The MōVI Controller comes with a Receiver already bound to it and ready for communication with a MoVI. This MōVI Controller and Receiver form a bound pair. Only
that specific MōVI Controller can control that Receiver. However, it is possible to rebind the Receiver to a new MōVI Controller, or bind new Receivers to a single MōVI
Controller for working with multiple MōVI systems.
Ensure that the MōVI Controller and Receiver are both set to the same channel, or both set to auto-select (Channel 0)
Set the channel in Radio Config::Channel on the MōVI Controller.
Apply changes with Radio Config::Radio Action::Write.
Select the same channel on the Channel Switch at the Receiver.
Select a Device Group. Binding is specific to a Device Group; the receiver is joing the chosen group. See Radio Config menu description for more info.
Set the Device Group in Radio Config::Device Group.
Apply changes with Radio Config::Radio Action::Write.
Initiate Bind Mode on the MōVI Controller Receiver.
Press and hold the Bind button on the Receiver for at least two seconds. The Status LED will be fast-flashing orange to indicate the Bind Mode is active and it
is seeking a MōVI Controller with which to bind.
After a few seconds, the Status LED will change to slow-flashing orange to indicate that a MōVI Controller has been detected and the Receiver is requesting
permission to bind. A slow-flashing red Status LED at this point indicates that no MōVI Controller was detected.
Initiate Bind Mode on the MōVI Controller.
Allow the Receiver to bind by starting Bind Mode on the MōVI Controller with Radio Config::Radio Action::Bind.
After a few seconds, the Receiver will indicate successful binding with a solid green Status LED. A solid red Status LED indicates a bind failure.
Following a bind, the receiver will reset. During this time the Status LED will return to flashing green momentarily as the connection starts. After a few seconds,
the MōVI will be connected.
The receiver Status LED will return to solid green to indicate that it is receiving control data from the MōVI Controller.
The MoVI Controller will display a connection icon () and display MōVI battery voltage in the Status Bar to indicate that is is receiving data
from the MōVI.
If the bind process fails, try repeating Steps 1-5. For further troubleshooting steps, refer to the Troubleshooting section.