Fujitsu SK-AMAPOLLO-BASE-V11 User Manual

Fujitsu Electronics Europe
User Guide
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Revision History
EEU-UG-2017120001-10 - 2 - © Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
Revision History
V1.0, Manuel Schreiner, first version
This document contains 46 pages.
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Terms of use, Limited Warranty
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Terms of use, Limited Warranty
I. The use of the deliverables (e.g. software, application exam ples, target boards, evaluation
boards, starter kits , schematics, engineering s amples of IC’s etc.) is s ubject to th e conditions of Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH (“FEEU”) as set out in (i) the terms of the License Agreement and/or the Sale and Pur chase Agreement under which agreements the Product has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials.
II. Please note that the deliverables are intend ed for and must onl y be used for reference in a
test and evaluation laboratory environment. NO PRODUCTIVE OR PRIVATE USE ALLOWED.
III. The software deliverables are provided on an as-is basis without charge. It is the user’s
obligation to full y test the software in its test environment, separated f rom a interconnected productive environment, and to ensure proper f unctional ity, qualificat ion and co mpliance w ith component specifications.
IV. Regarding hardware deliverables, FEEU warrants that they will be free from defects in
material and workmanship under or dinary, expected use and required s ervice as specif ied in the accompanying written m aterials for a duration of 1 (one) year f rom the date of receipt by the customer.
V. Should a hardware de liver a ble t urn o ut to be defect, FEEU’s ent ire lia bili t y and t h e c ust omer’s
exclusive remedy shall be, at FEEU´s sole discret ion, either return of the purchase price and the license fee if an y, or replacem ent of the hardware deliverable or parts thereof. However, this warranty is excluded if the defec t originates outs ide FEEU’s r esponsibilit y such as abuse or misapplication attrib utable to the custom er or any other t hird party not re lating to FEEU or to unauthorised decompiling and/or reverse engineering and/or disassembling.
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XII. German law applies without the conf lict of law regulat ions. Place of venue is Frankf urt/Main,
Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
EEU-UG-2017120001-10 - 4 - © Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................. 2
TERMS OF USE, LIMITED WARRANTY ................................................................................. 3
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... 4
0 FEEU APOLLO EVALUATION ............................................................................................ 6
1 INTRODUCTION SK-APOLLO-BASE ................................................................................. 8
1.1 Scope of delivery ......................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 9
2 USING THE HARDWARE .................................................................................................. 10
2.1 The Breakout-Board .................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Getting started ........................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Power Measurement ................................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 On-Board Power Measurement .................................................................. 13
2.3.2 Power Measurement via external DVM ...................................................... 13
2.4 USB to Serial ............................................................................................................. 14
2.5 User Buttons .............................................................................................................. 16
2.5.1 Drive buttons via GPIO ................................................................................ 16
2.5.2 Drive buttons via IRQ .................................................................................. 17
2.6 RBG LED ................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Arduino Headers ........................................................................................................ 19
2.7.1 Using Digital IO ............................................................................................ 20
2.7.2 Using ADC ................................................................................................... 21
2.7.3 Using PWM .................................................................................................. 22
2.7.4 Using SPI ..................................................................................................... 23
2.7.5 Using I2C ..................................................................................................... 25
3 CONNECTORS ................................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Jumpers ..................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 Apollo 1 Jumper Configuration .................................................................... 29
3.1.2 Apollo 2 Jumper Configuration .................................................................... 30
3.2 GPIO Connection ....................................................................................................... 31
3.2.1 Apollo 1 GPIO Connection .......................................................................... 31
3.2.2 Apollo 2 GPIO Connection .......................................................................... 32
3.3 Arduino Header .......................................................................................................... 33
3.3.1 Apollo 1 Arduino Header ............................................................................. 33
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
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3.3.2 Apollo 2 Arduino Header ............................................................................. 35
4 APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 Schematics ................................................................................................................ 38
4.2 Figures ....................................................................................................................... 43
4.3 Index .......................................................................................................................... 44
5 INFORMATION IN THE WWW .......................................................................................... 45
6 RECYCLING ....................................................................................................................... 46
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
EEU-UG-2017120001-10 - 6 - © Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
The Fujitsu Apollo Evaluation Platform is compatible with Ambiq Micro Apollo 1 or Apollo 2. The platform consists of two parts: The br eakout b oard and the base board. The breakout boards for Apollo 1 and Apollo 2 are pin-compatible but not totally functional compatibe. Therefore only some jumper settings need adjustment to setup the base board for Apollo 1 or Apollo 2 usage.
Both parts can easily plug together:
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
© Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH - 7 - EEU-UG-2017120001-10
The Fujitsu Apollo Evaluation Platform includes a nano/micro power/energy measurement probe to enable easy power measurement via PC without the need of an expensive multi­meter or power probe. The on-board CMSIS-DAP compatible debugger works driverless with common toolchains like IAR Workbench or ARM/Keil µVision, but is also supported by a free-of-charge t oolchain iSys tem WinIDEA O pen. For additi onal communi cation to the P C, the on-board CMSIS-DAP compatible chip “Fujitsu D-Bug” supports USB to UART conversion.
The Fujitsu Evaluation Platform includes additional software examples (based on MCU templates) to the Ambiq Micro’s SDK. It offers MCU Templates as a kind of a common project framework or software framework needed for developers to have an easy start in development with MCUs. Following IDEs are supported:
ARM (Keil μVision)
Atollic (Atollic TrueStudio)
IAR (IAR Embedded Workb
for ARM Cortex M)
Makefile (GNU)
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 1 Introduction SK-APOLLO-BASE
EEU-UG-2017120001-10 - 8 - © Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
1 Introduction SK-APOLLO-BASE
The SK-AMAPOLLO-BASE-V11 evaluation board includes a low-cost evaluation board usable with FEEUs Ambiq Micro Apollo break-out boards SK-AMAP1-BREAKOUT-V11 (Apollo 1) and SK-AMAP2-BREAKOUT-V11 (Apollo 2).
1.1 Scope of delivery
- Apollo base–board SK-AMAPOLLO-BASE-V11 in ESD bag
- USB-Mico cable Not scope of delivery: SK-AMAP1-BREAKOUT-V11 / SK-AMAP2-BREAKOUT-V11
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 1 Introduction SK-APOLLO-BASE
© Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH - 9 - EEU-UG-2017120001-10
1.2 Overview
The SK-APOLLO-BASE is used with Apollo1 or Apollo2 breakout boards (not included). After setting the jumpers for Apollo 1 or Apollo 2 usage the following features of the baseboard can be used:
- Arduino UNO headers
o 5 Analo g pins (or digital pins) o 16 digital pins o I2C interface o SPI int erface
- 2 Buttons
- 1 Reset Button
- USB to Serial Wire Debug (SWD), CMSIS-DAP compatible
- USB to power measurement
The breakout bo ar d i t s el f has an ad di t i o nal “ B LE ” co n n ect or where an e xt e r nal B LE c hi p can be connected. For Apollo 1 only UART is supported by this connector. For Apollo 2 UART and SPI can be used.
Figure 0-1: Overview EVK-Apollo-Baseboard
Figure 0-2: Apollo 1 / 2 Breakout-Board
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 2 Using the Hardware
EEU-UG-2017120001-10 - 10 - © Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
2 Using the Hardware
Following schematic gives a rough overview how the breakout board is connected to the different functionalities:
Figure 1-1: FEEU EVK-Apollo-Baseboard Features
2.1 The Breakout-Board
The breakout-board has assembled:
- 2x 27pin 2.54mm header: 50GPIOs, NRST, AREF, GND and VCC
- MCU (A pollo 1 or Apollo 2)
- Inductors for the DC/DC converter
- 32.768 KHz crystal
- ADC filter network
- Reset button
- SWD connector (Debug)
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 2 Using the Hardware
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- BLE connector (Apollo 1 UART only, Apollo 2 UART and SPI)
2.2 Getting started
(1) Check the jumpers as descr ibed in 2.1 Jumpers depending of the s electe d Apollo 1
or Apollo 2 break out board.
(2) Insert the breakout board with the RESET button in direction of the Power / USB
Figure 1-2: Breakout-Board Orientation
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 2 Using the Hardware
EEU-UG-2017120001-10 - 12 - © Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH
(3) Connect your board via the USB connector to power the EVK
a. LED LD3 (blue) should turn on b. After a few seconds LED LD2 should start fading RED
Figure 1-3: USB Connection
(4) Installing Drivers
a. For Linux n o drivers are needed b. For OS X no drivers are needed c. For Windows 10 no drivers are needed d. For Windows XP – 8 please download the driver package from the FEEU
(5) Installing software (IDE)
a. iSYSTEM WinIDEA Open (free of charge)
b. Atollic TrueStudio (free of charge / commercial)
c. IAR Embedded Workbench (commercial)
i. EWARM 30-day Ev aluation Version
ii. EWARM 32K Kickstart Version
d. Keil µVision / ARM MDK (commercial)
i. Evaluation Version
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 2 Using the Hardware
© Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH - 13 - EEU-UG-2017120001-10
2.3 Power Measurement
2.3.1 On-Board Power Measurement
The on-board debug probe is supporting power measurement. Currently the firmware is still in development and will be supported by the latest ARM MDK / Keil µVison.
The FujitsuLink_PowerMeasurement tool can be used to visualize the power consumption without any DVM required.
2.3.2 Power Measurement via external DVM
Connect an external Multimeter to JP3 pin 2 (+) and 3 (-) to measure the current consumption of the MCU.
Figure 1-4: External DVM Connection
To measure also the power consumption of components at the Arduino shield, set JP16 to 2­3 position
Figure 1-5: Include Arduino-Header in Power Measurement
FEEU Ultra-Low-Power Apollo Evaluation Kit Platform
Chapter 2 Using the Hardware
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2.4 USB to Serial
Figure 1-6: USB to UART Converter
To use the USB to serial converter, several serial options are possible. For UART the jumpers JP7 and P1 are used to set the correct u sage.
For Apollo 1, JP7 must be 1-2 and P1 2-4:
Figure 1-7: Apollo 1 jumper configuration for UART usage
With this jumper selection, GPIO0 is UARTTX and GPIO1 UARTRX.
For Apollo 2, JP7 must be 2-3 and P1 3-4:
Figure 1-8: Apollo 2 jumper configuration for UART usage
With this jumper selection, GPIO1 is UARTTX and GPIO2 UARTRX.
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