This high quality Franke sink is a heavy gauge, type 304 (18/10), surgical grade, stainless steel for maximum
durability - 18% chromium (for shine) and 10% nickel (for rust resistance). Stainless steel is an extremely durable
surface; it can, however, be scratched or scuffed. When scuffing does occur, please remember that this is normal
and the effect will become uniform with age. The high quality stainless steel will not lose its attractive shine.
Recommended Daily Care
Regular cleaning is important to maintain the appearance of your Franke sink.
Wipe with a soft, soapy cloth, rinse and dry after every use. Drying is very important to eliminate any film build-up
that may develop from hard water deposits.
Tough Stains and Rust
Most stains are a result of water-borne minerals. Such stains are often seen as a "rainbow" effect and can
generally be avoided with the daily care recommendations above. Rust stains are a result of iron particles from an
outside source (i.e., water, cookware, etc.) and can be removed with cleaners containing oxalic acid (such as Bar
Keepers FriendÆ). Steel wool pads leave tiny particles that will develop into rust spots. Stainless steel is, by itself,
metallurgically incapable of rusting. Persistent stains, including rust, can be removed with a variety of mild, nonabrasive stainless steel cleaners such as Frankeís Inox cream, Shiny Sinks PlusÆ, Flitz and others. Always rinse
thoroughly after using any cleaner.
Scratches can be blended in using the "fine" 3M Scotch Brite pad and Franke's Inox cream, if desired. Always wipe
with the grain, rinse thoroughly and dry when finished.
What To Avoid
ð Bleaches containing hypochlorite will attack stainless steel and cause pitting and staining.
ð Silver dip cleaners contain acids which attack stainless steel and leave a permanent stain.
ð Certain foods, when left for prolonged periods, can cause pitting and corrosion. Examples are citric fruit juices,
salt, vinegar, mustard, pickles, and mayonnaise.
Strong acids can damage stainless steel (i.e., photographic developing liquids or denture cleanser). If they come in
contact with the sink, they should be washed away immediately with clean water.
Back to How to Clean & Protect your FRANKE Sink
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