Fujitsu SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Manual

Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe
User Guide
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Revision History
FMEMCU-UG-910074-11 - 2 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
Revision History
Date Issue
2008/05/15 MHe - Initial version V1.0 2008/06/12 MHe - Itypos corrected V1.1
This document contains 47 pages.
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Warranty and Disclaimer
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 3 - FMEMCU-UG-910074-11
Warranty and Disclaimer
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH restricts
its warranties and its liability for the SK-91460T -144PMC-GPIO Board and all its deliverables (eg.
software include or header files, application examples, target boards, evaluation boards, engineering samples of IC’s etc.), its performance and any consequential damages, on the use of the Product in accordance with (i) the terms of the License Agreement and the Sale and Purchase Agreement under which agreements the Product has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials. In addition, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH disclaims all warranties and liabilities for the performance of the Product and any consequential damages in cases of unauthorised decompiling and/or reverse
engineering and/or disassembling. Note, the SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO Board and all its deliverables are intended and must only be used in an evaluation laboratory environment.
1. Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH warrants that the Product will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 90 days form the date of receipt by the customer. Concerning the hardware components of the Product, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH warrants that the Product will be free from defects in material and workmanship under use and service as specified in the accompanying written materials for a duration of 1 year from the date of receipt by the customer.
2. Should a Product turn out to be defect, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s entire liability and the customer’s exclusive remedy shall be, at Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s sole discretion, either return of the purchase price and the license fee, or replacement of the Product or parts thereof, if the Product is returned to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH in original packing and without further defects resulting from the customer’s use or the transport. However, this warranty is excluded if the defect has resulted from an accident not attributable to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH, or abuse or misapplication attributable to the customer or any other third party not relating to Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH.
3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH disclaims all other warranties, whether expressed or implied, in particular, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose for which the Product is not designated.
4. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH´s and its supplier’s liability are restricted to intention and gross negligence.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Fujitsu
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Should one of the above stipulations be or become invalid and/or unenforceable, the remaining stipulations shall stay in full effect
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
FMEMCU-UG-910074-11 - 4 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
0 Contents
REVISION HISTORY............................................................................................................2
WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER.........................................................................................3
0 CONTENTS......................................................................................................................4
1 OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Abstract................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Features.................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 General Description................................................................................................. 7
2 INSTALLATION............................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Connection/Power-On............................................................................................. 9
2.2 Default Jumper settings for SK-MB91460T-144PMC-GPIO................................... 10
2.3 Jumper Location.................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Software Installation.............................................................................................. 13
3 JUMPERS AND SWITCHES..........................................................................................14
3.1 Operating Mode (S1)............................................................................................. 14
3.2 Power Supply (S3, JP: 8, 9, 11, 12, 66)................................................................. 15
3.3 Analog Power Supply Voltage (JP: 3, 5, 7)............................................................ 17
3.4 LIN / UART Connectors (X2 – X5)......................................................................... 18
3.5 CAN interfaces (X7-X8)......................................................................................... 22
3.6 Reset Generation (JP: 13, 15, 16, 18, 29, 32, 38, 42, 43)..................................... 22
3.7 User Buttons SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5 (JP: 1, 2, 4, 6, 14) ............................. 24
3.8 User potentiometer (RP2, JP41)............................................................................ 24
4 CONNECTORS..............................................................................................................25
4.1 Power connector (X6)............................................................................................ 25
4.2 Edge connector (J1, J2, J3, J4)............................................................................. 25
4.3 LIN-UART connectors (X2-X5) .............................................................................. 26
4.4 CAN Connector (X7-X8)........................................................................................ 26
4.5 USER-LEDs & optional LC-Display ....................................................................... 27
4.6 In-Circuit-Programming Connector (X1) ................................................................ 28
5 GETTING STARTED......................................................................................................29
5.1 Introduction to Softune Workbench ....................................................................... 29
5.2 Project Start-up ..................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Softune Workbench Debugger ............................................................................. 33
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 5 - FMEMCU-UG-910074-11
6 PROGRAMMING THE INTERNAL FLASH.................................................................... 35
6.1 Asynchronous Mode.............................................................................................. 35
6.2 Synchronous Mode ............................................................................................... 38
7 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................... 39
8 APPENDIX..................................................................................................................... 40
8.1 Related Products................................................................................................... 40
8.2 Information in the WWW........................................................................................ 41
8.3 Tables ................................................................................................................... 42
8.4 Figures.................................................................................................................. 43
8.5 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 44
9 CHINA-ROHS REGULATION........................................................................................45
10 RECYCLING..................................................................................................................47
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
FMEMCU-UG-910074-11 - 6 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
1 Overview
1.1 Abstract
The SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO is a multifunctional evaluation board for the Fujitsu 32-bit FR60 Flash microcontroller series MB91460.
It can be used stand-alone for software development and testing or as a simple target board to work with the emulator system.
The board allows the designer immediately to start software development before his own final target system is available.
1.2 Features
< Supports Fujitsu’s MB91F467TA MCU in FPT-144P-M08 package or the MB2198
Emulator System (ICE 2198-01 + EMA-MB91V460A-002B-80) with the Probe Cables EMA-MB91F467T-NLS-144M08 or EMA-MB91F467T-LS-144M08.
< 9-15V unregulated external DC power supply
< 5V and 3.3V onboard switching mode voltage regulators
< Power-LEDs for all supply voltages
< Onboard voltage supervisor monitors both supply voltages
< In-Circuit serial Flash programming (UART4)
< All resources available for evaluation
< All MCU pins routed to connectors
< 4 MHz main crystal
< 32 kHz crystal for sub clock operation
< Four RS232- or LIN interfaces and two CAN interfaces are usable simultaneously
< 3V capable CAN, LIN and RS232 transceivers
< 8 User LEDs, optional: alphanumeric standard LC-Display connectable instead of LEDs
< Reset button, Reset LED
< 5 User buttons
< 10-turn potentiometer connectable to ADC channel.
This board must only be used for test applications
in an evaluation laboratory environment.
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
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1.3 General Description
The SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO supports the 32-bit Flash microcontroller MB91F467TA.
It can be used as a stand-alone evaluation board or as a target board for the emulator debugger.
The evaluation board supports the following package: FPT-144P-M08.
1.3.1 MCU Clocks
The board is supplied with a 4 MHz crystal as main oscillation source. Using the internal PLL of the µC, internal clock rates up to 100 MHz can be achieved.
1.3.2 RS-232 and LIN
Four separate RS232 transceivers and four single-wire LIN-transceivers (TLE7259) are available to connect four on-chip UARTs to 9-pin D-Sub connectors (X2-X5). The transceivers generate the adequate RS232 levels for the receive (RXD) and transmit (TXD) and LIN bus lines. In RS232 mode, either the DTR line or the RTS line can be selected with jumpers (JP24, 50, 51, 89) to generate a system reset. The RTS signal can be shortcut to CTS using the jumpers JP17, 20, 44 and 45. Each of the four D-Sub connectors can be configured as RS232 or LIN. The LIN Vs line can be powered by the unregulated supply input of the board, so no additional supply is needed (JP30, 31, 56 and 57).
All transceivers are fully 3.3V IO compatible to enable low voltage applications.
In-circuit programming (asynchronous) can be done via LIN-UART 4 (X2).
1.3.3 CAN Bus
Two high-speed CAN transceivers (TLE6250GV33) can be connected to the CAN interfaces of the MCU to allow easy connection to CAN networks.
All transceivers are fully 3.3V IO compatible to enable low voltage applications.
1.3.4 MCU Pins / External Bus Interface Connector
All pins of the microcontroller except the oscillator pins X0/1(A) are connected to edge connectors in functional groups and are directly available to the user.
1.3.5 Power Supply
The on-board switching mode voltage regulators allow the user to connect an unregulated DC input voltage of +9V to +15V, and supplies all voltages needed by the board. The regulators are rated with 3A (5V and 3.3V) and are thermally protected against overload.
1.3.6 User Buttons
There are six push button switches on the board, which can be connected to input ports of the microcontroller. This allows the user to evaluate external Interrupts, external ADC trigger or Input Capture functions as well as simple input polling. One button is reserved as ‘Reset’­button for the microcontroller, controlled by the supply monitor IC.
1.3.7 User LEDs and optional LCD
Eight user LEDs are connected to Port 15/16 and grounded by a 1k resistor network. If these LEDs are not required, the resistor network can be removed to disconnect the LEDs and to free the IO port.
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
FMEMCU-UG-910074-11 - 8 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
1.3.8 I2C Bus
Additional pull-up resistors can be connected to the I²C bus lines by setting the according Jumpers (JP68, 76, 90, 92) for I²C 0/1.
1.3.9 Emulator System
If the board is used as an emulator target board, the microcontroller must be removed from the socket and the corresponding probe cable has to be mounted:
Table 1-1: Emulation System
Socket for Flash chip mounting and probe cable connection is very sensitive. Always fit probe cable or socket cover very carefully. If any unexpected problems occur, please check proper connection of MCU/probe cable pads to socket.
Note: Some customers experience connectivity problems when connecting the MCU into
the socket adapter. Only the small red screwdriver available in your box should be used to connect the cover (HQPACK) onto the socket (NQPACK).
If the four screws are not tightening equally, then it may cause a poor contact. Do not screw the cover too tight (max 0.054 Nm). If you have connectivity problems
then please loosen the screws and tighten again the screws equally. Do not clean NQPACK, YQPACK, and YQSOCKET with steam. Cleaning material will
contaminate inside of connector.
Series V-Chip Probe cable Socket
MB91460 EMA-MB91V460A-002B-80
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 2 Installation
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 9 - FMEMCU-UG-910074-11
2 Installation
2.1 Connection/Power-On
Carefully remove the board from the shipping carton.
First, check if there are any damages before powering up the evaluation board.
For the power supply a DC input voltage of 9V – 15V is recommended. The positive voltage (+) must be connected to the center pin, and ground (GND) must be connected to the shield of the connector X6!
Special care must be taken to the max. input voltage, if the LIN Vs lines are supplied by the board (JP30, 31, 56, 57), since the input supply voltage is directly applied to pin 1 of X2-X5 without a voltage regulator.
After power-on (Switch S3 or JP66), the yellow power-on LEDs (D20 and D28) should be lit. If the LEDs do not light up, switch off the power supply and check input polarity and current capability of the DC supply used.
To use the MCU with the internal flash, which is normally required for the final application, the CPU mode selection must be set to the Internal Reset Vector mode by setting DIP switch S1 to (Off, Off, Off, Off)
The in-circuit programming allows the user to program own applications into the Flash memory. The procedures for Flash programming are described in chapter 6.
If the board shall be used as an emulator target board, switch off the power supply and remove the microcontroller from the socket. Now the probe cable can be mounted on the socket. Take care of the pin 1 marking on the socket and fasten the probe cable with the provided screws.
Do not use any other probe cable than EMA-MB91F467T-NLS-144M08 or
Connect the probe cable to the EMA-MB91V460A-002B-80 Adapter Board. Check all jumper settings of the evaluation board, the Probe Cable and the Adapter Board.
When turning on the system, be sure to use the following power-up sequence:
1. Power up the Emulator Main Unit (MB2198-01)
2. Power up the Adapter Board (EMA-MB91V460A-002B-80)
3. Power up the target Board (SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO)
To turn off the system, switch off the components in reverse order, beginning with the target board.
Please refer to the corresponding user manuals and application notes for the emulator how to set up the emulator system. After power on, the ‘Reset’-LED of the emulator must be off and the ‘Vcc’-LED must be on.
If the Reset LED is still lit, check the settings of the emulator system and the power supply of the evaluation board.
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 2 Installation
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2.2 Default Jumper settings for SK-MB91460T-144PMC-GPIO
The following table lists all jumpers including its default setting and location on the starterkit.
Jumper Description / Function Type
Default Setting
JP1 SW1 (INT0) Jumper 3 pin 1-2 E 12
JP2 SW2 (INT1) Jumper 3 pin 1-2 E 12
JP3 AVcc Jumper 2 pin Closed H 9
JP4 SW3 (ATGX) Jumper 2 pin Closed E 12
JP5 AVCC=AVRH Jumper 2 pin Closed J 7
JP6 SW4 (ICU0/TIN0) Jumper 2 pin Closed E 12
JP7 AVss Jumper 2 pin Closed H 9
JP8 VDD35 Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 E 8
JP9 VDD5 Jumper 2 pin Closed E 9
JP11 VDD5 Jumper 3 pin 1-2 E 9
JP12 VDD5R Jumper 3 pin 1-2 E 9
JP13 DTR / DTRx Jumper 3 pin Open K 15
JP14 SW5 (NMIX) Jumper 2 pin Closed E 12
JP15 Reset by UART5 Jumper 2 pin Open L 13
JP16 Reset by UART4 Jumper 2 pin Open L 13
JP17 RTS-CTS UART5 Jumper 2 pin Closed M 6
JP18 Reset: immediate / delayed Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 K 15
JP20 UART0/4: RTS-CTS Jumper 2 pin Closed M 2
JP21 SIN4: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 2
JP22 SIN5: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 5
JP24 UART5: DTR/RTS Jumper 3 pin Open M 5
JP25 SOT4: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 2
JP26 SOT5: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 6
JP27 LIN-UART 4: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 M 2
JP28 LIN-UART 5: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 M 6
JP29 Monitor 2.5V/1.8V Solder JP 3 pin 2-3 J 16
JP30 LIN4: VBat Jumper 2 pin Open M 2
JP31 LIN5: VBat Jumper 2 pin Open M 5
JP32 Monitor 2V5 / 3V3 Solder JP 3 pin 2-3 J16
JP33 LIN4: Enable Jumper 2 pin Open M 3
JP35 LIN5: Enable Jumper 2 pin Open M 6
JP36 Mounting option: TLE7259/TLE6259 Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 L 3
JP37 Mounting option: TLE7259/TLE6259 Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 L 7
JP38 Reset MCU Jumper 2 pin Closed L 16
JP39 LIN 4: Master Jumper 2 pin Open M 4
JP40 LIN 5: Master Jumper 2 pin Open M 7
JP41 ADC Jumper 2 pin Open K 8
JP42 Reset by UART6 Jumper 2 pin Open L 14
JP43 Reset by UART7 Jumper 2 pin Open L 14
JP44 UART6: RTS-CTS Jumper 2 pin Closed M 9
JP45 UART7: RTS-CTS Jumper 2 pin Closed M 12
JP48 SIN6: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 8
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 2 Installation
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Jumper Description / Function Type
Default Setting
JP49 SIN7: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 12
JP50 UART6: DTR/RTS Jumper 3 pin Open M 9
JP51 UART7: DTR/RTS Jumper 3 pin Open M 12
JP52 SOT6: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 9
JP53 SOT7: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 L 12
JP54 LIN-UART 6: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 M 9
JP55 LIN-UART 7: RS232 / LIN Jumper 3 pin 1-2 M 12
JP56 LIN 6: VBat Jumper 2 pin Open M 8
JP57 LIN 7: VBat Jumper 2 pin Open M 12
JP59 LIN6: Enable Jumper 2 pin Open M 10
JP61 LIN7: Enable Jumper 2 pin Open M 13
JP62 Mounting option: TLE7259/TLE6259 Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 M 10
JP63 Mounting option: TLE7259/TLE6259 Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 M 13
JP64 LIN6: Master Jumper 2 pin Open M 11
JP65 LIN7: Master Jumper 2 pin Open M 14
JP66 MAINS Jumper 2 pin Open C 2
Mounting option:
Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 C 2
Mounting option:
Solder JP 3 pin 1-2 C 5
JP68 SDA0 Pullup Jumper 2 pin Open F 5
JP69 CAN0 RX Jumper 2 pin Closed B 3
JP70 CAN1 RX Jumper 2 pin Closed B 7
JP72 CAN0 TX Jumper 2 pin Closed B 3
JP73 CAN1 TX Jumper 2 pin Closed B 7
JP76 SCL0 Pullup Jumper 2 pin Open F 6
JP89 UART4: DTR/RTS Jumper 3 pin Open M 2
JP90 SDA1 Pullup Jumper 2 pin Open F 6
JP92 SCL1 Pullup Jumper 2 pin Open F 6
JP104 MD3, fast clock input Jumper 3 pin 1-2 F10
Table 2-1: Jumper Settings
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 2 Installation
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2.3 Jumper Location
The following picture shows the silk plot of the starter-kit with marked default jumper settings.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
Figure 2-1: Default Jumper Settings
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 2 Installation
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2.4 Software Installation
2.4.1 Installation of Softune Workbench
With the “SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO” Fujitsu supplies a full working development environment called Softune Workbench V6. To develop own software the Softune Workbench development environment must be installed first. Follow the instructions for successful installation of the Softune Workbench.
1) Before starting the installation setup ensure that you are logged in with administrator or poweruser permissions, otherwise the Softune Workbench installation will fail! Be aware that Softune Workbench does not support multi-user support. Therefore install- and user login must be the same.
2) Browse on the Micros DVD-ROM to “Software Registration”. After your free online registration you will receive your password by email.
3) Browse on the Micros DVD-ROM to “Software and Utilities” for installation Softune Workbench.
4) Follow the installation instructions.
5) For the default installation path it is recommended to use c:\Softune6.
6) After the installation is finished. The FR Family Softune Workbench can be started via the Windows “Start” menu.
Figure 2-2: Softune Workbench Start Menu Location
7) When Softune Workbench was started the following window will be shown.
Figure 2-3: Softune Workbench V6 IDE
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 3 Jumpers and Switches
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DIP-Switch S1
(default setting)
2 3 4
3 Jumpers and Switches
This chapter describes all jumpers and switches that can be modified on the evaluation board. The default setting is shown with a grey shaded area.
3.1 Operating Mode (S1)
DIP switch Setting Logical value
ON (closed) 1 (high)
S1/1 (MD0)
OFF (open) 0 (low)
ON (closed) 1 (high)
S1/2 (MD1)
OFF (open) 0 (low)
ON (closed) 1 (high)
S1/3 (MD2)
OFF (open) 0 (low)
S1/4 NC
Table 3-1: MCU Operating Mode
Figure 3-1: MCU mode switch
SK-91460T-144PMC-GPIO User Guide
Chapter 3 Jumpers and Switches
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 15 - FMEMCU-UG-910074-11
3.2 Power Supply (S3, JP: 8, 9, 11, 12, 66)
The onboard voltage regulators provide stabilized 5V and 3.3V supplies to the MCU and peripherals. Even though they are thermally protected against overload, care must be taken when supplying current for additional circuitry.
The LIN Vs line can be connected directly to the input supply of the board by Jumpers. In this case, the input voltage to the board has to be suitable for the connected bus devices (mostly around 12V). Since there is a protection diode between Vin and Vs, it is not possible to power the board over the LIN bus.
S3 Power Switch JP8 Selects the MCU External Bus voltage VDD35 (3.3V or 5V) JP9 Connects the MCU IO voltage to Vcc. Can be used for current measurement. JP11 Selects the MCU IO and peripherals Vcc voltage (3.3V or 5V) JP12 Selects the MCU core voltage regulator input voltage (3.3V or 5V) JP66 Mains jumper; overrides the power switch S3.
Switch Setting Description
ON (1-2) Power ON
OFF (2-3) Power OFF
Table 3-2: Power Switch
Jumper Setting Description
1 - 2 External Bus @ 5V JP8
(VDD35 3V/5V)
2 - 3 External Bus @ 3.3V
Closed Power supply Vcc connected to VDD5 JP9
Open Power supply Vcc not connected to VDD5
1 - 2 MCU IO / Peripherals @ 5V JP11
(VDD5 3V/5V)
2 - 3 MCU IO / Peripherals @ 3.3V
1 - 2 Supply to MCU Core voltage regulator is 5V JP12
2 - 3 Supply to MCU Core voltage regulator is 3.3V
Closed Vs (Pin1) of LIN connector is powered by the board JP30, 31, 56, 57
Open No voltage supply to Vs of LIN A
Closed Board is always on JP66
Open S3 switches the Board on and off
Table 3-3: Power Supply Configuration
By default, I/O supply and MCU Core are set to 5V and the external bus I/F is set to 3.3 V.
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