Fujitsu ScanSnap Advanced Operation Manual

Advanced Operation Guide


About This Manual ................................................................................................................. 5
Safety Information.................................................................................................................................. 6
Arrow Symbols in This Manual............................................................................................................... 10
Screen Examples in This Manual ........................................................................................................... 11
For Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 Users .................................................................................................... 12
Abbreviations Used in This Manual ........................................................................................................ 13
How to Perform a Scan ........................................................................................................ 15
Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu .........................................................................17
Managing Scanned Images in ScanSnap Organizer ................................................................................. 23
Filing and Organizing Business Cards .................................................................................................... 24
Managing Scanned Images in a Specified Folder ..................................................................................... 26
Attaching Files to E-mail .......................................................................................................................28
E-mail Program Settings ................................................................................................................ 31
Using ScanSnap as a Copy Machine to Print Scanned Images with a Printer...............................................32
Managing Scanned Images in a Digital File Cabinet .................................................................................34
Managing Notes and Scanned Images Together ...................................................................................... 36
Saving Data to a Mobile Device .............................................................................................................37
Saving Data to Your Dropbox Folder ......................................................................................................41
Saving Documents to Evernote (as a PDF File)........................................................................................ 43
Saving Handwritten Notes to Evernote (as a JPEG File)............................................................................ 45
Saving Documents to Google Docs ........................................................................................................ 47
Posting to Salesforce Chatter ................................................................................................................50
Saving Data to Your SugarSync Folder................................................................................................... 53
Converting into Word, Excel, or PowerPoint Documents............................................................................ 55
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Function of ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap ............................ 57
Managing Scanned Images in SharePoint ............................................................................................... 60
Managing Scanned Images in the Picture Folder (as JPEG Files) .............................................................. 62
Profile ................................................................................................................................... 64
Using Profiles to Perform Scanning ........................................................................................................ 65
Profile Management ............................................................................................................................. 68
Adding Profiles .............................................................................................................................69
Changing Profiles ......................................................................................................................... 71
Renaming Profiles......................................................................................................................... 73
Changing the Display Order of Profiles ............................................................................................75
Deleting Profiles ........................................................................................................................... 77
ScanSnap Folder Operations............................................................................................... 79
Using ScanSnap Folder to Perform Scanning ..........................................................................................80
Enabling or Disabling ScanSnap Folder .................................................................................................. 85
Scan Settings for Your Intended Use................................................................................... 86
Scanning Only One Side of a Document (Not Applicable to either S1100 or SV600) .....................................87
Scanning Color Documents in Gray or Black & White ............................................................................... 88
Scanning Color Documents in High Compression .................................................................................... 89
Deleting Blank Pages (Not Applicable to SV600)...................................................................................... 90
Correcting Skewed Character Strings ..................................................................................................... 91
Rotating a Scanned Image to Its Correct Orientation ................................................................................ 93
Reducing Bleed-Through ......................................................................................................................95
Reducing the Effect of Lighting (For SV600) ............................................................................................ 97
Reducing Faded Colors and Blown-Out Highlights (For SV600) .................................................................99
Correcting Skewed Text (For SV600) ................................................................................................... 101
Scanning Documents of Different Widths or Lengths in One Batch (Not Applicable to either S1100 or SV600) .....
................................................................................................................................................. 103
Scanning Documents Larger Than A4 or Letter Size (For iX500, S1500, S1500M, S1100, or S510) ............. 104
Scanning Documents Such as Photographs and Clippings (For iX500, S1500, S1500M, S1100, or S510)..... 107
Saving Scanned Images in Multiple PDF Files ....................................................................................... 109
Saving the Scanned Images of a Book as Separate Single-Page Images (For SV600)................................ 111
Creating Searchable PDF Files............................................................................................................ 113
Setting Keywords in PDF Files............................................................................................................. 116
How to Mark Character Strings ..................................................................................................... 119
Setting Passwords for PDF Files.......................................................................................................... 121
Creating PDF/A Files.......................................................................................................................... 126
Starting Scanning Automatically (SV600) .............................................................................................. 128
Correcting the Scanned Images (For SV600) .................................................................... 133
Scanning a Document ........................................................................................................................ 134
Filling in Fingers Captured in a Scanned Image (When a Document Is Scanned) ................................ 135
Scanning Books................................................................................................................................. 139
Correcting Distorted Book Images................................................................................................. 140
Splitting a Double-Page Spread Image into Two Page Images.......................................................... 145
Filling in Fingers Captured in a Scanned Image (When a Book Is Scanned) ....................................... 148
Scanning Multiple Documents at Once ................................................................................................. 151
Correcting the Scanned Image Orientation ..................................................................................... 152
Modifying the Crop Area .............................................................................................................. 155
Adding the Necessary Scanned Images......................................................................................... 157
Deleting Unnecessary Scanned Images......................................................................................... 159
Setting ScanSnap Manager ............................................................................................... 162
How to Configure Scan Settings .......................................................................................................... 163
Quick Menu Settings .......................................................................................................................... 165
Changing Display Mode............................................................................................................... 166
Changing Display Order............................................................................................................... 167
Adding Applications to Favorites ................................................................................................... 170
Changing the Settings of Linked Applications ........................................................................................ 171
Managing Linked Applications ............................................................................................................. 172
Adding Applications..................................................................................................................... 173
Changing Application Settings ...................................................................................................... 177
Deleting Applications................................................................................................................... 178
Managing Custom Paper Sizes............................................................................................................ 179
Adding Paper Sizes..................................................................................................................... 180
Changing Paper Size Settings ...................................................................................................... 182
Deleting Paper Sizes................................................................................................................... 184
Automatic Linkage with Applications..................................................................................................... 185
Changing Automatic Linkage Mode ............................................................................................... 188
When Two ScanSnaps Are Connected to a Computer (For SV600) .......................................................... 189
Connecting the ScanSnap to a Wireless LAN (For iX500)........................................................................ 191
Using ScanSnap Organizer................................................................................................ 192
Basic Operation Procedure ................................................................................................................. 193
Managing Files .................................................................................................................................. 195
Editing Files (SV600).......................................................................................................................... 197
Using Files........................................................................................................................................ 198
Using CardMinder .............................................................................................................. 199
Basic Operation Procedure ................................................................................................................. 201
Linking Card Data with Other Applications............................................................................................. 204
Searching of Card Data ...................................................................................................................... 205
Searching with the CardMinder Basic Search Toolbar...................................................................... 206
Searching with CardMinder Viewer................................................................................................ 207
Attaching a File to Card Data............................................................................................................... 208
Using Rack2-Filer Smart .................................................................................................... 209
ScanSnap Online Update................................................................................................... 211

About This Manual

l "Safety Information" (page 6)
l "Trademarks" (page 7)
l "Manufacturer" (page 8)
l "Symbols Used in This Manual" (page 9)
l "Arrow Symbols in This Manual" (page 10)
l "Screen Examples in This Manual" (page 11)
l "For Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 Users" (page 12)
l "Abbreviations Used in This Manual" (page 13)
About This Manual

Safety Information

Safety Information
The attached "Safety Precautions" manual contains important information about the safe and correct use of the ScanSnap. Make sure that you read and understand it before using the ScanSnap.


Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, SharePoint, Windows Live, Internet Explorer, and Entourage are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Word is the product of Microsoft Corporation in the United States.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trade names of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
ABBYY™ FineReader™ Engine © ABBYY. OCR by ABBYY
ABBYY and FineReader are trademarks of ABBYY.
Evernote is a registered trademark or trademark of Evernote Corporation.
Google, Google Docs, Android, and Google Play are registered trademarks or trademarks of Google Inc.
Salesforce, the Salesforce logo, and Salesforce CRM are registered trademarks or trademarks of, inc. in the United States and other countries.
Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Protected Setup, and the Wi-Fi Protected Setup logo are trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance.
ScanSnap, the ScanSnap logo, ScanSnap Manager, ScanSnap Organizer, CardMinder, and Rack2­Filer are registered trademarks or trademarks of PFU LIMITED in Japan.
Other company names and product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective companies.


International Sales Dept., Imaging Business Division, Products Group Solid Square East Tower 580 Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 212-8563, Japan
Phone: (81-44)-540-4538

Symbols Used in This Manual

Symbols Used in This Manual
The following indications are used in this manual to obviate any chance of accident or damage to you and people near you, and your property. Warning labels indicate the warning level and statements. The symbols indicating warning levels and their meanings are as follows.
Indication Description
This indication alerts operators to an operation that, if not strictly observed, may result in severe injury or death.
This indication alerts operators to an operation that, if not strictly observed, may result in safety hazards to personnel or damage to the product.

Arrow Symbols in This Manual

Arrow Symbols in This Manual
Right-arrow symbols (→) are used to connect icons or menu options you should select in succession.
Example: Select [Start] menu → [Computer].

Screen Examples in This Manual

Screen Examples in This Manual
The screenshots used in this manual are the ones that are displayed when iX500 is connected.
Microsoft product screenshots are reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
The screenshots used in this manual are of Windows 7.
The actual windows and operations may differ depending on the operating system.
Icon in the Notification Area
The ScanSnap Manager icon notification area.
To have the ScanSnap Manager icon always displayed in the notification area, drag the icon and drop it onto the notification area.
The notification area is located at the far right of the taskbar.
The explanations in this manual use the case in which the ScanSnap Manager icon is always displayed in the notification area.
is displayed in the menu which appears when you click in the

For Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 Users

For Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 Users
To start ScanSnap applications or display Control Panel, use the All apps screen.
The All apps screen is displayed by following the procedure below.
Windows 8.1
1. Click on the lower left side of the Start screen.
To display
, move the mouse cursor.
Windows 8
1. Right-click the Start screen.
2. Click [All apps] on the app bar.

Abbreviations Used in This Manual

Abbreviations Used in This Manual
When a ScanSnap model is referred to in this manual, "Color Image Scanner ScanSnap" is omitted.
Also, the following abbreviations are used in this manual.
Abbreviation Used Designation
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP operating
Microsoft Office
Windows® 8.1 operating system, English Version
Windows® 8.1 Pro operating system, English Version
Windows® 8.1 Enterprise operating system, English Version
Windows® 8 operating system, English Version
Windows® 8 Pro operating system, English Version
Windows® 8 Enterprise operating system, English Version
Windows® 7 Starter operating system, English Version
Windows® 7 Home Premium operating system, English Version
Windows® 7 Professional operating system, English Version
Windows® 7 Enterprise operating system, English Version
Windows® 7 Ultimate operating system, English Version
Windows Vista® Home Basic operating system, English Version
Windows Vista® Home Premium operating system, English Version
Windows Vista® Business operating system, English Version
Windows Vista® Enterprise operating system, English Version
Windows Vista® Ultimate operating system, English Version
Windows® XP Home Edition operating system, English Version
Windows® XP Professional operating system, English Version
Microsoft® Office
Microsoft® Word 2013
Microsoft® Word 2010
Microsoft® Office Word 2007
Microsoft® Office Word 2003
Microsoft® Excel® 2013
Microsoft® Excel® 2010
Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007
Microsoft® Office Excel® 2003
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010
Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007
Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2003
Microsoft® SharePoint® Server 2010, English Version
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007, English Version
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Portal Server 2003, English Version
Microsoft® SharePoint® Foundation 2010, English Version
Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services 2.0/3.0, English Version
Abbreviation Used Designation
Internet Explorer
Windows Live Mail
Windows® Internet Explorer
Microsoft® Internet Explorer
Windows Live™ Mail
Abbreviations Used in This Manual
Windows Mail
Outlook Express
.NET Framework
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Reader
ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap
Google Docs
Microsoft® Windows® Mail
Microsoft® Outlook® 2013
Microsoft® Outlook® 2010
Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007
Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003
Microsoft® Outlook® Express
Microsoft® .NET Framework
Adobe® Acrobat
Adobe® Reader
ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap
All the descriptions in this manual assume the usage of ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap bundled with the ScanSnap. Unless otherwise specified, the term ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap refers to the ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap bundled with the ScanSnap.
Note that ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap may be upgraded without notice. If the descriptions in this manual differ from the actual displayed screens, refer to the ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap User's Guide.
Google Docs
ScanSnap Color Image Scanner ScanSnap series (*1)
Carrier Sheet ScanSnap Carrier Sheet
*1: The ScanSnap N1800 series is not included.
Select an application from the Quick Menu
Save and use the scanned image

How to Perform a Scan

How to Perform a Scan
This section explains how to use the ScanSnap to perform scanning.
You can scan documents in two different ways. Choose either way depending on your intended use of the scanned image.
l "Scanning Using the Quick Menu" (page 15)
l "Scanning Using a Profile" (page 15)
l "Scanning Using ScanSnap Folder" (page 16)
For SV600, you can also perform the scanning of documents by using a foot pedal that supports shortcut keys (keyboard shortcuts).
For details, refer to the ScanSnap Manager Help.
Scanning Using the Quick Menu
After scanning the document using the ScanSnap, you can simply select the application from the displayed menu to save, send as e-mail, or print the scanned image, as well as link the ScanSnap with an application or cloud services.
Scanning using the Quick Menu is set on default.
For details, refer to "Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu" (page 17).
Scanning Using a Profile
Select a previously set profile (scan settings and an application to be linked) and simply press the [Scan] button to scan the document and link with the application.
It is convenient to use when you want to scan a document using the same scan settings repeatedly.
Select a previously set profile
Save and use the scanned image
Select ScanSnap Folder from the file selection window
Save and use the scanned image
How to Perform a Scan
For details, refer to "Profile" (page 64).
Scanning Using ScanSnap Folder
By selecting ScanSnap Folder from the file selection window of the application, you can scan a document from the ScanSnap. You can use the scanned document file directly in the application.
For details, refer to "ScanSnap Folder Operations" (page 79).

Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu

Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu
The Quick Menu will allow you to start using the ScanSnap right away even if it is your first time.
Select an application from the Quick Menu to perform the following desired operations:
l "Using Scanned Images" (page 17)
l "Linking with Applications" (page 19)
l "Linking with Cloud Services" (page 20)
Using Scanned Images
Share the Scanned Document Files with Others.
Scan to Folder
Save the scanned image directly in a shared folder on a network after scanning, share the scanned image with others and inform them of the destination folder path by an e-mail message automatically created with the path stated.
Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu
Send Document Files to Others via E-mail.
Scan to E-mail
Send an e-mail message to others with the scanned image file attached.
Up to ten files can be attached to an e-mail message.
When you scan more than one document with the scan settings shown below, multiple files are created. Pay attention to the number of documents to scan:
l File format: JPEG (*.jpg)
l [Generate one PDF file per (n) page(s)] checkbox is selected
Make Copies of a Paper Document.
Scan to Print
Print the scanned image with a printer.
Save Scanned Documents to a Mobile Device.
Scan to Mobile
Save the scanned image to a mobile device connected to the computer.
You can access the saved files through an application that can view PDF or JPEG files.
Displayed when .NET Framework 3.0 is installed.
Note that .NET Framework 3.0 is also included in .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later). It is recommended to install the latest update in the operating system and use .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later).
If .NET Framework 4 or later is already installed, you need to install .NET Framework 3.0 separately because .NET Framework 3.0 is not included in .NET Framework 4 or later version.
Convert Catalogs and Pamphlets into Digital Data and Save Them.
Scan to Picture Folder
Save scanned images of catalogs and pamphlets directly into your Pictures folder.
Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu
Linking with Applications
Organize and Manage the Scanned Document Files.
Scan to ScanSnap Organizer
Save the scanned images in a folder specified in ScanSnap Organizer, allowing you to organize and manage the scanned images in ScanSnap Organizer.
Displayed when ScanSnap Organizer is installed.
File and Organize a Large Number of Business Cards.
Scan to CardMinder
Store and manage business cards in CardMinder.
Displayed when CardMinder is installed.
When CardMinder is used for the linkage function, it is recommended that you select [Automatic resolution] or [Best] for [Image quality] on the [Scanning] tab of the ScanSnap setup window. ScanSnap Manager cannot link with CardMinder when [Image quality] is set to [Excellent].
Convert Your Paper Documents into Digital Data to Conveniently Organize Them.
Scan to Rack2-Filer Smart
Save the scanned images as PDF files in Rack2-Filer Smart to manage and organize them.
Displayed when Rack2-Filer Smart trial version or Rack2-Filer Smart is installed.
Scan to Rack2-Filer
Save the scanned images as PDF files in Rack2-Filer to manage and organize them.
Displayed when Rack2-Filer (sold separately) is installed (V5.0 or later recommended).
Convert Your Paper Documents into Digital Data to Conveniently Organize Them (Magic Desktop).
Scan to Magic Desktop
Save the scanned images in Magic Desktop to manage and organize them.
Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu
Displayed when Magic Desktop trial version or Magic Desktop is installed.
Quote Text from Your Paper Documents.
ABBYY Scan to Word
ABBYY Scan to Excel(R)
ABBYY Scan to PowerPoint(R)
Have the scanned image text recognized and converted into a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint document.
Displayed when ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap (5.0 or later) is installed.
It is recommended that you select [Automatic resolution] or [Best] for [Image quality] on the [Scanning] tab of the ScanSnap setup window.
Share the Scanned Document Files through Linkage with SharePoint.
Scan to SharePoint
Save the scanned image in SharePoint.
Displayed when Scan to Microsoft SharePoint is installed.
Linking with Cloud Services
Manage Scanned Documents through Linkage with Dropbox.
Scan to Dropbox
Save scanned image files to your Dropbox folder.
Displayed when Dropbox for Windows 1.1.45 or later is installed.
Manage Scanned Documents through Linkage with Evernote.
Scan to Evernote (Document)
Save PDF files in Evernote.
Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu
Displayed when Evernote for Windows 3.5 or later is installed.
Manage Handwritten Notes through Linkage with Evernote.
Scan to Evernote (Note)
Save JPEG files in Evernote.
Displayed when Evernote for Windows 3.5 or later is installed.
Manage Scanned Documents through Linkage with Google Docs.
Scan to Google Docs(TM)
Save PDF files in Google Docs.
Displayed when .NET Framework 3.0 is installed.
Note that .NET Framework 3.0 is also included in .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later). It is recommended to install the latest update in the operating system and use .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later).
If .NET Framework 4 or later is already installed, you need to install .NET Framework 3.0 separately because .NET Framework 3.0 is not included in .NET Framework 4 or later version.
Manage Scanned Documents through Linkage with Salesforce Chatter.
Scan to Salesforce Chatter
Post scanned image files to Salesforce Chatter. You can use posted files with Salesforce CRM.
Displayed when .NET Framework 3.0 is installed.
Note that .NET Framework 3.0 is also included in .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later). It is recommended to install the latest update in the operating system and use .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later).
If .NET Framework 4 or later is already installed, you need to install .NET Framework 3.0 separately because .NET Framework 3.0 is not included in .NET Framework 4 or later version.
Manage Scanned Documents through Linkage with SugarSync.
Scan to SugarSync
Save scanned image files to your SugarSync folder.
Displayed when SugarSync Manager for Windows 1.9.28 or later is installed.
Selecting Operations from the Quick Menu
You can freely add applications to the Quick Menu. For details, refer to "Managing Linked Applications"
(page 172).

Managing Scanned Images in ScanSnap Organizer

Managing Scanned Images in ScanSnap Organizer
This section explains how to save the scanned image file in ScanSnap Organizer.
1. Click the [Scan to ScanSnap Organizer] icon in the Quick Menu.
a The [ScanSnap Organizer] window appears.
l You cannot start scanning when the Quick Menu is displayed. Wait until ScanSnap Organizer links
before scanning another document.
l Do not move, delete, or rename scanned images using other applications while the Quick Menu is
l For details about the functions of ScanSnap Organizer and how to use it, refer to "Using ScanSnap
Organizer" (page 192) and the ScanSnap Organizer Help.
l Profiles can also be used for the linkage function. For details, refer to "Profile" (page 64).
l ScanSnap Manager can link with ScanSnap Organizer automatically. For details, refer to
"Automatic Linkage with Applications" (page 185).

Filing and Organizing Business Cards

Filing and Organizing Business Cards
This section explains how to store business card images and the related information in CardMinder.
l Blank pages are not removed even if the [Blank page removal] is selected when you store scanned
images of business cards in CardMinder.
l Scanned images can be stored in CardMinder all at once as shown below.
- iX500/S1500/S1500M/S1300i/S1300/S510/S300
Up to 500 sheets (1,000 pages), including blank pages
- S1100/SV600
Up to 1,000 pages, including blank pages
1. Click the [CardMinder] icon
a The [CardMinder] window appears.
in the Quick Menu.
2. Check the scanned card image and the text recognition result.
l You cannot start scanning when the Quick Menu is displayed. Wait until ScanSnap Manager links
with CardMinder before scanning another document.
Filing and Organizing Business Cards
l Do not move, delete, or rename scanned images using other applications while the Quick Menu is
l For details about the functions of CardMinder and how to use it, refer to "Using CardMinder" (page
199) and the CardMinder Help.
l Profiles can also be used for the linkage function. For details, refer to "Profile" (page 64).
l ScanSnap Manager can link with CardMinder automatically. For details, refer to "Automatic Linkage
with Applications" (page 185).

Managing Scanned Images in a Specified Folder

Managing Scanned Images in a Specified Folder
This section explains how to save a scanned image file in a specified folder.
The scanned image file that is saved in a shared folder on the network can be shared with others. In addition, you can inform others of the destination folder path easily by an e-mail message because the path can be stated in the message automatically.
The default e-mail program is used as the e-mail program to link with.
The e-mail program may not properly link with ScanSnap Manager even if it is the default e-mail program. In this case, contact the manufacturer of the e-mail software.
For details about setting an e-mail program to link with, refer to "E-mail Program Settings" (page 31).
1. Click the [Scan to Folder] icon
a The [Scan to Folder] window appears.
in the Quick Menu.
2. Check the scanned image in the preview area.
In the [Scan to Folder] window, you can change files names or destination folders, and specify whether to state a path to a destination folder in an e-mail message to notify others.
For details about the [Scan to Folder] window, refer to the ScanSnap Manager Help.
3. Click the [Save] button.
a The scanned image file is saved in the specified folder.
When you select the [State a path to a destination folder in an E-mail message] checkbox in the [Scan to Folder] window, a new message window appears listing the destination folder path where the file is saved.
Managing Scanned Images in a Specified Folder
l You cannot start scanning after the Quick Menu is displayed and before the [Scan to Folder]
window is closed. Close the [Scan to Folder] window before scanning the next document.
l Do not move, delete, or rename the scanned image in other applications after the Quick Menu is
displayed and before the [Scan to Folder] window is closed.
Profiles can also be used for the linkage function. For details, refer to "Profile" (page 64).

Attaching Files to E-mail

Attaching Files to E-mail
This section explains how to attach the scanned image file to an e-mail message.
The default e-mail program is used as the e-mail program to link with.
The e-mail program may not properly link with ScanSnap Manager even if it is the default e-mail program. In this case, contact the manufacturer of the e-mail software.
For details about setting an e-mail program to link with, refer to "E-mail Program Settings" (page 31).
1. Click the [Scan to E-mail] icon
a The [Scan to E-mail] window appears.
You can configure the settings to not show the [Scan to E-mail] window. If you configure the settings to not show the [Scan to E-mail] window, a new message window appears with the file attached.
For details about changing the settings, refer to "Changing the Settings of Linked Applications"
(page 171).
in the Quick Menu.
2. Check the scanned image in the preview area.
In the [Scan to E-mail] window, you can configure the settings for attaching scanned image to e-mail.
For details about the [Scan to E-mail] window, refer to the ScanSnap Manager Help.
Attaching Files to E-mail
3. Click the [Attach to E-mail] button.
a A new e-mail message window appears with the file attached.
Attaching Files to E-mail
When the [Set a "Document Open password" for PDF files] checkbox is selected in the [Scan to E-mail - Options] window or the [Scan to E-mail] window, click the [Attach] button to display the following [Scan to E-mail - Set a password] window.
Enter a password, and then click the [OK] button.
If you click the [Cancel] button, a confirmation message appears to continue processing without a password. If you do not want to set a document open password, click the [Yes] button.
l You cannot start scanning after the Quick Menu is displayed and before the [Scan to E-mail]
window is closed. Close the [Scan to E-mail] window before scanning the next document.
l Do not move, delete, or rename the scanned image in other applications after the Quick Menu is
displayed and before the [Scan to E-mail] window is closed.
l The settings for [Scan to E-mail] can be changed. For details, refer to "Changing the Settings of
Linked Applications" (page 171).
l Profiles can also be used for the linkage function. For details, refer to "Profile" (page 64).
l ScanSnap Folder can also be used to attach scanned images to e-mail. For details, refer to
"ScanSnap Folder Operations" (page 79).
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