FujiFilm XP30 User Manual

BL01257-201 r_
Owner's Manual
Thank you for your purchase
of this product. This manual describes how to use your
FUJIFILMdigital camera and tile supplied software. Be surethat you have read and understood its contents and the warnings in "ForYourSafety"(_ ii)beforeus-
ing the camera.
For information on related products, visit our website at http://www.fuji_lm.com/products/digito/ comeros/index.html
..... O
ExifPrint .;_ Pictgridge '.....
_For Your Safety
Readlnstructions: All the safety and operat ing instructions should be read before the appliance is operated.
Retain Instructions: The safety and operating instructions should be retained Br future
Heed Wernin_s: All warnings on the ap pliance and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.
Follow Instructions: All operating and use instructions should be followed
Power Sources: This video product should be
operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are
not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your appliance dealer or local power company For video products intend
ed to operate flom battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions
Grounding or Polarization: This video product is equipped with a polarized alternating current line plug (a plug having one blade
wider than the other) This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way This is a safety feature If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your
electrician to replace your obsolete outlet
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the po larized plug
Alternate Warnings: This video product is
equipped with a three wire grounding type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) pin
This plug will only fit into a grounding type
power outlet This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obso lete outlet Do not defeat the safety puq)ose
of the grounding type plug
Overloading: Do not overload wall outlets and
extension cords as this can result in a risk of
fire or electric shock
Ventilation: Slots and openings in the cabinet
are provided for ventilation, to ensure reliable operation of the video product and to pro
tect it from overheating, and these openings
must not be blocked or covered The open [rigs should never be blocked by placing the
video product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other
similar surface
This video product should not be placed in a
built in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the
manufacturer's instructions have been ad hered to This video product should never be
placed near or over a radiator or heat register
Attachments: Do not use attachments not
recommended by the video product manu
facturer asthey may cause hazards Water and Moisture: Do not use this video
product near water fur example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry
tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming
pool, and the like
Power-Cord Protection: Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed
upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience re ceptades, and the point where they exit from the appliance
Accessories: Do not place this video product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table The video product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the appliance Use only with a
cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recom mended by the manufacturer, or sold with the video product Any mounting of the ap p%nce should follow the manufacturer's in structions, and should use a mounting acces
sory recommended bythe manufacturer
An appliance and cart combination should
be moved with care quick stops, exces
sive furce, and uneven surfaces may cause
the app%nce and cart combination to overturn
Outdoor Antenna Grounding: If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to tlne video product, be sure the antenna or cable
system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built up static charges Section 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSWNFPA No 70, provides information with respect to proper ground
ing of tlne mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna discharge unit, connec tion to grounding electrodes, and require
ments for the grounding electrode
@ound Clamp _ Antenna Lead
"_ _ _rounding
Powvr Servl_ e Grounding E/ectrodeSy£em(NECART (NECFECT/ON
ZO PARTH) 81027)
Power Lines: An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of over head power Nnes or other electric Nght or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits When installing an
outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might
be fatal
Cleaning: Unplug this video product from the wall outlet before cleaning Do riot use Iiq uid cleaners or aerosol deaners Use a damp
cloth for cleaning
Object and Liquid Entry: Never push objects of any kind into this video product through openings as they may touch dangerous volt
age points or short out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the video product
lightning: For added protection for this video product receiver during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for
long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable
system This win prevent damage to the video product due to lighming and power line surges
Servicing: Do not attempt to service this video product yourself asopening or removing coy ors may expose you to dangerous voltage or
other hazards Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel
Damage Requiring Service: Unplug finisvideo product from tlne wall outlet and refer servic ing to qualified service personnel under the BIIowing conditions:
When the power supply cord or plug is damaged.
If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen inlo the video product
If the video product has been exposed to rain or waten
If the video product has been dropped or
the cabinet has been damaged
If the video product does not operate nor
I , _I..... F I
mally follow the operating instructions. Ad iust only those controls that are covered by
the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage arid will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the video
product to its normal operation
When the video product exhibits a distinct change in performance this indicates a
need for service
Replacement Parts: When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician
has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same d/aracteris
tics as the original part. Unauthorized sub stitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards
Safety Check: Upon corn pletion of any service or repairs to this video product, ask the set vice technician to perform safety checks to
determine that the video product is in proper operating condition
;;: ::]_<y
I Safety Notes ]
Make sure that you use your camera correctly Read these safety notes and your OvvrleF_ Monuo/carefully before use
After reading these safety notes, store them in a safe place
I About the Icons ] The icons shown below are used in this document to indicate the
severity of the iniury or damage that can result if the information indicated by the icon is ignored and the product is used incorrectly
as a result
The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of the instruc tions which are to be observed
Filled circles with an exclamation mark indicate an action that must be performed ("Required")
If e problem arises, turn the camera off, remove the battery, end
disconnectand unpluff the ACpower ndapter. Continued use of the camera when it is emitting smoke, is emitting any urlusual
Donotaflowwaterorforeianobiedstoenterthetamera. Ifwater
D_o_s_,,, _ This carl cause a fire or electric shock
Never attempt to chen_e or take apart the camera (never open
_ Failure to observe this precaution can cause fire or
Do,,ot electric shock
Should the case break open as the result of a foflor other atcidem
point of purchase for consultation flonot then_e, heat or unduly twist or pufl the tonnettien tord and
_'_ donotpiece heavy ob.iectson the connection cord. These actions
could damage the cord and cause a fire or electric shock¸ Ifthe cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer¸
[_ Donotpietethetameraonanunstabiesurfate. Thiscancausethe
camera to fall or tip over and cause iniury
Donot touch any metal parts of the tamera durinq a thunderstorm.
_ This can cause an electric shock due to induced current from
the lightning discharge
(_ Do not use the battery except as spedfled. Load the battery as
shown by the indicator
DoDot heat, thanqe ortahe apart the battery. Donot drop orsuhjert
the battery to impacts, Donot store the battery with metallicprod-
@ utts. Anyoftheseactionscancausethebatterytoburstorleak
and cause fire or [niury as a result Useonly the battery or ACDowerndaoters s_edfled for use with this
(_ remora. Do Dot u}e volta_es other ihen the power sopply volta_e
shown, The use of other power sources carl cause a fire
If the battery leeks end fluid qets in contact with Vour eves,skinor dothieq, flush the affected area with clean water end seek medical
Do not use the churner to charge batteries other than those spod- Whenyou are cleaning the camera or you do notplan to use the
batteries can cause the battery to leak fluid, overheat or burst Whencarrying the battery, install it in a diqital camera or keep it
in the hard case, When storing tim battery, keep it in the hard case,
mUD When discarding, coverthe Battery terminals with insulation
Contact with other metallic objects or batteries could cause tile batteryto ignite or burst
Keep memory cards out of the reach of small children, Beca use
don or call an emergency number
fire or electric shock
(_ When charging ends. unplug the charger from the power socket.
Leawng the charger plugged into the power socket can cause
Using a flash too close to e person's eyes map temporarily affect the
(_ _ Take partkular care when photograpNng infants and
young children
Whena memory card is removed,the cardcould come out of theslot
_ Useyourhngertoholditandgent!yreleasethecard.
Injury could result to those struck by the ejected card
Request regular internal testing and cleaning for your camera.
@ Donotusethiscamerainlocatinnsaffectedbyoilfumes, steam, hu-
mid_ordust This carl cause a fire or electric shock
Do not leave this camera in places subject to extremely high temper-
_ atures. Do not leave the camera in locations such as a sealed
"-I vehicle or in direct sunlight This can cause a fire
Keepoutofthereachofsmallchildren, This product could cause
_' injuryin the hands of a child _'_ Do not place heavy objects on the camera. This can cause the
heavy object to tip over or fall and cause injury
Do not move the camer a while the ACpower adapter is still connect-
a fire or electric shock
Do not use the AC power adapter when the plug is damaged or the
plugsochetconnectionisloose. This could cause a fire or electric
Do not coveror _i'_p the came_ or the A Cpower ad_pter in a cinth
(_ orblankot, Thiscancauseheattobuildupanddistortthecas
ing or cause afire
;:: ::]'<y
I The Battery and Power Supply ]
Note: Check the type of battery used in
your camera and read the appropriate
The following describes the proper use of
batteries and how to prolong their life. Incor rect use can shorten batteryliG or cause leak
age, overheating, fire, or explosion
Read this section if your camera uses a rechargeable Li-ion battery.
The battery is not charged at shipment Charge the battery before use Keep the bat tery in its case when not in use
Notes on the Battery
The battery gradually loses its charge when
not in use Charge the battery one or two
days befure use
Battery life can be extended by turning the
camera offwhen not in use
Battery capacity decreases at low tempera tures; a depleted battery may not function at when cold Keep a tully charged spare bat tery in a warm place and exchange as nec
essary, or keep the battery in your pocket or other warm place and insert it in the camera only when shooting Do not place the bat tery in direct contact with hand warmers or other heating devices
Charging the Battery Charge the battery in the supplied battery
charger Charging times will increase at am bient temperatures below +10°C (+SO°F) or above +35°C (+95%) Do not attempt to charge the battery at temperatures above
40°C (+104°F); at temperatures below 0°C
(+32 °F), the battery will not charge
Do not attempt to recharge a fully charged battery The battery does not however need
to be fully discharged before charging
The battery may be warm to the touch imme
diately after charging or use This is normal
Battery life
At normal temperatures, the battery can be
recharged about 300 times A noticeable de crease in the length of time the battery will hold a charge indicates that it has reached
the end of its service life and should be re
Storage Per_rmance may be impaired if the battery is
left unused for extended periods when fully charged Run the battery flat before storing it
Ifthe camera will not be used for an extended period, remove the battery and store it in a
dry place with an ambient temperature of
from +15 °C to +25 °C (+59 °F to +77°F) Do
not store in locations exposed to extremes of
Cautions: Handling the Battery
Do not transport or store with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins
Do not expose to flame or heat
Do not disassemble or modify.
Use with designated chargers only.
Do not drop or subject to strong physical shocks.
Do not expose to water.
Keep the terminals clean.
The battery and camera body may become warm to the touch after extended use This is normal
Read this section if your camera uses AA alkaline or rechargeable AA NiMH bat-
reties. Information on compatible battery types iray be found elsewhere in the camera
Cautions: Handling the Batteries
Do not expose to water, flame, or heat, or store in warm or humid conditions.
Do not transport or store with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.
Do not disassemble or modify the batteries or battery casing.
Do not subject to strong physical shocks
Do not use batteries that are leaking, de formed, or discolored
Keep out of reach of infants and small chil dren.
Insert in the correct orientation
Do not mix old and new batteries, batteries NiMH Bakeries with different charge levels, or batteries of different types.
If the camera will not be used for an extend ed period, remove the batteries Note that
the camera clock will be reset
The batteries may be warm to tile touch immediately after use. Turn the camera
off and allow the batteries to cool before handling
Battery capacity tends to decrease at low temperatures Keep spare batteries in a
pocket or other warm place and exchange as necessary Cold batteries may recover some of their charge when warmed
Fingerprints and other stains on the battery terminals can impair battery performance
Thoroughly clean the terminals with a soft, dry cloth before inserting them in the
Z_ f the batteries leak, clean the battery
compartment thoroughly before in serting new batteries
Z_ If fluid from the battery comes into
contact with skin or clothing, flush the affected area with water fffluid
enters your eyes, immediatelv flush the
affected area with water and seek
medicalattention. Donotrubyoureyes. Failure to observe this precaution could
result in permanent visual impairment
The capacity of Ni MH batteries may be temporarily reduced when new, after long periods of disuse, or if they are repeatedly recharged before being fully discharged This
is normal and does not indicate a malfunc tion Capacity can be increased by repeatedly
discharging the batteries using the discharge option in the camera setup menu and re charging them using a battery charger
(!} (_,IJTION: Do not use the discharge option
with alkaline batteries
The camera draws asmall amount of current even when of! Ni MH batteries that have
been left in the camera for an extended pe riod may be drawn down to the point that they no longer hold a charge Battery perfor
mance may also drop if the batteries are run down in a device such as a flashlight Use the discharge option in the camera setup menu to discharge Ni MH batteries Batteries that no longer hold a charge even after repeat
edly being discharged and recharged have reached the end of their service life and must
be replaced
Ni MH batteries can be recharged in a bat tery charger (sold separately) Batteries may
become warm to the touch after charging. Re6r to the instructions provided with the charger for more information Use the char ger with compatible batteries only
Ni MH batteries gradually lose their charge when not in use
Disposal Dispose of used batteries in accord with local regulations
This section applies to aft camera models.
Use only FUJIFILM AC power adapters desig nated for use with this camera. Other adapt
ers could damage the camera
The AC power adapter is Br indoor use only
Be sure the DC plug is securely connected to the camera
Turn the camera off before disconnecting the adapten Disconnect the adapter by the
plug, not the cable
Do not use with other devices
Do not disassemble
Do not expose to high heat and humidity
Do not subject to strong physical shocks
The adapter may hum or become hot to the toud/during use This is normal
If the adapter causes radio interference,
reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
;:: ::]_<y
Using the Camera ]
Do not aim the camera at extremely bright light sources, such as the sun in a cloudless
sky. Failure to observe this precaution could damage the camera image sensor
Before taking photographs on important occasions (such as at weddings or before taking the camera on a trip), take a test shot and view the result in the LCD monitor to en
sure that the camera is functioning normally
FUJIFEM Corporation can not accept liability for damages or lost profits incurred as a result of product malfunction
Unless intended solely for personal use, imag es recorded using your digital camera system cannot be used in ways that infringe copy
right laws without the consent of the owner
Note that some restrictions apply to the
photographing of stage performances, enter tainments, and exhibits, even when intended
pure]y for personal use Users are also asked to note that the transfer of memory cards
conlaining images or data protected under copyright laws is only permissible within the
restrictions imposed by those copyright ]aws
To ensure that images are recorded correctly, do not subject the camera to impact or physi
cal shocks while images are being recorded
In the event that the LCD monitor is dam aged, care should be taken to avoid contact
with liquid crystal Take the urgent action
indicated should any of the following situa
tions arise:
If liquid crystal comes in contact with your skin, clean the area with a cloth and then wash thoroughly with soap and running water
If liquid crystal enters your eyes, flush the aft footed eye with clean water for at ]east 15
minutes and then seek medical assistance
If liquid crystal is swallowed, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Drink large
quantities of water and induce vomiting, then seek medical assistance
Although the display is manufactured using
extremely high precision technology, it may contain pixels that are always 1it or that do not light This is not a malfunction, and images re corded with the product are unaffected
xO-Picture Cord and ,_ are trademarks of
FUJIFILM Corporation The typefaces included herein are solely developed by DynaComware
Taiwan Inc Macintosh, QuickTime, and Mac
OS are trademarks of Apple Inc in the U.S.A and other countries Windows 7, Windows
Vista, and the Windows logo are trademarks
of the Microsoft group ofcompar@s Adobe and Adobe Reader are either trademarks
or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the USA and/or other
countries The SDHC and SDXC Iogos are trademarks of SD 3C, LLC. The HDMI logo is a trademark YouTube is a trademark of Google
Inc All other trade names mentioned in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks ofthdr respective owners
This camera may interfere with hospital or aviation equipment Consult with hospital or airline staff before using the camera in a hospital or on an aircraft
NTSC (N ational Television System Committee) [s a color television telecasting sl)edflcation adopted mainly [n the USA, Canada, and Japan. PAL (Phases Alternation by Line) is a color television system adopted mainly in
European countries and China
Exif Print is a newly revised digital camera file format in which information stored with pho
tographs is used for optimal color reproduc tion during printing
[ _ead_e%PorC_;Asi"n;"tOh:'_:;_are]
Direct or indirect export, in whole or in part, of licensed software without the permission
of the applicable governing bodies is pro hibited
IMPORTANT:Read this section before using the toponyms includ- Disclaimer of Warranty: FUJIFEM Corporation AND ITS LICENSORS
ed in this product
[ Toponym Data License Agreement ] PersonalUseOnl2L. Y_u agree to use this Data together with this digital
camera Br the solely personal, non commercial purposes for which you were licensed, and not for service bureau, time sharing or other
similar purposes. Accordingly, but subject to the restrictions set forth in the fallowing paragraphs, you m ay copy this Data only as necessary for your personal use to (i) view it, and (ii) save it, provided that you do not remove any copyright notices that appear and do not modify the Data in any way. Yuu agree not to otherwise reproduce, copy, modify,
decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any portion of this Data, and may not transfer or distribute it in any form, for any purpose, ex cept to the extent permitted by mandatory laws Multi disc sets may only be transferred or sold as a complete set as provided by FUJIFILM Corporation and not as a subset thereo[
Restrictiens. Except where you have been specifically licensed to do so by FUJIFILM Corporation, and without limiting the preceding para graph, you may not (a) use this Data with any products, systems, or applications installed or otherwise connected to or in communication with vehicles, capable of vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch, real
time route guidance, fleet management or similar applications; or (b) with or in communication with any positioning devices or any mo bile or wireless connected electronic or computer devices, including without limitation cellular phones, palmtop and handheld computers, pagers, and personal digital assistants or PDAs
WarnincThe Data may contain inaccurate or incomplete information due to the passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic data, any of which may lead to incorrect results
Ne Warrantj_..This Data is provided to you "as is,"and you agree to use it at your own risk EUJIFILM Corporation and its licensors (and their
licensors and suppliers) make no guarantees, representations or war ranties of any kind, express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, content, quality, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, reliability, fitness fur a particular purpose, usefulness, use or results to be obtained from this Data, or that the Data or server
will be uninterrupted or error free
MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON INFRINGEMENT Some States, Territories and Countries do not allow certain warranty exclusions, so to that extent the above exd usion may
not apply to you
Countries do not allow certain liability exclusions or damages limita tions, so to that extent the above may not apply to you
_You agree not to export from anywhere any part of the Data provided to you or any direct product thereof except in compli ante with, and with all licenses and approvals required under, appli
cable export laws, rules and regulations
EntireAqreement. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between EUJIFILM Corporation (and % licensors, indud ing their licensors and suppliers) and you pertaining to the subject
matter hereof, and supersedes in their entirety any and all wdtten or oral agreements previously existing between us with respect to such subject marten
GoverningLaw. The above terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, Netherlands, without giving effect to
(i) its conflict oflaws previsions, or (ii) the United Nations Convention for Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, which is explidtly ex duded. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois, The Netherlands fur any and all disputes, claims and actions arising
from or in connection with the Data provided to you hereunder
Geodetic. The geodetic system used by this device to record latitude and longitude isWGS 84.
_The map data induded in this device are protected under copyright law and except for personal use may not be employed
without the permission of the copyright holder
_This device can not be used for purposes of navigation
LicensedSoftware Copyriqht Holders
(,) 2010 NAVTEG All rights reserved
est) of ZENRIN CO., LTD "POWERED BY ZENRIN" is a trademark of ZENRIN CO,
LTD u_2010 ZENRIN CO, LTD All rights reserved
(o Her Majesty the Queen fn Right of Canada, (,_ Queen's Printer fmr Ontario, © Canada Post Corporation, GeoBase ®, (_ Department of
Natural Resources Canada, ZIP+4 ®, © United States Postal Service ® 2010 the USPS®
Copyright Based on data provided under license from PSMA Australia Limited
(wwvv psmo com ou)
"co EuroGeographics"
The following notice must appear on all copies of the Data, and may also appear on packaging: "source:CO IGN France BD
TOPO®" "Die @undlagendaten wurden mit
Genehmigung der zustandigen BehGrden entnommen"or"Die Grundlagendaten wurden mit Genehmigung der zustaendi gen Behoerden entnommen3
"Based upon Crown Copyright material_' "Copyright Geomatics Ltd,' "Copyright ro 20O3;Tmp Map Ltd" "La Banca Dad Italiana ,3stata prodotta usando quale riferimento anche cartografla
numedca ed al tratto prodotta e fomita dalla Regione Toscana;'
"Copyright co 2000; Norwegian/Viapping Authority"
"lnformaci6n geogr4flca propiedad dd CNIG"
"Based upon electronic data () National
_wi i n_ i "Topog rafls ch e Gru n dla g e: 0 Bu ndes a mt f(_r
Land Survey Sweden"
_About This Manual
Before using the camera, read this manual and the warnings in "ForYour Safe-
ty"(_ ii). For information on specific topics, consult the sources below.
®®,MemoryCards Picturescarl be stored in the camera'sinternal memory or on optional SD,SDHC,and SDXCmemory cards (_ 14),referredto in this manual as"memory cards/'
_quently-Used Buttons
-I_ Todelete a picture, display it full frame and pressthe selector up (_).
the Cameraon in
-k When the camera is
off, playback can be started by pressing the [] button for about a second.
-I_ To return instantly to shooting mode, press the shutter button halfway.
Silent Mode
-I_ Press and hold the DISP/ BACKbutton to disable
camera lights and sounds.
Product Features and Precautions for Use
Water, Dust,and ShockResistance ']) The camera complies with JIS Class 8 water resistance and JIS Class 6 (IP68) dust resistance
standards, and has passed FUJlFILM drop tests (drop height: 1.5 m/4.9 ft.; impact surface: ply- wood, thickness 5 cm/2.0 in.) compliant with MIbSTD 81 OFMethod 516.5: Shock.These results
were obtained through in-house testing and are not a blanket guarantee of water resistance or invulnerability to damage or destruction.The accessories supplied with the camera are not
water resistant.
BeforeUse ':!) The front surface of the camera lens is protected by a sheet of glass. Foreign matter on the
glass will appear in photographs; keep the glass clean at all times.
']) Be sure that the battery-chamber and connector covers are fully latched.The presence of wa-
ter, mud, or sand in the camera could cause malfunction.
']) Do not open or close the battery-chamber or connector cover with wet hands or near water,
for example while on or by a body of water.
']) Be sure the camera is completely dry before inserting or removing batteries or memory cards
or connecting the USB or A/V cable.
']) The camera does not float. Be sure to attach the strap and keep it around your wrist when
using the camera.
':!) Restrict underwater use to depths of 5 m (16 ft.) or less and periods shorter than 120 minutes. ':!) Do not open or close the battery-chamber cover while under water.
']) Do not use in hot springs or heated pools. ':!) Do not dive into water with the camera or otherwise subject it to excessive force.
':!) If the camera isleft on the sand, its temperature may exceed operating limits and sand may
get into the speaker or microphone.
':!) Sunscreen, suntan lotion, or other oily substances may discolor the camera body and should
be removed with a damp cloth.
':!) The camera may lose water resistance if subjected to excessive force or vibration. Consult your
retailer or a FUJIFILM-authorized repair technician.
After Use
':!) Remove any foreign matter from the water-resistant seal and adjacent surfaces. Foreign mat-
ter could damage the seal, lowering water resistance.
':!) After using the camera underwater or in locations where foreign matter might adhere to the
camera body, rinse the camera under the tap or leave it in a basin of flesh water for two to three minutes.
':!) Liquid soaps, detergents, alcohol, and other cleansers may affect water resistance and should
never be used.
':!) After use, remove water droplets and foreign matter with a dry cloth, firmly latch the battery-
chamber cover, and soak the camera in fresh water for about ten minutes. Dry the camera thoroughly after removing it from the water.
Storageand Maintenance
':!'_Do not store at temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) or above 40 °C (104 °F). ':!) To ensure continued water resistance, it is recommended that you have the water-resistant
seal replaced about once a year (afee is charged for this service). Contact your retailer or a FUJIFILM-authorized repair technician for more information.
ColdClimates ':!) Battery performance drops at low temperatures, reducing the number of pictures that can be
taken. Insulate the camera to keep it warm or place it in your clothing.
':!) Use an NP-45A battery. ':!) Display response may slow at low temperatures.This is not a malfunction.
_Table of Contents
ForYourSafety ..................................................................ii
About ThisManual ...........................................................xi
Frequently-UsedButtons ...............................................×ii
Product Featuresand Precautionsfor Use....................xiii
Before You Begin .........
Partsof the Camera..........................................................2
First Steps
Chargingthe Battery ........................................................7
Inserting the Battery anda Memory Card.......................9
Turningthe Cameraon andOff ......................................16
BasicSetup ......................................................................18
Basic Photography and Playback TakingPicturesin _ (SceneRecognition) Mode,,,,,,19
Viewing Pictures.............................................................23
More on Photography
Shooting Mode ................................................................24
RecordingGPSDatawith Pictures.................................29
[] Intelligent FaceDetection.......................................32
[] ExposureCompensation..........................................35
MacroMode (Close-ups)...........................................36
._Usingthe Flash(Intelligent Flash)............................37
Usingthe Self-Timer.................................................39
i_i:_ie of Contents
More on Playback
-k Favorites:RatingPictures.........................................40
[] Deleting Pictures......................................................43
[] ImageSearch............................................................44
[] PhotoBookAssist......................................................45
Creatinga PhotoBook.....................................................45
Viewing Panoramas........................................................47
Viewing Movies...............................................................50
Viewing Pictureson TV...................................................51
Printing Picturesvia USB................................................52
Printingthe DPOFPrintOrder.........................................54
Viewing Pictureson aComputer....................................56
Connectingthe Camera..................................................60
Usingthe Menus:Shooting Mode..................................63
Usingthe ShootingMenu...............................................63
[] %OOT[NGMODE....................................................63
[] ISO........................................................................64
[] IMAGESEE............................................................65
[] IMAGEQUALIFY.....................................................66
[] FINEPIXdOLOR.......................................................66
[] WHITEBALANCE....................................................67
[] CONTINUOUS.........................................................68
[] FACEDETECTDN.....................................................68
[] AFMODE...............................................................69
[] MOVEQUALIFY.....................................................69
[] LEDILLUMINATOR...................................................69
Usingthe Menus:PlaybackMode..................................70
Usingthe PlaybackMenu...............................................70
[] PHOTOBOOKASSIST................................................70
[] PHOTONAViGATiON................................................71
[] iMAGESEARCH......................................................71
[] ERASE...................................................................71
[] EDIT......................................................................72
[] MARKFORUPLOADTO............................................73
[] SLIDESHOW..........................................................74
D REDEYEREMOVAL.................................................7S
[] PROTECT................................................................75
[] CROP..................................................................... 76
[] RESIZE...................................................................76
[] IMAGEROTATE.......................................................77
[] COPY.....................................................................77
[] TRANSITION...........................................................78
!_1 MOVIETRIMMING...................................................78
[] MOVIEJOIN...........................................................79
[] PRINTORDER(DPOF)..............................................79
_,_be _Co_ ents
[] DATE/TIME.............................................................81
[] TiMEDIFFERENCE...................................................81
[] _tLANG .......................................................81
[] SILENTMODE.........................................................81
[] RESET....................................................................82
[] FORMAT................................................................82
[] LOCATIONSEARCH..................................................82
[] LOCATIONINFO.......................................................82
[] TRACKINGDATA......................................................83
[] Km/mile................................................................83
[] IMAGEDISP...........................................................83
[] FRAMENO.............................................................84
[] OPERATIONVOh......................................................85
[] SHUTTERVOLUME..................................................85
[] SOUND..................................................................85
[] PLAYBACKVOLUME................................................85
[] LdDBRIGHTNESS....................................................85
[] LdDMODE.............................................................86
[] AUTOPOWEROFF...................................................86
[] DUALISMODE.......................................................86
D REDEYEREMOVAL.................................................86
[] DIGITALZOOM.......................................................87
[] SAVE0%IMAGE....................................................87
[] GUIDANCEDISPLAY................................................87
i_bie of Co_ter_ts
Technical Notes
Accessoriesfrom FUJIFILM..............................................90
Caringfor the Camera.....................................................91
Problemsand Solutions..................................................93
WarningMessagesand Displays....................................99
Internal Memory/Memory CardCapacity....................106
_ymbols and Conventions
The following symbols are used in this manual:
(D:This information should be read before use to ensure correct operation. _, :Additional information that may be helpful when using the camera.
_: Other pages in this manual on which related information may be found.
Menus and other text in the LCD monitor are shown in bold. In the illustra-
tions in this manual, displays may be simplified for explanatory purposes.
_p_plied Accessories
Thefollowing items are included with the camera:
NP-45A rechargeab/e 80458 battery charger
%_ Attach ngthe Strap
Attach tile strap as shown.
USBcable CD-ROM (contains
this manual)
_Parts of the Camera
For more information, refer to the page listed to the right of each item.
(_) (2; ¢3....
l ij _' 49 ,;5_
Move cursorup
[] (exposurecompensation)button (35)
(delete)button (xii) button
Movecursorleft Movecursorright
(macro)button (_ 36) ,_ (flash)button (37)
Movecursordown ]Q (selfltimer)button (39)
2 :_f /
:>a' s ¸_i_, _ia" _,'a
_Zoom control ...........................................................20,41 _ Indicatorlamp(seebelow)
Shutter button..............................................................21 _ Strapeyelet....................................................................1
_ON/OFF button.............................................................16 _ Battery-chambercoverlatch...................................10,13
Flash.............................................................................37 _ Connectorcoverlatch........................................51,52, 60
_Self-timer lamp ............................................................39 _ DISP(display)/BACKbutton .....................................6,18
LEDilluminator.............................................................69 ')_.(silent mode)button*..............................................xii
Built-in GPSantenna....................................................29 _ [] (playback)button...................................................23
(-} (movierecording)button........................................48
_PressandholdtheDISP/BACKbuttonuntil1_ isdisplayed.
_ Memorycardslot..........................................................11
_ The Indicator Lamp
The indicator lamp shows camerastatusasfollows:
Indicator lamp Glows green
Blinks green
Blinks green and orange
Glows orange
Blinks orange
Blinks red
s _ . M
: <:> 3
Focus locked. Blur, focus, or exposure warning. Picture can be taken.
Recording pictures. Additional pictures can be taken. Recording pictures. No additional pictures can be taken at this time.
Flash charging; flash will not fire when picture is taken. Lens or memory error.
The following types of indicator may be displayed during shooting and play-
back. Indicators vary with camera settings.
Numberof availableframes........................................106
Imagesizeandquality .............................................65,66
_ll_: indicatesthat nomemorycardisinsertedandthatpictureswill bestoredinthecameraginternalmemory(11).
White balance...............................................................67
Dateandtime ...............................................................18
Focuswarning .........................................................21,99
Self-timer indicator......................................................39
Intelligent FaceDetectionindicator.........................32,75
_ []_ _s %o|
|1213112050 10:00 AN
1/250 F4.5 [_ -1 _ _,,d
Battery Level
Battery level is shown as follows:
Indicator Description
(white) Battery partially discharged. (white) Battery more than half discharged.
(red) Low battery. Charge as soon as possible.
binksred Battery exhausted. Turn camera off and charge battery.
Silentmodeindicator................................................3, 81
DPOFprint indicator.....................................................54
i:>;i!/i"t S 0 _ t }l e (i]a _IA_!!_a
PressDISP/BACKto cycle through shooting and playback indicators asfollows:
Shooting:Indicators displayed/indicators hidden/best framing
Playback:Indicators displayed/indicators hidden/-k favorites
6 "/
_ging the Battery
The battery is not charged at shipment. Chargethe battery before use.
1 Place the battery in the supplied battery charger.
Insert the battery in the orientation
Tile camera usesan NP-45Arecharge-{+.',@
indicated bythe (q-}(T_}(---} labels. Bottery _Arrow
ablebattery, label
2 Plug the charger in. Botterychorger [ _'@(-} lobe/
Plug the charger into a power outlet. The charging indicator will light.
®@TheChargingIndicator The charging indicator shows battery charge status asfollows:
Chargingindicator Battery status I Action
Off Battery not inserted. I Insert the battery.
On (green) Battery fully charged. I Remove the battery.
On (yellow) Battery charging.
Blinks (yellow) Battery fau t. Unplug the charger and remove the battery.
3 Charge the battery,
Remove the battery when charging is complete. See the specifications (_ 111) for charging times (note that charging times increase at low tem- peratures).
<J>Unplug the charger when it is not in use.
8 {st Steins
_lnsertinq the Battery and a Memory Card
Although the camera can store pictures in internal memory, optional SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards (sold separately) can be used to store addi- tional pictures. After charging the battery, insert the battery and memory
card as described below.
I Open the battery-chamber cover.
Pressthe latch as shown.
Be sure tile camera isoff before opening tile battery-chamber cover.
(!>Do not open the battery-chamber cover
when tile camera ison. Failureto observe this
precaution could result in damage to image filesor memory cards. (!>Do not use excessiveforce when handling the battery-chamber cover. (!>Removewater droplets and other foreign matter with a dry cloth before open-
ing tile battery-chamber cover.
B_4 e_y a c _, {ac
2 Insert the battery.
Insert the battery with the terminal first and in the orientation shown by the label inside
the battery chamber, keeping the battery
latch pressed to one side. Confirm that the battery issecurely latched.
(!>Insert the battery in the correct orientation.
DONOTuseforce or attempt to insert the bat-
tery upside down or backwards. The battery
will slidein easily in the correct orientation. Lobe/
Bottery Iotch
3 Insert the memory card,
Holding the memory card in the orientation
shown at right, slide it in until it clicks into
place at the back of the slot. (!>Be sure card is in tile correct orientation; do
not insert at an angleor useforce. If the mem-
ory card is not correctly inserted or no mem-
ory card is inserted, _ will appear in the LCD
monitor and internal memory will be usedfor
recording and playback. (!} SD/SDHC/SDXCmemory cards carl be locked,
making it impossible to format the card or to
record or delete images. Beforeinserting an
SD/SDHC/SDXCmemory card,slidetile write-
protect switch to tile unlocked position.
Write-protect switch
4 Close the battery-chamber cover.
Before closing the cover, check to confirm
that there is no dust, sand, or other foreign
matter on the water-resistant seal or ad)a- cent surfaces.
®_ ConfirmingThattheCoverIsLatched
Confirm that tile battery<hamber or connector cover does not protrude from the camera body.
Tile covers are latched when tile latches are in tile positions shown below at left.
Latch indicator
72 :: st', _::
+ 102 hidden pages