Ages: 8+
Players: 1 or more
Equipment: 1 solid wood maze with precision “ngertip”
controls and 1 solid metal ball.
GAME PLAY: Place the metal ball at the area indicated “START.”
The maze is labeled with numbers in consecutive order. Gently
turn the precision “ngertip” controls to manipulate the ball
through the maze, following the numerical “path,” without letting
the ball fall through one of the holes. If the ball falls through the
hole, you must place the ball back on “START” and try again.
WINNING: If you get the ball completely through the maze
without it falling through a hole, you win.
GAME PLAY: Place the metal ball at the area indicated “START.”
The maze is labeled with numbers in consecutive order. Gently
turn the precision “ngertip” controls to manipulate the ball
through the maze, following the numerical “path,” without letting
the ball fall through one of the holes. When the ball either falls
through one of the holes OR reaches the “FINISH,” it is the next
player’s turn. Record your score and pass the maze and ball to
the next player. The next player places the ball on “START” and
tries to move the ball along the path toward “FINISH.” Players
take turns in this manner and record their score for each turn.
SCORING: The maze is labeled with numbers. The farther you
get in the maze in numerical order the higher the number of
points you receive. For example, if you maneuver the ball along
the path and you get to 18 before falling into a hole, you get 18
points. If you only get the ball to 18 and it goes off and falls into
a hole near number 36, you still only get 18 points.
WINNING: The rst player to accumulate 100 points wins.
For more of a challenge and a much longer game, set your
winning goal to 500 points.
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