Display Modes
Range Scale
Range Phasing
Bottom Discrimination
Power Supply
Single (High or Low frequency), Dual (both High & Low frequencies), Bottom-Lock, Bottom-Zoom, Bottom Discrimination,
Marker Zoom (NavNet 3D only), A-Scope
Dual-frequency Broadband CHIRP
50 kHz +/- 20 kHz, 200 kHz +/- 25 kHz
Max. 1,200m
Up to 2,400 m (8,000 ft., 1,300 fa.)
-15°C to +55°C
IEC 60529 IP20
12-24 VDC
Furuno DFF1-UHD
TruEcho CHIRP Fish Finder
The Clear Evolution Of CHIRP!
3.5 kg 7.7 lb
6 0.24"
320 12.6"
348 13.7"
380 15"
Interconnection Diagram
185 7.3"
60 2.4"
(max. 6)
120 4.7"
NavNet series
Compatible with these AIRMAR Broadband Transducers:
CM265LH B265LH
Note: The DFf1-UHD is not compatible with LM (low/medium) Frequency Transducers.
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Transducer with
temp sensor
Speed/Temperature sensor
Temperature sensor
Standard Option or Local Supply
Specifications subject to change without notice. All brand and product names are registered trademarks or
service marks of their respective holders.
Meet the Furuno DFF1-UHD TruEcho CHIRP Fish Finder, developed exclusively for the
award-winning NavNet 3D and NavNet TZtouch Multi Function Display systems. The
DFF1-UHD presents a huge step forward in sh nding technology, offering serious
shermen the ultimate in underwater detail, precision and clarity.
Furuno’s TruEcho CHIRP fuses the very latest CHIRP technology with Bottom Discrim-
ination and Accu-Fish, bringing you the next evolution of CHIRP Fish Finders. Enjoy
eye-popping target denition. Reveal the sea oor’s structure and composition. Unlock
sophisticated sh size and depth information. Whether you are a commercial or sport
sherman, TruEcho CHIRP will help put more sh in your boat!

Furuno TruEcho CHIRP - So much more than just a CHIRP Fish Finder!
When is a CHIRP Fish Finder not just another CHIRP Fish Finder? When it’s Furuno’s TruEcho CHIRP!
Designed to sweep across 90 frequencies utilizing a CHIRP transducer, the new DFF1-UHD delivers professional grade sh nding technology into a network Fish Finder.
CHIRP Fish Finders mark individual game sh and bait sh, even when tightly schooled together or near
the sea oor. Standard, non‐CHIRP Fish Finders operate at one or two individual frequencies and are
generally capable of detecting targets and displaying them
only within those narrow frequency bands. CHIRP Fish Find-
ers transmit pulses across a wide range of frequencies. The
DFF1-UHD uses a precise sweep pattern across 90 frequen-
cies (50 kHz +/- 20 kHz, 200 kHz +/- 25 kHz) within a long‐
duration transmission. This allows Furuno’s superior Digital
Signal Processing (DSP) to display targets with unparalleled
clarity, accuracy and resolution. You will also benet from
better shallow water performance, tracking of the bottom,
and improved detection of thermoclines.
Why Furuno’s TruEcho CHIRP?
Furuno’s TruEcho CHIRP Fish Finder is based on completely new technology utilizing broadband CHIRP transducers. The
sound energy transmitted by the DFF1-UHD into the water is up to 1,000 times greater than a conventional
Fish Finder, resulting in more energy on the target. Utilizing our Furuno Digital Filter (FDF) signal processing
results in up to 5x greater resolution and depth capability than comparably powered standard Fish Find-
ers. Furuno is evolving CHIRP technology to the next level by adding unique capabilities, such as Bottom
Discrimination and Accu-Fish.
Bottom Discrimination provides detailed graphical information about the make-up of the sea oor. This
is accomplished by placing the bottom into one of four classications; Rocks, Gravel, Sand, and Mud.
Knowing the make-up of the bottom provides valuable information that will help you locate rich shing
grounds, potential hazards, and even good anchoring spots. The bottom details are shown on the
screen in either a graphical representation or probability graph.
Benefits of CHIRP Technology
Scans across a range of frequencies
Enhanced depth penetration, resolution & clarity
Precise separation between bait sh and game sh
Enhanced ability to distinguish targets from noise
using improved signal to noise ratio
Improved bottom tracking at high speeds
Vastly improved shallow water performance
Reveals more sh by eliminating surface clutter & noise
Graphic mode
The standard graphic display mode shows the most
probable bottom composition graphically as shown above.
Please keep the following in mind when using the Bottom Discrimination Sounder:
1) Use at a depth of 5 m - 150 m.
2) Use an approved transducer.
3) To show a consistent display of the actual bottom, set the range display of the Fish Finder screen to “auto”.
4) Enter the ship’s draft value
5) Use a ship speed of 10 knots or less.
6) In some instances, bottom component indicated on the display may differ slightly from its actual bottom structure.
Accu-Fish is a revolutionary sh size
assessment function that can tell you
the approximate size of the sh below
your boat. Fish symbols appear on the
screen, along with the size of the sh or the depth where
it found the sh.
It can detect sh
size from 4 inches
up to about 6 feet
long, in depths of
7 feet to well over
300 feet of water.
Probability mode
The probability display mode shows the most
probable bottom composition in graph form.