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cognitas. Gesellschaft für Technik-Dokumentation mbH Mail Settings step (Configuration Wizard)192 Activate step (Configuration Wizard)194
5.5 Filter dialog box196
5.5.1 Standard (Filter dialog box)196
5.5.2 Character strings (Filter dialog box)197
5.5.3 Integer values (Filter dialog box)198
6 Managing Updates199
6.1 Update Manager199
6.1.1 Opening Update Manager199
6.1.2 Closing Update Manager200
6.1.3 Logging on to the Server200
6.1.4 Resetting the update agent of a server201
6.1.5 Displaying the update log for a server203
6.1.6 Displaying detailed information about an update203
6.1.7 Managing jobs203
ServerView Update Management5
Contents Creating a job203 Copying a job206 Releasing a job207 Deleting a job207 Displaying detailed information about a job207
6.2 Repository Manager208
6.2.1 Opening Repository Manager208
6.2.2 Closing Repository Manager208
6.2.3 Editing updates209
6.2.4 Releasing updates209
6.2.5 Managing user-defined groups (Collections)210 Creating a user-defined group210 Editing a user-defined group210 Releasing updates in a user-defined group211 Deleting a user-defined group211
6.2.6 Re-Initializing the Repository212
6.3 Download Manager214
6.3.1 Adjusting the Download Service214
6.3.2 General Information on Download Manager215
6.3.3 Opening Download Manager216
6.3.4 Closing Download Manager216
6.3.5 Creating a new download task216
6.3.6 Assigning servers to a download task217
6.3.7 Editing a download task217
6.3.8 Deleting a download task218
6.3.9 Monitoring download tasks218
6.3.10 Managing log files219
6.4 Configuration219
6.4.1 Opening the configuration219
6.4.2 Closing the configuration220
6.4.3 Setting Global Parameters220
6.5 Filtering a table224
7 Command-Line Interface225
7.1 GFCLI (Command-Line Interface)225
7.1.1 Call Parameters226
7.1.2 StartFlash (Command)229
7.1.3 WaitForDone (Command)231
7.1.4 Reboot (Command)233
6ServerView Update Management
7.1.5 Cleanup (Command)235
7.1.6 Cancel (Command)236
7.1.7 Result Files238 StartFlash (Event)239 Ready (Event)242 Cancel (Event)243 SequenceError (Event)243 ParamError (Event)244 LogonError (Event)244 MemoryError (Event)244
7.1.8 Batch Files (Examples)245
7.1.9 CLI Standalone258
7.2 citfs.bat (batch job)258
8 Troubleshooting261
8.1 Error messages in the Update Manager261
8.2 Error messages in the Download Manager266
8.3 Error messages in the Configuration Wizard270
8.4 Error messages in the Repository Manager273
8.5 Problems with Single Sign-On273
8.6 Problems with entries in the tree structure274
8.7 Problems with components275
8.8 Event ID 2370 on managed node275
8.9 Installation/Uninstallation of updateable components without
using Update Manager277
ServerView Update Management7
8ServerView Update Management
ServerView Update Management allows you to manage updates for the firmware and software components of PRIMERGY servers. Update Management comprises the following applications:
l Update Manager provides a mechanism for managing updates and
installing them on the monitored managed nodes.
l Repository Manager provides a mechanism for managing the repos-
view a list of updates contained in the repository
change properties of contents
update your local repository on the management station
create collections
l Download Manager provides a mechanism for checking for available
updates and downloading new ones for the monitored managed nodes
from the Fujitsu Technology Solutions web server to the local repository
on the management station.
l Configuration provides a mechanism for defining the configuration set-
tings for the
Update Manager
Repository Manager
Download Manager
ServerView Update Management9
1 Introduction
Update Management is based on a database concept where the GUIs and
services communicate exclusively via the database:
1. The GUIs are used to define jobs for the services and write these jobs
to the database.
2. The services retrieve their jobs from the database, process these in the
background and write the results to the database.
3. The GUIs then display the results from the database.
The tasks performed by the various services are described below:
The Inventory Service reads the inventories of the PRIMERGY servers and
writes the results to the database. (The inventory contains the entire hardware and software configuration data of a PRIMERGY server.)
The Download Service downloads updates from the download server into
the repository.
In addition to the download via the Download Service, you can also
import updates from the ServerView Suite DVD 1 min. 7.812 (Windows) / 10.09.09 (Linux), max. 10.12.04 or the ServerView-Update
DVD to the repository using the Repository Manager.
For the initial update (Update Manager Express) of your PRIMERGY
server, load the updates from the ServerView Suite DVD 1 min. 7.812
(Windows) / 10.09.09 (Linux), max. 10.12.04 or the ServerView-Update
DVD first because otherwise this process may take a very long time to
complete due to the large volume of data. Since the DVD, which is published almost monthly, may not contain the latest updates, you should
then download the latest updates using the Download Service.
10ServerView Update Management
1.1 Concepts
The Update Service performs the following tasks:
1. It detects which updates are available for the individual PRIMERGY
servers based on the inventories and repositories, and returns the result
to the database so that this can be displayed in the GUI.
2. It uses the jobs you define in the GUI to transfer the updates from the
repository to the PRIMERGY servers.
These interrelationships are illustrated in the following graphic.
Figure 1: Interaction between the various services for Update Management
ServerView Update Management11
1 Introduction
You can get the applications ServerView Agents, ServerView Update Agent,
ServerView Operations Manager from the:
l ServerView Suite DVD 1 (bundled with PRIMERGY server)
l Download section of the Fujitsu Technology Solutions Web server:
1.2.1Prerequisites on managed servers
Online server allows components to be installed only while the operating system is running.
l ServerView Agents for Windows or Linux must be installed.
l ServerView Update Agent (Windows >=V5.10.02, Linux >=V5.10-01)
must be installed
l In a firewall configuration on the managed nodes, the following ports
must be enabled:
161 (snmp)
3171 (ServerView Update Agent)
3172 (SCS)
12ServerView Update Management
1.2 Prerequisites
If you need security (configuration with AccountCheck) before performing an
update on the managed server, you can either use Single Sign-On or you
must specify a user group.
l Single Sign-On
ServerView agents as of V 5.0
ServerView update agent as of V 5.0
The certificate from the Central Management Station (CMS) must
be copied to the managed nodes.
l Specify a user group
Windows: during ServerView Update Agent installation
Linux: during ServerView Update Agent installation default settings are
Default user group: GFUSER
Default user: globalflash with password globalflash
You can change the default settings by editing the file LinuxF-
Requirements of ServerView Agents for serving firmware of
l Broadcom LAN controller
Windows: PSP Broadcom_LAN_BACS/_E / …
Linux: SV Update Agent
l RAID controller
Linux: ServerView RAID
ServerView Update Management13
1 Introduction
1.2.2Prerequisites on connection blades
To prepare a connection blade for update via Update Manager, configure it as
1. Open the graphical user interface of the connection blade, e.g. via a
http://<ipadr connection blade>
2. Security > Secure Shell:
Set the following values:
Admin Mode: Enable
SSH Version 1: Disable
SSH Version 2: Enable
14ServerView Update Management
1.2.3Prerequisites on TFTP server
A TFTP server is necessary for updating connection blades / management
l ServerView Agents for Windows or Linux >= V5.10 must be installed.
l ServerView Update Agent (Windows >=V5.10.02, Linux >=V5.30-00)
must be installed
TFTP server Windows
l Fujitsu Technology Solutions PXE server (<=1.13.0000, >=1.15.0000)
must be installed.
Only the TFTP service has to be active!
For installation of TFTP Server Windows see "Installation under Win-
dows" on page 51.
TFTP server Linux
l The software package for tftp service (firewall configuration must allow
tftp) must be installed
For installation of TFTP server Linux see "Installation under Linux" on
page 52.
1.2 Prerequisites
ServerView Update Management15
1 Introduction
1.2.4Prerequisites on the Central Management Station (CMS)
On the central management station, ServerView Operations Manager must
be installed. Update Management Logon (OS=Windows)
l Configuration during the menu-driven installation of the ServerView
Operations Manager:
Step Update Management Logon Information
l During silent installation of the ServerView Operations Manager,
the user account is set to Local System
the ServerView Download Service is not started automatically.
You must change the user account manually.
l There are two ways to change the user account:
Modify ServerView Operations Manager > Step Update Management Logon Information
Services - ServerView Download Service - Properties - Log On
When you have changed the user account, you will need to restart the
ServerView Download Service.
Services - ServerView Download Service - Restart
System Policy
If the account was set during installation of ServerView Operations Manager,
this user will automatically get the right to logon as a service.
If the account was changed after installation of ServerView Operations Manager, check whether the account exists. If not, please add it.
16ServerView Update Management
1.2 Prerequisites
Administrative Tools – Local Security Policy – Security Settings –
Local Policies – User Rights Assignment – Log on as a service
The following applets use this logon and the ServerView Download Service:
l Configuration Wizard
l Download Manager
l Repository Manager
Format of the account
l local account: \.<user>
recommended: .\Administrator
l domain user account: <domain>\<user>
The remote database needs a domain user account
Requirements of this user account:
l Windows administration rights.
l Read/Write rights for SV OM installation directory
l Read/Write rights for local repository (if configured)
l Right to download (if Download Manager is configured)
You must add this account (e.g. Administrator) to SQL Server as described in
the manual ServerView Operations Manager Installation … under Win-
dows in the chapter "Adding a user account with SQL Server admin-istrator rights", if the following SQL Server instances are used:
l SQL Server 2008 or higher
l Remote database (regardless of version and edition)
ServerView Update Management17
1 Introduction Configuration of Update Management (Repository, …)
Start the Configuration Wizard of Update Management and make the initial
settings for Update Management:
l ServerView Operations Manager - Base Configuration Wizard -
Update Management
l ServerView Operations Manager - Update Management – Con-
The settings relate mainly to:
l the Update Repository
l the TFTP server
l the Download Service
l Proxy and mail
In the final phase of the Configuration Wizard, update data is imported into
the repository. Update Data
Update data is the latest updates of BIOS, firmware, agents or drivers for
PRIMERGY servers.
You can get this data from the:
l ServerView Suite DVD 1
min. 7.812 (Windows) / 10.09.09 (Linux), max. 10.12.04
l from the Download section of the Fujitsu Technology Solutions Web
18ServerView Update Management
1.2 Prerequisites
There are two ways of maintaining the repository with the latest update data:
l Automatic maintenance
In the Download Manager, define a download task.
The task periodically checks and downloads the latest update data via
the internet for servers with inventory data.
l Manual maintenance
In the Repository Manager, import update data from the latest ServerView Suite - Update DVD.
ServerView Update Management19
1 Introduction
1.3Notes on management stations
1.3.1Shutdown and restart
A shutdown/restart of the management station is permitted if there are no
servers with the job status processing on the Server Details tab in the
Update Manager. Jobs with the status waiting (Job Details tab) are executed after the management station has been restarted, when the Start Time is
A shutdown/restart of the management station is not permitted if there are
any servers with the job status processing on the Server Details tab in the
Update Manager. Status after unplanned restart
After an unplanned restart of the management station, the Job Details dialog
box may contains the following entries:
l Job Status: error
l Return Text: manager abort Procedure for resolving the errors
l If the agent status on the Server Details tab is ready, you can regen-
erate the job by copying it (Copy Job).
l If the agent status is error or busy, first perform a cleanup and then rec-
reate the job by copying it (Copy Job).
1.3.2Updating the management station with components
which needs a reboot
During rebooting the management station, the connection from the web
browser (workstation) to the web server (management station) is interrupted.
After rebooting the management station, re-establish this connection (e.g. by
pressing F5 on the workstation).
20ServerView Update Management
1.4 Autonomous Support Packages (ASP)
1.3.3Multiple management stations
You can run multiple management stations in one network; however, these
management stations must be responsible for different servers. This means
that the server lists on the various management stations must be different.
1.4Autonomous Support Packages (ASP)
Autonomous Support Packages (ASPs) are self-extracting, self-installing
software packages that allow you to install BIOS, firmware, agents or Addon-products on your server.
To install BIOS, firmware, agents or Add-on-products on a server component, you can call up the appropriate ASP directly.
1.5PRIMERGY Support Packages (PSP)
A PRIMERGY Support Package (PSP) is the basic element for installing and
updating drivers and software products on your PRIMERGY server.
A PSP comprises several packages, which contain the different versions of
the same driver or software product.
1.5.1Current PSP versions
The current versions of PSPs are released with the ServerView Update
DVD, a new version of which comes out approximately every two months.
PSPs can also be downloaded at
An overview of the components and server models that are supported
by the currently released PSPs is provided in the Readme file for the
relevant PSP.
ServerView Update Management21
1 Introduction
1.5.2Components of a PSP
Each PSP consists of the following elements:
l A zip archive containing the drivers or software products as well as the
files required to install the PSP
l Release notes (relnotes.txt)
l A PSP description file (xml file)
PSP description file (xml file)
The description file contains the following information:
l Name of the PSP
l Details of the version and contents of the PSP
l Information on the installation priority of the PSP
l Description of all packages contained in the PSP
For each package contained in the PSP, information is provided on the
version and on hardware and software dependencies, e.g. the chassis
ID, system board ID, PCI ID, firmware or operating system version.
Based on the information contained in the description file, the update tool can
check on the managed server whether the requirements of the hardware and
software dependencies are fulfilled.
22ServerView Update Management
1.5 PRIMERGY Support Packages (PSP)
1.5.3Product Detection of Primergy Support Packages
Product detection is available for most PSPs.
Requirements on the server:
l Primergy Support Package FSC_SCAN
l Tools PrimeUp >= V1.15.25
The version of the PSP FSC_SCAN and the PrimeUp tool which comes
with the repository must be installed. (Always use the newest package version)
The ServerView Update Agent/GlobalFlash Agent calls the detection function automatically
l at every boot.
l after an update is completed.
The results of the detection are displayed on Update Manager.
Case “Not installed”
The customer has installed the hardware.The drivers of related products
have to be installed for using this hardware.
A "fake" PSP with version "" is created to show the required product/driver.
Then a real PSP may be installed.
ServerView Update Management23
1 Introduction
Case “Newer version installed”
The customer has installed a very new version of a product (perhaps
beta), which is not actually produced as a PSP on the FTS site.
A "fake" PSP with version "" is created, to protect the customers
product against accidental overwriting/ updating by Update Manager.
If a PSP with this product/driver version or newer exists at a later date, the
protection is canceled and the PSP may be installed/updated with the real
PSP version belonging to this product/driver.
Case “Equal version installed”
The customer has installed the equal version by themselves, but not as a
PSP (native).
A "fake" PSP with the real version is created.
This PSP may be updated to the real version or newer.
Case “Previous version installed”
The customer has installed an older version than the version of the actual
PSP and the older version was not installed as a PSP, but by the customer themselves (native).
Because it is an older version than the version of the actual PSP, a "fake"
PSP with version "x.x.99.99" is created. (x.x version of the actual PSP - 1).
An update to the actual version (real version) is possible.
24ServerView Update Management
1.5 PRIMERGY Support Packages (PSP)
1.5.4Initial Installation of Primergy Support Packages
Initial installation is possible for all PSPs.
Requirements on the server:
l Primergy Support Package FSC_SCAN
l Tool PrimeUp >= V1.15.24
The version of the PSP FSC_SCAN and the PrimeUp tool which comes
with the repository must be installed. (Always use the newest package version)
ServerView Update Management25
1 Introduction
1.6Notes on deleting servers from the ServerList
Deletion will be denied ...
Deletion of servers from the ServerList will be denied if update jobs with
Agent Status = busy and Job Details Status = transferring, transferred,
flashing or flashed exist.
Deletion will NOT be denied ...
Deletion of servers from the ServerList will not be denied if update jobs with
Agent Status = absent and Job Details Status = transferring,
transferred, flashing, flashed or rebooting exist.
To avoid error situations you must
l check the GlobalFlash Agent / Update Agent on the managed server
and if necessary restart it.
l check the LAN connection on the managed server and if necessary
repair it.
l do a manual cleanup via the Command Line Interface of the Update
Depending on the situation you must use GFCLI –C (= Cleanup) or GFCLI –A
–S (= forced Cancel)
Cleanup will be done
l on the managed server.
l on the TFTP server (in the case a MMB flash).
26ServerView Update Management
1.7Typographic conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
Indicates various types of risk, namely health risks,
risk of data loss and risk of damage to devices.
Indicates additional relevant information and tips.
boldIndicates references to names of interface elements.
blue continuous textIndicates a link to a related topic.
pink continuous textIndicates a link to a location you have already vis-
Indicates system output and system elements for
example, file names and paths.
Indicates statements that are to be entered using the
1.7 Typographic conventions
<abc>Indicates variables which must be replaced with real
[abc]Indicates options that can be specified (syntax).
Indicates a key on your keyboard. If you need to
enter text in uppercase, the Shift key is specified, for
example,[SHIFT] + [A] for A. If you need to press
two keys at the same time, this is indicated by a plus
sign between the two key symbols.
Some of the screenshots are system-dependent, so some of the details
shown may differ from your system. There may also be system-specific differences in menu options and commands.
ServerView Update Management27
1 Introduction
1.8ServerView Suite link collection
Via the link collection, Fujitsu Technology Solutions provides you with numerous downloads and further information on the ServerView Suite and PRIMERGY servers.
For ServerView Suite, links are offered on the following topics:
l Forum
l Service Desk
l Manuals
l Product information
l Security information
l Software downloads
l Training
The downloads include the following:
Current software statuses for the ServerView Suite as well as
additional Readme files.
Information files and update sets for system software components (BIOS, firmware, drivers, ServerView agents and ServerView update agents) for updating the PRIMERGY servers via
ServerView Update Manager or for locally updating individual
servers via ServerView Update Manager Express.
The current versions of all documentation on the PRIMERGY
ServerView Suite.
You can retrieve the downloads free of charge from the Fujitsu Technology Solutions web server.
For PRIMERGY servers, links are offered on the following topics:
l Service Desk
l Manuals
28ServerView Update Management
1.8 ServerView Suite link collection
l Product information
l Spare parts catalogue
Access to the ServerView link collection
You can reach the link collection of the ServerView Suite in various ways:
1. Via ServerView Operations Manager.
l Select Help – Links on the start page or on the menu bar.
This opens the start page of the ServerView link collection.
2. Via the ServerView Suite DVD 2 or via the start page of the online documentation for the ServerView Suite on the Fujitsu Technology Solutions manual server.
You access the start page of the online documentation via the following link:
l In the selection list on the left, select Industry standard servers.
l Click the menu item PRIMERGY ServerView Links.
This opens the start page of the ServerView link collection.
3. Via the ServerView Suite DVD 1.
l In the start window of the PRIMERGY ServerView Suite DVD 1,
select the option Select ServerView Software Products.
l Click Start. This takes you to the page with the software products
of the PRIMERGY ServerView Suite.
l On the menu bar select LINKS.
This opens the start page of the ServerView link collection.
ServerView Update Management29
1 Introduction
1.9Documentation for the ServerView Suite
The documentation for the ServerView Suite can be found on the ServerView
Suite DVD 2 supplied with each server system.
The documentation can also be downloaded free of charge from the Internet.
You will find the online documentation at under
the link Industry standard servers.
For an overview of the documentation to be found under ServerView Suite
as well as the filing structure, see the ServerView Suite sitemap (Server-View Suite – Site Overview).
30ServerView Update Management
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