This manual contains important information for using this product. Read thoroughly before
using the product. Use this product only after thoroughly reading and understanding
especially the section “Important Alert Items” in this manual. Keep this manual handy, and
keep it carefully.
FUJITSU makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from
suffering damange to their property. Use the product according to this manual.
Functional Limitations
There may be certain functional limitations concerning the specifications and functions of the
products covered by this manual depending on the equipment version, especially concerning
the following functions.
Versions in which there functions can be used will be communicated through
FunctionEquipment Version Which Supports These Functions
Version No.
Version No.
Standard INQUIRY Data Product
Revision (ASCII)
READ RAM Command
These commands cannot be used in the current version.
(Proceed to the Copyright Page)
Related Standards
Specifications and functions of products covered by this manual comply with the following
Standard (Text) No.NameEnacting
American National
Standards Institute
American National
Standards Institute
American National
Standards Institute
American National
Standards Institute
American National
Standards Institute
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 1999 Fujitsu, Limited
01April, 1998
02May, 1999
Revised contents
Specification No.: C141-E054-**EN
The contents of this manual is subject to
change without prior notice.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 1999
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This manual explains concerning the MAA3182FC (hereinafter described as MAA31xxFC),
MAF3364FC (hereinafter described as MAF33xxFC), MAG3091FC, MAG3182FC
(hereinafter described as MAG3xxxFC) series 3.5 inch hard disk drives with internal Fibre
channel controller.
The purpose of this manual is to provide the specifications and functions of Fibre channel (FC)
for use of these magnetic disk drives incorporated into user systems, and to present the
information necessary for creating host system software. This manual is written for users who
have a basic knowledge of hard disk drives and their use in computer systems.
The composition of manuals related to these disk drives and the range of subjects covered in
this manual are shown in “Manual Organization,” provided on a subsequent page. Please use
these other manuals along with this manual as necessary.
Composition and Contents of This Manual
This manual is composed of the six chapters shown below, a glossary and a list of
Chapter 1 Fibre Channel Interface
This chapter describes the topology, physical and electrical requirements, interface protocol,
and other operations of the Fibre channel (FC) interface which connects the MAA31xxFC,
MAF33xxFC, MAG3xxxFC.
Chapter 2 Command Processing
This chapter describes the basic logical specifications related to Fibre channel processing.
Chapter 3 Data Buffer Management
This chapter describes the data buffer configuration, data transfer processing functions and
cache operations.
Chapter 4 Command Specifications
This chapter describes detailed command specifications and how to use them.
Chapter 5 Sense Data and Error Recovery Methods
This chapter describes the configuration and contents of sense data which report to the host
system when an error occurs, etc., key information necessary for error recovery, recommended
procedures for error recovery to be executed through host system software and retry
Chapter 6 Disk Media Management
This chapter describes the procedure for initializing the disk media, methods of treating media
defects and data recovery methods.
The glossary explains technical terms which are necessary to the reader’s understanding when
reading this manual.
List of Abbreviations
This list shows the full spelling of abbreviations used in this manual.
The model name of disk drives covered by this manual differs in its ending suffix (Note 1)
depending on its device type (three types), the electrical conditions of the Fibre channel
interface used to connect the disk drive to the host system and its capacity and data format at
the time it was shipped, but in this manual, except in cases where models need to be especially
distinguished, a representative model name (Note 2) is used. In addition, these disk drives are
called Intelligent Disk Drive (IDD), “drive” or “device” in this manual.
Note 1:Model Name
M AF 3 364 FC
Interface typeFC: Fibre Channel
Formatted capacity (100 MB units)
Warning Indications
The following warning indications are shown in this manual to prevent the user and other
nearby persons or property from being injured or damaged.
In the text, the alert signal is centered, followed below by the indented message. A wider line
space precedes and follows the alert message to show where the alert message begins and
ends. The following is an example:
Before moving the drive, remove the optical disk cartridge to avoid
head or disk damage
Disk size 3: 3.5 inch
TypeAA: 1.6 inch height, 7,200 rpm
AF: 1.6 inch height, 10,000 rpm
AG: 1 inch height, 10,000 rpm
This indicates information that could help the user use the product more
Requesting for User’s Comments
Please use the User’s Comment Form attached to the end of this manual to identify user
comments including error, inaccurate and misleading information of this manual. Contact to
your Fujitsu representative for additional comment forms if required.
5.5Disk drive errors and number of retries.......................................................................... 5-24
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1.1Topologies in Fibre Channel Interface
1.2Information Transmitted on the Loop
1.3Physical Requirements, Electrical Requirements
1.4Drive Operation on the Loop
1.5Ordered Sets (Refer to FC-PH, Section 11.4 and FC-AL, Chapter 6)
1.6Basic Link Service
1.7Extended Link Service
1.8Extended Link Service (Loop initialization)
1.9FC-4 Device Data
1.10 Errors on Loop (Refer to FP-PH, Section 29.9)
1.11 Enclosure Service Interface (ESI)
1.12 Public Loop
1.13 Dual Loop
This chapter describes the topology, physical and electrical requirements, interface protocol and
operation of the fibre channel interface.
C141-E054-02EN1 - 1
1.1Topologies in Fibre Channel Interface
Three kind of topologies are defined in ANSI standards. (Arbitrated Loop, Fabric and Point-toPoint)
The drive only supports one of them, which is Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL).
Figure 1.1 shows the example of connection for disk drives in FC-AL.
Figure 1.1Example of FC-AL connection
BC are port bypass circuits on the back plane commonly, where Node mean the Target or
Each Loop signal is transmitted by one-way direction and made of electrical wires called
Each node is connected to the loop vial the port which the node owns. Each port consists of
the receiver which receives information from the loop and the transmitter which sends
In this example, each node has two ports building two independent loops. Information is
propagated between the nodes on the loop through serial signals.
This section describes the Node, Port, BC and link forming the above diagram and the signals
propagated on the link.
C141-E054-02EN1 - 2
Any device connected to Fibre Channel topology is called “node”.
In the application of this drive, the drive itself and the initiator are the nodes.
Each node has at least one port to connect other nodes and the port is called N_port.
Especially, in FC-AL, the port is called “NL_Port” where “NL” stands for node loop.
The drive provides two ports and each port is connected to each FC-AL.
See Figure 1.1.
Each port provides both Receiver and Transmitter.
The drive uses electrical wires (differential signal) to receive or transmit the information.
This pair of wires is called a “link”.
See Figure 1.1.
1.1.3Arbitrated Loop
Arbitrated loops are defined as “private loop” or “public loop”.
Private loop has no FL_port (for fabric loop) and all nodes are NL_ports.
If there is a FL_port which is managing the loop, the loop is called a public.
This can connect up to 126 active NL_port and one FL_port to the same loop.
And the NL_ports use arbitration to establish a Initiator-Target connections.
See Figure 1.1.
1.1.4Port Bypass Circuit (BC)
Port bypass circuit is to bypass the drive if it cannot provide loop services.
For example, by removing the drive, unable to obtain valid data, or by any special condition.
The port bypass circuit is located external to the drive. (for example, on the back plane)
Figure 1.2 shows the relationship between the drive and the circuit.
Select function is performed by “-EN port bypass A” and “-EN port bypass B”.
① Regular route (Bypass circuit off) ②Via bypass (Bypass circuit
To next port
From previous port
Figure 1.2Port Bypass Circuit
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1.1.5Encoding & Decoding
On FC-AL, the data is encoded prior to transmission and should be decoded when receiving.
The 10-bit character consists of 1,024 data space with 13-bit data mapped 1 control character.
This method is called 8B/10B encoding.
And to prevent too many same signal (ones or zeros), 10-bit character has an option to balance
total numbers of ones or zeros.
This balancing is called “running disparity”.
1.1.6Buffer-to-buffer frame transfer
As shown in Figure 1.3, data transmission occurs from an output buffer in the node part to an
input buffer in the node port.
The basic unit of buffer-to-buffer transfer is the frame.
Figure 1.3Buffer to Buffer Data Transfer
C141-E054-02EN1 - 4
1.2Information Transmitted on the Loop
Since information is exchanged between the ports through serial signals, both loop control
information and information at user level are defined in frame format.
The information on the loop is categorized into two groups.
One is “ordered sets” and the other is called “frame”.
Ordered sets consist of four 10-bit character to control port circuit mainly.
And the frame consists of FC-4 Device Data for SCSI protocol and Link Data to control Fibre
Channel layer.
The communication between the ports is done by using the frame defined in FC-PH.
The frame has the port address of source and destination, frame control information and user
protocol (SCSI-Command, data and etc.) information.
a)Ordered Sets is mainly used for control of port circuit.
b) FC-4 Device Data is used for implementation SCSI protocol.
c)Link Data is used for transmission and response for port control data.
This section explains the “Ordered Sets” and “Frame” propagated on the loop.
which consist of four 10 bit character combination.
Each ordered set has string of data shown in Figure 1.4.
The K28.5 special character is always used as the first character of all ordered sets.
Figure 1.4Format of Ordered Sets Primitive Signals
Primitive Signals have a control function to indicate status of the drive or to perform
some operation to the port being connected.
Primitive Signals are recognized when one ordered set is detected.
A minimum of six Primitive Signals must be transmitted between each frame.
The name and the function of Primitive Signals is below.
a)Idle; to indicate the port can transmit or receive the frame
b)R_RDY; to indicate the port has an area for receiving the frame
c)ARBx; to request the right to use the loop. x = AL_PA of the requesting
d)ARB (FO) ; to request the right (= lowest priority) to use the loop
e)OPN; to inform the transmission of the frame to the destination port
f)CLS: to inform the release of the loop Frame Delimiters
Frame Delimiters mark the beginning and end of frames.
They are called Start-of-frame (SOF) delimiters and End-of-frame (EOF) delimiters. Primitive Sequence
Primitive Sequence is a control function and requires to be detected.
The name and the function of Primitive sequence is below.
a)LPB ;When received, the drive enables the port bypass circuit and bypasses
b)LPE ;When received, the drive disables the port bypass circuit and connects to
the loop.
the loop.
C141-E054-02EN1 - 6
1.2.2Frame Structure (Refer to FC-PH, Chapter 17)
A frame format is shown in Figure 1.5.
SOFfill words
1word count
0-2048+64 (optional header)
min24byte count
fill wordsEOFCRC
Figure 1.5Frame Format
a)SOF; Start of frame indicates the beginning of the frame.
b)Frame Header ; Used as link control, drive protocol transfer and detect error condition.
R_CTL; Routing Control to categorize the frame.
D_ID; Destination Identifier, N_port address to which the frame is being sent.
S_ID; Source Identifier, N_port address originating the frame.
TYPE; Data Structure Type, identifies the frame protocol.
F_CTL; Frame Control information
SEQ_ID; Sequence Identifier, uniquely identifies frames in a non-streamed sequence.
DF_CTL; Data Field Control, specifies the optional headers in the payload.
This field is not supported by the drive and used as 00h.
SEQ_CNT ; Sequence Count, identifies the order of the frames.
OX_ID; Originator Exchange Identifier, assigned by the originator of an exchange.
This value is similar to Queue Tag in SCSI and must be unique for a
pair between the intiator and the drive.
RX_ID; Responder Exchange Identifier, generated by the responder for a exchange.
OFFSET; Defines the relative displacement of the first byte of the payload from
the base address of the command.
c)Payload; Data field, must be multiple of four bytes.
–If the frame is FC-4 Device Data, the payload has SCSI CDB,
Read/Write Data or status/sense information.
–If the frame is Link Data, the payload has control information for the
drive or the response data to the initiator.
d)CRC; Calculates without including SOF and EOF delimiters.
e)EOF; End of frame indicates the end of a frame.
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(1)Link Data
Link Data is used when the initiator transmit control code to the target or when the
target responsds to the iniator.
Link Data supported by the drive are listed below.
1. Basic link service
a) Abort Sequence
b) Basic_Accept
c) Basic_Reject
ABTS; SCSI-2 Abort Tag
BA_ACC; accept response to the abor
BA_RJT ; reject response to the abort
2. Extended link service
a) N_Port login
PLOGI; declare the initiator access the
b) Logout
LOGO; declare the initiator finished
accessing the target
c) Process Login
PRLI; PRLI is send by the initiator
to a target to establish the
SCSI FCP operating features.
d) Process Logout
PRLO; declare the initiator finished
accessing the target
e) Port Discovery
PDISC; issued by the initiator to
verify the address of the target
after Loop initialization
f) Address Discovery
g) Reinstate Recovery Qualifier
ADISC; same as PDISC
RRQ; issued by the initiator after
LISM; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
LIFA; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
LIPA; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
o) Loop Initialization Hard Assigned
p) Loop Initialization Soft Assigned
q) Loop Initialization Report Position
r) Loop Initialization Loop Position
LIHA; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
LISA; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
LIRP; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
LILP; see 1.4.1 Loop Initialization
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(2)FC-4 Device Data
Exchanges consist of two or more frame sequences between the initator and the target.
Exchanges starts from command frame by the initiator and ends at response frame by
the target.
FCP_RSP_IU) are used to implement SCSI protocol. Figure 1.6 explains the
examples of Exchanges in case of SCSI write/read operation.