The mains is normal and UPS
is operated normally.
Sounding every 10 seconds
Power failure occurs and UPS
is on battery mode.
Line-interactive UPS
ECO 400VA~800VA
Installation & Operation
1. Inspection
The following items are inside the box:
●UPS unit & User manual
• Remove the UPS from its package and inspect it for damage that
may have occurred during shipping. If any damage is discovered,
re-pack the unit and return it to the place of purchase.
2. Connect to Utility Power
• Connect AC power cord to utility power. Then, the UPS will start
to charge inside battery. For best result, charge the battery for 6
hours prior to initial use.
3. Connect Modem/Phone Line/Network(only for
the model with RJ 11/45 port)
• This UPS protects a single line (1 in/1 out) phone, modem, or fax
machine from surges when connected through the UPS. Plug in
conning Internet line into the “IN” socket. Use one more Internet
line cable in the “OUT” socket and plug one other end to the
modem input socket.
4. Plug in Equipment
• Plug your equipment to Battery Backup Outlets on the rear panel
of the UPS.
NOTE: Make sure that the UPS is powered on to protect all
important devices from data loss during power failure.
CAUTION: NEVER connect a laser printer or scanner to the
battery backup outlets of UPS. The equipment may draw
significantly power to overload the UPS.
5. Connect Com. Port and Install Software(only
for the model with USB com. port)
• Connect one end of the USB cable to PC and the other to the
USB port at the rear of the UPS.
Product Overview
Operation & Function
1. Turn On the UPS
To turn on the UPS unit, press the power switch lightly. Then, the
LED will light up.
2. Turn Off the UPS
To turn off the UPS unit, press the power switch again. Then, the
LED will go off.
3. Cold Start Function
When the UPS is off and there is no power utility, it's still possible to
cold start the UPS unit to power the loads.
LED Indicator:
●LED on ○ LED Off ★ LED flashing
The unit can be mounted to a wall surface.
1. Use a ruler to draw a straight line in 222 mm
horizontally on the wall. (see chart 1)
2. Use a sharp nail to puncture the center of the two
ends to mark the wall.
3. Mount the unit by positioning the key-hole slots
over the mounting nails. (see chart 2)
1: Power switch with status indicator
2: Modem/Phone line/Network surge protection
3: AC input
4: Circuit breaker
5: Battery backup outlets (Schuko*3~4, Universal*3, UK*3, NEMA*4~5)
6: Options* USB com. port / USB charger
*This option is not available for the selection of 4 x schuko
Chart 1 Chart 2
Placement & Storage
Install the UPS in a protected area that is free of excessive dust
and has adequate air flow. Place the UPS away from other units at least
20 cm to avoid interference. For best performance, keep the indoor
temperature between 0° C and 40° C.
All connected equipment should be turned off, then disconnect from
the UPS to avoid battery drain. Unplug the UPS from the wall outlet.
Then turn off the UPS for storage. Store the UPS unit covered and
upright in environments where the ambient temperature is -20° C to 50°
C with its battery fully charged.
Press the power switch again to
turn on the UPS.
Battery voltage
is too low.
Charge the battery at least 6
always on
battery mode.
Please check
the fault code
for the details.
Please check the fault code for
the details.
Battery voltage
is too low.
Charge the battery at least 6
Remove some unnecessary
loads. Before reconnecting
equipment, please verify that the
load matches the UPS capability
specified in the specs.
Replace the battery.
Output Voltage
4 hours recover to 90% capacity
0-90% RH @ 0-40°C non-condensing)
Line-interactive UPS
ECO 400VA~800VA
Safety caution
This manual contains important instructions that
should be followed during installation and
maintenance of the UPS and batteries.
• This UPS utilizes voltage that may be hazardous. Do not attempt
to disassemble the unit. The unit contains no user replaceable
parts. Only factory service personnel may perform repairs.
• This pluggable type A equipment with battery already installed by
the supplier is operator installable and may be operated by
• The mains socket outlet that supplies the UPS shall be installed
near the UPS and shall be easily accessible.
• During the installation of this equipment it should be assured that
the sum of the leakage currents of the UPS and the connected
loads does not exceed 3.5mA.
• Connection to any other type of receptacle other than a two-pole,
three-wire grounded receptacle may result in shock hazard as
well as violate local electrical codes.
• In the event of an emergency, press the "OFF" button and
disconnect the power cord from the AC power supply to properly
disable the UPS.
• Do not allow any liquids or any foreign object to enter the UPS.
• Do not place beverages or any other liquid-containing vessels on
or near the unit.
• This unit intended for installation in a controlled environment
(temperature controlled, indoor area free of conductive
contaminants). Avoid installing the UPS in locations where there
is standing or running water, or excessive humidity.
• Do not plug the UPS input into its own output.
• Do not attach a power strip or surge suppressor to the UPS.
• Do not attach non-computer-related items, such as medical
equipment, life-support equipment, microwave ovens, or vacuum
cleaners to UPS.
• Do not dispose of batteries in a fire as they may explode.
• A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short
circuit current. The following precautions should be observed
when working on batteries:
1) Remove watches, rings, or other metal objects from the hands.
2) Use tools with insulated handles.
3) Wear rubber gloves and boots.
4) Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of batteries.
5) Disconnect charging source prior to connecting or
disconnecting batteries terminal.
6) Remove battery grounds during installation and maintenance to
reduce likelihood of shock.
• Internal battery voltage is 12VDC.Sealed, lead-acid, 6-cell battery.
• Servicing of batteries should be performed or supervised by
personnel knowledgeable of batteries and the required
precautions. Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries.
• When replacing batteries, replace with the same number and type
of sealed lead-acid battery.
• Do not open or mutilate the battery or batteries. Release
electrolyte is harmful to the skin and eyes. It may be toxic.
• Attention, hazardous through electric shock. Also with dis-
connection of this unit from the mains, hazardous voltage still may
be accessible through supply from battery. The battery supply
should be therefore disconnected in the plus and minus pole at
the connectors of the battery when maintenance or service work
inside the UPS is necessary.
• To reduce the risk of overheating the UPS, do not cover the UPS'
cooling vents and avoid exposing the unit to direct sunlight or
installing the unit near heat emitting appliances such as space
heater or furnaces.
• Unplug the UPS prior to cleaning and do not use liquid or spray
If any abnormal situations occur that are not listed above, please
call for service immediately.
*Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Placement & Storage
Install the UPS in a protected area that is free of excessive dust
and has adequate air flow. Place the UPS away from other units at least
20 cm to avoid interference. For best performance, keep the indoor
temperature between 0°C and 40°C.
All connected equipment should be turned off, then disconnect from
the UPS to avoid battery drain. Unplug the UPS from the wall outlet.
Then turn off the UPS for storage. Store the UPS unit covered and
upright in environments where the ambient temperature is -20°C to 50°C
with its battery fully charged.
Síť je normální a UPS je
provozována normálně.
Došlo k výpadku napájení a
UPS je v režimu baterie.
Pohotovostní UPS
ECO 400VA~800VA
Instalace a provoz
1. Kontrola
Uvnitř balení jsou následující položky:
●Jednotka UPS & Návod k použití
• Vyjměte jednotku UPS z obalu a zkontrolujte, zda během
doručování nedošlo k poškození. Zjistíte -li poškození, jednotku
znovu zabalte a vraťte v místě zakoupení.
2. Připojení k elektrické zásuvce
• Připojte síťový napájecí kabel k elektrické zásuvce. Poté začne
jednotka UPS nabíjet vnitřní akumulátor. Pro dosažení
optimálního výsledku nechte akumulátor před prvním použitím
nabíjet 6 hodin.
3. Připojte modem / telefonní linku / síť (pouze u
modelu s portem RJ 11/45)
• Tato jednotka UPS chrání telefon, modem nebo faxový přístroj s
jednou linkou (1 vstup / 1 výstup) před přepětím při připojení přes
UPS. Připojte internetovou linku do zásuvky „IN“. Do zásuvky
„OUT“ použijte ještě jeden kabel pro připojení k síti Internet a
druhý konec zapojte do vstupní zásuvky modemu.
4. Připojení vybavení
• Připojte zařízení k zásuvkám pro zálohování baterií na zadním
panelu UPS.
POZNÁ MKA: Ujistěte se, že je UPS zapnutá, aby byla chráněna
všechna důležitá zařízení před ztrátou dat při výpadku napájení.
UPOZORNĚNÍ: V ŽÁDNÉM PŘÍPADĚ nepřipojujte laserovou
tiskárnu nebo skener k zásuvkám záložního napájení z
akumulátoru jednotky UPS. Toto vybavení může odebírat značný
výkon a přetížit jednotku UPS.
5. Připojte Com. Port a Install Software (pouze
pro model s USB portem)
• Připojte jeden konec USB kabelu k PC a druhý do USB portu na
zadní straně UPS.
Zadní panel
Provozní zobrazení
1. Zapněte UPS
Jednotku UPS zapnete lehkým stisknutím vypínače. Poté se
rozsvítí LED.
2. Vypněte UPS
Chcete-li jednotku UPS vypnout, znovu stiskněte vypínač. Potom
LED dioda zhasne.
3. Funkce studeného startu
Když je UPS vypnutý a není k dispozici žádný napájecí zdroj, je
stále možné studený start jednotky UPS pro napájení zátěží.
Kontrolka LED:
●LED on ○ LED Off ★ LED bliká
Jednotku lze namontovat na povrch stěny.
1. Pomocí pravítka nakreslete rovnou čáru ve 222
mm vodorovně na stěnu. (viz graf 1)
2. Použijte ostrý hřebík k propíchnutí středu obou
konců, abyste označili stěnu.
3. Namontujte jednotku tak, že umístíte drážky na
klíč na montážní hřebíky. (viz graf 2)
1: Vypínač napájení se stavovým indikátorem
2: Modem / Telefonní linka / Přepěťová ochrana sítě
3: Vstup AC
4: Jistič
5: Zásuvky pro zálohování baterie (Schuko*3~4, Universal*3, UK*3,
6: Možnosti * USB com. port / USB
* Tato volba není k dispozici pro výběr 4 x schuko
Chart 1 Chart 2
Umístění a skladování
UPS instalujte do chráněného prostoru bez nadměrného prachu a
dostatečného proudění vzduchu. Umístěte UPS mimo dosah dalších 20
cm, aby nedošlo k rušení. Pro dosažení nejlepšího výkonu udržujte
vnitřní teplotu mezi 0 ° C a 40 ° C.
Úložný prostor:
Všechna připojená zařízení by měla být vypnuta, poté odpojte od UPS,
aby nedošlo k vybití baterie. Odpojte napájecí kabel ze zásuvky. Poté
UPS vypněte pro uložení. Udržujte jednotku UPS zakrytou a vzpřímenou
v prostředích, kde je okolní teplota -20 ° C až 50 ° C s plně nabitou