Key Guide
Builds words from letters.
Clears to “Ready for word”.
Shows Confusables
Makes an entry .
Shows the games.
Shows help messages.
Turns the product on or off.
Shows the game score.
Erases typed characters.
Types an apostrophe or scrolls.
Types a full stop or scrolls.
Types a space.
Finds a letter or reveals game
Finds prefixes and suffixes .
Getting Started
The first time you use this product, follow
these steps.
1. Press ON/OFF.
A brief demonstration appears.
2. Press CLEAR to stop the demo.
“Ready for word” appears.
3. Press
the screen contrast.
You can adjust the contrast only at
“Ready for word”.
✓ Disabling the Demonstration
You probably do not want to view the
demonstration every time you turn on
this product. To disable the demonstration, type “✽✽d” and then press ENTER.
To enable it, do the same.
✓ Help is at Hand
At almost any screen, you can view an
appropriate help message by pressing
HELP. To exit help, press ENTER.
or repeatedly to adjust
Correcting Spellings
It’s easy to correct or chec k your spellings .
When you spell a word correctly, an
asterisk appears beside it.
1. Type a word.
To erase a letter, press .
2. Press ENTER.
3. Press to view more words.
4. Press CLEAR when finished.
✓ Follow the Arrows
The arrows at the right of the screen
show which arrow keys you can press to
view more words.
Viewing Confusables
Confusables are commonly confused words.
When you see a question mark to the left of a
word, that word has Confusables.
1. Type “air”. Then press ENTER.
2. Press CONF.
3. Press to view more Confusables.
4. Press CLEAR.
✓ Quick Confusables
If you know that a word has Confusables, press CONF rather than ENTER
after typing it.