Supplement for Embedded MegaRAID SATA User’s Guide
Supplement for
Embedded MegaRAID SATA
User’s Guide
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Supplement for Embedded MegaRAID SATA User’s Guide
¾ Before reading this manual .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
¾ About the change in the Array controller display name according to the driver's update.................................. 3
¾ “Product Names” (page 3) .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
¾ “2.1 SATA Setup Utility” (page 24) ......................................................................................................................................... 4
¾ “3.1 Updating Device Drives” (page 52)................................................................................................................................. 4
z 3.1.1 Creating Driver Disk _______________________________________________________________________________ 4
z Updating Drivers (Windows Server 2008 – Full installation)_____________________________ 5
z Updating Driver (Windows Server 2008 – ServerCore Installation) ___________________ 6
¾ “4.1.2 Requirements for ServerView RAID” (page 57) ..................................................................................................... 6
¾ “4.1.3 Access Privileges to ServerView RAID” (page 58)............................................................................................... 7
¾ “4.2.1 Operation via Network” (page 60) ...............................................................................................................................7
¾ “4.2.5 Monitoring Event Log” (page 63).................................................................................................................................. 7
¾ “4.3.1 How to Install ServerView RAID” (page 65) ............................................................................................................ 7
¾ “4.3.2 How to Uninstall ServerView RAID” (page 66) ....................................................................................................... 8
¾ “4.4.1 Installing HDD Check Scheduler” (page 68) ............................................................................................................ 8
¾ “4.4.2 Modifying HDD Check Start Time” (page 69).......................................................................................................... 8
¾ “4.4.4 Uninstallation of HDD Check Scheduler” (page 71).............................................................................................. 9
¾ “4.5.1 Preparation and Precautions for using ServerView RAID Manager” (page 72).......................................... 9
¾ “4.6.3 Layout of the Tree View” (page 81) ........................................................................................................................... 9
¾ “4.7.1 Viewing and Changing Array Controller Settings” (page 84) ........................................................................... 10
¾ “4.7.3 Setting ServerView RAID” (page 87)........................................................................................................................10
¾ “4.9.2 Checking Array Controller Status” (page 98) ....................................................................................................... 11
¾ “5.1.1 Message and Error Handling” (page 108) ................................................................................................................ 11
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Supplement for Embedded MegaRAID SATA User’s Guide
¾ Before reading this manual
This document is to supplement the description to the Embedded MegaRAID SATA User’s Guide.
Please also refer to the “Safety Precautions” and “
accompanied with “Array Controller Document & Tool CD” when this document is used.
Note: The page number in bracket indicates the page in the Current User’s Guide for your reference
Embedded MegaRAID SATA User’s Guide”
■ Display Samples and figures
Please note that not all display samples and figures can be shown in this document.
Occasionally, the actual screens, figures or file names may be different from their samples in
this document. In addition, figures drawn on this document might omit cables originally
connected for the convenience of the explanation.
■ Information for PRIMERGY
For the latest information on PRIMERGY, update modules, drivers and the software, refer to
the Fujitsu PRIMERGY website.
Regarding BIOS and FW, contact to Fujitsu Support Office.
Refer to the website (
http://www.fujitsu.com/global/contact/computing/PRMRGY_index.html ).
■ Trademarks
Microsoft, Windows and Windows Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the USA and other countries.
Linux is a trademark or registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the USA and other countries.
Red Hat and Red Hat-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Red Hat, Inc. in the USA and other counties.
SUSE is a trademark of SUSE LINUX AG. of Novell, Inc. in the USA and other countries.
LSI, Global Array Manager(GAM) and MegaRAID are trademarks or registered trademarks of
LSI Corporation.
Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
All other products are copyrights of their respective manufacturers.
Copyright© FUJITSU LIMITED 2008
Screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
¾ About the change in the Array controller display name according
to the driver's update
Array controller display name is changed as follows.
Array controller name in device manager and event log are also changed.
Driver version Array controller display name
V09.xx LSI Logic Embedded MegaRAID
V10.xx or later LSI Embedded MegaRAID
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Supplement for Embedded MegaRAID SATA User’s Guide
¾ “Product Names” (page 3)
Include the following information when the “Table: Abbreviation of Product Names” on P.3 of the
User’s Guide is referred.
Table: Abbreviations of Product Names (addition)
Product Names Description in the document
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard (x64)
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise (x64)
Microsoft® Windows® Vista Business
Microsoft® Windows® Vista Ultimate
Microsoft® Windows® Vista Enterprise
[Note 2] When it is not particularly marked in this document, it is included in Windows Server 2008.
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 x64
Windows Vista
¾ “2.1 SATA Setup Utility” (page 24)
Version of expansion ROM BIOS is displayed as “BIOS Version” when using expansion ROM
BIOS A.06.05071459R.
¾ “3.1 Updating Device Drives” (page 52)
zz 33..11..11 CCrreeaattiinngg DDrriivveerr DDiissk
The “table:Driver disk” on page 52 is changed as follows;
OS Folder Name Floppy Disk Name
Windows Server 2003 \Drivers\MegaSR\W2k3 Embedded MegaRAID SATA Windows Server
Windows Server 2003 x64 \Drivers\MegaSR\W2k3x64 Embedded MegaRAID SATA Windows Server
Windows Server 2008 \Drivers\MegaSR\W2k8 Windows Server 2008 Drivers Disk
Windows Server 2008 x64 \Drivers\MegaSR\W2k8x64 Windows Server 2008 for x64 Edition Drivers
2003 Drivers Disk
2003 for x64 Edition Drivers Disk
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