Fujitsu SCENIC S, SCOVERY xS Operating Manual

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Herausgegeben von/Published by Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH
Bestell-Nr./Order No.: Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany AG 1101 11/01
Important notes
Operating Manual
Preparation for use and operation
Troubleshooting and tips
System expansions
Technical data
November 2001 edition
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
VESA and DPMS are trademarks of Video Electronics Standards Association. PS/2 is a registered trademark of Internat i onal B usiness Machines , Inc. Pentium is a regis tered trademark of Intel Corporation, USA. All other trademarks referenced are trademarks or regi stered trademarks of t hei r respective
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Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Notational conventions ......................................................................................................................1
Important notes ...............................................................................................................................3
Manufacturer’s notes.........................................................................................................................3
Energy saving............................................................................................................................ 3
Disposal and recycling...............................................................................................................4
CE certificate.............................................................................................................................4
FCC Class B Compliance Statement.........................................................................................5
Transporting the PC...........................................................................................................................5
Cleaning the PC ................................................................................................................................ 5
Preparation for use and operation .................................................................................................7
Unpacking and checki ng the de livery................................................................................................. 7
Setting up the PC ..............................................................................................................................8
Connecting devices ...........................................................................................................................9
Ports for external devices........................................................................................................10
Connect the keyboard and mouse...................................................................................................10
Connecting the keyboard.........................................................................................................10
Connecting the mouse.............................................................................................................11
Connecting devices with a serial or a parallel connection ........................................................11
Connecting the monitor to the electricity supply.......................................................................12
Connecting the PC to the electricity supply ......................................................................................13
Locking/Unlocking the PC................................................................................................................14
Switching the PC on and off ............................................................................................................15
Switching on the PC for the first time.......................................................................................16
Switching on the PC ................................................................................................................17
Switching off the PC ................................................................................................................17
Indicators on the PC........................................................................................................................18
Working with floppy disks ................................................................................................................20
Keyboard......................................................................................................................................... 21
Important keys and key combinations...................................................................................... 21
Settings in BIOS Setup....................................................................................................................22
Property and data protection............................................................................................................23
Locking the system unit...........................................................................................................23
Theft protection........................................................................................................................23
Access protection under Windows...........................................................................................23
BIOS Setup security functions.................................................................................................24
Access protection with SICRYPT PC Lock..............................................................................24
Troubleshooting and tips..............................................................................................................27
Installing new software....................................................................................................................27
Power-on indicator remains unlit after you have switched on your device........................................27
The screen stays bl ank....................................................................................................................28
Flickering stripes across the monitor ...............................................................................................29
No screen display or display drifts...................................................................................................29
No mouse pointer displayed on the screen......................................................................................30
The floppy disk cannot be read or written........................................................................................30
Time and/or date is not correct........................................................................................................30
Keyboard does not react or types incorrect characters....................................................................30
Forgotten BIOS password...............................................................................................................31
Error messages on the screen.........................................................................................................31
Restoring the hard disk contents..................................................................................................... 31
Tips................................................................................................................................................. 32
System expansions....................................................................................................................... 33
Information about boards ........................................................................................................33
Opening the casing......................................................................................................................... 34
Closing the casing........................................................................................................................... 35
Installing and removing a board ...................................................................................................... 36
Installing a board..................................................................................................................... 36
Removing a board................................................................................................................... 38
Compact flash board....................................................................................................................... 40
Installing the compact flash board........................................................................................... 40
Removing the compact flash board.........................................................................................41
Replacing the compact flash module....................................................................................... 43
Installing/removing a SmartCard reader..........................................................................................44
Installation openi ng f or 2
Installing and removing drives......................................................................................................... 45
Installing an accessible drive...................................................................................................46
Removing an accessible drive................................................................................................. 48
Changing the floppy disk drive ................................................................................................ 51
Installing and removing the hard disk drive.............................................................................. 52
Extensions to the system board...................................................................................................... 54
Upgrading main memory......................................................................................................... 54
Replacing processor................................................................................................................54
Replacing the lithium battery...................................................................................................56
serial port............................................................................................... 45
Technical data............................................................................................................................... 57
Index ..............................................................................................................................................59
This Operating Manual tell s you how to set up your PC and how t o operate it in daily use. Thi s description applies for all configuration levels. Depending on the configuration level chosen some of the hardware components described may not be available on your PC. Please observ e the notes on your operating system.
Your PC is availabl e wi t h various configurati on l evels, with different hardware and software. You c an also incorporate operable drives (for example floppy disk drive, CD-ROM or DV D dri ve) and a second hard disk, as well as other boards.
Depending on the configuration l evel chosen, your PC is supplied with Linux-bas ed Thi n Client software, Windows 9x , Windows 2000 or Windows NT operating systems.
Your PC has a number of sec uri ty features to ensure that no unauthorised persons can access your data, for example, you can activate a screen saver with pas sword protection. The sec uri ty functions in the BIOS Setup also allow you t o protect your data by means of passwords. You can also lock your PC mechanically using the cover lock and systems with a SmartCard reader offer additional protection.
Further information on this PC is provided:
· in the "Safety, Warranty and Ergonomics " m anual
· in the Operating Manual for the m oni tor
· in the Technical Manual for the system board
· in the "BIOS Set up" manual
· in the "SCOVERY x S Thi n Cl i ent" User Guide
· in your operating system documentation
· in the information f i l es (e. g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI, *.HLP)
Some of the manuals listed can be found on the "Drivers & Utilities " CD prov ided with
your computer. These m anual s can be read and printed with Ac robat Reader, also contained on the "Drivers & Utilities" CD.
Notational conventions
The meanings of the sy m bol s and fonts used in thi s manual are as follows:
indicates inform ation which is import ant for your health or for preventi ng physical damage
Ê Text which follows this symbol describes ac t i vities that must be performed in the order shown.
Text in this typeface indicates sc reen outputs.
Text in italics indicates commands or menu items. "Quotation marks " i ndi cate names of chapters or terms that are being emphasised.
to your device.
indicates import ant information which is required to use the system properly.
A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619 1
Important notes
In this chapter you will find information regarding safety which it is essential to take note of when working with your PC.
This device com pl i es with the relevant safety regulations f or data processing equipment. If you have any questions, contact your sales outlet.
The safety inform at i on i s contained in the "Saf ety, Warranty and Ergonomics" manual.
The following outlines some of the most im port ant safety inform at i on: During installation and before operating the device, pl ease observe the instructions on
environmental condit i ons in the chapter entitl ed "Technical data" as wel l as the instructions i n the chapter "Preparation for use and operation".
Please check whether the device is c orrectly set for the local power supply (s ee chapter "Preparation for use and operati on").
The power switch and the ON/OFF s witch do not disconnect the device from the electricity supply. To completely disconnect t he el ectricity s uppl y, remove the power plug from the mains suppl y.
Replace the lithium battery on the system board in accordance with t he i n structions in t he chapter "System expansions - Replaci ng the lithium battery " .
Caution: components i n t he system can get very hot.
Manufacturer’s notes
Keep this Operating Manual t ogether with your device. If you pass on the device to third parties, you should include this m anual .
Energy saving
When the PC is delivered, some energy-saving func tions are already set (s ee the Technical Manual for the system board or the "BIOS Setup" manual).
· If you are not using your PC, switch it off.
· In the BIOS Setup you may set further energy-s aving functions for the PC (see the Technical
Manual of the system board or in the manual "BIOS Setup").
Energy saving under Windows NT
If the attached monit or and graphic s card support VESA (DPMS) power management the s creen saver Powersaver ("Drivers & Utilities" CD) can be used to switch the monitor into power management mode.
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Important notes Manufacturer’s notes
Energy saving under Windows 9x
The Screen Saver tab allows you to set further energy sav i ng functions for your screen. Select t he following item in t he m enu: Start - Settings - Control Panel - Display - Display Properties - Screen Saver - Energy saving features of monitor.
In the Start - Settings - Control Panel - Power Management menu you can set additional power- management functions.
Energy saving under Windows 2000
The Screen Saver tab allows you to set energy-saving functions for your s creen. Select the f ol l owi ng item in the menu: Start - Settings - Control Panel - Display - Display Properties - Screen Saver - Energy saving features of monitor.
With the default setting Control Panel - Power Options - Advanced additional power management features of Windows 2000 are available.
Disposal and recycling
This device has been m anuf actured to the highest pos sible degree from materials whi ch can be recycled or disposed of in a manner that is not environmentall y damaging. The device may be taken back after use to be recycled, provided that it is returned in a condition that i s the result of normal use. Any components not reclaimed will be disposed of in an environment ally acceptable manner.
Devices protected by a 36 month warranty from Fuj i tsu Siemens meet the requirements of the ec o-l abel " Blauer Engel". The warranty s tarts on the day of delivery (sale date) by Fujitsu Siemens Computers or a Fujitsu Siemens partner.
The repair of a device displ aying the eco-label is s ecured for at least 5 years from the date of purchase.
Further information about produc ts, which fulfi l the conditions of t hi s eco­label products can be f ound on the internet under
Do not throw lithium batteries or accumulat ors into the household waste. They must be dispos ed of in accordance with local regulations conc erni ng special waste.
Under battery regulations , the consumer is obliged to return faulty or used bat teries to the manufacturer or the return centres set up for thi s purpose.
If you have any ques tions about disposal of the batteries or system, please contact your local or: Fujitsu Siemens Com puters GmbH
Recycling cent re D-33106 Paderborn
Tel.: +49 (0) 5251 81 80 10 Fax: +49 (0) 5251 81 80 15
CE certificate
The shipped version of t hi s device complies with the requirements of the EEC directives
4 A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619
89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic compatibility" and 73/23/EEC "Low volt age directive".
Transporting the PC Important notes
FCC Class B Compliance Statement
The following statem ent appl ies to the products covered in this manual, unl ess otherwise spec i f i ed herein. The statement for ot her products will appear in the accompanying documentation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply wi t h the limits for a "Cl ass B" digital dev i ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and meets all requirem ents of the Canadian Interf erence­Causing Equipment Regulati ons. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference i n a residential installation. This equipment generat es, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, i f not installed and used in s trict accordance wi th the instructi ons, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, t here i s no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parti cular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tel evision reception, whi ch can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
· Reorient or relocate the rec ei ving antenna.
· Increase the separati on between equipment and the receiver.
· Connect the equipment int o an outlet on a circuit di fferent from that to whi ch the receiver is
· Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technici an f or hel p.
Fujitsu Siemens Com puters GmbH is not respons i bl e for any radio or televisi on i nterference caused by unauthorised modifi cations of this equi pment or the substit ut i on or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other t han those specified by Fuj i tsu Siemens Computers GmbH The correction of int erf erence caused by such unauthorised modificat i on, substitution or at t achment will be the responsibility of t he user.
The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment t o any and all optional peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.
Transporting the PC
Transport all parts s eparately in their original pac kaging or in a packaging which prot ects
them from knocks and jolts, to the new site. Never drop the monitor (risk of implosion and glas s breakage)!
Cleaning the PC
Turn off all power and equipment s witches and remove the power plug f rom the mains
supply. Do not clean any interior parts yourself, l eave this job to a serv i ce technician. To avoid damaging the casi ng, do not use any abrasive powder, or other cleaning agents
that damage plastic. Ensure that no liquid enters the system (danger of short circuit). In order to avoid overheati ng, ensure that the monitor and PC ventilation outlets are not
A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619 5
Important notes Cleaning the PC
Cleaning the PC and the monitor
Wipe the casing of t he device and monitor with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth that has been moistened in mild dom estic detergent and then c arefully wrung out.
Cleaning the keyboard and the mouse
Use disinfect ant wipes to clean the k eyboard and the mouse. The mouse mechanism and the mouse ball can be cleaned by rem oving the retaining ring on the
underside of the mouse.
Ê Using two fingers push the retaining ring and turn the ring in the direction of the arrows. Ê Remove the retaining ring and the rotating ball. Ê Clean the ball and the three small wheels in the m ouse with a lint-free cl oth. Ê Replace the ball and the retaining ring. Ê Using two fingers, push the retaining ring and turn the ring in the opposite di rection of the
arrows. You should feel the ring engage.
6 A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619
Preparation for use and operation
Please pay careful at tention to the safet y information provided in the chapter "Important
Unpacking and checking the delivery
We recommend that you ret ai n the original packaging materi al , as it may be required for transportation at a later date.
Ê Unpack all the individual parts. Ê Check the delivery for damage incurred during t ransportation. Ê Check whether the delivery agrees with t he details in the delivery note.
Should you discov er that the delivery does not correspond to the delivery note, notify your l ocal sales outlet im m edi ately.
notes" and in the "Saf ety, Warranty and Ergonomics" manual.
If you have received drives or boards with y our PC, please do not instal l them until after first-time setup. How to install dri ves and boards is desc ri bed i n the chapter "System expansions".
The supplied power cable conform s to the requirements of the country in which y ou
purchased your devic e. Make sure that the power cabl e i s approved for use in the c ount ry in which you intend to use it.
A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619 7
Preparation for use and operation Setting up the PC
Setting up the PC
When installing your PC, pay careful attention to the recommendations on video
workstation ergonomics in the "Safety, Warranty and Ergonomic s" manual. Do not expose the PC to extreme environmental c ondi t ions (see chapter "Tec hni cal data")
and protect it from dust, humidity and heat . To ensure adequate ventilati on, there must be at leas t 200 mm clearance around the
ventilation area. Do not cover the ventilat i on areas of the monitor, t he P C or the power adapter.
The PC can be used either horizontally or vertical l y. To ensure proper ventilation and stabilit y when using the device in a vertic al position, you must use
the base feet contai ned i n the accessories pack.
Changing the SCOVERY orientation to vertical or horizontal:
Ê Open the casing (see "Opening the casing“). Ê Push the front panel out of the casing from the inside. Ê Remove the front panel by lifting it upwards. Ê Remove the logo carrier from the front panel. Ê Remount the logo carrier in the correct orient ation.
Use the base feet contained in the access ory pack when it is t o be used in a vertical pos i tion. The On/Off switc h m ust be positioned at the top of the device when it i s vertically ori ent ated.
We recommend that you place your equipment on a surfac e wi th good anti-slip qualiti es. In view of the multitude of different finishes and varnishes used on furnit ure, i t is possible that the feet of the devices will mark the surf ace they stand on.
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Connecting devices Preparation for use and operation
Connecting devices
The power plug must be disconnected!
Do not connect or disconnect cables during a t hunderstorm (risk of electric shock). Always take hol d of the actual plug. Do not pull t he cable which could damage the pl ug or
the socket!
Connect and disconnect the cables in the order des cribed below.
Connecting cables
Read the documentation on the external device before c onnecting it.
· Turn off all power and equipment s witches.
· Unplug all power plugs from the m ai ns supply.
· Plug all connectors of power and dat a communication cables into the ut ilit y sockets of t he P C
and peripherals. Under all circumstances, pl ease observe the safet y notes provided in the "Important notes " chapter.
· Plug all data communication connec t ors into the utility sock et s.
· Plug all power cables into the mains supply.
Disconnecting cables
· Turn off all power and equipment s witches.
· Unplug all power plugs from the m ai ns supply.
· Unplug all data communication connect ors f rom t he utility sockets.
· Unplug all cables from the PC and peripherals.
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Preparation for use and operation Connect the keyboard and mouse
Ports for external devices
The ports for external dev i ces are on the rear and on the front of the casing. The ports available on your device depend on the configuration level you hav e selected. The standard port s are marked with the symbols shown below (or similar). E xact details of the position of the ports are supplied in the Technical Manuals for the boards.
Example for the icons and colour coding of c onnections:
Keyboard port / purple PS/2 mouse port / green
Serial interface 1 / turquoise
Monitor port / blue Parallel interfac e / Printer / burgundy
Audio output (Line out) / l i m e green Audio input (Line in) / light blue
Microphone jack (mono) / pi nk US B - Universal Serial B us / black
LAN connector Some of the devic es that you connect requi re special drivers (s ee the operating system
and device documentat i on).
Serial interface 2 / turquoise
Connect the keyboard and mouse
The ports for monitor, m ouse and keyboard are on the rear and on the front of the system unit.
PS/2 keyboard port / purple PS/2 mouse port / green
Monitor port / blue
Connecting the keyboard
Depending on the equipment level selected, your PC will be supplied with a standard key board or a USB keyboard.
10 A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619
USB port / black
Connect the keyboard and mouse Preparation for use and operation
Connecting standard keyboard
Use the supplied key board cable only.
Ê Plug the round keyboard cable connector int o t he port marked with this symbol on the
system unit.
Ê Plug the other end of the keyboard cable (square plug) i nto the socket on the underside of the
Connecting USB keyboard
Use the supplied key board cable only.
Ê Insert the rectangular USB plug of the keyboard cable into the US B port on the system
Ê Plug the other end of the keyboard cable (square plug) i nto the socket on the underside of the
Connecting the mouse
Depending on the equipment level selected, your PC will be supplied with a PS/2 mouse or a US B mouse.
Connecting a PS/2 mouse
Ê Connect the PS/2 mouse to the PS/2 mouse port on the system unit.
Connecting USB mouse
Ê Connect the USB mouse to the USB port on the system unit.
If you do not attach a mouse at the PS/2 m ouse port , you can disable the mous e controller in the BIOS Setup in order t o f ree the IRQ12 for a different appli cation.
Connecting devices with a serial or a parallel connection
Ê Connect the data cable to the external dev i ce. Ê Connect the external device data cabl e t o the appropriate port on the PC.
Most devices that you connect t o t he serial or parallel port require special drivers. Your
operating system already includes many driv ers . But if the driver you need is not on the hard disk please ins tall it from the fl oppy disk or CD (supplied with the device or with t he application programme).
If you need to change the settings of the serial or parallel port (e. g. address, interrupt), you can do so in the BIOS Setup. The possible settings for the interfaces are described in the Technical Manual f or t he system board or in t he " B IOS Setup" manual.
A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619 11
Preparation for use and operation Connect the keyboard and mouse
Connecting the monitor to the electricity supply
Ê Follow the instructions contai ned i n t he monitor manual to prepare the monit or for operation. Ê Plug the data cable of the monitor into t he monitor port of the PC.
Ê Depending on the connector supplied with your monitor, plug the monitor's power cable into
either the PC (1) or the mains supply (2).
You may only connec t a monitor with a rated current of less than 1.5 A (230 V) or 3 A
(115 V) to the PC, connec t others directly to the mains supply. The rated current for the monitor is given on t he m oni tor itself and in the Operat i ng Manual for the monitor.
12 A26361-K523-Z100-6-7619
Connecting the PC to the electricity supply Preparation for use and operation
Connecting the PC to the electricity supply
1 = Notch for inserting the screwdriver
Ê Check the voltage setting.
The value shown or the value m arked with an arrow be compatible with the local
If the voltage s etting is incorrect:
Ê Lift out the manual voltage adjuster wi th a screwdriver (1), turn i t to the required setting and
electricity supply: 115 = 100 V to 127 V 230 = 200 V to 240 V
replace it.
Ê First connect the power cable to the PC (1) and then to the mains supply (2).
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