Fujitsu SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Manual

Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe
User Guide
MB95330 + FMA1125 SERIES
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
Revision History
FMEMCU-UG-90003-10 - 2 - © Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
Revision History
Date Issue
08.04.2011 V1.0, CHa, First Release
This document contains 28 pages.
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
Warranty and Disclaimer
© Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH - 3 - FMEMCU-UG-90003-10
Warranty and Disclaimer
The use of the deliverables (e.g. software, application examples, target boards, evaluation boards, starter kits, schematics, engineering samples of IC’s etc.) is subject to the conditions of Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH (“FSEU”) as set out in (i) the terms of the License Agreement and/or the Sale and Purchase Agreement under which agreements the Product has been delivered, (ii) the technical descriptions and (iii) all accompanying written materials.
Please note that the deliverables are intended for and must only be used for reference in an evaluation laboratory environment.
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SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
FMEMCU-UG-90003-10 - 4 - © Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................ 2
WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................... 3
CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 4
1 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Features .................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 General Description ................................................................................................. 8
2 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Connection/Power-On ........................................................................................... 10
2.2 Driver Installation ................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Default Jumper settings ......................................................................................... 15
3 JUMPERS AND SWITCHES .......................................................................................... 16
3.1 Power Supply (JP3) ............................................................................................... 16
3.2 User LEDs (JP1) ................................................................................................... 16
3.3 User Reset (JP2) ................................................................................................... 17
3.4 UART select (JP: 16, JP17) ................................................................................... 17
3.5 MCU-TSC interface (JP: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) .................................................................... 18
3.6 TSC configuration (JP: 9, 10, 15, C14) .................................................................. 18
3.7 TSC User LEDs (JP: 11, 12, 13, 14) ...................................................................... 19
4 CONNECTORS .............................................................................................................. 20
4.1 USB connector (X3) .............................................................................................. 20
4.2 MCU pin header connectors (X11, X12) ................................................................ 20
4.3 BGMA connector (X2) ........................................................................................... 20
4.4 GND Connector (X4) ............................................................................................. 21
4.5 VCC Connector (X5) ............................................................................................. 21
4.6 TSC GPIO Connector (X6) .................................................................................... 21
4.7 TSC Touch Input Connector (X7) .......................................................................... 21
5 BASIC TSC TUNING PROCESS ................................................................................... 22
5.1 Reference Delay.................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Alpha ..................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Filter Period, Filter Threshold ................................................................................ 23
5.4 Impedance, Calibrated Impedance ........................................................................ 23
6 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................... 25
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
© Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH - 5 - FMEMCU-UG-90003-10
6.1 Related Products ................................................................................................... 25
7 INFORMATION IN THE WWW....................................................................................... 26
8 CHINA-ROHS REGULATION ........................................................................................ 27
9 RECYCLING .................................................................................................................. 28
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
FMEMCU-UG-90003-10 - 6 - © Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
1 Overview
1.1 Abstract
The SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC is a multifunctional evaluation board for the Fujitsu 8FX Flash microcontroller MB95330 Series, as well as for the FMA1125 Series Touch Sensor Controller (TSC).
It can be used stand-alone for software development and testing or as a simple target board to work with the emulator system.
The board allows the designer immediately to start software development and tuning of the touch sensing parameters (sensitivity, timing, etc.) before his own final target system is available.
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
© Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH - 7 - FMEMCU-UG-90003-10
1.2 Features
< MB95F334 Flash MCU and FMA1125DC-24S TSC mounted on PCB < Power supply by USB < Power-LED < 10-pin Connector for MB2146-08-E BGMA Adapter (not included) for Flash programming
and debugging
< All MCU and TSC pins routed to connectors < On-board connections can be opened by jumpers < USB interface by USB-to-serial IC (virtual COM port), connectable to LIN-UART or
< 8 User LEDs connected to MCU port < 4 User LEDs connected to TSC GPIO pins with PWM capability < Reset button, Reset LED
This board must only be used for test applications
in an evaluation laboratory environment.
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
FMEMCU-UG-90003-10 - 8 - © Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH
1.3 General Description
The SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC is provided with a F2MC-8FX Flash microcontroller MB95F334 in a LQFP32-M30 (PMC) package, as well as a FMA1125DC-24S Touch Sensor Controller (TSC) in a 24-pin SSOP package.
It can be used as a stand-alone evaluation board or together with the MB2146-08-E BGMA adapter.
1.3.1 Serial communication
The MB95F334 MCU offers two different USART peripherals for serial communication. The UART/SIO offers full duplex, double buffered communication in asynchronous (UART) or clock-synchronous (SIO) modes. The LIN-UART additionally implements the LIN protocol. The serial interface connected to the on-board serial-to-USB converter can be selected by solder jumpers JP16 and JP17. By default, the UART/SIO is used.
1.3.2 I2C Bus
In addition to the standard serial interfaces, the MB95F334 MCU also features an on-chip I2C controller with a clock rate of 400kHz. Pull-up resistors (2.7kOhms) are provided on the PCB. The I2C bus is also used for communication with the on-board Touch Sensor Controller (TSC).
1.3.3 MCU Pins
All pins of the microcontroller are connected to standard 100mil (2.54mm) pin headers and are directly available to the user. On-board peripheral circuits such as the TSC, LEDs and USB can be disconnected by solder jumpers to free the corresponding MCU pins.
1.3.4 Power Supply
The SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC is by default powered by the USB connection to a host PC or USB power supply. Alternatively, a stabilized supply voltage can be connected to the pin headers X4 (GND) and X5 (VCC). JP3 must be opened in this case to disconnect the voltage supplied by the USB connector X3.
1.3.5 Touch Sensor Controller FMA1125
The SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC can also serve as evaluation platform for the FMA1125 Touch Sensor Controller. For this purpose, it offers several features:
< FMA1125DC-24S Touch Sensor Controller (SSOP24 package) with 4-8 touch input
channels and 4-8 digital I/Os (4 pins can be configured as I/O or touch input)
< Connector for up to eight touch input channels, with ‘mini-slider’ on PCB < Four LEDs connected to TSC GPIO pins
The FMA1125 is connected to the MB95F334 MCU using the I2C bus. By default, the TSC is using I2C address 0x68; alternatively it can be set to 0x69 using JP9.
1.3.6 User LEDs
The evaluation board offers several user LEDs. Eight LEDs are connected to the MCU, and four additional LEDs are connected to the TSC GPIO pins. The LEDs can be disconnected using solder jumpers to free the corresponding pins.
SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC User Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
© Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe GmbH - 9 - FMEMCU-UG-90003-10
1.3.7 Debugging system (BGMA adapter)
The SK-8FX-TSC-32PMC can be used together with the MB2146-08-E BGMA adapter (not included) for Flash programming of the MCU and for application debugging. For this, a 10­pin connector (X2) is provided.
Figure 1: BGMA Adapter MB2146-08-E
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