No. of Players: 2
EQUIPMENT: “Mancala” Game Board, 48 “stones”
OBJECT: Collect as many stones in your Mancala as possible.
SET UP: Place on playing surface and place 4 stones in each of the bins
numbered 1 through 12.
PLAY: Player A’s bins are those numbered 1-6. Player B’s bins are those
numbered 7-12. Decide which player will play first by the flip of a coin. The
first player then picks up all of the stones in one of the bins on their side of
the board. (For example, Player “A would pick up the stones in any of the
bins numbered 1 through 6.) The player then proceeds by placing one stone
at a time in each of the bins counterclockwise around the board. If the last
stone is placed in your Mancala then you play another turn. You never place a
stone in your opponent’s Mancala, you skip it, placing the remaining stone(s)
in the following bin(s).