Fujitsu SDLT 160 GBYTE, SDLT 320 GBYTE Operating Manual

SDLT 160/320 GBYTE
Ausgabe Juni 2003 June 2003 edition
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Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other software and hardware names ref erred to in the manual are generally als o regi stered
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Notational conventions ..............................................................................................................1
Important notes..................................................................................................................................2
Manufacturer's note...................................................................................................................2
Notes on working with magnetic tape cartridges........................................................................2
Cleaning notes...........................................................................................................................3
Installing the streamer.......................................................................................................................4
Setting jumpers..........................................................................................................................4
Installing the streamer ...............................................................................................................6
Connecting the streamer............................................................................................................6
Meaning of the indicators...........................................................................................................7
Switching the drive on................................................................................................................7
Loading a cartridge....................................................................................................................8
Unloading a cartridge.................................................................................................................8
Recommended magnetic tape cartridges................................................................................... 8
Technical data...................................................................................................................................9
A26361-H814-Z100-1-7419 English
The streamer SDLT 160/320 GBYT E i s a drive for magnetic tape cartridges with a s t orage capacity of 160 Gbyte (without c om pression) or 320 Gbyte (with 2: 1 compression).
Thanks to its performance c apability (high capacity and rapid data trans mission) the streamer is ideally suited for data backup of network systems.
The streamer has a confi gurabl e SCSI interface and supports the following SCS I i nterface types:
LVD (Low Voltage Differential)
SE (Single Ended)
In order to operate the stream er, the computer must t herefore have a SCSI host adapt er and the appropriate SCSI drivers must be install ed.
This brief operating manual provides you with an overv i ew of how to operate the streamer. To install the driv e, you need some knowledge of hardware. M ake sure you observe the instructions
in the "Important not es" chapter of your computer's operating manual.
In the event of any probl em s occurring, please contact your sales outlet or our customer
Further information
For details of the driv e mounting procedure refer to the Operati ng Manual for the computer. Information on the SCS I interface is c ont ai ned i n the documentation of the SCSI host adapter.
service cent er.
For information on the required SCSI drivers and the back up software, refer to the software documentation.
Additional informat i on on the streamer SDLT 160/320 GBYT E i s also provided in the manual "SDLT Product Manual" on the I nternet (
Notational conventions
The meanings of the sy m bol s and fonts used in thi s manual are as follows:
Pay particular attention to texts marked with this symbol. Failure to observe
Ê Text which follows this symbol describes activ i ties that must be perf ormed in
"Quotation marks " indicate names of chapters, disks, and terms that are being emphasized.
this warning endangers your li fe, destroys t he system, or may lead to loss of data.
Supplementary inform ation, remarks, and tips follow this symbol.
the order shown.
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