiya City
Country: Japan
Validity from date of issue is 5 years; Expiry date: 30 August 2010
. This certificate includes two Annexes.
Zevenaar, 30 August 2005
Manager Certification
: 2207-0323
: 6650100-009
M.H. Koop

Annex 1 to EC type-examination 30 August 2005
Number: 02212008\AA\02 Annex 1, Page 1 of 1
General conditions:
• Each product to which this certificate relates shall be provided with Marine markings.
The Marine marking consist of symbol in the form of a wheel followed by the identification number
of the responsible Notified Body (Telefication - 0560 -), and by the last two digits of the number of
the year in which the mark is affixed.
• The holder of this Ce rtificate has drawn up a Declaration of conformity to type with Directive
96/98/EC and amending Directives, declaring that the product(s) described in this EC Typeexamination certificate, satisfy the requirements that apply to them.
• Each product shall be id entified by means of type, batch and/or serial numbers and the name of
the manufacturer and/or importer.
• If the equipment is to be modified, Telefication shall be notified immediately. Depending on the
modifications, Telefication may have additional examinations carried out in consultation with the
Remarks and observations
The following conditions are applicable:
- Instead of the optional laser gyro DS-340, the heading or ROT data from the onboard gyro
compass can be utilized with comparable performance.
This facility has been implemented by adaption of the main software.
Telefication, Edisonstraat 12A, 6902 PK Zeve naa r, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 316 583 180, Fax: +31 316 583 189