Fujitsu SCANPARTNER 600C, Scan Partner 300C User Manual

ScanPartner 600C
OEM Manual
Version 1.0
Doc. No. 250-0081-0
Fujitsu Inc.
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 DEVICE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.1 Outer View......................................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.2 Components....................................................................................................................................................1-4
2. SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................2-2
3. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 REMOVING THE SHIPPING BRACKET......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 POWER ON/OFF......................................................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 INDICATION PANEL.................................................................................................................................................3-3
3.4 SETTING THE SCSI ID AND CONNECTING THE INTERFACE CABLE............................................................................. 3-4
3.4.1 SCSI Cable Connection ..................................................................................................................................3-5
3.5 PAPER SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.5.1 Paper Size.......................................................................................................................................................3-7
3.5.2 Paper conditions............................................................................................................................................. 3-7 ADF ...........................................................................................................................................................................3-7 FIatbed.......................................................................................................................................................................3-8 Items to avoid.............................................................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.3 Readable area ................................................................................................................................................3-9
3.6 DOCUMENT SETTING METHOD..............................................................................................................................3-10
3.6.1 Flatbed.........................................................................................................................................................3-10 When the document size is of letter/A4 size or smaller .............................................................................................3-10 When the document is a thick book .......................................................................................................................... 3-11
3.6.2 ADF.............................................................................................................................................................. 3-11 Setting the ADF paper chute.....................................................................................................................................3-11 Placing the documents on the ADF paper chute ........................................................................................................ 3-12
3.7 CLEANING............................................................................................................................................................3-14
3.7.1 Cleaning the document cover and the document glass...................................................................................3-14
3.7.2 Cleaning inside the ADF............................................................................................................................... 3-15
4. INTERFACE............................................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.1 Connection .....................................................................................................................................................4-3
4.1.2 Physical Specification.....................................................................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 Termination.................................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.1.4 Pin assignments.............................................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.2 SCSI BUS ..............................................................................................................................................................4-6
4.2.1 System configuration ......................................................................................................................................4-6 System configuration..................................................................................................................................................4-6 Addresses of SCSI devices..........................................................................................................................................4-6 Peripheral equipment .................................................................................................................................................4-6
4.2.2 Bus signals .....................................................................................................................................................4-7
4.2.3 Bus signal drive conditions.............................................................................................................................4-8
4.3 BUS PHASES ...........................................................................................................................................................4-9
4.3.1 BUS FREE phase..........................................................................................................................................4-11
4.3.2 ARBITRATION phase ................................................................................................................................... 4-12
4.3.3 SELECTION phase.......................................................................................................................................4-14
4.3.4 INFORMATION TRANSFER phases............................................................................................................. 4-15 Asynchronous information transfer ...........................................................................................................................4-16
4.4 COMMANDS..........................................................................................................................................................4-18
4.4.1 RESERVE UNIT command............................................................................................................................4-19 RESERVE UNIT command: COMMAND phase (initiator Õ target)......................................................................... 4-20
4.4.2 RELEASE UNIT command............................................................................................................................4-21 RELEASE UNIT command: COMMAND phase (initiator target).........................................................................4-21
4.4.3 INQUIRY command......................................................................................................................................4-22 INQUIRY command: COMMAND phase (initiator target) ...................................................................................4-22 Inquiry data: DATA IN phase (target initiator)..................................................................................................... 4-24
4.4.4 REQUEST SENSE command.........................................................................................................................4-26 REQUEST SENSE command: COMMAND phase (initiator →→ target) .....................................................................4-26 Sense data: DATA EN phase (target initiator)......................................................................................................4-27
4.4.5 SEND DIAGNOSTIC command ....................................................................................................................4-29 SEND DIAGNOSTIC command: COMMAND phase (initiator →→ target) .................................................................4-30 Contents of self-test..................................................................................................................................................4-31 Results of self-test ....................................................................................................................................................4-31
4.4.6 TEST UNIT READY command......................................................................................................................4-31 TEST UNIT READY command: COMMAND phase (initiator target).................................................................. 4-32 Acknowledgment......................................................................................................................................................4-32
4.4.7 SET WINDOW command ..............................................................................................................................4-33 SET WINDOW command: COMMAND phase (initiator target) ...........................................................................4-33 Window date: DATA OUT phase (initiator target) ...............................................................................................4-34 Update of ScanPartner 600C OEM manual...............................................................................................................4-39 B&W Scanning Vender unique parameters...............................................................................................................4-39 Vendor unique identification code: Byte 28 ....................................................................................................... 4-40 Paper size: byte 35 ............................................................................................................................................ 4-40 Color Scanning Vender unique parameters ...............................................................................................................4-41 Vendor unique identification code: Byte 28 ....................................................................................................... 4-41 Parameter length: Byte 29 ................................................................................................................................. 4-41 Color scanning parameters ................................................................................................................................ 4-41
4.4.8 OBJECT POSITION command......................................................................................................................4-43 OBJECT POSITION command: COMMAND phase (initator target) ....................................................................4-44 Acknowledgment......................................................................................................................................................4-45 ADF sequence..........................................................................................................................................................4-46
4.4.9 READ command ...........................................................................................................................................4-46 READ command: COMMAND phase (initiator target).........................................................................................4-47 DATA IN phase (target initiator) .........................................................................................................................4-48
4.4.10 Scan command ............................................................................................................................................4-49 SCAN Command phase (initiator target)............................................................................................................4-49
4.5 STATUS: STATUS PHASE (TARGET INITIATOR)..................................................................................................4-50
4.6 MESSAGES ...........................................................................................................................................................4-51
4.6.1 ATN detection ...............................................................................................................................................4-51
4.6.2 Message types...............................................................................................................................................4-52 COMMAND COMPLETE (X'00'): MESSAGE IN phase (target initiator) ............................................................4-52 INITIATOR DETECTED ERROR (X'05'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target) .............................................4-52 ABORT (X'06'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target).....................................................................................4-53 MESSAGE REJECT (X'07'): MESSAGE IN/OUT phase (initiator target) ............................................................4-53 NO OPERATION (X'08'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target)...................................................................... 4-54 MESSAGE PARITY ERROR (X'09'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target) ....................................................4-54 BUS DEVICE RESET (X'0C'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target).............................................................. 4-54 IDENDIFY (X'80' TO X'FF'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target) .................................................................4-55
4.7 COMMAND SEQUENCE ..........................................................................................................................................4-56
4.7.1 Initial sequence ............................................................................................................................................4-56
4.7.2 Read sequence.............................................................................................................................................. 4-57 Read sequence for B&W mode.................................................................................................................................4-57
4.7.3 READ command sequence ............................................................................................................................ 4-57 Single READ ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-57 Multiple READ ........................................................................................................................................................4-58
4.8 STATUS TRANSITION OF LOGICAL UNIT .................................................................................................................4-59
4.9 ERROR TABLE ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-60
4.10 ITEMS FOR SPECIFYING WINDOW .........................................................................................................................4-61
5. DIAGNOSTICS .........................................................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 ONLINE DIAGNOSTICS .............................................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 OFFLINE DIAGNOSTICS............................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.3 DIAGNOSTIC FLOWCHARTS...................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.3.1 Group 1 error flowchart (Lamp assembly).......................................................................................................5-3
5.3.2 Group 2 error flowchart (Flatbed/ADF motor) ................................................................................................5-3
5.3.3 Group 3 error flowchart (paper in ADF paper tray)........................................................................................5-4
5.3.4 Group 3 error flowchart (no paper in ADF paper tray)................................................................................... 5-5
1. General
1.1 General
1.2 Device Configuration
1.1 General
Scan Partner 600C image scanners produce excellent electronic images from documents using the high quality optical image scanning technology and output to the host system via SCSI interface.
On the standard flat-bed, the Scan Partner 600C can scan a single loose page or a single page of a bound book. The standard flat-bed can accommodate a letter size/A4 page. The Scan Partner has an automatic document feeder (ADF) that can accommodate up to 50 pages.
The Scan Partner outputs data on the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). Figure 1.1 is the functional block diagram.
Figure 1-1 System Block Diagram
Video Circuit
To host
Optical unit
Lamp unitInverter
Power supply
LED display
Sensor input
ADF section
ADF motor ADF sensor
110/220 VAC
1.2 Device Configuration
1.2.1 Outer View
Figure 1.2 shows the outer view and device configuration of the ScanPartner 600C/OEM SP600C.
Figure 1-2 ScanPartner 600C Outer View
1.2.2 Components
1. Document Cover The document cover holds the document in place during scanning so that the document does not move.
2. Document glass Place the document to be read on the document glass.
3. Automatic document feeder (ADF) The automatic document feeder (ADF) feeds documents in the scanner automatically.
4. Paper tray extension The extension prevents documents from bending.
5. Power switch The power switch is used to turn the scanner on and off.
6. LED panel The LED panel indicates the status of the scanner (Power, Ready, and Jam).
7. Input paper chute The input paper chute stacks the documents to be fed by the ADF.
8. ADF open/close lever The ADF open/close lever is used to open and close the ADF to remove paper jammed in the ADF.
9. Power connector The power cable is connected to the power connector to supply the scanner with AC power.
10.SCSI interface connector The interface is connected to the interface connector. The scanner is connected to the host system through the interface cable.
2. Specifications
2.1 Functional Specifications
2.2 Environmental Specifications
2.1 Functional Specifications
Table 2.1 lists the functional specifications.
Table 2-1 Functional Specifications
No. Item Specifications Remarks
1 Technology CCD linear image sensor 4.2 MHz 2 Operating method Flatbed scanning/ADF scanning 3 Maximum document size Legal (11x14) for ADF
Letter/A4 for flatbed 4 Light source Cold cathode fluorescent lamp 5 Optical resolution 600 x 1200 dpi 6 Scanning speed Letter: 3 sec/200 dpi
A4: 3.2 sec/200 dpi
Legal: 3.5 sec/200 dpi 7 Gray scale 256 steps, 16 steps 8 Halftone Provides four halftone patterns 9 Automatic document feeder
1. Paper chute capacity
2. Stacker capacity
3. Reading speed
4. Paper empty detection
5. Cover open detection
Maximum 50 pages (legal, 14-28 lbs.)
Maximum 50 pages (legal, 14-28 lbs.)
Letter size paper 200 dpi = 15 ppm
Provided 10 Interface SCSI 2
2.2 Environmental Specifications
Table 2.2 lists the environmental specifications.
Table 2-2 Environmental Specifications
No. Item Specifications Remarks
1 Physical
dimension (mm)
165 ± 2mm 6.3 ± 0.08 inches
568 ± 2mm 22.36 ± 0.08
348 ± 2mm 13.7 ± 0.08 inches
2 Weight 13.3 kg 24.89 lbs 3 Power
Voltage (VAC) 100- 240V (Auto switching)
Frequency (Hz) 47 to 63 Power cable length (m)
3 or less
4 Power
consumption (watts)
Operaing 35 watts
Non-opearting 13 watts
5 Acoustic noise (dB) Operating: 56 dBA or less
Standby: 46 dBA or less
6 Temperature
Operating 10 to 40ºC (50ºF to 104ºF) Gradient: 10ºC/hr.
Non-operating -40 to 60ºC(-40ºF to 140ºF)
7 Relative
humidity (%)
Operating 10% to 90% RH No condensation
Non-operating 10 to 90 RH
8 Vibration (G) Operating 0.25 5-22-500 Hz
Direction = 3 Axial
Non-operating 1.0
9 Safety Regulations
UL1950, 3rd Edition CSA C22-2 No. 950-M93
European Norm EN 60950: 1988+A1+ A2
10 EMC
FCC Part 15 Subchapter J Class B DOC Class B (Canada)
European Directive 89/336 (CE-Mark)
3.1 Removing the Shipping Bracket
3.2 Power On/Oft
3.3 Indication Panel
3.4 Setting the SCSI-ID and Connecting the Interface Cable
3.5 Paper Specifications
3.6 Document Setting Method
3.7 Cleaning
3.1 Removing the Shipping Bracket
The scanner has a bracket that fixes the position of the carrier unit during transportation. The bracket must be removed from the base of the scanner.
If the power is turned on before the bracket has been removed, the Alarm lamp turns on. Before proceeding, turn off the power, disconnect the power cable, and remove the bracket.
Do not turn the scanner upside down when removing the bracket.
1. Remove the shipping retainer
2. Fasten the shipping retainer
3.2 Power On/Off
The power switch is on the right side of the image scanner (See Figure 3.1)
Turn the power switch to the “I” side, the power LED on the indication panel will light on. Turn the power switch to the “O” side, the power LED on the indication panel will go out.
Figure 3-1 Power Switch
3.3 Indication Panel
Figure 3.2 shows the indication panel, and Table 3.1 lists the names and functions of the indicator.
Figure 3-2 Indication Panel
Table 3-1 Names and functions of the indicators
Name Color Function
Power Amber Lights on when the power is turned on Ready Green Lights on when the scanner is ready to receive commands from the host computer Paper jam Red Lights on when paper jam occurs. This indicator along with Ready indicator also indicates other
error conditions. See Chapter 5 Test Mode for details.
3.4 Setting the SCSI ID and Connecting the Interface Cable
Use the address switches to set the device address.
Figure 3-3 Signal cable connection
ID Content
0 to 7 Available 8 Offline self-test
Table 3-2 SCSI ID setting
The devices linked to the SCSI interface are daisy-chained with one another. A terminator is attached to the ends of the interface cable. User can buy the SCSI cable in computer stores. The specifications of the SCSI cable is as shown below.
Name: SCSI Cable
Cable Specification 50 pins to 25 or 50 pins, shielded Amphenol
Cable Length: Less than or equal to 6 meters.
3.4.1 SCSI Cable Connection
There are two configurations for the connection.
Configuration I: The number of devices attached to the SCSI bus (including the host PC) is three. The scanner is located in the middle of the connection, as shown below.
Terminator Terminator
1. Set scanner’s SCSI terminator switch off.
2. Plug one end of the SCSI cable into the SCSI connector of the host PC, and the other end of the cable to the scanner.
3. Plug one end of the SCSI cable into the SCSI connector of the third device, and the other end of the cable to the other scanner.
SCSI device
Host PC
Set terminator
switch at “off” position
Configuration II: the number of devices attached to the SCSI bus (including the host PC) is three. The scanner is located at the end of the connection, as shown below.
If there is already another device linked to the host via SCSI cable, remove the terminator from that device. If the terminator can not be removed, it is recommended that the connection of Configuration I be used.
1. Set scanner’s SCSI terminator switch on
2. Plug one end of the SCSI cable to one female connector of the previous device or the host.
SCSI specifications require that:
1. Only one terminator may be attached to each end of the daisy chain.
2. The total length of the daisy chain must not exceed 6 meters. The vendor suggests that the SCSI cable be two or three meters in length to allow other devices to be attached to the SCSI bus.
3. Each device on the chain will be assigned a different ID. Devices with the same SCSI ID will cause them to malfunction.
4. There is no restriction on the position of the devices on the daisy chain.
Set terminator switch at “on”
SCSI device
Host PC
3.5 Paper Specifications
This section provides the readable paper specifications for the automatic document feeder (ADF).
3.5.1 Paper Size
Maximum Minimum A B A B 216 356 100 100
Unit: mm
Figure 3-4 Paper size specifications
3.5.2 Paper conditions ADF
a) Paper quality
Wood-free paper PPC paper; Specified by XEROX Corporation
b) Paper specifications
Legal size, 14~28 lbs
Feeding direction
3-8 FIatbed
(a) Paper quality
No condition
(b) Ream weight
No condition
(C) Paper form
Square is preferred. Items to avoid
Paper such as the following cannot be fed by ADF.
(a) Paper with clips or staples.
(b) Paper with ink not dry.
(C)Paper with inconsistent thickness, such as an envelope.
(d) Paper with large rumples or curls.
(e)Paper with folds or tears.
(f)Tracing paper.
(g) Coating paper.
(h) Carbonless paper.
(i) Paper smaller than A5 size or larger than A4 width.
(j) Items other than paper, such as clothes, metal sheet, or OHP film.
(k) Photographic paper.
(1) Paper that has notches on its side.
(m) Paper that has a shape other than square.
(n) Very thin paper.
(o) Important document not to be damaged.
Use the flatbed to perform scanning when reading paper of items e to o.
3.5.3 Readable area
Feeding direction Unit: mm
Figure 3-5 ADF readable area
3.6 Document Setting Method
3.6.1 Flatbed
Figure 3-6 Flatbed reading When the document size is of letter/A4 size or smaller
If the document is to be read on the flat-bed, following the steps below.
1. Open the document cover.
2. Put the document on the document glass with the image face down with the upper end to the left. Correct any curls or folded documents.
3. Position the left side and upper end of the document in line with the reference frame so that the upper-left comer of the document coincides with the upper-left of the reference frame. If the document is not set correctly, reading is not done correctly.
4. Close the document cover slowly. If the document cover is closed too quickly, the document may be moved. During reading, do not press or open the document cover.
5. Start the reading.
6. After reading ends, open the document cover and remove the document.
3-11 When the document is a thick book
1.Open the document cover and place it on the glass surface.
2.If the document is thick, do not close the document cover.
That part of the document in close contact with the glass will be read correctly but any part that is not in contact with the glass may be unclear or distorted so care must be taken.
3.6.2 ADF Setting the ADF paper chute
Figure 3-7 Setting the ADF paper chute
To use ADF to read the documents, set the ADF paper chute as follows:
1. Raise the unattached end of the input paper chute to about 45 degrees, as shown in Figure 3.7.
2. Pull down the metal bracket from under the paper chute.
3. Click the metal bracket into the grips on the document cover.
4. Pull the chute extension up.
3-12 Placing the documents on the ADF paper chute
Perform the following steps to place the document in the ADF paper chute. If these steps are not followed closely, a feed error may occur.
Figure 3-8 Placing the document on the ADF paper chute
1. Place the document upside-down.
2. Angle the document sheets as shown. (See "Angling the document sheets" that follows for an explanation of this procedure.)
3. Spread open the right and left guides of the ADF paper chute, and set them approximately 5 mm wider
than the document width.
4. Place the document face down on the ADF paper chute, and put the ends of the bottom 2 or 3 sheets into
the auto feeder.
5. C]ose the right and left guides against side of the document. (Skewing may occur if a gap exists between
the guides and document.)
6. Slide the pages down into the chute until they hit the far end of the auto feeder hole.
(a) Angling the document sheets
1. Place the document face down on a flat surface, with the top of the page to the left (a).
2. Lift the sheets with both hands. Take a maximum 4 mm thickness of sheets.
3. Hold the sheets tightly with your left hand and bend the sheets as shown in (b).
4. Then grip tightly with your right hand, loosen the grip of your left hand, and straighten the sheets as shown in (c).
5. Repeat operations 3 and 4 as often as necessary with the entire document has been angled.
Take a 2 to 4 mm thickness of sheets. Lightly hold both ends with both hands. Bend the sheets as shown. Hold the sheets tightly with both hands then straighten the sheets. This operation separates the sheets for easy feeding into the ADF. Repeat this operation two or three times. Turn the stack of sheets over and repeat the entire operation.
(b) Separating the sheets for easy feeding
3.7 Cleaning
3.7.1 Cleaning the document cover and the document glass
Use a clean and soft cloth moistened with non-corrosive solvent such as alcohol (with purity above 99.5%) and wipe the document cover and flatbed document glass slightly, as shown in Figure 3.9.
Figure 3-9
3.7.2 Cleaning inside the ADF
Clean the ADF according to the procedure that follows when the following situations frequently occur:
Documents are not fed smoothly.
Several documents are fed in at the same time.
Reading result is poor.
Cleaning Procedure:
1. Push the ADF cover release button, and open the ADF module.
2. Figure 3.10 shows the locations of pad, scrub roller, feeding rollers and follow rollers, and ADF
calibration white sheet.
Figure 3-10
3. Use a clean and soft cloth moistened with a non-corrosive solvent like ALCOHOL (with purity
above 99.5%) and wipe them slightly.
4.1 Physical Specifications
4.2 SCSI Bus
4.3 Bus Phases
4.4 Commands
4.5 Status: STATUS phase (target initiator)
4.6 Messages
4.7 Command Sequence
4.8 Status Transition of Logical Unit
4.9 Error Table
4.10 Items for Specifying Window
This image scanner and the host are connected via an 8-bit parallel interface. The interface follows the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) SCSI 2 (Small Computer System Interface 2) Revision 10c.
This chapter provides an overview of SCSI (minimum information necessary for understanding this scanner), as well as descriptions peculiar to the scanner. For details of SCSI, refer to the ANSI standard,
The following terms are needed to understand this section.
SCSI device: A host adapter or a target controller that can he attached to the SCSI bus
Initiator: An SCSI device (usually a host system) that requests an I/O process to be performed by
another SCSI device (a target).
Target: An SCSI device that performs an operation requested by an initiator
Logical Unit: A physical or virtual peripheral device that is addressable through a target
Range of support
1. System Configuration
This scanner operates under the multiinitiator, multitarget environment. An initiator function is not provided. This scanner incorporates an integrated target and logical unit (image scanner).
SCSI-ID:0 to 7, variable by DIP switch Logical unit number (LUN): 000, fixed
2.Bus phases
This scanner supports all phases except reselection phase.
+ 66 hidden pages