Fujitsu Stylistic V535 Operating Manual

Operating Manual
Contact address in North America
CA 94085-3470, U.S.A.
e: 800 831 3183 or 408 746 6000
Have a qu
estion? Email us at: ""
ujitsu America, Inc. All rights reserved
Operating Manual
Declarations of conformity 7
Fujitsu Contact Information 8
Ports and controls 10
Important notes 13
First-time setup of your device 18
WorkingwiththeTabletPC 22
Accessories for your Tablet PC (optional) 43
Security functions 58
Connecting external devices 63
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility 66
Troubleshooting and tips 68
Technical data 76
Manufacturer’s notes 80
Declarations of conformity 83
FCC and IC Regulatory Information 84
Appendix 88
Index 103
Copyright and Trademark Information
Fujitsu America, Incorporated has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document; however, as ongoing development efforts are continually improving the capabilities of our products, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the contents of this document. We disclaim liability for errors, omissions, or future changes.
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and STYLISTIC are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Intel, Intel Atom and Intel Core are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Co rporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
The ExpressCard word mark and logo are owned by the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) and any use of such marks by Fujitsu America, Incorporated is under license.
Google is a trademark or registered trademark of Google In corporated. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA. OmniPass is a trademark of Softex, Inc.
Declarationsofconformity ............................................................. 7
Fujitsu Contact Informatio
n ............................................................
Notational conventions .................................................................. 9
Ports andcontrols ..................................................................... 10
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 13
Safetyinstructions ...................................................................... 13
Additional safety note
s for devices with w ireless components . . .............................
Protecting the displa
yscreen ............................................................
Energysaving .......................................................................... 14
Energy saving under W
indows .......................................................
Traveling with your T
ablet PC ............................................................
Beforeyou travel ................................................................... 15
Transporting the T
ablet PC ...........................................................
Protection agains
tsplashed waterand dust ...............................................
Cleaning the Tabl
etPC ..................................................................
17 Further informat
iononcleaningtheTabletPC .........................................
First-time setupofyourdevice ......................................................... 18
Unpacking and checking the device . . . ................................................... 18
Choose a location . ...................................................................... 19
Connecting the AC adapter . . . ........................................................... 20
Switching on the device for the rsttime .................................................. 21
Installing Bonus Apps . . . . . ........................................................... 21
Working with
the TabletPC ............................................................
Battery char
gingindicator ................................................................
Switching t
heTabletPCon ..............................................................
23 Programing
theON/OFFbutton ......................................................
Switching t
heTabletPCoff ..............................................................
ng recognition ..................................................................
een ............................................................................
Select di
splay orientation (portrait orlandscapeformat) ....................................
Tou ch c om
mands .......................................................................
27 Actions
with one nger (Windows 8.1 Modern) . ........................................
27 Actions
with one nger (Windows 8.1 D esktop) ........................................
30 Actions
with two ngers (Windows 8.1 Desktop) . . . ....................................
Tab let
buttons ..........................................................................
geablebattery ...................................................................
34 Charg
ing,caringforandmaintaining thebattery .......................................
34 Remov
ingandinstalling thebattery ...................................................
the energy saving functions . .......................................................
nnapositions .......................................................................
rycards ..........................................................................
40 Supp
orted formats ..................................................................
40 Ins
ertingthe memorycard ...........................................................
40 Rem
oving thememorycard ..........................................................
eless LAN / Bluetooth / NFC wireless components . . ....................................
41 Sw
itching the wireless components on and off . ........................................
Fujitsu 3
ConguringWLANaccess ........................................................... 42
Furtherinformation onWLAN andBluetooth ........................................... 42
NFC(NearFieldCommunication) ..................................................... 42
GPS ................................................................................... 42
Accessories for you r Tablet PC (optional) . ............................................. 43
Your Universal Docking Cradle / your Universal Charging Cradle with AC adapter (optional) .... 43
Cradle components . . ................................................................ 44
EthernetandLAN(onlywithUniversalDockingCradle) ................................ 45
Settingupthecradle ................................................................ 46
Removingtheattachmentfrom thecradle ............................................. 46
Connecting the Tablet PC to the cradle . . ............................................. 47
Disconnecting the Tablet PC from the cradle . ......................................... 48
Chip an d Pin shell (Ingenico iCMP compatible), (optional) .................................. 49
Magnetic Stripe Reader shell (optional) . . ................................................. 51
Smart Card shell(optional) .............................................................. 53
Rugged Case (optional) . ................................................................ 55
Full USB to LAN Conversion Adapter . . . . ................................................. 57
Security functions ..................................................................... 58
Using the security lock (optional) . ........................................................ 58
ConguringpasswordprotectioninBIOSSetupUtility ...................................... 59
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor password and user password) . . ............... 59
Password prote ction for booting the operating system .................................. 60
Smart Card reader (optional) . ............................................................ 61
Mounting the Smart Card reader . . . . . ................................................. 61
InsertingtheSmartCard ............................................................. 62
Connecting externaldevices ........................................................... 63
Connecting an external monitor . . ........................................................ 63
HDMIport(UniversalDockingCradle only) ............................................ 63
Connecting USB devices (Tablet PC or Universal Docking Cradle) .......................... 64
Howto removeUSB devicescorrectly ................................................ 64
Audio combojack ....................................................................... 65
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility . . ........................................................ 66
StartingtheBIOSSetupUtility ........................................................... 66
ExitingBIOSSetupUtility ................................................................ 67
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . . . ................... 67
Exit Discarding Changes - R eject changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility ................... 67
LoadSetupDefaults– load default values ............................................. 67
Discard Changes - Discard Changes without exiting BIOS Setup Utility . . . ............... 67
Save Ch anges - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . ................... 67
Save change s and power off ........................................................ 67
Troubleshootingandtips .............................................................. 68
Executingareset ....................................................................... 69
Forcedshutdown .................................................................... 69
Executea completereset:ResetBIOSSetuptothestandardvalues .................... 69
Helpifproblemsoccur ................................................................... 69
Recovering your FactoryImage .......................................................... 69
TheTabletPC’sdateortimeisincorrect .................................................. 69
Batteryindicatordoes notilluminate ...................................................... 70
TheTabletPC’stouchscreenremainsdark ................................................ 70
4 Fujitsu
The display on the Tablet PC’s touchscreen is difcult to read. . ............................. 70
Theexternalmonitorremainsblank ...................................................... 71
Theexternalmonitorisblank ortheimageisunstable ..................................... 71
TheTabletPCdoesnotstartafterswitchon ............................................... 72
TheTabletPCstopsworking ............................................................. 72
The printer does not p rint . . . . . ........................................................... 72
The wireless connection to a network does not work . . . .................................... 73
Thebattery dischargestooquickly ........................................................ 73
Smart Card reader is not recognized . . . ................................................... 73
Smart Card PINforgotten ................................................................ 73
User and/or supervisor Smart Card lost . . . . . . ............................................ 74
Smart Card lost ......................................................................... 74
Error messagesonthescreen ........................................................... 75
Technical data ......................................................................... 76
TabletPC .............................................................................. 76
WLAN specications .................................................................... 77
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 78
AC adapter . . .......................................................................... 78
AC adapte r only for Tablet PC (10 W) . . . . . ............................................ 78
AC adapter for operation with the Universal Docking Cradle or Universal Charging Cradle
(60 W, optional) . . . .................................................................. 78
Universal Docking Cradle (optional) . . . ................................................... 78
Universal Charging Cradle (optional) . . ................................................... 79
Chipand Pinshell (optional) ............................................................. 79
Magnetic Stripe Reader shell (optional) ................................................... 79
Smart Card shell(optional) .............................................................. 79
Rugged Case (optional) . . . . . . ........................................................... 79
Manufacturer’snotes .................................................................. 80
Disposalandrecycling .................................................................. 80
Recyclingyourbattery ............................................................... 80
DOC(IndustryCANADA)Notices ..................................................... 80
ENERGYSTARCompliance ......................................................... 82
Declarationsofconformity ............................................................. 83
FCC andICRegulatoryInformation .................................................... 84
Regulatory Notes and Statements . ....................................................... 84
WirelessLAN, Healthand Authorizationfor use ........................................ 84
Regulatory Information/D isclaimers ................................................... 84
FederalCommunicationsCommissionandIndustry Canadastatement: .................. 84
Déclaration d’Industrie Canada ....................................................... 85
FCCInterference Statement ......................................................... 85
FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement ............................................ 85
Déclaration de la FCC/d’Industrie Can ada sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences . .......... 86
Exportrestrictions ................................................................... 86
Restrictionsconcernantl’exportation .................................................. 86
Canadian N otice . . .................................................................. 86
Avis pour le Canada . . . . . . ........................................................... 87
Appendix .............................................................................. 88
Before Using the Optional Wireless LAN . . . . . . ............................................ 88
WirelessLANDevicesCoveredbythisDocument ...................................... 88
Fujitsu 5
Characteristics oftheWLAN Device .................................................. 88
Wireless LAN Modes Using this Device . . ............................................. 88
Deactivating/DisconnectingtheWLANDevice ......................................... 91
ConguringtheWirelessLAN ............................................................ 91
Connection to the network . . . ........................................................ 91
TroubleshootingtheWLAN ........................................................... 92
Image Backup and Recovery Procedures ................................................. 93
CreatingaBackupofBootable Disk andRecovery Image .............................. 94
Using theRecovery andUtilityTools .................................................. 95
Restore the Recovery Image from Hidden Partition . . . .................................. 97
RestoretheRecoveryImage forFullHardDrive ....................................... 98
Recovering Your Recovery Image Using Recovery and Utility (for new hard drive or
non-bootableharddrive) ............................................................. 99
Installing theSoftwareaftertheRecoveryImageisRestored ............................ 100
Index .................................................................................. 103
6 Fujitsu
Declarations of conformity
Declarations of conformity
according to FCC Part 15
Responsible Party Name: Fujitsu America, Inc. Address: 1250 E. Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Telephone: (408) 746-6000 Declares that product: Base Model Configuration: STYLISTIC V535
Complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operations are subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Fujitsu 7
Fujitsu Contact Information
Fujitsu Contact Information
Service and Support
You can co ntact Fu jitsu Service and Support in the following ways:
Toll free phone: 1-800-8Fujitsu (1-800-838-5487)
Website: ""
Before you place the call, have the following information ready so that the customer support representative can provide you with the fastest possible solution:
Product name
Product conguration number
Product serial number
Purchase date
Conditions under which the problem occurred
Any error messages that have occurred
Type of device connected, if any
Fujitsu Shopping Online
Please go to " ".
Maintaining Latest Conguration
To ensure that you always have the most current driver updates related to your system, occasionally access the Fujitsu Software Download Manager (FSDM) utility. Th e FSDM utility is available from the Fujitsu Support site. FSDM will allow you to view a list of the most current d rivers, utilities and applications to determine whether you have the latest versions. If you have a Windows 7 or or Windows 8/8.1 operating system, you will need to go to the Support Site to download the FSDM Utility: "".
Limited Warranty
Your STYLISTIC Tablet PC is backed by a Fujitsu International Limited Warranty. Check the service kit that came with your Tablet PC for the Limited Warranty period and terms and conditions.
8 Fujitsu
Fujitsu Contact Information
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked w ith this symbol. Failure to observe this warning will endanger your life, will da m age the device or lead to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these w arnings.
Indicates important informa
tion which is required to use the device properly.
indicates an activity that must be performed
indicates a result
This style
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the command line, e.g.
your password (Name123)oracommandusedto
start a program (star
This style
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This style
terms and tex ts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save.
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This style" indicates
Cross-references to anothe r section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For m ore information, go to ""
names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations of other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This style indicates terms and text that are emphasized or highlighted, e.g.: Do not
switch off the device
Fujitsu 9
Ports and controls
Ports and controls
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. It gives an overview of the indicators and connections of the device. Please familiarize yourself with these items before you start to work with the device.
1 = Ambient light sensor 2 = Microphone 3 = Webcam 4 = Webcam LED 5 = Battery charging indicator
6 = Port cover 7 = Speaker 8 = Docking port cover 9 = Docking port for cradle 10 = Windows button
On top of the device
1 2 3
1 = Increase v o lume button 2 = Decrease volume button
3 = ON/OFF butto n
10 Fujitsu
Ports and controls
Right-hand side (with closed and open covers)
2 4
2 3 4
1 = Memory card slot (micro SD) 2 = Micro USB port (only for connection
of the AC adapter)
3 = USB port ( USB 2.0) 4 = Audio combo jack (mic / headphones)
Fujitsu 11
Ports and controls
1 = Mounting points (screw holes) for securing
accessories, protected by covers 2 = Battery compartment with cover 3 = Opening for easy removal of the
battery cover
4 = NFC (Near Field Communication) 5 = Microphone 6 = Camera light 7=Webcam
12 Fujitsu
Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essential safety information which must be followed when working with your Tablet PC. The other notes provide useful information about your Tablet PC.
Safety instructions
Please follow the safety notes provided in the "Safety/R egulations" m an ual as well as the safety notes given below.
Please pay special attention to the sections in the manual marke d with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant notes in this operating manual.
Read the information on the ambient conditions in the "
Technical data", Page 76 chapter
and the information in the "
First-time setup of your device", Page 18 chapter before
preparing your Tablet PC for use and switching it on for the rs t time. When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the
section "
Cleaning the Tablet PC", Page 17.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices with wire less components provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
When handling this device, you come into contact with lead, a chemical which in California is held to be a possible cause of birth defects and other damage to fertility.
Wash your hands after using the device.
This Tablet P
C complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment. If
you have ques
tions as to whether you can set up the Tablet PC in the intended environment,
please conta
ct your sales outlet or our hotline/service desk.
Fujitsu 13
Important notes
Additional safety notes for devices with wireless comp on en ts
If a radio component (Wireless LAN, Bluetooth) is integrated in your Tablet PC, you must be sure to observe the following safety precautions concerning your Tablet PC:
Switch off the wireless components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off the wireless components when you are in a hospital, an operating
room or near a medical electronics system. The transm itted radio waves can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the wireless components, when you let the device get near ammable
gases or into hazardou s environments (e.g. gas statio n, paint stores), as the transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a re.
For further information on how to switch the wireless components on and off, refer to section "
Switching the wireless components on and off", Page 41.
Protecting the display screen
Depending on your
device conguration, where applicable your device is not waterproof.
In this event, do
not pour liquids onto the device and do not wash it with a we t cloth.
Do not place ite
ms on the top of the display, or damage may occur.
The warranty do
es not cover a scratched screen.
Energy saving
If you will not be using your Tablet PC, switch it off. Switch off any connected external devices when they are not in use. If you use the energy-saving functions, the Tablet PC u ses less power. If you do this, you will be able to work longer with the Tablet PC before having to recharge the battery.
The energy efciency is increased and environmental p ollution i s reduced. You save money and help protect the environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make use of the available energy-saving functions as described in chapter
Using the energy sa ving functions", Page 38.
Your Tablet PC is tted with eMMC memory. Please not e that this technology does not support sleep mode.
14 Fujitsu
Important notes
Traveling with your Tablet PC
MobileoperationNotesTra nsportationTabletPC
Please follow the instructions below when traveling with your Tablet PC.
Before you travel
Switch off the radio component for data security reasons. With data traffic via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorized third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation for y our radio component.
If you want to use your Tablet PC during a flight, ask the ight attendants to see if it is safe to use it.
When traveling in other countries
If you are traveling abroad, check that the AC adapter can be operated with the
local AC voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate AC adapter for your Tablet PC. Do not use any other converter!
Check whether the local AC voltage and the A C cable are compatible. If this is not
the case, buy an AC cable that suits the local conditions.
Enquire with the appropriate government office of the country you will be travelling in as to
whether you may operate the radio component integrated in your Tablet PC there.
Take the necessary travel adapters with you when traveling abroad. Check in the following
table for which travel adapters you will need, or ask your travel organizer.
Power connection Travel destination
United State
s, Canada, Mexico, parts of Latin
America, Jap
an, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan
Russia an
d the Commonwealth o f Independent
States (C
IS), much of Europe, parts of Latin
, the Middle East, parts of Africa, Hong
Kong, In
dia, much of south-east Asia
United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaya, Singapore, parts of Africa
China, Australia, New Zealand
Fujitsu 15
Important notes
Transporting the Tablet PC
Protect the Tablet PC from severe shocks and e xtreme temperatures (e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
Do not transport yo ur Tablet PC while it is turned on.
Carry your Tablet PC with you while traveling. Do not check it in as baggage.
Never put your Tablet PC through a metal detector. Have it hand-inspected by security personnel. You can however put your Tablet PC through a properly tuned X-ray machine. To avoid problems, place it c lose to the entrance of the machine and remove it as soon as possible or have it hand-inspected by security personnel. Security ofcials m ay require you to turn your Tablet PC on. So make sure you have a charged battery on hand for this.
Switch the Tablet PC off
Unplug the AC plug of the AC adapter and all external devices from the power outlets.Disconnect the AC ad
apter cable and the data cables for all external devices.
To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a suitable Tablet PC
carrying case to transport your Tablet PC.
Protection against splashed water and dust
Your Tablet PC is r
esistant to splashed water and dust according to IP65. However,
the slot covers
must be rmly closed during contact with water or dust.
Protection class IPX5 stipulates that the tablet can be operate d normally after it has been sprayed with water for a t least 3 minutes through an opening of 6.3 mm / 0.25 inches diameter and with a ow rate of 12.5 liters of water per minute from a distance of about 3 meters / 118.11 inches.
Furthermore, protection class IP6X stipulates that the Tablet PC can be left in an environment with dust particles of up to 75 μm diameter for 8 hours and can then still be operated safely.
To ensure that the device remains protected against splashed water and dust, all covers of the device must always remain closed. Otherwise, water can enter the Tablet PC and cause a malfunction.
If the Tablet PC comes into contact with salt w ater, soft drinks or mud, it must be w ash ed off immediately.
Please note the warranty does not cover damage or defects caused by improper use of your device. This also includes the use in environments where the relevant IP rating limitations are exceeded. Accessories including battery, AC adapter, adapter cables, etc. are not themselves resistant to splashed water and dust and must therefore be treated with care.
16 Fujitsu
Important notes
Cleaning the Tablet PC
Always switch your Tablet PC off for cleaning. Although your Tablet PC is resist ant towards splashed water and dust, you
should nonetheless p revent water or dirt from penetrating the Tablet PC and prevent accessories from becoming wet or dusty.
The AC ad apter, cradle an d other accessories are neither watertight nor dust-resistant. Do not use them in a bathroom, in very humid environment or in places where it may rain.
Only use cleaning products designed for computers. Conventional household cleaners and polishes can damage the lettering on the Tablet PC, the paint or the Tablet PC itself.
Only clean the display surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth. Rough rubbing with a dry cloth can damage the screen. Residual water drops or dirt on the monitor can cause marks.
If the Tablet PC is cleaned with alcohol, thinners, petrol or solvent, the lettering may become illegible or the paint may blister.
s can be cleaned with a dry cloth. If the Tablet PC is particularly dirty,
use a damp cloth so
aked in water with a mild cleaning agent, and well wrung out.
Do not clean the re
cesses directly with cotton buds.
Further inform
The Tablet PC does not oat.
If the Tablet PC is e xpo sed to water or other liquids with its connections open, liquid can penetrate the Tablet PC and cause a m a lfunction. Do not continue to use the Tablet PC. Switch it off and contact our hotline / our service desk (see enclosed list of service desks or visit our website at:
Fujitsu 17
First-time s etu p of your device
First-time setup of your devic
First-timese tupGettingstarted
Please read the chapter "Important notes", Page 13. If your device is equipped with a Windows operating system, the necessary
hardware drivers an d supplied software are already pre-installed. Beforeswitchingitonfortherst time, connect the device to the AC voltage using
the AC adapter, see "
Connecting the AC ada pter", Page 20. The AC adapter must
remain co nnected during the whole of the installation process. A system test is performed when your device is rst switched on. Various messages
can appear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may icker. Please follow the instructions on the screen. NEVER switch off your device during the rst-time setup process.
On delivery, the battery can be fou nd in the battery compartment or in the accessories kit. The battery must be charged if you want to operate your device using the battery.
When used on the move, the built-in battery provides the device with the ne cessary power. You can increase the operating time by using the available energy-saving functions.
For instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse, printer) to your Tablet PC, please refer to the operating manual for your device.
Unpacking and
checking the device
If you nd that damage has occurred during transport, please notify your local sales outlet immediately!
Unpack all the individual parts.
PackagingTranspo rt
Check your
device for any visible damage which may have occurred during transportation.
You ma y ne
ed to reuse the packaging in the future, for example if
you need t
o ship your device.
18 Fujitsu
First-time setup of your device
Choose a suitable location for the device before setting it up. In doing so, please follow these instructions:
Never place the device or the AC adapter on a heat-sensitive surface. The surface could be damaged as a resu lt.
Never place the device on a soft surface (e.g. ca rpeting, upholstered furniture, bed). This can result in damage caused by overheating.
The back of the device heats up during normal operation. Prolonged contact with skin can become unp leasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, at, non-slippery surface. Please note that the rubber feet of the device may mark certain types of delicate surfa ces.
Keep other objects at least 100 mm / 4 inches away from the device and its AC adapter to ensure adequate ventilation.
Do not expose the device to extreme environmental conditions. Protect the device against dust, humidity and heat.
Fujitsu 19
First-time s etu p of your device
Connecting the AC adapter
MakingreadytouseACada pter
Observe the safety notes in the enclosed "Safety/Regulations" manual. The supplied A C cable conforms to the requirements of the country in which
you purchased your device. Make sure tha t the AC cable is approved for use in the coun try in which you intend to use it.
The adapter must only be used with the manufacturer supplied USB cable. DO NOT CONNECT OR USE a third party or aftermarket USB charging cable.
Open the cover of the micro USB port as shown.Connect the m
icro USB connector of the power cable (1) to the Tablet PC.
Connect the connector of the power cable (2 ) to the AC adapter.Plug the AC
adapter into the power outlet (3).
20 Fujitsu
First-time setup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
To make it easier to use your device for the rst time, the operating system is pre-installed on the hard disk.
Press the ON/OFF button (1) for about one second to switch the device on.During the instal
lation process, follow the on-screen instructions.
You ca n nd infor
mation and help on the Windows operating system functions
on the Internet a
t "".
If a Windows 8.1
operating system is installed on your Tablet PC, a tutorial is
y started when a new user logs on for the rst time, which shows
you how to use t
he new functions of Windows 8.1.
Installing Bonus Apps
After you have started your system the rst time, you will see a B onu s Apps icon on your desktop. Click on the icon to see which additional applications are available for you to install.
Applications that are already installed appear in grey, those tha t are available for installation appear in blue.
Select the applications you wish to install by selecting the checkbo x adjacent to your selection.
Click Select All if you would like to install all available applicat ions.
To conrm your selection, click Install.
Note that in some cases (depending upon which application was selected for installation) after installation completes, the system will prompt you to reboot.
There are also cases in which if multiple applications are selected to install but one of them needs a reboot, the system will reboot and continue installing the rest of the selected applications.
Fujitsu 21
Working wit h the Tablet PC
Working with the Tablet PC
This chapter describes the basics for operating your Tablet PC. You can nd instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse, ash storage) to the Tablet PC in the chapte r "
Connecting external devic es", Page 63.
Please refer to the notes in the chapter "Important notes", Page 13.
Battery charging indicator
The battery charging indicator (1) gives information about the status of the power supply.
Status / color Description
Off The Tablet
PC is not connected to AC voltage.
Green The battery is fully charged, the Tablet PC is connected to AC voltage.
The battery is being charged.
A fault h
as occurred. The battery cannot be charged.
22 Fujitsu
Working with the Tablet PC
Switching the Tablet PC on
Press the ON/OFF button (1) for about one second to switch the device on.
Programing the ON/OFF button
You can pro g ram th
e ON/OFF button:
Operating system Menu
Windows 8.1
Windows 8.1 Desktop - Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Power Options
If you have ass
igned a password, you must enter this when requested to
do so, in order
to start the operating system. D etailed information can be
found in the c
hapter "
Security functio ns", Page 58.
Switching the Tablet PC off
Back up your data and close all applications before you switch off your device. Otherwise data might be lost.
Shut down the operating system co rrectly.
Press the O N/OFF button for < 2 seconds to switch into connected standby mode.
Press t
he ON/OFF button for > 2 seconds to < 10 seconds to display the
p downwards to switch off" popup.
If the Tablet PC is not switched off automatically, press the ON/OFF button
for about 10 seconds (forced shutdown).
Fujitsu 23
Working wit h the Tablet PC
Handwriting recognition
For detailed information on handwriting recognition, see the documentation for your operating system. Under Windows 8.1 you can set the requ ired langu age under Control Panel
– Clock, Language and Region.
24 Fujitsu
Working with the Tablet PC
Touch scre enNotes
High-quality LCD screens (T FT ) are installed in F ujitsu Tablet PCs. For technical re ason s, these screens are manufactured for a specic resolution. An optimal, clear picture can only be ensured in the resolution intended for the particular screen. A screen resolution which differs from the specicatio n can result in an unclear picture.
The screen resolution of your Tablet PC’s touchscreen is optimally set at the factory. Current production technology cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen display. A few
isolated constantly lit or unlit pixels (picture elements) may be present. The maximum permitted number of such faulty pixels is specied in the international standard ISO 9241-307 (Class 2).
A screen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 has 1280 x 800 = 1024000 pixels. Each pixel consists of three subpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 3 million subpixels in total. According to ISO 9241-307 (class 2), a maximum of 2 light and 2 dark pixels and in addition 5 light or 10 dark subpixels or an equivalent mix (1 light subpixel counts as 2 dark subpixels) are allowed to be defective.
A pixel consists of 3 subpixels, normally red, green and blue. A pixel is the smallest element that can be generated by complete functionality of the display.
A subpixel is a separately addressable internal structure within a pixel that enhances the pixel function.
Cluster A cluster contain
s two or more defective pixels or
subpixels in a 5 x
5 pixel block.
Background lighting
LCD screens are operated with background lighting. The luminosity of the background lighting can decrease over the period of use of the Tablet PC . However, you can set the brightness of your screen yourself.
Ambient light sensor
If your Tablet PC was shipped with the Windows operating system, the screen brightness is regulated by means of the ambient light sensor and depending on the respective light conditions. This results in optimum readability and longer battery life at the same time.
If your Tablet PC was shipped with Windows 8.1, the adaptive brightness setting is deactivated. To change the ambient light sensor settings, select Control Panel - System and Security - Power Options - Change plan settings - Change advanced power settings - Display - Enable adaptive brightness..
Select On to activate the adaptive brightness setting with the help of the ambient light sensor.
Synchronizing the display on the to uchscreen and an external monitor
In W indows 8.1 wipe your nger over the screen from the right-hand edge. The setting Charms - Devices - Second monitor opens. Select the desired output type.
You can also use the Fujitsu Display Manager in the Windows Mobility Center to set the output type.
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Working wit h the Tablet PC
Select display orientation (portrait or landscape format)
You can choose to use either portrait or landscape format for the display.
Windows 8.1
You can change these settings under Windows 8.1 Desktop - Control Panel ­Hardware and Sound - Windows M o b ility Center / Rotate screen.
To switch off the automatic changing between portrait and landscap e format, select Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Display - Adjust resolution.
In the Fujitsu Tablet Controls settings, proles are saved for operation with different screen orientations. These proles have preset standard congurations that can be modied as desired.
These settings do not just affect the screen settings on the Tablet PC, but also on external monitors that are connected.
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Working with the Tablet PC
Touch commands
You can execute certain commands by using your nger tip on the touchscreen of your device.
Actions with one nger (Windows 8.1 Modern)
Action Description
Wipe your nger over the screen from the right-hand edge.
Open Charms with system commands
(equivalent to pressing the Windows button +
Working with the mouse: Position the mouse
pointer at the bottom right-hand edge of the screen.
Wipe your nger over the screen from the left-hand edge.
Switch between the most recently used
applications (equivalent to pressing the Windows button +
+ Space).
Working with the mouse: Position the mouse
pointer at the bottom left-hand edge of the screen.
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Working wit h the Tablet PC
Action Descriptio n
Wipe your nger over the screen from the top or bottom edge.
Open the App commands (equivalent to
pressing the Windows button +
button). Wipe from the top to the bottom of the screen to dock or close the current App.
Working with the mouse: Right-click on the
App to display the App commands.
Press and hold
Keep your finger pressed on an object on the
screen to display a menu with further options.
pointer over the object to disp lay a menu with further options.
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