The following document contains information on Cypress products.
Thank you for purchasing the MB2031-20 (F2MC*1-16LX series LQFP-120P*2 USB daughter board
(hereinafter called the daughter board)).
This product is an optional MB2031-01 tool connected to the MB2031-01 (USB evaluation board).
This product is compatible with the following MCUs: F
This manual explains how to use the MB2031-20. Before using the MB2031-20, be sure to read
this manual.
*1: F2MC is the abbreviation of FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller.
*2: The applicable package is the FPT-120P-M05.
■ Caution of the products described in this document
Cautions in the following correspond to the products described in this document.
MC-16LX MB903303 Series (LQFP-120P).
The wrong use of a device will give an injury and may cause
malfunction on customers system.
This product has parts with sharp points that are exposed.
Do not touch edge of the product with your bare hands.
The method and environment for using this daughter board must conform to the
MB2031-01 specifications, otherwise the daughter board and user system are damaged.
Before setting a mode, be sure to power off all related systems, otherwise the
MCU and user system are damaged.
Before setting the analog pins, be sure to power off all related systems,
otherwise the MCU and user system are damaged.
Before mounting the MCU, be sure to power off all related systems, otherwise
the MCU and user system are damaged.
Before connecting the USB evaluation board, be sure to power off all related
otherwise the USB evaluation board and user system are damaged.
• The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
Customers are advised to consult with FUJITSU sales representatives before ordering.
• The information, such as descriptions of function and application circuit examples, in this document are presented solely for
the purpose of reference to show examples of operations and uses of Fujitsu semiconductor device; Fujitsu does not warrant
proper operation of the device with respect to use based on such information. When you develop equipment incorporating the
device based on such information, you must assume any responsibility arising out of such use of the information. Fujitsu
assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the information.
• Any information in this document, including descriptions of function and schematic diagrams, shall not be construed as license
of the use or exercise of any intellectual property right, such as patent right or copyright, or any other right of Fujitsu or any
third party or does Fujitsu warrant non-infringement of any third-party' s intellectual property right or other right by using such
information. Fujitsu assumes no liability for any infringement of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties
which would result from the use of information contained herein.
• The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including
without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed
and manufactured as contemplated (1) for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured,
could have a serious effect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss
(i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life
support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for use requiring extremely high reliability (i.e., submersible
repeater and artificial satellite).
Please note that Fujitsu will not be liable against you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection
with above-mentioned uses of the products.
• Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such
failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and
prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions.
• If any products described in this document represent goods or technologies subject to certain restrictions on export under the
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, the prior authorization by Japanese government will be required for export
of those products from Japan.
©2003 FUJITSU LIMITED Printed in Japan