FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Terms of use, Limited Warranty
© Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH - 3 - EEU-UG-2017120001-10
Terms of use, Limited Warranty
I. The use of the deliverables (e.g. software, application exam ples, target boards, evaluation
boards, starter kits , schematics, engineering s amples of IC’s etc.) is s ubject to th e conditions
of Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH (“FEEU”) as set out in (i) the terms of the License
Agreement and/or the Sale and Pur chase Agreement under which agreements the Product
has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials.
II. Please note that the deliverables are intend ed for and must onl y be used for reference in a
test and evaluation laboratory environment. NO PRODUCTIVE OR PRIVATE USE
III. The software deliverables are provided on an as-is basis without charge. It is the user’s
obligation to full y test the software in its test environment, separated f rom a interconnected
productive environment, and to ensure proper f unctional ity, qualificat ion and co mpliance w ith
component specifications.
IV. Regarding hardware deliverables, FEEU warrants that they will be free from defects in
material and workmanship under or dinary, expected use and required s ervice as specif ied in
the accompanying written m aterials for a duration of 1 (one) year f rom the date of receipt by
the customer.
V. Should a hardware de liver a ble t urn o ut to be defect, FEEU’s ent ire lia bili t y and t h e c ust omer’s
exclusive remedy shall be, at FEEU´s sole discret ion, either return of the purchase price and
the license fee if an y, or replacem ent of the hardware deliverable or parts thereof. However,
this warranty is excluded if the defec t originates outs ide FEEU’s r esponsibilit y such as abuse
or misapplication attrib utable to the custom er or any other t hird party not re lating to FEEU or
to unauthorised decompiling and/or reverse engineering and/or disassembling.
VI. FEEU does not warrant that the deliverables do not infringe any third party intellectual
property right (IPR). In the event that the deliverables infringe a third party IPR the rem edies
listed in section V, VIII a nd IX apply. The customer is free to obtain necessary licenses to
continue the usage of the deliverable.
VII. In the event the software deliverables include the use of open source components, the
provisions of the go verning open source license a greement shall appl y with respect to such
software deliverables.
VIII. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law FEEU disclaims all other warranties,
whether express or im plied, in particular , but not limited to, warranties of m erchantabilit y and
fitness for a particular purpose for which the deliverables are not designated.
IX. To the maximum ex tent permitted b y applicable law, F EEU’s liability is res tricted to inte ntion
and gross negligence. FEEU is not liable for consequential damages.
X. Should one of the above stipulations be or become invalid and/or unenforceable, the
remaining stipulations shall stay in full effect.
XI. The contents of this document are subject to change without a prior notice, thus contact
FEEU about the latest one.
XII. German law applies without the conf lict of law regulat ions. Place of venue is Frankf urt/Main,
Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH