Fujitsu Sun Oracle SPARC Enterprise M3000 Overview Manual

SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server
Overview Guide
Part No.: E28366-01 Manual Code: C120-E537-06EN March 2012
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Preface vii
1. System Overview 1–1
1.1 System Features 1–1
1.2 System Specifications 1–5
1.3 Component Names 1–7
1.4 Components 1–9
1.4.1 Motherboard Unit 1–10 CPU 1–12 Memory Slot 1–12 PCIe Slot 1–13
1.4.2 Fan Unit 1–16
1.4.3 Power Supply Unit 1–17
1.4.4 Operator Panel 1–19
1.4.5 On-board Drive Units 1–23 eXtended System Control Facility Unit (XSCF Unit) 1– 14 DC-DC Converter 1–15 Hard Disk Drive 1–24 CD-RW/DVD-RW Drive Unit 1–24
1.4.6 I/O Port 1–25 GbE Port 1–25 SAS Port 1–26
2. System Functions 2–1
2.1 Hardware Configuration 2–1
2.1.1 CPU 2–1
2.1.2 Memory Subsystem 2–2
2.1.3 I/O Subsystem 2–2
2.1.4 System Bus 2–2
2.1.5 System Control 2–2
2.2 Domain 2–3
2.3 Resource Management 2–3
2.4 RAS 2–4
2.4.1 Reliability 2–4
2.4.2 Availability 2–5
2.4.3 Serviceability 2–5
2.5 Oracle Solaris Operating System 2–6
2.6 XSCF Firmware 2–7
2.6.1 User Interfaces 2–7
2.6.2 XSCF Functional Overview 2–7
2.6.3 Airflow Indicator 2–9
2.6.4 Power Consumption Monitoring Function 2–10
A. DC Power Supply Model A–1
A.1 The Server Views A–2
A.2 Electrical Specifications A–4
A.3 Power Consumption Monitoring Function A–5
Index Index–1
vi SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide • March 2012
This guide describes system features, system specifications, hardware functions, and software functions of the SPARC Enterprise M3000 server from Oracle and Fujitsu. References herein to the M3000 server are reference to the SPARC Enterprise M3000 server.
This preface includes the following sections:
“Audience” on page vii
“Related Documentation” on page viii
“Text Conventions” on page ix
“Notes on Safety” on page ix
“Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)” on page x
“Documentation Feedback” on page x
This guide is written for experienced system administrators with working knowledge of computer networks and advanced knowledge of the Oracle Solaris Operating System (Oracle Solaris OS).
Related Documentation
All documents for your server are available online at the following locations.
Documentation Link
Sun Oracle software-related manuals (Oracle Solaris OS, and so on)
Fujitsu documents
Oracle M-series server documents
The following table lists titles of related documents.
Related SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Documents
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Site Planning Guide
SPARC Enterprise Equipment Rack Mounting Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Getting Started Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Important Legal and Safety Information
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Safety and Compliance Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Installation Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Service Manual
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Administration Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Product Notes
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Glossary
* This is a printed document. † Beginning with the XCP 1100 release.
viii SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide • March 2012
Text Conventions
This manual uses the following fonts and symbols to express specific types of information.
Font/Symbol Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files, and
Italic Indicates the name of a reference
" " Indicates names of chapters,
What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output.
This font represents the example of command input in the frame.
directories; on-screen computer output.
This font represents the example of command output in the frame.
manual, a variable, or user­replaceable text.
sections, items, buttons, or menus.
XSCF> adduser jsmith
XSCF> showuser -P User Name: jsmith Privileges: useradm
See the SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF User’s Guide.
See Chapter 2, "System Features."
Notes on Safety
Read the following documents thoroughly before using or handling any SPARC Enterprise M3000 server:
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers Important Legal and
Safety Information
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Safety and Compliance Guide
Preface ix
Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)
The command syntax is as follows:
A variable that requires input of a value must be put in Italics.
An optional element must be enclosed in [].
A group of options for an optional keyword must be enclosed in [] and delimited
by |.
Documentation Feedback
If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, go to the following websites:
For Oracle users:
Include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide, part number E28366-01
For Fujitsu users:
x SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide • March 2012
System Overview
This chapter explains the features and specifications of the SPARC Enterprise M3000 server.
Section 1.1, “System Features” on page 1-1
Section 1.2, “System Specifications” on page 1-5
Section 1.3, “Component Names” on page 1-7
Section 1.4, “Components” on page 1-9
1.1 System Features
The M3000 server is a space-saving compact server equipped with a high­performance, highly-reliable SPARC64 VII+ or SPARC64 VII processors. It is also an eco-friendly server, which reduces power consumption and noise. Also equipped with the same level of high reliability and high availability as the M4000, M5000, M8000, and M9000 servers, the M3000 server provides superior service continuity.
FIGURE 1-1 shows the external view of the M3000 server.
FIGURE 1-1 External View of the Server
The M3000 server has the following features:
The server has a 2 rack units (2U) enclosure, which realizes the space-saving and the lightness in weight.
Compared to our existing models, the M3000 server significantly improves the energy consumption efficiency, and reduces the system power consumption to 500W (with 200 to 240 VAC).
Mounted high-performance processor adopting energy-saving technology
The SPARC64 VII+ or SPARC64 VII processors enhance the processing performance and at the same time reduces the power consumption.
Improved cooling and power efficiency
The server is equipped with an air duct and a backflow prevention shutter unit which optimize the airflow within the chassis and realize high cooling efficiency. Moreover, the server uses power supply units with good power efficiency, reducing power consumption.
1-2 SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide • March 2012
Multiple-step fan speed control
The fan speeds are finely adjusted according to the altitude and the ambient temperature at the installation site of the server. Such adjustments reduce noise and realize quiet operation well suited for the office environment as well as reducing power consumption.
High performance server enhanced with the latest architecture
SPARC64 VII+ or SPARC64 VII processors
The processors provide superior performance, with two or four cores each of which can execute 2 threads. In addition, the Error Checking and Correction (ECC) function and the instruction retry function provide high reliability and high availability.
Power-saving by system LSI
By using the 65 nm process technology, system controller and memory access controller have been packed on a single LSI (Large Scale Integration), which realizes the power-saving.
Using PCI Express (PCIe) as an I/O bus
The PCIe bus having a band of up to eight lanes is used for the interconnect bus with the I/O device.
High reliability and high availability
Data protection with the ECC function
ECC function protects data on all system buses and in memory, so that any errors in data are automatically corrected. In addition to ECC, advanced ECC memory protection is supported.
Redundant configuration and active/hot replacement of components
Hard disk drives, fan units, and power supply units support redundant configuration and active/hot replacement. In a redundant configuration, the system can be operated continuously even if one of the components fails. Faulty components can be maintained/replaced without stopping the system.
Automatic reboot at component failure
If a failure occurs, the faulty component is automatically isolated from the system, and the system is rebooted. If 1-bit errors occur frequently in the cache memory configuring a CPU, the faulty memory can be dynamically isolated without rebooting the Oracle Solaris Operating System (Oracle Solaris OS).
These degradation functions enable the business operation to be continued based on non-faulty resources. The functions thus implement high fault­tolerance even if a component fails.
Chapter 1 System Overview 1-3
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) controller
For measures against commercial power failure, the server is equipped with UPS controller(UPC) ports. Using a UPS enables stable power supply to the system when a power failure or an extensive power interruption occurs.
Hardware RAID function
Several hard disks which are connected to the on-board Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) controller of the M3000 server can be constructed as a single logical volume. The mirrored configuration of the constructed logical volume can secure the data redundancy, as well as achieve the improvement in system fault tolerance.
Note – Hardware RAID is available only on the M3000 server with the SPARC64
VII+ processors.
eXtended System Control Facility (XSCF)
The server is equipped with a service processor called eXtended System Control Facility (XSCF), which monitors the system status including system temperature, hardware status of the power supply units and fan units, and operating status of the domain. There are two types of interfaces: browser interface called XSCF Web and command-line interface called XSCF Shell.
When a power failure is detected, it is also possible to configure whether to partially degrade the faulty component to continue system operation.
In addition, the schedule management function can be used to automatically power the server on/off according to the specified operation schedule.
The console of the domain can be controlled by XSCF firmware via a network. For the console control, prepare a terminal to display the console. The following devices can be used as terminals:
- Personal computer (PC)
- Workstation
- ASCII terminal
- Terminal server (or patch panel connected to the terminal server)
For information on how to connect the console, see the SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Installation Guide.
Use of Oracle Solaris OS
The Oracle Solaris OS is widely used in the world. The Oracle Solaris 10 OS used by the M3000 server has an enhanced process privilege management function and network function, and is further equipped with superior functions including Oracle Solaris Predictive Self-Healing that enables error prediction and self-recovery.
1-4 SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide • March 2012
1.2 System Specifications
TABLE 1-1 shows the specifications of the fully configured M3000 server. For details
on specifications of each component, see Section 1.4, “Components” on page 1-9. For the specifications of the equipment rack, see the SPARC Enterprise Equipment Rack Mounting Guide.
TABLE 1-1 Server Specifications
Item Specifications
Motherboard unit 1 unit
CPU Type: SPARC64 VII+ or SPARC64 VII processors
1 CPU (2 cores/4 cores)
Memory modules 8 modules
PCI Express (PCIe) slot 4 slots
eXtended System Control Facility unit (XSCF unit) 1 unit
Power supply unit 2 units (1+1 redundant configuration)
Fan unit 2 units (1+1 redundant configuration)
On-board drive 1 CD-RW/DVD-RW drive unit
4 hard disk drives
Domain 1 domain
Architecture Platform group: sun4u
Platform name: SUNW, SPARC-Enterprise
Mountable rack Equipment rack
Server dimensions (width x depth x height) 440 x 657 x 87 mm (2 rack units)
17.4 x 25.9 x 3.4 in.
Weight 22 kg (48.5 lb)
* The weight of cables are not included.
The environmental requirements listed in
TABLE 1-2 reflect the test results of the
server. The optimum conditions indicate the recommended operating environment. Operating the server for extended periods at or near the operating range limits or installing the server in an environment where it remains at or near the non-operating range limits could possibly increase the failure rate of hardware components significantly. In order to minimize the occurrence of system failure due to component failure, set temperature and humidity in the optimal ranges.
Chapter 1 System Overview 1-5
TABLE 1-2 Environmental Requirements
Operating Range Non-Operating Range Optimum
Ambient temperature
Relative humidity
Altitude restriction
Temperature conditions
5 °C to 35 °C (41 °F to 95 °F)
Unpacked: 0 °C to 50 °C
21 °C to 23 °C (70 °F to 74 °F)
(32 °F to 122 °F) Packed:
-20 °C to 60 °C (-4 °F to 140 °F)
20 % RH to 80 % RH to 93 % RH 45 % RH to 50 % RH
3,000 m (10,000 ft) 12,000 m (40,000 ft)
5 °C to 35 °C (41 °F to 95 °F): 0 m to 500 m (0 ft to 1,640 ft)
5 °C to 33 °C (41 °F to 91.4 °F): 501 m to 1,000 m (1,644 ft to 3,281 ft)
5 °C to 31 °C (41 °F to 87.8 °F): 1,001 m to 1,500 m (3,284 ft to 4,921 ft)
5 °C to 29 °C (41 °F to 84.2 °F): 1,501 m to 3,000 m (4,925 ft to 9,843 ft)
* There is no condensation regardless of the temperature and humidity. † All altitudes are above sea level.
1-6 SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server Overview Guide • March 2012
1.3 Component Names
12 34
FIGURE 1-2 and FIGURE 1-3 show the M3000 server components and list their names.
FIGURE 1-2 Front View of the Server
Location No. Component Maximum Number per Server
1 Fan unit (FAN_A) 2
2 Operator panel (OPNL) 1
3 Hard disk drive (HDD) (2.5-inch SAS disk) 4
4 CD-RW/DVD-RW drive unit (DVDU) 1
Chapter 1 System Overview 1-7
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