Thank you for purchasing the color image scanner ScanSnap S1500/S1500M (hereinafter
referred to as "the ScanSnap").
This manual explains how to handle and operate the ScanSnap.
Be sure to read this manual and "Getting Started" thoroughly before using the ScanSnap to
ensure correct use.
We hope that this manual will provide you with useful information in order to utilize the
If you are using a Microsoft® Windows® operating system, either Adobe® Acrobat® (7.0 or
later) or Adobe
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, SharePoint, and
Entourage are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
Word is the product of Microsoft Corporation in the United States.
Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, iPhoto, and Rosetta are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or
trade names of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Intel, Pentium, and Intel Core are registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation in
the United States and other countries.
PowerPC is a registered trademark or trademark of International Business Machines
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Cardiris is a trademark of I.R.I.S.
ABBYY™ FineReader™ Engine
ABBYY and FineReader are trademarks of ABBYY.
Evernote is a registered trademark or trademark of Evernote Corporation.
Google and Google Docs are registered trademarks or trademarks of Google Inc.
Salesforce, the Salesforce logo, and Salesforce CRM are registered trademarks or
trademarks of, inc. in the United States and other countries.
ScanSnap, the ScanSnap logo, CardMinder, and Rack2-Filer are registered trademarks or
trademarks of PFU LIMITED in Japan.
Other company names and product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of
the respective companies.
Reader® (7.0 or later) is required to display or print this manual.
International Sales Dept., Imaging Business Division, Products Group Solid Square East
Tower 580 Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 212-8563, Japan
This manual explains about the
ScanSnap package contents,
software installation, connecting
the ScanSnap, and checking
the operation.
Read this manual for
information about the basic
operations of the ScanSnap,
software installation, scanning
methods, various settings, and
handling of the ScanSnap.
Select [Applications] from the sidebar in
Finder, and double-click [ScanSnap] →
[Manual] → [Operator's Guide].
ScanSnap Connect
User's Guide (iOS)
ScanSnap Organizer
User's Guide
CardMinder User's GuideSelect [Start] menu → [All Programs] →
Read this manual when you
failed to install the software or
when the ScanSnap does not
operate normally after software
installation. It explains about the
resolutions for such troubles.
Read this manual for
information about connecting
the mobile device and the
computer, ScanSnap Connect
Application operations on the
mobile device, settings and
receiving files.
Read these manuals when
using this product for the first
time, or when you need more
information on product features,
dialog boxes/windows,
operating environment and
z Click [Manuals] → [Troubleshooting
(installation)] in the [ScanSnap Setup]
dialog box that appears when you insert
the Setup DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM
(installation)] icon in the [ScanSnap]
window that appears when you insert
the Setup DVD-ROM into the DVD-ROM
z Select [Applications] from the sidebar in
Finder, and double-click [ScanSnap] →
[Manual] → [Troubleshooting
Tap on the [File List] screen of
ScanSnap Connect Application installed on
your mobile device, and then tap [Help] on
the [Information] screen that appears.
Cardiris™ 4 User GuideFrom Finder, select [Applications] and
double-click [Cardiris for ScanSnap] →
[Manuals] → [User Guide.pdf].
ABBYY FineReader for
ScanSnap User's Guide
Scan to Microsoft
SharePoint User Guide
Select [Start] menu → [All Programs] →
[ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap (TM)4.1]
→ [User's Guide].
Select [Start] menu → [All Programs] →
[KnowledgeLake] → [Scan to Microsoft
SharePoint User Guide].
ScanSnap Manager
Read this Help file when
questions or problems
regarding operations (e.g. when
setting items) arise.
This Help file explains about
scanner operations, operational
troubles and their resolution,
dialog boxes/windows and
Refer to this Help by either of the following
z Right-click the ScanSnap Manager icon
on the taskbar, and then select
[Help] → [Help] from the menu that
In Windows 7, the ScanSnap Manager
icon is displayed in the menu that
appears when you click on the
z Click the Help button () for
ScanSnap Manager.
z Press the [F1] key on the keyboard
when a dialog box is displayed.
z Click the [Help] button in each dialog
z Click the ScanSnap Manager icon in
the Dock while pressing the [control] key
on the keyboard, and then select [Help]
→ [Help] from the menu that appears.
z Click the Help button for ScanSnap
z From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[ScanSnap Manager Help].
Read these Help files when
ScanSnap Organizer
CardMinder Help
Cardiris Help
ABBYY FineReader for
ScanSnap Help
Adobe Acrobat HelpFrom the menu bar, select [Help] →
questions or problems
regarding operations (e.g. when
setting items) arise.
These Help files explain about
operations, dialog boxes/
windows and messages.
For details about how to start up the Help,
refer to the User's Guide for each product.
From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[Cardiris Help].
From the menu bar, select [Help] →
[FineReader for ScanSnap Help].
[Acrobat Help].
■ About This Manual
Structure of This Manual
This manual consists of the following:
ScanSnap Overview
This chapter explains about the features, the names and functions of the parts,
system requirements, and basic operations of the ScanSnap.
Installing the Software
This chapter explains about the software bundled with the ScanSnap and how
to install them.
Using the ScanSnap (for Windows Users)/Using the ScanSnap (for Mac OS
This chapter explains how to perform a scan, change or save scan settings,
add, change or delete profiles, as well as other various scanner functions.
This chapter provides references for resolving troubles such as removing
jammed documents.
Daily Care
This chapter explains about the cleaning materials and how to clean the
This chapter explains how to replace and purchase the pad assy and the pick
This appendix explains how to update ScanSnap Manager, how to uninstall
the software, about settings that differ by the scanning method, how to
purchase/clean the Carrier Sheet and the ScanSnap installation specifications.
Read this manual in order starting from "ScanSnap Overview" through "Using the
ScanSnap" for a better understanding of ScanSnap operations.
Symbols Used in This Manual
The following indications are used in this manual to obviate any chance of accident or
damage to you and people near you, and your property. Warning labels indicate the warning
level and statements. The symbols indicating warning levels and their meanings are as
This indication alerts operators to an operation that, if not
strictly observed, may result in severe injury or death.
This indication alerts operators to an operation that, if not
Besides warning indicators, the following symbols are also used in this manual.
This symbol alerts operators to particularly important information.
Be sure to read this information.
strictly observed, may result in safety hazards to personnel
or damage to the product.
This symbol alerts operators to helpful advice regarding operations.
This symbol indicates operations using Windows.
This symbol indicates operations using Mac OS.
Arrow Symbols in This Manual
Right-arrow symbols (→) are used to connect icons or menu options you should select in
Example: Select [Start] menu → [Computer].
Screen Examples in This Manual
zWindows screen
Screenshots in this manual are used according to the guidelines provided by Microsoft
The screenshots used in this manual are of Windows Vista.
The actual windows and operations may differ depending on the operating system that you
are using.
zMac OS screen
The screenshots used in this manual are of Mac OS X v10.6.
The actual windows and operations may differ depending on the Mac OS that you are using.
The screen examples in this manual are subject to change without notice in the interest of
product development.
If the actual screen differs from the screen examples in this manual, operate by following the
actual displayed screen.
Abbreviations Used in This Manual
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
Windows 7: Windows® 7 Starter operating system, English Version
Windows Vista: Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Windows XP: Windows
Windows 2000: Windows
7 Home Premium operating system, English Version
7 Professional operating system, English Version
7 Enterprise operating system, English Version
7 Ultimate operating system, English Version
Home Basic operating system, English Version
Home Premium operating system, English Version
Business operating system, English Version
Enterprise operating system, English Version
Ultimate operating system, English Version
XP Home Edition operating system, English Version
XP Professional operating system, English Version
2000 Professional operating system, English Version
Windows: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating
Microsoft Office: Microsoft
Word: Microsoft® Word 2010
Office Word 2007
Office Word 2003
Office Word 2002
Word for Mac 2011
Word 2008 for Mac
Word 2004 for Mac
Excel: Microsoft
PowerPoint: Microsoft
SharePoint: Microsoft
Office Live: Microsoft
Internet Explorer: Windows
Excel® 2010
Office Excel® 2007
Office Excel® 2003
Office Excel® 2002
Excel® for Mac 2011
Excel® 2008 for Mac
Excel® 2004 for Mac
PowerPoint® 2010
Office PowerPoint® 2007
Office PowerPoint® 2003
Office PowerPoint® 2002
SharePoint® Server 2010, English Version
Office SharePoint® Server 2007, English Version
Office SharePoint® Portal Server 2003, English Version
SharePoint® Foundation 2010, English Version
Windows® SharePoint® Services 2.0/3.0, English Version
Office Live
Internet Explorer
Microsoft® Internet Explorer
Windows Live Mail: Windows Live™ Mail
Windows Mail : Microsoft® Windows® Mail
Outlook: Microsoft
Outlook Express: Microsoft
Outlook for Mac: Microsoft
.NET Framework: Microsoft
Entourage: Microsoft
Outlook® 2010
Office Outlook® 2007
Office Outlook® 2003
Outlook® Express
Outlook® for Mac
.NET Framework
Mac OS: Mac OS X v10.7
Mac OS X v10.6
Mac OS X v10.5
Mac OS X v10.4
Adobe Acrobat: Adobe
All the descriptions in this manual assume the usage of Adobe Acrobat
bundled with the ScanSnap. Unless otherwise specified, the term Adobe
Acrobat refers to the Adobe Acrobat bundled with the ScanSnap.
Note that Adobe Acrobat may be upgraded without notice.
If the descriptions differ from the actual displayed screens, refer to the
Adobe Acrobat Help.
Adobe Reader: Adobe
ABBYY FineReader for
: ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap™
All the descriptions in this manual assume the usage of ABBYY
FineReader for ScanSnap bundled with the ScanSnap. Unless otherwise
specified, the term ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap refers to the ABBYY
FineReader for ScanSnap bundled with the ScanSnap.
Note that ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap may be upgraded without
If the descriptions differ from the actual displayed screens, refer to the
ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap Help.
zTurn documents into digital data by just pressing the [Scan] button
By converting paper documents cluttering up your desk into PDF or JPEG files, you can
conveniently view, edit, manage and archive the documents in your computer.
zSpeedy scanning
Double-sided color documents of A4 or Letter size can be scanned at a speed of
approx. 20 sheets per minute under the following conditions:
z System requirements
Core™ 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or higher
Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP operating system
Features of the ScanSnap
Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or higher
Mac OS X v10.7, Mac OS X v10.6, Mac OS X v10.5 or Mac OS X v10.4
z Scan setting (*)
When [Image quality] is set to [Automatic resolution], [Color mode] to [Auto color
detection], [Compression rate] to [3], and other settings are in default
* : - Scanning speed may slow down in [B&W] (black & white) mode depending on the document.
Example: Scanning color brochures in [B&W] mode (converting a color image to black &
- Scanning speed may slow down when [Correct skewed character strings automatically] and/
or [Allow automatic image rotation] is enabled.
zThe Quick Menu makes the operation easy even for beginners
The Quick Menu will allow you to start using the ScanSnap right away even if it is your
first time. Simply press the [Scan] button on the scanner to scan your document, and
then the Quick Menu will appear where you can select the action you want to perform.
zAutomatically recognize color and black & white documents (Auto color
The ScanSnap determines the color mode of each document, saves color documents in
color, black & white documents in black & white, and black & white documents with
photos or illustrations in grayscale. This function will optimize your PDF file size.
Features of the ScanSnap
zScan different size documents together (Automatic page size detection,
Carrier Sheet mixed batch scanning)
Paper size is automatically recognized so that you do not need to change the paper size
setting. The bundled Carrier Sheet allows you to scan documents larger than A4/Letter
size as well as photographs and clippings. Multiple Carrier Sheets can be scanned at
once and together with regular documents in the same batch.
zAutomatically set the resolution by the paper size (Automatic resolution
Documents are scanned at 300 dpi at first, then the image is saved at 300 dpi if the
document length is 148 mm (5.83 in.) or less, and converted to 200 dpi for longer
documents. When linked with a text recognition application (e.g. for scanning business
cards), you can save high resolution image data without having to change the scan
zCreate searchable PDF files
You can create searchable PDF files by performing automatic text recognition for PDF
files after scanning.
You can also perform text recognition on character strings marked by a highlight pen in
black & white documents, and add them as keywords for the PDF file.
zE-mail or print a scanned image directly from scanning
You can attach the scanned image to an e-mail without needing any additional
application or print it out instead of using a copy machine.
zCompatible with both Windows and Mac OS
You can use the ScanSnap in a manner that best suits your office environment in either
Windows or Mac OS (*).
*: The following functions are not available for Mac OS:
• Color high compression
• Loading the document face-up
• Setting passwords for PDF files
zConvert paper documents into Word/Excel/PowerPoint files
Use the bundled "ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap" to directly convert the scanned
image into a Word/Excel/PowerPoint file.
In Mac OS, only conversion to Word and Excel file is supported.
Features of the ScanSnap
zOrganize and manage scanned images by linking with ScanSnap
z Setting a keyword (Intelligent Indexing)
Keywords can be set by the following methods:
-Recognize a character string on a page (OCR) and set as a keyword (Zone OCR)
-Set any character string as a keyword
-Set a marked character string as a keyword (Marker Index)
-Drag and drop a keyword from the keyword list (Keyword Addition by Drag&Drop)
The keywords can be viewed in thumbnails. (Keyword Overlay)
z Distributing files by keyword (Automatic Keyword Sort)
Files can also be sorted into folders according to the keyword set for files as a sorting
z Search a variety of files (Search Engine Selection)
Files can be found quickly searched by file name, keyword, text or date.
z Cropping marked sections (Intelligent Cropping)
Selections on a page that are marked with a highlight pen can be cut and pasted
elsewhere to create scrapbooks.
zEasy filing of business cards
Text recognition can be performed on business cards which then can be easily
converted into digital data with the bundled business card application. With CardMinder,
you can create a database which facilitates data search of business cards converted
into digital data.
The bundled business card application is as follows:
zShare documents converted into digital data with others
You can conveniently share documents by saving the scanned image directly in
SharePoint or Office Live.
zAccess documents converted into digital data anytime, anywhere
Through linkage with Evernote, Google Docs, Salesforce Chatter or SugarSync, you
can access scanned images anytime from your computer or smartphone no matter
where you are.
zSave documents converted into digital data to a mobile device
Scanned image can be saved directly to a mobile device such as tablet devices and
zTwo separate scanned images can be merged into a single image
Two scanned images can be merged into a single image either vertically or horizontally.
Note: The ScanSnap does not conform to the TWAIN, ISIS and WIA standards.
Parts and Functions
ADF paper chute (cover)
Open to use the ScanSnap.
D Opening the ADF paper chute (cover) turns
on the ScanSnap.
Pull out when scanning long documents.
Side guide
Adjust to the width of documents to prevent
them from getting skewed.
ADF release catch
Pull this tab to open the
ADF top section.
[Scan] button
Press this button to start scanning. Can be
pressed even when the stacker is closed.
It indicates the status of the ScanSnap as follows:
Blue (lit): Ready
Blue (flashing): Scanning
Orange (flashing) : Error
ADF paper chute (cover)
You can load the document here after
opening it.
Open to use the stacker.
D Stacks up the ejected documents.
ADF top section
Open to remove jammed documents, replace
the pad assy and the pick roller, or clean the
inside of the ScanSnap.
This section explains names and functions of the ScanSnap parts.
■ Front
Parts and Functions
■ Back
Power connector
Security cable slot
Used to connect an anti-theft security cable
(commercially available).
Tape seal
Remove this tape seal after installing the
USB connector
Ventilation port
Holes for ventilating hot air from inside the
Parts and Functions
System Requirements
The system requirements for the ScanSnap are as follows:
■ Windows
System Requirements
Hard disk
USB port
*1 : Service Pack 2 or later required
*2 : Service Pack 4 or later required
*3 : When the font size is large, some screens may not be displayed properly.
*4 : When using a USB 3.0 port, data is transferred at the same speed as USB 2.0.
Windows 7
(32 bit/64 bit)
32 bit: 1 GB or more
64 bit: 2 GB or more
Disk space required to install the software bundled with the ScanSnap is as follows:
z ScanSnap Manager: 530 MB
z ScanSnap Organizer: 620 MB
z CardMinder: 280 MB
z ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap: 600 MB
z Evernote for Windows: 150 MB
z Scan to Microsoft SharePoint: 40 MB
z Adobe Acrobat X Standard:1130 MB
Evernote for Windows and Adobe Acrobat X are not supported.
In that case, use a smaller font size.
Windows Vista
(32 bit/64 bit)
Core™ 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or higher recommended
(minimum: Intel
800 × 600 pixels or higher (*3)
Pentium® 4 1.8 GHz)
512 MB or more (1 GB or more recommended)
USB2.0 / USB1.1
Windows XP (*1)
(32 bit)
Windows 2000
System Requirements
z The following applications may be installed at the same time when ScanSnap Manager,
ScanSnap Organizer or CardMinder is installed.
Windows Vista
z .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (500 MB free disk space required)
Windows XP
- If Service Pack 3 or later is installed
z .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (500 MB free disk space required)
- If Service Pack 2 is installed
z Windows Installer 3.1 (30 MB free disk space required)
z NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (500 MB free disk space required)
z The following applications may be installed at the same time when Scan to Microsoft
SharePoint is installed.
Windows XP
- If Service Pack 3 or later is installed
z .NET Framework 2.0 (280 MB free disk space required)
- If Service Pack 2 is installed
z Windows Installer 3.1 (30 MB free disk space required)
z .NET Framework 2.0 (280 MB free disk space required)
Windows 2000
z Windows Installer 3.1 (30 MB free disk space required)
z .NET Framework 2.0 (280 MB free disk space required)
z Do not use the USB port on the keyboard or the monitor to connect the ScanSnap (it may not
function properly).
z Make sure to use a powered hub equipped with an AC adapter if you are using a
commercially available USB hub.
z If the USB port or the USB hub is USB 1.1, scanning speed will slow down.
z If the CPU or the memory does not meet the required specifications, scanning speed will
slow down.
z The actual increase in used disk space after installation and the required disk space for
installation may differ from each other depending on your Windows system disk
z A disk space approximately three times larger than the resulting scanned file size is required
for scanning documents.
z If the characters are not displayed correctly when you use CardMinder, Scan to Mobile or
Scan to Salesforce Chatter, perform the following:
- Windows 2000 (*)
z Select [Control Panel] → [Regional Options] → [General] tab → [Language settings for
the system], and then select the [Western Europe and United States], [Simplified
Chinese], [Traditional Chinese], and [Korean] check boxes.
z Install the universal font (Arial Unicode MS) from the setup disc for Microsoft Office
2000 or later.
- Windows XP
z Select [Control Panel] → [Regional and Language Options] → [Languages] tab →
[Install files for East Asian languages] check box.
z Install the universal font (Arial Unicode MS) from the setup disc for Microsoft Office
2000 or later.
- Windows Vista or Windows 7
Install the universal font (Arial Unicode MS) from the setup disc for Microsoft Office 2003
or later.
*: The following applications are not supported on Windows 2000:
z Scan to Mobile
z Scan to Salesforce Chatter
System Requirements
The following shows the estimated file size when scanning one side of a color
File formatCompression ratePaper size
PDF3A4 (catalog)
Estimated image data size (KB)
Color mode
Color high compression209.8164.2222.5156.8—
■ Mac OS
System Requirements
Operating system
Memory2 GB or more1 GB or more
Display resolution1024 × 768 pixels or higher
Hard disk space
USB port (*4)USB2.0 / USB1.1
*1 : It is recommended to apply the latest updates to the Mac OS.
*2 : Evernote for Mac is not supported for versions earlier than Mac OS X v.10.5.8.
*3 : When using Mac OS X v10.7, you need to use an Adobe Acrobat version which supports Mac
OS X v10.7.
For information about the Adobe Acrobat versions officially supported on Mac OS X v10.7,
visit the website of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
*4 : When using a USB 3.0 port, data is transferred at the same speed as USB 2.0.
Mac OS X v10.7Mac OS X v10.6Mac OS X v10.5
Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or higher recommended
(minimum: Intel
Disk space required to install the software bundled with the ScanSnap is as
z ScanSnap Manager: 800 MB
z ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap: 570 MB
z Cardiris: 130 MB
z Evernote for Mac: 55 MB
z Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro (*3): 1540 MB
Core™ Duo 1.83 GHz, PowerPC® G5 1.6 GHz)
(1 GB or more recommended)
Mac OS X v10.4
512 MB or more
z Do not use the USB port on the keyboard or the monitor to connect the ScanSnap (it may not
function properly).
z Make sure to use a powered hub equipped with an AC adapter if you are using a
commercially available USB hub.
z If the USB port or the USB hub is USB 1.1, scanning speed will slow down.
z If the CPU or the memory does not meet the required specifications, scanning speed will
slow down.
z A disk space approximately three times larger than the resulting scanned file size is required
when scanning documents.
System Requirements
The following shows the estimated file size when scanning one side of a color
File formatCompression ratePaper size
PDF3A4 (catalog)
Estimated image data size (KB)
Color mode
Turning the ScanSnap ON/OFF
Turning the ScanSnap ON/OFF
This section explains how to turn the ScanSnap ON/OFF.
The ScanSnap is turned ON/OFF in conjunction with the computer. Therefore, you do not
have to worry about turning the power ON/OFF as long as the ScanSnap is connected to a
z Turning the ScanSnap on
Open the ADF paper chute (top cover) when the computer is turned on.
The [Scan] button flashes blue to indicate that the ScanSnap is turned on, and lights in
blue when the ScanSnap is ready to scan.
With some computers, the initialization of the ScanSnap may be performed several
times when the computer is started up.
z Turning the ScanSnap off
Turn off the computer or close the ADF paper chute (cover).
The [Scan] button switches off when the ScanSnap is turned off.
z Close the ADF paper chute (cover) after putting the extension back.
z Make sure to close the stacker firmly. If you close the ADF top section when the
stacker is loose, the ScanSnap will not be turned off.
z With some computers, it may take two to three minutes until the light of the [Scan]
button goes out after the computer is turned off.
Turning the ScanSnap ON/OFF
zScanSnap in sleep mode
When the ScanSnap has not been in operation for 15 minutes while the power is on, it
enters sleep (power saving) mode.
The ScanSnap's internal light flashes in sleep mode.
Documents for Scanning
Documents for Scanning
This section explains about the documents that can be scanned with the ScanSnap.
■ Conditions for Documents That Can Be Scanned
Documents conditions for documents that can be scanned with the ScanSnap are as follows:
Paper type
Paper weight52 to 127 g/m² (14 to 34 lb)
Paper size
*: Scanning starts when you hold down the [Scan] button on the ScanSnap for 3 seconds or
z When you scan documents written in pencil, there may be black traces left on them. It is
z The following types of documents must not be scanned:
z When you scan picture postcards, be aware that the picture side may get damaged.
z Scanning the following types of documents without using the Carrier Sheet can result in
Standard office paper, postcards, business cards
Width: 50.8 to 216 mm (2 to 8.5 in.)
Length: 50.8 to 360 mm (2 to 14.17 in.)
Maximum size for long page scanning (*)
216 × 863 (mm) / 8.5 × 34 (in.)
recommended that you scan such documents by using the Carrier Sheet. Clean the rollers as
often as possible when you scan such documents directly without using a Carrier Sheet
because dirt accumulating on the rollers may cause feeding errors.
For details about how to clean the inside of the ScanSnap, refer to "Cleaning the Inside of the
ScanSnap" (page 425).
- Paper-clipped or stapled documents (remove the paper clips and staples for scanning)
- Documents on which the ink is still wet (wait until the ink dries completely to scan these
- Documents whose paper weight is less than 52 g/m² (14 lb)
- Documents of non-uniform thickness (e.g. envelopes and paper sheets with attached
- Wrinkled or curled documents
- Folded or torn documents
- Tracing paper
- Coated paper
- Photographs (photographic paper)
- Perforated or punched documents
- Odd shaped documents (not square or rectangular)
- Carbon paper or thermal paper
- Documents with memo papers or sticky notes attached
Documents for Scanning
z Since carbonless paper may contain chemicals that can harm the pad assy and the pick
roller, take note of the following when scanning carbonless paper:
- It is recommended that you use the Carrier Sheet to scan such documents.
- Make sure to clean the rollers regularly to maintain the scanner performance when
scanning carbonless paper directly without using the Carrier Sheet. Depending on the
type of carbonless paper, the life span of the scanner may be shortened compared to
scanning standard office paper.
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