• THRU-HULL • Depth • Speed • Temperature
B744V, B744VL,SS544V, B66V, B66VL
50 kHz,120 kHz, 120 kHz Dual Beam,
150 kHz, 170 kHz, 200 kHz, 235 kHz,
50/200 kHz Dual Frequency,
50 kHz & 200 kHz Dual Frequency
U.S. Patent No. 4,898,029
U.S. Patent No. 5,186,050
Canadian Patent No. 1,313,775
Australian Patent No. 605,281
Japanese Patent No. 1851014
rate a revolutionary self-closing valve to minimize water flow into the boat when the
paddlewheel insert is removed. “Gushers” are
eliminated with this simple to maintain valve.
Fins provide on either side of the paddlewheel
for more accurate speed measurement in
cross-flow conditions.
Combined with our fairing, installation is
made simple. Made of urethane, the fairing
will never swell or rot, and the unique cutting
guide allows safer, more accurate cutting with
a band saw. High speed fairings are provided
with a corrosion resistant bolt to secure the
fairing and prevent rotation.
multisensors incorpo-
The Latest Evolution in TRIDUCER
Multisensor Technology
Self-closing valve ...checks water flow when paddlewheel insert is removed
New B744V and long stem B744VL offer flush mounting in streamlined fairings
and accommodate ceramics up to 44 mm (1.75
popular 50/200 kHz model
SS544 includes a streamlined fairing and is designed specifically for isolated
mounting to steel and aluminum hulls. It accommodates ceramics up to 44 mm
New streamlined fairings for B744V, B744VL, and SS544V provide much impr oved
echosounding at speeds above 20 knots and greatly reduce drag
Versatile B66V and long stem B66VL mounts frequencies varying from 50 kHz to
200 kHz including dual beam 120 kHz and dual element 50 kHz & 200 kHz
correlation technology
• Hall-effect device senses paddlewheel rotation
• Unitary paddlewheel bearing assures exact alignment and minimal
rotational friction
• Corrosion-proof shaft for long life in saltwater
• Alignment key for easy speed/temperature assembly removal and
insertion in difficult access locations
• Replaceable valve assembly
• Polished paddlewheel shaft for quick start up
• Surge and reverse polarity protection
• Shielded cable to minimize noise pick-up and emission
• Designed to meet CE requirements
• Dual O-rings for superior sealing
• Retaining pin and safety chain secures paddlewheel and plug inserts
• Installation requires a 51mm (2") diameter hole
• Fairing is supplied standard with SS544V
• Blanking plug included
• Standard cable length: 10 m (33')
• W eight:
B744V 2.5 kg (5.5 lb.)
B744VL 2.6 kg (6.4 lb.)
SS544V 3.1 kg (6.8 lb..)
B66V 2.7 kg (6.0 lb.)
B66VL 3.1 kg (6.8 lb.)
) in diameter including the
) in diameter
paddlewheel-less speed/temperature sensor uses echo
m 12
2000 #17-1205
• Two wire speed sensor circuit
• Thermistor or semiconductor temperature sensor
• Urethane fairing
B744V, B744VL: High speed #33-353-01
B66V, B66VL: Standard #33-029
• Pulse division circuitry or other pulse rates
• CS4500 correlation speed/temperature insert
35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA
Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar.com

New • THRU-HULL MOUNT • Depth • Speed • Temperature
• Fiberglass or wood hulls only
• Replaces B44, B50, B55, and B56 models
• For Parts and Accessories see pages p2 through p4
Single Connector/
Dual Connector Systems
The piezoceramic element, speed, and temperature circuitry are all within the bronze housing. The removable
paddlewheel insert contains no circuitry. The magnetic
field sensor to measure speed is mounted in the housing in
close proximity to the rotating paddlewheel. A single connector system is generally used when depth, speed, and
temperature will be processed in a single instrument or
when two instruments are within 1m (40") of each other.
When depth and speed/temperature functions will be processed in separate instruments, our cable can be split and
two connectors can be applied.
All signals are transmitted via a multi-conductor cable
with a high quality thermoplastic rubber jacket for
improved resistance to cutting, pinching, and degradation
from petroleum distillates. C144 cable is used in single
element TRIDUCER multisensors. Dual element multisensors use C145 cable.
Hull Thickness Limits
Model Minimum Maximum
B744V with fairing
without fairing
B744VL with fairing
without fairing
SS544V with fairing
B66V with fairing
without fairing
B66VL with fairing
without fairing
— 26 mm (1")
6 mm (1⁄4") 72 mm (2 7⁄8")
6 mm (1⁄4") 87 mm (3 3⁄4")
35 mm (1 3⁄8") 133 mm (5 1⁄4")
— 25 mm (1”)
6 mm (1⁄4") 70 mm (2 3⁄4")
30 mm (1 1⁄8") 87 mm (3 3⁄4")
70 mm (2 3⁄4") 133 mm (5 1⁄4")
14 mm (
The TRIDUCER multisensor provides accurate speed measurement
over the widest boat speed range of any thru-hull paddlewheel
The combination of a hydrodynamic paddlewheel and paddlewheel ca vity, housing and fairing projection through the boundary layer and fins
on either side of the paddlewheel gives an unmatched linearity.
Speed range
Linearity Refer to
Pulse rate (B744V,B744VL,SS544V)
Pulse rate (B66V, B66VL)
Supply voltage 5–25 VDC
Supply current: “OFF”
Circuitry: standard
Unicurve® type thermistor 10,000 ohms
1. Refer to “Sensor Design Fundementals” for more detailed information.
2. Requires correction for non-linearity below 3 knots (3MPH).
3. ppnm = pulses per natical mile.
1–44 knots (1–50 MPH)
Airmar Technical Data Catalog
19,000 ppnm
21,500 ppnm
21,500 ppnm
21,500 ppnm
2.3 mA
8 mA at 5 VDC
3 wire format
2 wire format
(5.7 Hz/knot) with high speed fairing
(6.0 Hz/knot) without fairing
(6.0 Hz/knot) with standard fairing
(6.0 Hz/knot) without fairing
Various temperature sensing devices can be
incorporated in the housing including thermistor and semiconductor types. See the
“Temperature” section for more detailed
information including thermal time constants.
Inside the TRIDUCER multisensor housing,
shielding is used to eliminate interference
between the speed and depth sensors. A
shielded cable and separately shielded speed
and temperature conductors are used to prevent mutual interference. The bronze housing
also functions as a shield. Refer to wiring diagram beginning on p 35 for shielding details.
35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA
Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar.com
2000 #17-1205
m 13

New • THRU-HULL • Depth • Speed • Temperature
B744V, B744VL
B744VL top and side view
B744V top and side view
∅ 79 mm
2”-12 un
140 mm
∅ 51 mm
64 mm
27 mm
134 mm
140 mm
2”-12 un
∅ 51 mm
64 mm
27 mm
∅ 79 mm
201 mm
SS544V top and side view
∅ 79 mm
2”-12 un
130 mm
∅ 51 mm
60 mm
28 mm
121 mm
m 14
2000 #17-1205
35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA
Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar.com