PXR Series
Advanced Self-Tuning Temperature and Process Controllers
The new PXR series controllers are the newest additions to Fuji Electric’s trusted
line of temperature and process controllers. They are now packed with more
features and options than before, and the new low price is unbeatable.
Key Features
Key Features
• Description
• PID with fuzzy control of self-tuning
• 16 Ramp/soak segments
• Large LED display
• Digital input
• Auto-tune
• Timer function
• Heater burnout alarm
• Replaces most other controllers
in market
• Excellent for after-market support
They come in several sizes – 1/32 DIN, 1/16
DIN, 1/8 DIN and 1/4 DIN. These controllers
have all the standard features that you expect
from Fuji Electric’s superior controllers, and
more. In addition to auto-tuning and fuzzy
control, it now comes with self-tuning — an
innovation in the control field. It automatically
retunes the controller under certain conditions,
without the need to revert to auto-tuning. The
standard 8-segment ramp/soak feature has
been expanded to include two patterns that
can be linked to create a 16-step profile. The
PXR accepts temperature and process inputs
and offers a choice of three kinds of outputs
to meet a wide variety of needs in the process
industries. Low-cost options include dual
outputs, programmable alarms, remote setpoint,
RS485 communications, analog retransmission,
digital input, timer function, heater burnout
alarm and 24V AC/DC supply voltage.
One of the most impressive features is the
large LED display. The faceplate, designed for
NEMA 4X (IP66 equivalent) is watertight and
corrosion-resistant. The easy-to-use 3-button
keypad allows for programming similar to the
popular PXW controller. The screw-terminal
on the back further reduces the cost by
eliminating the need for sockets. The PXR3 can
be DIN-rail mounted with the optional adapter.
Remote monitoring of up to 31 controllers
at a time is possible with the RS485 option
that uses the industry-standard Modbus
protocol. The communications option comes
with our free Windows
. The software allows you to
-based software,
program the controller from the PC and view
real-time data and trend graph while logging
the data into a text file.
A powerful tool for the OEM customer is the
Program Loader option with Windows
software. Programs for different applications
can be saved to and from the controller.
• Advanced control functions PID Plus
Self Tuning; PID Plus Fuzzy Control; Autotuning
• NEMA 4X faceplate with large LED
display 4-digit, red and green display;
Waterproof faceplate conforms to NEMA4X/IP66
• Multiple inputs Choose between thermo-
couple/RTD and 4-20mA/0-5V inputs
• Single or dual control outputs Relay,
SSR driver or 4-20mA
• Ramp/soak function Up to 16 ramp/
soak segments or two 8-segment patterns,
a standard feature
• Programmable alarms option
2 programmable SPST relays with On/Off
delay function
• Remote setpoint option Change
setpoint with a 1-5V signal
• Analog retransmission option
4-20mA retransmission of PV, SV, MV, DV
• Digital input option Change between
2 setpoints; Change between ramp/soak
and standby; Start/reset the ramp/soak;
Start/stop the auto tuning; Cancel the
alarm latch; Start the incorporated timer
• Timer function On-delay or off-delay
timer activated with digital input; Up to 2
timer outputs can be obtained
• Heater burnout alarm option If heater
burns out, alarm goes off
• Communications option RS485
(ModbusTM protocol) interface permits
remote monitoring of up to 31 units from
a PC. Comes with free Windows®-based
software, PXR-LITE
• Warranty Manufactured in a ISO 9001
facility and backed by a 3-year warranty
Information subject to change without notice. Prices in USD. 5-02

General Specifications
Power supply voltage 100 (-15%) to 240V
(+10%) AC, 50/60Hz; 24V (±10%) AC/DC
Power consumption PXR3: 6VA (100 V
AC), 8VA (220V, 24V). PXR4: 8VA (100V),
10VA (220V), 12VA (24V). PXR5, 9: 10VA
(100V), 12VA (220V, 24V)
Reference junction compensation
accuracy ±1°C at 23°C
Input signal Thermocouple: J, K, R, B, S, T,
E, N, PL2. RTD: Pt100. Voltage, current. For
1 to 5V/4 to 20 mA DC, 0 to 5V/0 to 20 mA
DC, use 250 ohm shunt resister included
Input filter 0 to 900.0 sec set in 0.5 sec steps
Burnout For thermocouple or RTD input,
control output direction (upper or lower) is
Control Function
Control action On/Off; PID control (with
auto-tuning, self-tuning); Fuzzy Control
(with auto-tuning)
Proportional band (P) 0 to 999.9% of
measuring range set in 0.1% steps
Integral time (l) 0 to 3200 sec set in 1 sec
Differential time (D) 0 to 999.9 sec set in
1 sec steps
Proportional cycle 1 to 150 sec set in
1 sec steps
Hysteresis width 0 to 50% of measuring
range; For on/off action only
Input sampling cycle 0.5 sec
Program Loader Interface
The Program Loader for Fuji Electric’s PX
and PXR series controllers is a powerful
tool for the OEM customer. Using the PXR4
er Assembly, the controller can be
configured from a PC running on Windows
PXR LITE Communications Software
• Retrieve or store controller data
• Selectively mask or unmask parameters
for viewing on the controller
• Clone settings to other controllers from
saved files
• Print data report
Control Output 1 (select one)
Relay contact PXR4, 5, 9: SPDT, 220 V
AC/30 V DC, 3A (resistive load). PXR3:
SPST contact, 220 V AC/30 V DC, 3A
(resistive load)
SSR PXR4, 5, 9: ON–17 to 25 V DC; OFF–0.5
V DC or less. PXR3: 12 to 16 V DC. Max.
current: 20mA or less
4 to 20 mA DC PXR4, 5, 9: Allowable load
resistance 600 ohms or less. PXR3: 100 to
500 ohms
PXR-LITETM is free Windows®-based software that is supplied with the communications
Control Output 2 (Heating/
Cooling Control) (select one)
Relay contact SPST, 220 V AC/30 V DC, 3A
(resistive load)
SSR PXR4, 5, 9: ON–17 to 25 V DC; OFF–0.5
option on a PXR controller. It is the latest in
control and monitoring of Fuji Electric’s PXR
series controllers. It provides continuous
remote monitoring of single or multiple con-
trollers using a single half-duplex RS485 line.
V DC or less. PXR3: 12 to 16 V DC. Max.
current: 20mA or less
4 to 20 mA DC PXR4, 5, 9: Allowable load
resistance 600 ohms or less. PXR3: 100 to
500 ohms
Information subject to change without notice. Prices in USD. 5-02
• Monitor and control up to 31 controllers
from a PC via RS485-RS232 signal converter
• Real-time charting and data-logging
• Remote setpoint adjustment
• Set control modes, alarms and other
control parameters
• Remote auto-tuning and ramp-soak
• Live display of process and setpoint
values, alarm annunciators
• View single-station or multi-station data
• Comprehensive help file included
• Runs on Windows environment, version
3.1 or later