CR-IR 357
Service Manual
11.10.2005 FM4750
How to Use Service
Parts List
● Handling RANK characters (parts
that a r e ha n d l e d i n a sp e c i a l
manner during parts operation,
such as replacement)
Character Under Warranty Out of Warranty
Must be returned.
Must be returned.
(We use for
Not repairable
Must Not be
part. Not
applicable for
free of charge.)
Not repairable
R, Q, T
Must Not be
Not repairable
● Exp o r t re g u l a t i o n -a p p l i c a b l e
character(Parts without the following
character are not controlled by Export
P a r t s a p p l i c a b l e to e x p o r t
● Fa ult R AN K c ha r act ers ( whi ch
provide reference for determining the
recom-mended stock quantity)
All parts are assigned either A through E.
Consumable parts or parts
that will be replaced at short
Parts that may become faulty
accidentally and have a relatively
high failure rate.
Parts that have a sufficiently long
MTBF, but are expected to have
a relatively high failure rate.
Parts that have a sufficiently
long MTBF, but are expected to
become faulty.
Parts that are necessary for fault
analysis, or parts that may be
needed in case of unexpected
accidents such as man-induced
<The RANK guide>
The Fault RANK characters, Handling RANK
characters, and Export regulation-applicable
character are assigned in that order.
Thus, at least one character or up to three
cha rac t ers a re as s ign ed in t he RA N K
REF. NO. is a parts number indicated in the
Service Parts Exploded Views. For parts
having different functions, they are clearly
distinguished in the REMARKS and SERIAL
NUMBER columns.
PART NUMBER is a code number that is
unique to each part. An alphabetic letter at
the right-most position of the code number
has the following meaning.
○ For hardware
The alphabet denotes the version number
of a part. If parts have different version
numbers, they are upward-compatible.
○ For software
The alphabet denotes a difference in the
specifications. Parts differing in the suffix are
not compatible with each other. Although
the version is indicated by a number, it is
PART NAME represents a general name of
a part.
■ QTY.
○ QTY. denotes the quantity of parts used
in each unit.
○ A parts with -S assigned to the end of
the quantity represents a small part that is
shipped in packs of 50. (Even if such a part
is ordered in quantity of 1, a pack containing
50 pieces of that part is supplied.)
The REMARKS column indicates a unique
name of a part or its relevant information of
The u ni t s ma y co nta in di ffer ent p ar ts
depending on their shipment control number.
SERIAL NUMBER indicates the shipment
control number to which the relevant parts
are applicable. If the SERIAL NUMBER
column is blank, the parts are applicable to
all the relevant units. The shipment control
number is represented by lower five digits
of eight-digit number indicated on the rating
indication label.
Th e " RE F ER TO " c o l u mn sho w s th e
reference sections concerning the registered
parts whose removal/installation procedures
are set forth in the "Check, Replacement,
and Adjustment" volume (MC).
As regards the parts whose information is
set forth in the "Check, Replacement, and
Adjustment" volume (MC), the associated
information about screws, E-rings, and the
like is not presented within parts illustrations.
To confirm the information about screws,
E-rings, and the like, refer to the "Check,
Replacement, and Adjustment" volume
■ Quantities of recommended spare
It is recommended as a rough guide to hold
in stock a certain quantity of parts according
to the rank (A, B, C, D, E) assigned to the
parts,as follows. For periodically replaced
pa r ts ,h o ld th e m in s t oc k s e pa r a t el y.
Adjust the stock quantity of service parts
depending on the number of working units
Quantity used in a single system : Q
○ N = 1
Rank A = 1 + Q × 0.3
Rank C = 1 + Q × 0.05
Rank D = 1 + Q × 0.02
○ 2 ≦ N ≦ 10
Rank A = 2 + N × Q × 0.3
Rank C = 2 + N × Q × 0.05
Rank D = 2 + N × Q × 0.02
○ 11 ≦ N ≦ 300
Rank A = 3 + N × Q × 0.3
Rank C = 3 + N × Q × 0.05
Rank D = 2 +
N × Q × 0.02
■ Precautions to be Observed When
Returning Parts in Need of Repair
When returning a component in need of
repair, pack it in the same manner as for the
supplied substitute, using the substitute
packing materials.
The use of different packing materials or
packing methods may incur damage to
packed component during transit.