LibTIFF, Copyright (C) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler and Copyright (C) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Jbig2enc 0.27, Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
Lleptonlib 1.63, Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica.
Lcms 2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Marti Maria Saguer.
WCELIBCEX 1.0, Copyright (c) 2006 Mateusz Loskot.
libjpeg-turbo 1, Copyright (C)2011 D. R. Commander.
Microsoft AD RMS SDK 2.0, Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this
copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or
im-plied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
Foxit RMS PDF Protection Tool
User Manual
Pre-installation Information ..................................................................... 4
System requirements ............................................................................... 4
RMS Command Line Tool Commands ....................................................... 4
RMS Command Line Tool Registration ...................................................... 7
Using the RMS Protection Tool in Conjunction with the Windows Server
Quick Start Guide for Using Windows Azure AD Rights Management .... 25
Contact Us .............................................................................................. 27
Foxit RMS PDF Protection Tool
Elements that the user must type exactly as shown.
User Manual
User Manual
Foxit RMS PDF Protection Tool provides a command-line interface that can decrypt multiple AD
RMS protected PDF files or encrypt multiple PDF files by a predefined official rights-policy
template. This tool can be used to safeguard existing sensitive data on company shares. It also
works in conjunction with the File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) feature in Windows Server
2008/2012 to classify and protect sensitive company data.
Pre-installation Information
To run this tool, you must have the latest version of the AD RMS client installed. If you have an
existing older version of the AD RMS client installed, you will need to uninstall the old version first
and then download and install the latest version of the AD RMS client from below:
For X86:
For X64:
As for using Windows Azure AD Right Management (AAD RMS), please refer to the Quick Start
Guide for Using Windows Azure AD Rights Management.
System requirements
Supported operating systems: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008
and 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
RMS Command Line Tool Commands
The following syntax, parameter description, and example sections describe the Foxit RMS
Command Line Tool commands.
Foxit RMS PDF Protection Tool
Between angle brackets < >
Placeholders for values that the user must supply.
Between square brackets [ ]
Optional items.
Performs a batch decryption. This will decrypt all of the PDF files that
reside in the location that is specified with this parameter.
/encrypt <location>
[issuer] > [/highstrength]
Performs a batch encryption. This will encrypt all of the PDF files that
reside in the location based on the rights policy template that is
specified along with this parameter.
The <issuer> argument lets you specify an issuer of rights policy
The /highstrength is an updated and enhanced AD RMS cryptographic
This parameter is used to revoke a document that has been issued, or
revoke a user that has been authorized with access rights. If you want
to use this command, you need to configure the web service first. For
detailed configuration steps, please refer to Web Service
This parameter will show user permission information for the
encrypted files at ‘location’.
/showtemplates [/sync]
The /showtemplates parameter can show the available templates.
The /sync parameter will download the rights policy templates from
the server synchronously.
This parameter preserves all the original file attributes. These
attributes includes the following: Owner, Creation Time, Modified
Time, and Accessed Time. For example, when this parameter is used
with the File Classification Infrastructure in Windows Server 2008 R2,
there can be a rule in place to delete all files that were not modified
or accessed in the last 10 years. This option preserves all these
original attributes.
Performs an output to a log file. The log file contains a header that
will show the status during the prerequisite stage and a footer that
will shows the summary of the run. The log file will also show the file
count information.
The /simple flag allows the header, footer, and file numbering
information to be left out of the log file. This is useful when the tool is
used together with File Classification Infrastructure, because it will let
you append the log file without the header, footer, and file numbering
The /append flag will add the new information to a pre-existing log
file. By default, if the /simple or /append flag is not specified when
you are using a pre-existing log file, the log file will be overwritten.
This parameter disables console logging.
This parameter is used to encrypt PDFs with Microsoft IRM Protection
Version 1, which is a Microsoft extension to the PDF format to support
Microsoft IRM protection. The extension allows PDFs to be encrypted
by Microsoft IRM technology that is implemented by Microsoft’s
Active Directory Rights Management Server as well as by Azure Rights
Management. If not defined, Microsoft IRM Protection Version 2
(PPDF) will be used.
This parameter is used to check whether the command line tool is
licensed or not.
This parameter is used to register the command line tool with an
activation code.
User Manual
The following shows an example of decrypting files on a network share:
ALL: Full control
VIEW: View document
PRINTLOW: Print with low resolution
PRINTHIGH: Print with high resolution
FILLFORM: Fill in a form
ANNOTATE: Comment in the document
ASSEMBLE: Manage pages and bookmarks
MODIFY: Modify document
EXTRACTACCESS: Content copying for accessibility
EXTRACT: Extract the contents of the document
RMS Command Line Tool Registration
When you receive an activation code for the command line tool, please use the argument
“/register <code> <licensee>” to activate it in the command line window. For example, assume
you have the activation code (40G01-02000-M2000-HS6AW-QCX62-FOXITT), you can use the
command “rmsprotector.exe /register 40G01-02000-M2000-HS6AW-QCX62-FOXITT test”.
Here, “test” is the name of the licensee you designated. After activation, a key file named
“ftlkey.txt” will be generated in the installed path.
Then you can run “rmsprotector.exe /license” in the command line window to check the license
Using the RMS Protection Tool in Conjunction with the Windows
Server File Classification Infrastructure
The following steps will guide you through setting up the RMS Command Line Tool and FCI.
1. Unzip installation package to the specified directory.
a. Log on to the FCI Server as Administrator.
b. Unzip command line tool to: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
c. If you have purchased the product, please place the key file in this directory.
2. Grant FCI Machine Account Read and Execute Permissions.
a. Log on to the AD RMS Server as an Administrator.
b. Navigate to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\_wmcs\Certification, right-click on
ServerCertification.asmx and select Properties.
Foxit RMS PDF Protection Tool
4. Create a shared folder
a. Log on to FCI Server as Administrator
b. Click Start, click Computer, and then double-click Local Disk (C:).
c. Click File, point to New, and then select Folder.
d. Type SharedFolder for the new folder's name, and then press ENTER.
e. Right-click SharedFolder, click Share with, and then click Specific people.
f. On the File Sharing window, in the box under Type a name and then click Add, or click the
arrow to find someone select Everyone, then and click Add.
User Manual
c. On the ServerCertification.asmx properties, select the Security tab, and then click Edit.
d. On the Permissions for ServerCertification.asmx screen, click Add.
e. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups screen, to the right, click the Object Types…
f. On the Object Types screen, place a check in Computers and click Ok.
g. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups screen, under Enter the object names to select,
type <domain>\<machinename> and then click Check Names. This should validate the
machine with an underline. Click Ok.
h. On the Permissions for ServerCertification.asmx screen, select the newly added
machinename and verify it has a check in Read & execute. Click Apply and then OK.
i. On the ServerCertification.asmx properties, click Ok.
3. Grant AD RMS Service Group Read and Execute Permissions
a. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups screen, under Enter the object names to select,
enter ADRMS\AD RMS Service Group and click Check Names. This should resolve with an
underline. Click Ok.
b. On the Permissions for ServerCertification.asmx screen, select the newly added AD RMS
Service Group and verify it has a check in Read & execute. Click Apply and then Click Ok.
c. On the ServerCertification.asmx properties, click Ok.
d. Restart the AD RMS server.
Foxit RMS PDF Protection Tool
The Everyone group should now appear in the box below. Under Permission Level, select
g.Click Share. The window should change and you should now see Your folder is shared.
h. Click Done.
a. Log on to FCI server as Administrator
b. Copy the script from Appendix 1into Notepad and save it as
c. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and click File Server Resource Manager.
d. In the File Server Resource Manager, on the left, right-click File Management Tasks,
and select Create File Management Task. This will bring up the Create File Management
Task window.
e. Under Task name: enter Restrict files.
f. Under Description, enter Apply Confidential rights policy.
g. Under Scope, click Add and then browse to SharedFolder.
h. At the top, click the Action tab.
i. Under Type, select Custom from the drop-down.
j. Under Executable, select Browseand navigate to